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Broyler Rasyonlarında Prebiyotik ve Organik Asit Kullanımının Performans ve Bazı Kan Parametreleri Üzerine Etkilerinin Belirlenmesi

Yıl 2023, , 182 - 197, 28.12.2023


Bu çalışmada broyler rasyonlarında prebiyotik, organik asit ve prebiyotik- organik asit kombinasyonu kullanımının performans, karkas ve bazı kan parametreleri üzerine etkilerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. 160 günlük (Ross PM3) erkek broyler civcivler, 10'ar civciv içeren 4 alt grup; 1 kontrol ve 3 deney grubu olmak üzere 40 hayvandan oluşan 4 ana gruba ayrıldı. Her bir ana grup, kontrol grubu, prebiyotik (100 mg/kg) grubu, organik asit (3,0 g/kg) grubu ve prebiyotik (100 mg/kg)- organik asit (3,0 g /kg) grubu olarak dizayn edildi. Deneme 42 gün sürdü. Deneme süresince grupların canlı ağırlıkları, canlı ağırlık artışları, yem tüketimleri ve yemden yararlanma oranları haftalık olarak hesaplanmıştır. Çalışmanın 42. gününde her gruptan rastgele seçilen 8 adet broyler karkas ve kan parametrelerinin belirlenmesinde kullanıldı. Kesilen hayvanların sıcak ve soğuk karkas, karaciğer, kalp, dalak, taşlık- bezli mide ve Bursa fabricius ağırlıkları ile bağırsak uzunlukları belirlenmiştir. Kan serumlarında LDL kolesterol, total kolesterol, glukoz, trigliserit, HDL kolesterol, total protein ve albümin düzeylerinin tayini için kan örnekleri analiz edildi. Çalışma sonunda, deneme gruplarında canlı ağırlıklar ve canlı ağırlık artışları kontrol grubuna göre daha yüksek, yem tüketimi prebiyotik grubunda daha yüksek, fakat yemden yararlanma oranı prebiyotik-organik asit grubunda en düşük olmuştur. Diyet grupları arasında, LDL kolesterol, total kolesterol, trigliserid, total protein, albümin ve HDL kolesterol seviyesinde anlamlı farklar vardı (P<0.05). Kan serum glukoz değerleri kontrol grubu ve deney grubunda benzerdi (P>0.05). Kontrol ve deney grupları arasında karaciğer, kalp, dalak ve Bursa fabricius ağırlık ortalamaları yönünden anlamlı farklar yoktu (P>0.05). Ancak, taşlık ve bezli mide ağırlıkları ve barsak uzunlukları gruplara göre anlamlı olarak farklıydı (P<0.05). Kanatlılarda yem katkı maddesi olarak prebiyotik, organik asit ve prebiyotik-organik asit kombinasyonlarının antibiyotiklere alternatif olarak kullanılabileceği sonucuna varılabilir. Ancak bu alanda daha detaylı çalışmalara ihtiyaç vardır.

Destekleyen Kurum

Kırıkkale Üniversitesi

Proje Numarası

Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri (BAP): 2022/008


Katkı ve destek veren herkese teşekkür ederim.


  • KAYNAKLAR Alp M, Kahraman R. (1996) Use of probiotics in animal nutrition. Istanbul University, Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine; 22 (1):1-8. file:///C:/Users/Acer/Downloads/Recep%20KAHRAMAN.pdf (Access: 27.09.2022)
  • American Diabetes Association. (1996) Role of fat replacers in diabetes medical nutrition therapy. Diabetes Care; 19 (11):1302-1303.
  • Anonim. (2023) HDL kolesterol. (Access: 30.08.2023)
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  • Bayırbağ DT. (2007) The effect of using yeast culture (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) and prebiotic (MOS) in broiler diets on fattening performance and some blood parameters. PhD, Ankara University, Health Sciences Institute, Ankara, Türkiye,
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  • Ceylan N, Çiftçi İ, Ildız F, Söğüt A. (2003b) Effects of adding enzymes, growth factors, probiotics and organic acids to broiler rations on fattening performance and intestinal microflora. Ankara university, Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Journal of Agricultural Sciences; 9 (3):320-326.
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  • Dama G, Kaya A. (2018) Effects of propionic acid supplementation in laying hen rations on performance, egg quality and some blood parameters. MSc, Journal of Tekirdag Agricultural Faculty; 15 (01):129-134. (Access: 11.10.2022)
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Determination of the Effects of Prebiotic and Organic Acid Use on Performance and Some Blood Parameters in Broiler Rations.

Yıl 2023, , 182 - 197, 28.12.2023


It was aimed to determine the effects of using prebiotic, organic acid and prebiotic-organic acid combination on performance, carcass and some blood parameters in broiler diets in this study. 160 day-old (Ross PM3) male broiler chicks were divided into 4 main groups, consisted of 40 animals with 4 subgroups containig 10 chicks, as 1 control group and 3 experimental groups. Each main group was designed as control group, prebiotic (100 mg/kg) group, organic acid (3,0 g/kg) group and prebiotic (100 mg/kg)- organic acid (3,0 g) /kg) group. The trial lasted 42 days. During the experiment, the live weight, live weight gains, feed consumption and feed conversion ratios of the groups were calculated on a weekly basis. On the 42nd day of the study, 8 broilers from each group were randomly selected and utilized for the determination of carcass and blood parameters. The weights of hot and cold carcasses, liver, heart, spleen, gizzard-covered stomach and Bursa fabricius, and the lengths of intestine of slaughtered animals were determined. Blood samples were analyzed for the determination of LDL cholesterol, total cholesterol, glucose, triglyceride, HDL cholesterol, total protein and albumin levels in blood sera. At the end of the study, the live weights and live weight gains in the experimental groups were higher than those of control group, the feed consumption was higher in the prebiotic group, but feed conversion ratio was the lowest in the prebiotic-organic acid group. Among diet groups, there were significant differences in LDL cholesterol, total cholesterol, triglyceride, total protein, albumin and HDL cholesterol levels (P<0.05). The values of blood sera glucose were similar in the control group and experimental groups (P>0.05). There were no significant differences between the control and experimental groups according to mean weights of liver, heart, spleen and Bursa fabricius (P>0.05). However, the weights of the gizzard and glandular stomachs, and the lengths of the intestines were significantly diferent according to the groups (P<0.05). It can be concluded that prebiotic, organic acid and prebiotic-organic acid combinations could be used as an alternative to antibiotics as feed additives in poultry. However, more detailed studies are needed in this area.

Proje Numarası

Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri (BAP): 2022/008


  • KAYNAKLAR Alp M, Kahraman R. (1996) Use of probiotics in animal nutrition. Istanbul University, Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine; 22 (1):1-8. file:///C:/Users/Acer/Downloads/Recep%20KAHRAMAN.pdf (Access: 27.09.2022)
  • American Diabetes Association. (1996) Role of fat replacers in diabetes medical nutrition therapy. Diabetes Care; 19 (11):1302-1303.
  • Anonim. (2023) HDL kolesterol. (Access: 30.08.2023)
  • Aşan M, Özcan N. (2006) The importance of inulin as a prebiotic in poultry nutrition. Cukurova University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Animal Science, Adana Animal Production; 47 (2):48-53. (Access: 27.09.2022)
  • Bayırbağ DT. (2007) The effect of using yeast culture (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) and prebiotic (MOS) in broiler diets on fattening performance and some blood parameters. PhD, Ankara University, Health Sciences Institute, Ankara, Türkiye,
  • Buğdaycı KE. (2008) The effect of essential oil and probiotic on performance, immune system and some blood parameters in broilers. PhD, Ankara University, Health Sciences Institute, Ankara, Türkiye,
  • Bozkurt M, Küçükyılmaz K, Çatlı AU, Çınar M. (2005) The effect of dietary supplementation of prebiotic, probiotic and organic acid, either alone or combined, on performance and carcass characteristics. In; World
  • Poultry Science Association, 15th European Symposium on Poultry Nutrition; Hungary; p. 288-290.
  • Ceylan N, Çiftçi İ, İlhan Z. (2003a) The effects of alternative feed additives to growth factor antibiotics on fattening performance and intestinal microflora of broiler chickens. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal S ciences; 27 (3):727-733. (Access: 11.10.2022)
  • Ceylan N, Çiftçi İ, Ildız F, Söğüt A. (2003b) Effects of adding enzymes, growth factors, probiotics and organic acids to broiler rations on fattening performance and intestinal microflora. Ankara university, Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Journal of Agricultural Sciences; 9 (3):320-326.
  • Chen YC, Chen TC. (2003a) Effect of adding chicory fructans in feed on broiler growth performance, serum cholesterol and intestinal lenght. International Journal of Poultry Science; 2 (3):214-219.
  • Chen YC, Nakthong C, Chen TC. (2005a) Improvement of laying hen performance by dietary prebiotic chicory oligofructose and inulin. International Journal of Poultry Science 2005a;4 (2): 103-108. /10.3923/ijps.2005.103.108
  • Coşar M, Karslı MA. (2020) Size and animal feeding habits of broiler farms in Ankara, Bolu, Eskişehir, Kayseri and Kırıkkale provinces. MSc, Etlik Journal of Veterinary Microbiology 2020; 31 (2):184-195. Ankara, Türkiye,
  • Çabuk M, Bozkurt M, Alçiçek A, Çatlı AU, Başer KHC. (2006) The effect of a mixture of herbal essential oils, a mannan oligosaccharide or an antibiotic on performance of laying hens under hot climatic conditions. South
  • African Journal of Animal Science; 36 (2):135-141. (Access: 11.10.2022) Dahiya R, Berwal RS, Sihag S, Patil CS. (2016) The effect of dietary supplementation of salts of organic acid on production performance of laying hens. Veterinary World; 9 (12):1478-1484. DOI:10.14202/vetworld.2016.1478-1484
  • Dama G, Kaya A. (2018) Effects of propionic acid supplementation in laying hen rations on performance, egg quality and some blood parameters. MSc, Journal of Tekirdag Agricultural Faculty; 15 (01):129-134. (Access: 11.10.2022)
  • Delzenne NM, Kok NN. (1999) Biochemical basis of oligofructose-induced hypolipidemia in animal models. Journal of Nutrition; 129 (7):1467-1470.
  • Delzenne NM, Neyrinck AM, Cani PD. (2013) Gut microbiota and metabolic disorders: How prebiotic can work? British Journal of Nutrition; 109 (2):81-85.
  • Deng X, Li X, Liu P, Yuan S, Zang J et al. (2008) Effect of chito-oligosaccharide supplementation on ımmunity in broiler chikens. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences; 21 (11):1651-1658.
  • Denli M, Okan F, Çelik K. (2003) Effect of dietary probiotic, organic acid and antibiotic supplementation to diets on broiler performance and carcass yield. Pakistan Journal Of Nutrition; 2 (2):89-91.
  • Dibner JJ, Buttin P. (2002) Use of organic acids as a model to study the impact of gut microflora on nutrition and metabolism. C of Applied Poultry Research; 11 (4):453-463.
  • Duncan DB. (1955) Multiple Range an Multiple F Test. Biometrics. Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA; 11 (1):1-42.
  • Erensayın C. (2001) The New Poultry Science. Ankara, Turkey; Nobel Publication Distribution; p. 324. Evrensel MF. (2009) The effect of using organic acids and prebiotics in broiler rations on fattening performance and some blood parameters. PhD, Ankara university, Institute of Health Sciences, Department of Animal Nutrition and Nutritional Diseases, Ankara, Türkiye,
  • Hadorn R, Wiedmer H, Feuerstiın, D. (2000) Effect of different dosages of an organic-acid mixture in broiler diets. European Poultry Science (EPS) Archiv für Geflügelkunde;65 (1):22-27. (Access: 1.10.2022)
  • Haque MN, Chowdhury KM, Islam S, Akbar MA. (2009) Propionic acid is an alternative to antibiotics in poultry diet. Bangladesh Journal of Animal Science; 38 (1-2):115-122.
  • Huang R, Mendis E, Kim SK. (2005a) Factors affecting the free radical scavenging behavior of chitosan sulfate. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules; 36 (1-2):120-127.
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Toplam 70 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Veteriner Cerrahi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Mustafa Coşar 0000-0002-9274-3826

Mehmet Akif Karslı 0000-0002-3081-9450

Proje Numarası Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri (BAP): 2022/008
Yayımlanma Tarihi 28 Aralık 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 16 Mayıs 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

APA Coşar, M., & Karslı, M. A. (2023). Broyler Rasyonlarında Prebiyotik ve Organik Asit Kullanımının Performans ve Bazı Kan Parametreleri Üzerine Etkilerinin Belirlenmesi. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 34(2), 182-197.