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Year 2024, Volume: 33 Issue: 3, 436 - 443, 27.12.2024


Bu derlemenin amacı, çeşitli sağlık bakımı ortamlarında tedavi gören hastaların ağrılarının kontrolünde sıcak su ayak banyosunun etkinliğine ilişkin mevcut kanıtları sistematik olarak değerlendirmektir. Mevcut sistematik derlemede, (“foot bath” veya “foot bath” veya “foot bathing”) ve (pain) ve ("warm water" veya "warm-water " veya "hot water") anahtar kelimeleri kullanılarak 2015-2020 yılları arası beş farklı veri tabanındaki (Cochrane, Scopus, CINAHL, Pub Med and Web of Science) randomize kontrollü ve yarı deneysel çalışmalar tarandı. Yanlılık riskini ve kalitesini değerlendirmek için Joanna Briggs Enstitüsü Kritik Değerlendirme kontrol listeleri (randomize kontrollü ve yarı deneysel çalışmalar için) kullanıldı. Veritabanlarının ilk gelişmiş taramasında 651 makaleye ve derlemenin uygunluk kriterlerini karşılayan 11 tam metin makaleye ulaşıldı. Yazarlar tarafından tamamlanan kalite değerlendirmesinin ardından sistematik incelemeye üç çalışma dahil edildi. Bulgular, sıcak su ayak banyosunun olumlu etkisinin osteoartrit eklem ağrısı olan hastaların ağrı yönetimi ile sınırlı olduğunu gösterdi. Bu girişime ilişkin çalışmaların sınırlı sayıda olması ve dahil edilen çalışmaların metodolojik kısıtlamaları nedeniyle, sıcak su ayak banyosunun sağlık bakımı ortamlarında tedavi gören hastaların ağrı kontrolündeki etkinliği net değildir. Bu alanda metodolojik olarak iyi tasarlanmış çalışmalara gereksinim duyulmaktadır (Prospero Kayıt Numarası: CRD42023449216).


  • International Association for the study of Pain (IASP). IASP revises its definition of pain for the first time since 1979.https://www.iasp-pain.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/revised-definition-flysheet_R2.pdf. Published 2020. Accessed May 26, 2023.
  • Love-Jones SJ. Pain as a subjective, multidimensional experience. IN: A., Elsayed (Ed.), Pain: A Review Guide, Springer International Publishing: Cham, Switzerland; c2019: c141-144.
  • Munday I, Kneebone I, Newton-John T. The language of chronic pain. Disabil Rehabil. 2021;43(3):354-361. doi:10.1080/09638288.2019.1624 842.
  • Omran M, Belcher EK, Mohile NA, Kesler SR, Janelsins MC, Hohmann AG, Kleckner IR. Review of the role of the brain in chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy. Front Mol Biosci. 2021;8:693133. doi:10.3389/fmolb.2021.693133
  • Trachsel LA, Munakomi S, Cascella M. (2023). Pain theory. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK545194/. Accessed July 21, 2023.
  • Kıy BL, Demiray A, Boran M. The effect of cold application on pain in patients with chest tubes before deep breathing and coughing exercises: A randomized controlled study. Heart Lung. 2022;55:102-107. doi:10.1016/j.hrtlng. 2022.04.014
  • Liu C, Wu S, Chen X. The effect of massage therapy on pain after surgery: A comprehensive meta-analysis. Complement Ther Med. 2022;41:102892. doi:10.1016/j.ctim.2022.102892.
  • Xu J, Sun Z, Wu J, et al. Peripheral nerve stimulation in pain management: A systematic review. Pain Physician. 2021;24(2):131-152.
  • Frizziero A, Finotti P, Scala CL, et al. Efficacy of an acupressure mat in association with therapeutic exercise in the management of chronic low back pain: A prospective randomized controlled study. Appl Sci. 2021;11(11):5211. doi:10.3390/app11115211
  • Han A, Kim J, Hur MH. Effects of foot bath and spray application of peppermint and grapefruit essential oils on lower extremity edema, pain, and fatigue. J Korea Converg Soc. 2022;13(1):375-386. doi:10.15207/JKCS.2022.13.01.375
  • Tabatabaeichehr M, Mortazavi H. The effectiveness of aromatherapy in the management of labor pain and anxiety: A systematic review. Ethiop J Health Sci. 2020;30(3):449-458. doi:10.4314/ejhs. v30i3.16
  • Kheirkhah M, Pour NSV, Nisani L, Haghani H. Comparing the effects of aromatherapy with rose oils and warm foot bath on anxiety in the first stage of labor in nulliparous women. Iran Red Crescent Med. 2014:16(9):e14455. doi:10.5812/ircmj.14 455
  • Kim HJ, Lee Y, Sohng KY. The effects of footbath on sleep among the older adults in nursing home: A quasi-experimental study. Complement Ther Med. 2016;26:40-46. doi:/10.1016/j.ctim.2016. 02.005
  • Lee JH, Seo EK, Shim JS, Chung SP. The effects of aroma massage and foot bath on psychophysiological response in stroke patients. J Phys Ther Sci. 2017;29(8):1292-1296. doi:10.1589/jpts.29. 1292
  • Li MF. Effect of foot bath and massage on insomnia in patients with liver cirrhosis and investigation of nursing satisfaction. J Acupunct Tuina Sci. 2014;12:105-108. doi:10.1007/s11726-014-0755-0
  • Olanipekun A, Alhassan AK, Musa FH, et al. The effect of foot bath therapy on the dynamics of cortical oscillatory waves in healthy humans: An EEG study. J Res Med Dent Sci. 2019;7(2):57-61.
  • Zamunér AR, Andrade CP, Arca EA, Avila MA. Impact of water therapy on pain management in patients with fibromyalgia: current perspectives. J Pain Res. 2019;12:1971-2007. doi:10.2147/JPR. S161494
  • Yoon SY, Kwon MJ. The effect of foot bath therapy on post-operation pain, stress, HRV in hand replantation patients. Korean J Occup Health Nurs. 2011;20(2):105-112. doi:10.5807/kjohn. 2011.20.2.105
  • Hasan MI, Ulfiana E, Yasmara D. Warm footbath minimize ostheo-arthritis joint pain on the elderly in Surabaya’s public health center. Indian J Public Health Res Dev. 2019;10(9):752-757.
  • Ezheltha SSD, Sharmila JRSS. Effectiveness of hot foot bath versus exercises on reducing pain among patients with osteoarthritis. Int J Nurse Educ. 2015;7(3):70. doi:10.5958/0974-9357. 2015.00137.3
  • Tappia PS, Hiebert B, Sanjanwala R, et al. A novel bathing therapeutic approach for diabetic foot ulcers. App Sci. 2021;11(18):8402. doi:10.3390/app11188402
  • Kayıkcı EE, Can G. The effect of salt-water bath in the management of treatment-related peripheral neuropathy in cancer patients receiving taxane and platinum-based treatment. Explore. 2022;18(3):347-356. doi:10.1016/j.explore.2021.07.002
  • Vakilinia SR, Vaghasloo MA, Aliasl F, et al. Evaluation of the efficacy of warm salt water foot-bath on patients with painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy: A randomized clinical trial. Complement Ther Med. 2020;49:102325. doi:10.1016/j.ctim. 2020.102325
  • Vargas C, Bilbeny N, Balmaceda C, et al. Costs and consequences of chronic pain due to musculoskeletal disorders from a health system perspective in Chile. Pain Reports. 2018;3(5):e656. doi:10.1097/PR9.0000000000000656
  • Scher C, Meador L, Van Cleave JH, Reid MC. Moving beyond pain as the fifth vital sign and patient satisfaction scores to improve pain care in the 21st century. Pain Manag Nurs. 2018;19(2):125-129. doi:10.1016/j.pmn.2017.10.010
  • Geurts JW, Willems PC, Kallewaard JW, van Kleef M, Dirksen C. The impact of chronic discogenic low back pain: costs and patients’ burden. Pain Res Manag. 2018;1:4696180. doi:0.1155/2018/ 4696180
  • Page MJ, McKenzie JE, Bossuyt PM, et al. The PRISMA 2020 statement: An updated guideline for reporting systematic reviews. BMJ. 2020;372(71):1-9. doi:10.1136/bmj.n71
  • The Joanna Briggs Institute. The Joanna Briggs Institute Critical Appraisal tools for use in JBI Systematic Reviews, Checklist for Randomized Controlled Trials. (2017). https://jbi.global/sites/default/files/2019-05/JBI_RCTs_Appraisal_ tool2017_0.pdf. Accessed September 21, 2022.
  • The Joanna Briggs Institute. Critical Appraisal tools for use in JBI Systematic Reviews, Checklist for Quasi-Experimental Studies (non-randomized experimental studies. (2020). https://jbi.global/sites/default/files/2019-05/JBI_Quasi-Experimental_Appraisal_Tool2017_0.pdf. Accessed September 21, 2022.
  • Zhang M, Sit JW, Chan DNS, Akingbade O, Chan CW. Educational interventions to promote cervical cancer screening among rural populations: A systematic review. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022;19(11):6874. doi:10.3390/ijerph 19116874
  • Park R, Park C. Comparison of foot bathing and foot massage in chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy. Cancer Nurs. 2015;38(3):239-247. doi:10.1097/NCC.0000000000000181
  • Matsumoto S, Shimodozono M, Etoh S, et al. Anti-spastic effects of footbaths in post-stroke patients: a proof-of-principle study. Complement Ther Med. 2014;22(6):1001-1009. doi:10.1016/j.ctim. 2014.09.006
  • Kim SY, Jun EY. Effects of foot bath therapy on the symptom intensity, distress, and interference with usual activities due to chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy in patients with metastatic and recurrent cancer. J Korean Acad Soc Home Health Care Nurs. 2017;24(2):189-199. doi:10.22705/jkashcn.2017.24.2.189
  • Jeong GS, Choi JY, Choi H. Factors that affect remission of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy symptoms: Short-term prospective study. J Korean Biol Nurs Sci. 2022;24(2):86-94. doi:10.7586/jkbns.2022.24.2.86
  • Yamamoto K, Nagata S. Physiological and psychological evaluation of the wrapped warm footbath as a complementary nursing therapy to induce relaxation in hospitalized patients with incurable cancer: a pilot study. Cancer Nurs. 2011;34(3):185-192. doi:10.1097/NCC.0b013e3181fe4d2d
  • Özdemir FA, Can G. The effect of warm salt water foot bath on the management of chemotherapy-induced fatigue. Eur J Oncol Nurs. 2021:52:101954. doi:10.1016/j.ejon.2021. 101954.
  • Abdissa D. Prevalence and associated factors of painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy among diabetic patients on follow up at Jimma University Medical Center. J Diabetes Metab Disord. 2020;19:1407-1413. doi:10.1007/s40200-020-00661-7
  • Bruschi LKM, da Rocha DA, Gesteira Filho EL, et al. Diabetes mellitus and diabetic peripheral neuropathy. Open J Endocr Metab Dis. 2017;7(1):12-21. doi:10.4236/ojemd.2017.71002
  • Qu L, Zhang H, Gu B, et al. Jinmaitong alleviates the diabetic peripheral neuropathy by inducing autophagy. Chin J Integr Med. 2016;22(3):185-192. doi:10.1007/s11655-015-2164-8
  • Fan G, Huang H, Lin Y, et al. Herbal medicine foot bath for the treatment of diabetic peripheral neuropathy: Protocol for a randomized, double-blind and controlled trial. Trials. 2018;19(1):1-8. doi:10.1186/s13063-018-2856-4
  • Xu JY, Gao HY. Combined treatment of traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine in the treatment of diabetic peripheral neuropathy. J Biol Regul Homeost Agents. 2018;32(4):945-949


Year 2024, Volume: 33 Issue: 3, 436 - 443, 27.12.2024


This review aimed to systematically assess the available evidence on the effectiveness of warm-water footbath on pain management of patients treated in various healthcare settings. In the present systematic review, five databases (Cochrane, Scopus, CINAHL, Pub Med and Web of Science) were searched for randomized controlled trials and quasi-experimental studies based on the keywords (“foot bath” OR “footbath” OR “foot bathing”) AND (pain) AND (“warm water” OR “warm water” OR “hot water”) between 2015-2020 years. The Joanna Briggs Institute Critical Appraisal checklists (for randomized controlled trials and quasi-experimental studies) were used to evaluate the risk of bias and quality assessment. Within the initial advanced search of databases, 651 articles were obtained with 11 full-text articles meeting the eligibility criteria. After completing the quality assessment, three studies were included in this systematic review. Results demonstrated that the positive effect of warm-water footbath is limited to patients who have osteoarthritis joint pain. Due to the limited number of studies on this intervention and methodical limitations of the included studies, the effectiveness of warm-water footbath intervention on pain management of patients from healthcare settings is unclear. Methodologically well-designed studies remain necessary in this area (Prospero Registration Number: CRD42023449216).


  • International Association for the study of Pain (IASP). IASP revises its definition of pain for the first time since 1979.https://www.iasp-pain.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/revised-definition-flysheet_R2.pdf. Published 2020. Accessed May 26, 2023.
  • Love-Jones SJ. Pain as a subjective, multidimensional experience. IN: A., Elsayed (Ed.), Pain: A Review Guide, Springer International Publishing: Cham, Switzerland; c2019: c141-144.
  • Munday I, Kneebone I, Newton-John T. The language of chronic pain. Disabil Rehabil. 2021;43(3):354-361. doi:10.1080/09638288.2019.1624 842.
  • Omran M, Belcher EK, Mohile NA, Kesler SR, Janelsins MC, Hohmann AG, Kleckner IR. Review of the role of the brain in chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy. Front Mol Biosci. 2021;8:693133. doi:10.3389/fmolb.2021.693133
  • Trachsel LA, Munakomi S, Cascella M. (2023). Pain theory. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK545194/. Accessed July 21, 2023.
  • Kıy BL, Demiray A, Boran M. The effect of cold application on pain in patients with chest tubes before deep breathing and coughing exercises: A randomized controlled study. Heart Lung. 2022;55:102-107. doi:10.1016/j.hrtlng. 2022.04.014
  • Liu C, Wu S, Chen X. The effect of massage therapy on pain after surgery: A comprehensive meta-analysis. Complement Ther Med. 2022;41:102892. doi:10.1016/j.ctim.2022.102892.
  • Xu J, Sun Z, Wu J, et al. Peripheral nerve stimulation in pain management: A systematic review. Pain Physician. 2021;24(2):131-152.
  • Frizziero A, Finotti P, Scala CL, et al. Efficacy of an acupressure mat in association with therapeutic exercise in the management of chronic low back pain: A prospective randomized controlled study. Appl Sci. 2021;11(11):5211. doi:10.3390/app11115211
  • Han A, Kim J, Hur MH. Effects of foot bath and spray application of peppermint and grapefruit essential oils on lower extremity edema, pain, and fatigue. J Korea Converg Soc. 2022;13(1):375-386. doi:10.15207/JKCS.2022.13.01.375
  • Tabatabaeichehr M, Mortazavi H. The effectiveness of aromatherapy in the management of labor pain and anxiety: A systematic review. Ethiop J Health Sci. 2020;30(3):449-458. doi:10.4314/ejhs. v30i3.16
  • Kheirkhah M, Pour NSV, Nisani L, Haghani H. Comparing the effects of aromatherapy with rose oils and warm foot bath on anxiety in the first stage of labor in nulliparous women. Iran Red Crescent Med. 2014:16(9):e14455. doi:10.5812/ircmj.14 455
  • Kim HJ, Lee Y, Sohng KY. The effects of footbath on sleep among the older adults in nursing home: A quasi-experimental study. Complement Ther Med. 2016;26:40-46. doi:/10.1016/j.ctim.2016. 02.005
  • Lee JH, Seo EK, Shim JS, Chung SP. The effects of aroma massage and foot bath on psychophysiological response in stroke patients. J Phys Ther Sci. 2017;29(8):1292-1296. doi:10.1589/jpts.29. 1292
  • Li MF. Effect of foot bath and massage on insomnia in patients with liver cirrhosis and investigation of nursing satisfaction. J Acupunct Tuina Sci. 2014;12:105-108. doi:10.1007/s11726-014-0755-0
  • Olanipekun A, Alhassan AK, Musa FH, et al. The effect of foot bath therapy on the dynamics of cortical oscillatory waves in healthy humans: An EEG study. J Res Med Dent Sci. 2019;7(2):57-61.
  • Zamunér AR, Andrade CP, Arca EA, Avila MA. Impact of water therapy on pain management in patients with fibromyalgia: current perspectives. J Pain Res. 2019;12:1971-2007. doi:10.2147/JPR. S161494
  • Yoon SY, Kwon MJ. The effect of foot bath therapy on post-operation pain, stress, HRV in hand replantation patients. Korean J Occup Health Nurs. 2011;20(2):105-112. doi:10.5807/kjohn. 2011.20.2.105
  • Hasan MI, Ulfiana E, Yasmara D. Warm footbath minimize ostheo-arthritis joint pain on the elderly in Surabaya’s public health center. Indian J Public Health Res Dev. 2019;10(9):752-757.
  • Ezheltha SSD, Sharmila JRSS. Effectiveness of hot foot bath versus exercises on reducing pain among patients with osteoarthritis. Int J Nurse Educ. 2015;7(3):70. doi:10.5958/0974-9357. 2015.00137.3
  • Tappia PS, Hiebert B, Sanjanwala R, et al. A novel bathing therapeutic approach for diabetic foot ulcers. App Sci. 2021;11(18):8402. doi:10.3390/app11188402
  • Kayıkcı EE, Can G. The effect of salt-water bath in the management of treatment-related peripheral neuropathy in cancer patients receiving taxane and platinum-based treatment. Explore. 2022;18(3):347-356. doi:10.1016/j.explore.2021.07.002
  • Vakilinia SR, Vaghasloo MA, Aliasl F, et al. Evaluation of the efficacy of warm salt water foot-bath on patients with painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy: A randomized clinical trial. Complement Ther Med. 2020;49:102325. doi:10.1016/j.ctim. 2020.102325
  • Vargas C, Bilbeny N, Balmaceda C, et al. Costs and consequences of chronic pain due to musculoskeletal disorders from a health system perspective in Chile. Pain Reports. 2018;3(5):e656. doi:10.1097/PR9.0000000000000656
  • Scher C, Meador L, Van Cleave JH, Reid MC. Moving beyond pain as the fifth vital sign and patient satisfaction scores to improve pain care in the 21st century. Pain Manag Nurs. 2018;19(2):125-129. doi:10.1016/j.pmn.2017.10.010
  • Geurts JW, Willems PC, Kallewaard JW, van Kleef M, Dirksen C. The impact of chronic discogenic low back pain: costs and patients’ burden. Pain Res Manag. 2018;1:4696180. doi:0.1155/2018/ 4696180
  • Page MJ, McKenzie JE, Bossuyt PM, et al. The PRISMA 2020 statement: An updated guideline for reporting systematic reviews. BMJ. 2020;372(71):1-9. doi:10.1136/bmj.n71
  • The Joanna Briggs Institute. The Joanna Briggs Institute Critical Appraisal tools for use in JBI Systematic Reviews, Checklist for Randomized Controlled Trials. (2017). https://jbi.global/sites/default/files/2019-05/JBI_RCTs_Appraisal_ tool2017_0.pdf. Accessed September 21, 2022.
  • The Joanna Briggs Institute. Critical Appraisal tools for use in JBI Systematic Reviews, Checklist for Quasi-Experimental Studies (non-randomized experimental studies. (2020). https://jbi.global/sites/default/files/2019-05/JBI_Quasi-Experimental_Appraisal_Tool2017_0.pdf. Accessed September 21, 2022.
  • Zhang M, Sit JW, Chan DNS, Akingbade O, Chan CW. Educational interventions to promote cervical cancer screening among rural populations: A systematic review. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022;19(11):6874. doi:10.3390/ijerph 19116874
  • Park R, Park C. Comparison of foot bathing and foot massage in chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy. Cancer Nurs. 2015;38(3):239-247. doi:10.1097/NCC.0000000000000181
  • Matsumoto S, Shimodozono M, Etoh S, et al. Anti-spastic effects of footbaths in post-stroke patients: a proof-of-principle study. Complement Ther Med. 2014;22(6):1001-1009. doi:10.1016/j.ctim. 2014.09.006
  • Kim SY, Jun EY. Effects of foot bath therapy on the symptom intensity, distress, and interference with usual activities due to chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy in patients with metastatic and recurrent cancer. J Korean Acad Soc Home Health Care Nurs. 2017;24(2):189-199. doi:10.22705/jkashcn.2017.24.2.189
  • Jeong GS, Choi JY, Choi H. Factors that affect remission of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy symptoms: Short-term prospective study. J Korean Biol Nurs Sci. 2022;24(2):86-94. doi:10.7586/jkbns.2022.24.2.86
  • Yamamoto K, Nagata S. Physiological and psychological evaluation of the wrapped warm footbath as a complementary nursing therapy to induce relaxation in hospitalized patients with incurable cancer: a pilot study. Cancer Nurs. 2011;34(3):185-192. doi:10.1097/NCC.0b013e3181fe4d2d
  • Özdemir FA, Can G. The effect of warm salt water foot bath on the management of chemotherapy-induced fatigue. Eur J Oncol Nurs. 2021:52:101954. doi:10.1016/j.ejon.2021. 101954.
  • Abdissa D. Prevalence and associated factors of painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy among diabetic patients on follow up at Jimma University Medical Center. J Diabetes Metab Disord. 2020;19:1407-1413. doi:10.1007/s40200-020-00661-7
  • Bruschi LKM, da Rocha DA, Gesteira Filho EL, et al. Diabetes mellitus and diabetic peripheral neuropathy. Open J Endocr Metab Dis. 2017;7(1):12-21. doi:10.4236/ojemd.2017.71002
  • Qu L, Zhang H, Gu B, et al. Jinmaitong alleviates the diabetic peripheral neuropathy by inducing autophagy. Chin J Integr Med. 2016;22(3):185-192. doi:10.1007/s11655-015-2164-8
  • Fan G, Huang H, Lin Y, et al. Herbal medicine foot bath for the treatment of diabetic peripheral neuropathy: Protocol for a randomized, double-blind and controlled trial. Trials. 2018;19(1):1-8. doi:10.1186/s13063-018-2856-4
  • Xu JY, Gao HY. Combined treatment of traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine in the treatment of diabetic peripheral neuropathy. J Biol Regul Homeost Agents. 2018;32(4):945-949
There are 41 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Surgical Diseases Nursing​​
Journal Section Review Articles

Seher Ünver 0000-0003-1320-1437

Meltem Yıldırım 0000-0002-9699-3099

Early Pub Date December 25, 2024
Publication Date December 27, 2024
Submission Date May 27, 2024
Acceptance Date October 7, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 33 Issue: 3


APA Ünver, S., & Yıldırım, M. (2024). THE EFFECTIVENESS OF WARM-WATER FOOTBATH ON PAIN MANAGEMENT OF PATIENTS AT HEALTHCARE SETTINGS: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW. Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 33(3), 436-443. https://doi.org/10.34108/eujhs.1490584
Chicago Ünver, Seher, and Meltem Yıldırım. “THE EFFECTIVENESS OF WARM-WATER FOOTBATH ON PAIN MANAGEMENT OF PATIENTS AT HEALTHCARE SETTINGS: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW”. Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 33, no. 3 (December 2024): 436-43. https://doi.org/10.34108/eujhs.1490584.
IEEE S. Ünver and M. Yıldırım, “THE EFFECTIVENESS OF WARM-WATER FOOTBATH ON PAIN MANAGEMENT OF PATIENTS AT HEALTHCARE SETTINGS: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW”, JHS, vol. 33, no. 3, pp. 436–443, 2024, doi: 10.34108/eujhs.1490584.
ISNAD Ünver, Seher - Yıldırım, Meltem. “THE EFFECTIVENESS OF WARM-WATER FOOTBATH ON PAIN MANAGEMENT OF PATIENTS AT HEALTHCARE SETTINGS: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW”. Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 33/3 (December 2024), 436-443. https://doi.org/10.34108/eujhs.1490584.
MLA Ünver, Seher and Meltem Yıldırım. “THE EFFECTIVENESS OF WARM-WATER FOOTBATH ON PAIN MANAGEMENT OF PATIENTS AT HEALTHCARE SETTINGS: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW”. Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 33, no. 3, 2024, pp. 436-43, doi:10.34108/eujhs.1490584.