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Year 2018, Volume: 27 Issue: 1, 64 - 69, 01.03.2018


Bigoreksiya (kas dismorfisi), bireylerin daha az
yağ kütlesine sahip olmayı arzularken aynı zamanda kas kütlesini de arttırmayı takıntı haline
getirmeleri olarak tanımlanan bir tür vücut
dismorfik bozukluğudur. Son dönemde yapılan
çalışmalarda, bigoreksiyanın sporcularda yaygın
olarak görüldüğü saptanmış, sporculara doğru
müdahalenin yapılabilmesi için bu bozukluğun
erken tanı ve tedavisi üzerine odaklanılmıştır. Bu
derleme makalede, bigoreksiya olan bireylerin
tanımlanmasında bu durumun vücut dismorfik
bozukluğu olarak mı yoksa yeme bozukluğu olarak mı sınıflandırılmasının uygun olacağı ile ilgili
yapılan araştırmalar ele alınmıştır.


  • 1. Choi PY, Pope HG, Jr, Olivardia R. Muscle dysmorphia: a new syndrome in weightlifters. Br J Sports Med 2002; 36 :375-376.
  • 2. Nieuwoudt JE, Zhou S, Coutts RA, et al. Muscle dysmorphia: current research and potential classification as a disorder. Psychol Sport Exerc 2012; 13:569 -577.
  • 3. Pope HG, Jr, Katz DL, Hudson JI. Anorexia nervosa and "reverse anorexia" among 108 male bodybuilders. Compr Psychiatry 1993; 34:406-409.
  • 4. Longobardi C, Prino LE, Fabris MA, et al. Muscle dysmorphia and psychopathology: findings from an Italian sample of male bodybuilders. Psychiatry Res 2017; 256:231-236.
  • 5. Maier MJ, Haeussinger FB, Hautzinger M, et al. Excessive bodybuilding as pathology? A first neurophysiological classification. World J Biol Psychiatry 2017; 1:1-26.
  • 6. Grieve FG, Truba N, Bowersox S. Etiology, assessment, and treatment of muscle dysmorphia. J Cogn Psychother 2009; 23:306-314.
  • 7. Grieve FG. A conceptual model of factors contributing to the development of muscle dysmorphia. Eat Disord 2007; 15:63-80.
  • 8. Pope HG Jr, Gruber AJ, Choi PY, et al. Muscle dysmorphia: an under- recognized form of body dysmorphic disorder. Psychosomatics 1997; 38:548–557.
  • 9. Connan F, Morgan FJ. The invisible man: a self-help guide for men with eating disorders, compulsive exercise and bigorexia. Eur Eat Disord Rev 2009; 17:162-163.
  • 10. Murray SB, Rieger E, Hildebrandt T, et al. A comparison of eating, exercise, shape, and weight related symptomatology in males with muscle dysmorphia and anorexia nervosa. Body Image 2012; 9:193-200.
  • 11. Murray SB, Touyz SW. Muscle dysmorphia: towards a diagnostic consensus. Aust N Z J Psychiatry 2013; 47:206-207.
  • 12. Murray SB, Rieger E, Touyz SW, et al. Muscle dysmorphia and the DSM-V conundrum: where does it belong? A review paper. Int J Eat Disord 2010; 43:483-491.
  • 13. WHO. International statistical classification of diseases and related health problems 10th revision (ICD-10)-2015. icd10/browse/2015/en#/F45.2. Erişim: 09.11.2017 13.26
  • 14. American Psychiatric A, American Psychiatric A, Force DSMT. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders: DSM-5, 2013; pp 72-89.
  • 15. Sreshta N, Pope HG Jr, Hudson JI, et al. Muscle dysmorphia, body dysmorphic disorder: advances in research and clinical practice 2017; pp 81-107.
  • 16. Mitchell L, Murray SB, Hoon M, et al. Correlates of muscle dysmorphia symptomatology in natural bodybuilders: distinguishing factors in the pursuit of hyper-muscularity. Body Image 2017; 22:1-5.
  • 17. Phillips KA. Assessment of body dysmorphic disorder: screening, diagnosis, severity, and insight body dysmorphic disorder: advances in research and clinical practice 2017; pp 205-224.
  • 18. Dos Santos Filho CA, Tirico PP, Stefano SC, et al. Systematic review of the diagnostic category muscle dysmorphia. Aust N Z J Psychiatry 2016; 50:322- 333.
  • 19. Fabris MA, Longobardi C, Prino LE, et al. Attachment style and risk of muscle dysmorphia in a sample of male bodybuilders. Psychol Men Masc 2017; 1-9.
  • 20. Schneider C, Agthe M, Yanagida T, et al. Effects of muscle dysmorphia, social comparisons and body schema priming on desire for social interaction: an experimental approach. BMC Psychol 2017; 5:19-26.
  • 21. Tod D, Edwards C, Cranswick I. Muscle dysmorphia: current insights. Psychol Res Behav Manag 2016; 9:179-183.
  • 22. Cordes M, Vocks S, Düsing R, et al. Effects of the exposure to self- and other-referential bodies on state body image and negative affect in resistancetrained men. Body Image 2017; 21:57-65.
  • 23. Kanayama G, Hudson JI, Pope HG, Jr. Illicit anabolicandrogenic steroid use. Horm Behav 2010; 58:111- 121.
  • 24. Rohman L. The relationship between anabolic androgenic steroids and muscle dysmorphia: a review. Eat Disord 2009; 17:187-199.
  • 25. Hildebrandt T, Alfano L, Langenbucher JW. Body image disturbance in 1000 male appearance and performance enhancing drug users. J Psychiatr Res 2010; 44:841-846.
  • 26. Alfano L, Hildebrandt T, Bannon K, et al. The Impact of Gender on the Assessment of Body Checking Behavior. Body Image 2011; 8:20-25.
  • 27. Murray SB, Nagata JM, Griffiths S, et al. The enigma of male eating disorders: a critical review and synthesis. Clin Psychol Rev 2017; 57:1-11.
  • 28. Calzo JP, Horton NJ, Sonneville KR, et al. Male eating disorder symptom patterns and health correlates from 13 to 26 years of age. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 2016; 55:693-700.
  • 29. Association NED. General Statistics. https:// Erişim: 08.11.2017, 21.49.
  • 30. Andersen AE. Males with eating disorders. In: Mehler PS, Andersen AE. Eating disorders: a guide to medical care and complications (eds). Baltimore 2017; pp 240-267.
  • 31. Eisenberg MA, Wall M, Nuemark-Sztainer D. Muscleenhancing behaviors among adolescent girls and boys. Pediatrics 2012; 130:1019–1026.
  • 32. Contesini N, Adami F, Blake Md-T, et al. Nutritional strategies of physically active subjects with muscle dysmorphia. Int Arch Med 2013; 6:25-31.
  • 33. Murray SB, Maguire S, Russell J, et al. The emotional regulatory features of bulimic episodes and compulsive exercise in muscle dysmorphia: a case report. Eur Eat Disord Rev 2012; 20:68-73.
  • 34. Lavender JM, Brown TA, Murray SB. Men, muscles, and eating disorders: an overview of traditional and muscularity-oriented disordered eating. Curr Psychiatry Rep 2017; 19(6):32-39.
  • 35. Murray SB, Griffiths S, Mond JM, et al. Anabolic steroid use and body image psychopathology in men: delineating between appearance- versus performance-driven motivations. Drug Alcohol Depend 2016; 165:198-202.
  • 36. Hoffmann S, Warschburger P. Weight, shape, and muscularity concerns in male and female adolescents: Predictors of change and influences on eating concern. Int J Eat Disord 2017; 50:139-147.
  • 37. Heath B, Tod DA, Kannis-Dymand L, et al. The relationship between objectification theory and muscle dysmorphia characteristics in men. Psychol Men Masc 2016; 17:297-308.
  • 38.Daniel S, Bridge SK. The drive for muscularity in men: media influences and objectification theory. Body Image 2010; 7:32-38.
  • 39.Tod D, Lavallee D. Towards a conceptual understanding of muscle dysmorphia development and sustainment.
  • 40.Mitchell L, Murray SB, Cobley S, et al. Muscle dysmorphia symptomatology and associated psychological features in bodybuilders and nonbodybuilder resistance trainers: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Sports Medicine 2017; 47:233- 259.
  • 41. Neziroglu F, Barile N. Environmental factors in body dysmorphic disorder. Body Dysmorphic Disorder: Advances in Research and Clinical Practice, Oxford 2017; pp 277-292.
  • 42. Weingarden H, Curley EE, Renshaw KD. Patientidentified events implicated in the development of body dysmorphic disorder. Body Image 2017; 21:19- 25.
  • 43.Voelker DK, Petrie TA, Reel JJ, et al. Frequency and psychosocial correlates of eating disorder symptomatology in male figure skaters. J Appl Sport Psychol 2017; 1-8. 4
  • 44.Mosley PE. Bigorexia: bodybuilding and muscle dysmorphia. Eur Eat Disord Rev 2009; 17:191-198. 45.Nowell C, Ricciardelli LA. Appearance-based comments, body dissatisfaction and drive for muscularity in males. Body Image 2008; 5:337-345

Bıgorexıa: Body Dysmorphıc Dısorder Or Eatıng Dısorder?

Year 2018, Volume: 27 Issue: 1, 64 - 69, 01.03.2018


Bigorexia (muscle dysmorphia) is a type of body
dysmorphic disorder that is defined as an obsession with increasing muscle mass while that individuals desire to have less fat mass. In recent studies, it has been found that bigorexia is common in
athletes, and focused on early diagnosis and treatment in order to intervene optimally. In this review article, studies were reviewed to determine
whether individuals with bigorexia should be classified as body dysmorphic disorder or as eating


  • 1. Choi PY, Pope HG, Jr, Olivardia R. Muscle dysmorphia: a new syndrome in weightlifters. Br J Sports Med 2002; 36 :375-376.
  • 2. Nieuwoudt JE, Zhou S, Coutts RA, et al. Muscle dysmorphia: current research and potential classification as a disorder. Psychol Sport Exerc 2012; 13:569 -577.
  • 3. Pope HG, Jr, Katz DL, Hudson JI. Anorexia nervosa and "reverse anorexia" among 108 male bodybuilders. Compr Psychiatry 1993; 34:406-409.
  • 4. Longobardi C, Prino LE, Fabris MA, et al. Muscle dysmorphia and psychopathology: findings from an Italian sample of male bodybuilders. Psychiatry Res 2017; 256:231-236.
  • 5. Maier MJ, Haeussinger FB, Hautzinger M, et al. Excessive bodybuilding as pathology? A first neurophysiological classification. World J Biol Psychiatry 2017; 1:1-26.
  • 6. Grieve FG, Truba N, Bowersox S. Etiology, assessment, and treatment of muscle dysmorphia. J Cogn Psychother 2009; 23:306-314.
  • 7. Grieve FG. A conceptual model of factors contributing to the development of muscle dysmorphia. Eat Disord 2007; 15:63-80.
  • 8. Pope HG Jr, Gruber AJ, Choi PY, et al. Muscle dysmorphia: an under- recognized form of body dysmorphic disorder. Psychosomatics 1997; 38:548–557.
  • 9. Connan F, Morgan FJ. The invisible man: a self-help guide for men with eating disorders, compulsive exercise and bigorexia. Eur Eat Disord Rev 2009; 17:162-163.
  • 10. Murray SB, Rieger E, Hildebrandt T, et al. A comparison of eating, exercise, shape, and weight related symptomatology in males with muscle dysmorphia and anorexia nervosa. Body Image 2012; 9:193-200.
  • 11. Murray SB, Touyz SW. Muscle dysmorphia: towards a diagnostic consensus. Aust N Z J Psychiatry 2013; 47:206-207.
  • 12. Murray SB, Rieger E, Touyz SW, et al. Muscle dysmorphia and the DSM-V conundrum: where does it belong? A review paper. Int J Eat Disord 2010; 43:483-491.
  • 13. WHO. International statistical classification of diseases and related health problems 10th revision (ICD-10)-2015. icd10/browse/2015/en#/F45.2. Erişim: 09.11.2017 13.26
  • 14. American Psychiatric A, American Psychiatric A, Force DSMT. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders: DSM-5, 2013; pp 72-89.
  • 15. Sreshta N, Pope HG Jr, Hudson JI, et al. Muscle dysmorphia, body dysmorphic disorder: advances in research and clinical practice 2017; pp 81-107.
  • 16. Mitchell L, Murray SB, Hoon M, et al. Correlates of muscle dysmorphia symptomatology in natural bodybuilders: distinguishing factors in the pursuit of hyper-muscularity. Body Image 2017; 22:1-5.
  • 17. Phillips KA. Assessment of body dysmorphic disorder: screening, diagnosis, severity, and insight body dysmorphic disorder: advances in research and clinical practice 2017; pp 205-224.
  • 18. Dos Santos Filho CA, Tirico PP, Stefano SC, et al. Systematic review of the diagnostic category muscle dysmorphia. Aust N Z J Psychiatry 2016; 50:322- 333.
  • 19. Fabris MA, Longobardi C, Prino LE, et al. Attachment style and risk of muscle dysmorphia in a sample of male bodybuilders. Psychol Men Masc 2017; 1-9.
  • 20. Schneider C, Agthe M, Yanagida T, et al. Effects of muscle dysmorphia, social comparisons and body schema priming on desire for social interaction: an experimental approach. BMC Psychol 2017; 5:19-26.
  • 21. Tod D, Edwards C, Cranswick I. Muscle dysmorphia: current insights. Psychol Res Behav Manag 2016; 9:179-183.
  • 22. Cordes M, Vocks S, Düsing R, et al. Effects of the exposure to self- and other-referential bodies on state body image and negative affect in resistancetrained men. Body Image 2017; 21:57-65.
  • 23. Kanayama G, Hudson JI, Pope HG, Jr. Illicit anabolicandrogenic steroid use. Horm Behav 2010; 58:111- 121.
  • 24. Rohman L. The relationship between anabolic androgenic steroids and muscle dysmorphia: a review. Eat Disord 2009; 17:187-199.
  • 25. Hildebrandt T, Alfano L, Langenbucher JW. Body image disturbance in 1000 male appearance and performance enhancing drug users. J Psychiatr Res 2010; 44:841-846.
  • 26. Alfano L, Hildebrandt T, Bannon K, et al. The Impact of Gender on the Assessment of Body Checking Behavior. Body Image 2011; 8:20-25.
  • 27. Murray SB, Nagata JM, Griffiths S, et al. The enigma of male eating disorders: a critical review and synthesis. Clin Psychol Rev 2017; 57:1-11.
  • 28. Calzo JP, Horton NJ, Sonneville KR, et al. Male eating disorder symptom patterns and health correlates from 13 to 26 years of age. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 2016; 55:693-700.
  • 29. Association NED. General Statistics. https:// Erişim: 08.11.2017, 21.49.
  • 30. Andersen AE. Males with eating disorders. In: Mehler PS, Andersen AE. Eating disorders: a guide to medical care and complications (eds). Baltimore 2017; pp 240-267.
  • 31. Eisenberg MA, Wall M, Nuemark-Sztainer D. Muscleenhancing behaviors among adolescent girls and boys. Pediatrics 2012; 130:1019–1026.
  • 32. Contesini N, Adami F, Blake Md-T, et al. Nutritional strategies of physically active subjects with muscle dysmorphia. Int Arch Med 2013; 6:25-31.
  • 33. Murray SB, Maguire S, Russell J, et al. The emotional regulatory features of bulimic episodes and compulsive exercise in muscle dysmorphia: a case report. Eur Eat Disord Rev 2012; 20:68-73.
  • 34. Lavender JM, Brown TA, Murray SB. Men, muscles, and eating disorders: an overview of traditional and muscularity-oriented disordered eating. Curr Psychiatry Rep 2017; 19(6):32-39.
  • 35. Murray SB, Griffiths S, Mond JM, et al. Anabolic steroid use and body image psychopathology in men: delineating between appearance- versus performance-driven motivations. Drug Alcohol Depend 2016; 165:198-202.
  • 36. Hoffmann S, Warschburger P. Weight, shape, and muscularity concerns in male and female adolescents: Predictors of change and influences on eating concern. Int J Eat Disord 2017; 50:139-147.
  • 37. Heath B, Tod DA, Kannis-Dymand L, et al. The relationship between objectification theory and muscle dysmorphia characteristics in men. Psychol Men Masc 2016; 17:297-308.
  • 38.Daniel S, Bridge SK. The drive for muscularity in men: media influences and objectification theory. Body Image 2010; 7:32-38.
  • 39.Tod D, Lavallee D. Towards a conceptual understanding of muscle dysmorphia development and sustainment.
  • 40.Mitchell L, Murray SB, Cobley S, et al. Muscle dysmorphia symptomatology and associated psychological features in bodybuilders and nonbodybuilder resistance trainers: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Sports Medicine 2017; 47:233- 259.
  • 41. Neziroglu F, Barile N. Environmental factors in body dysmorphic disorder. Body Dysmorphic Disorder: Advances in Research and Clinical Practice, Oxford 2017; pp 277-292.
  • 42. Weingarden H, Curley EE, Renshaw KD. Patientidentified events implicated in the development of body dysmorphic disorder. Body Image 2017; 21:19- 25.
  • 43.Voelker DK, Petrie TA, Reel JJ, et al. Frequency and psychosocial correlates of eating disorder symptomatology in male figure skaters. J Appl Sport Psychol 2017; 1-8. 4
  • 44.Mosley PE. Bigorexia: bodybuilding and muscle dysmorphia. Eur Eat Disord Rev 2009; 17:191-198. 45.Nowell C, Ricciardelli LA. Appearance-based comments, body dissatisfaction and drive for muscularity in males. Body Image 2008; 5:337-345
There are 44 citations in total.


Other ID JA97HF84ZK
Journal Section Research Article

Aslı Devrim This is me

Pelin Bilgiç This is me

Publication Date March 1, 2018
Submission Date March 1, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 27 Issue: 1


APA Devrim, A., & Bilgiç, P. (2018). BİGOREKSİYA: VÜCUT DİSMORFİK BOZUKLUĞU MU, YEME BOZUKLUĞU MU?. Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 27(1), 64-69.
Chicago Devrim, Aslı, and Pelin Bilgiç. “BİGOREKSİYA: VÜCUT DİSMORFİK BOZUKLUĞU MU, YEME BOZUKLUĞU MU?”. Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 27, no. 1 (March 2018): 64-69.
EndNote Devrim A, Bilgiç P (March 1, 2018) BİGOREKSİYA: VÜCUT DİSMORFİK BOZUKLUĞU MU, YEME BOZUKLUĞU MU?. Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 27 1 64–69.
IEEE A. Devrim and P. Bilgiç, “BİGOREKSİYA: VÜCUT DİSMORFİK BOZUKLUĞU MU, YEME BOZUKLUĞU MU?”, JHS, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 64–69, 2018.
ISNAD Devrim, Aslı - Bilgiç, Pelin. “BİGOREKSİYA: VÜCUT DİSMORFİK BOZUKLUĞU MU, YEME BOZUKLUĞU MU?”. Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 27/1 (March 2018), 64-69.
MLA Devrim, Aslı and Pelin Bilgiç. “BİGOREKSİYA: VÜCUT DİSMORFİK BOZUKLUĞU MU, YEME BOZUKLUĞU MU?”. Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 27, no. 1, 2018, pp. 64-69.