Research Article
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Effects of Night Lighting with Red Light on Melatonin and Milk Quality Parameters in Holstein Cows

Year 2023, , 161 - 173, 28.12.2023


In this study, it was aimed to investigate the effects of red lighting on blood and milk melatonin levels, and milk quality. The experiment was carried out on 6 lactating Holstein Dairy cows, which were being reared at the Hümeyra Özgen Research and Application Farm, affiliated to Selcuk University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. After a control period of 15 days in which night lighting was not applied (control group), night lighting was provided by LED bulbs emitting red light with a wavelength of 652 nm during the following 15-day trial period (experimental group). On days 5th, 10th and 15th days of the control and experimental groups, milk and blood samples were taken at the 06:00 am and at 06:00 pm.Serum and milk melatonin concentrations in the morning of the control, on days 5th, 10th and 15th; were 8.64±1.4, 7.02±0.97, 8.71±2.3, and 5.01±0.92, 5.23±0.35 , 3.93±0.81pg/ml, respectively while control evening group were respectively 8.59±1.8,7.53±2.14,8.35±0.94, 6.91±1.73, 6.8±1.27. It was obtained as 3.67±0.97 pg/ml. Serum and milk melatonin levels in the trial morning group were 10.93±2.06, respectively, on the same days; 15.37±2.6; 11.25±1.71 and 2.97±0.64; 5.7±1.06; While it was measured as 3.33±0.73 pg/ml, it was 14.83±3.11 in the trial evening group; 14.5±3.57; 12.95±4.09 and 4.42±0.61; 2.51±0.56; It was obtained as 2.48±0.79 pg/ml.It was observed that serum and milk melatonin levels and milk parameters were not adversely affected in the use of red LED lamps (652 nm) at night for 12h.


  • Anonymous (1981) IDF (Erişim: 18.06.2021, 11.23).
  • Arnao MB, Ruiz JH. (2018) The Potential of phytomelatonin as a nutraceutical. Molecules. 23(1), 238. doi: 10.3390/molecules23010238.
  • ASABE American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers. (2014) Standards. Lighting systems for Agricultural Facilities. St Joseph (US), ASAE EP344.4 (R2019).
  • Asher A, Shabtay A, Brosh A, Eitam H, Agmon R, Cohen-Zinder M, Zubidat AE, Halm A, (2015) Chrono-functional milk, The difference between melatonin concentration in night milk versus day milk under different illumination conditions. Chronobiol Int. 32(10), 1409-1416. doi: 10.3109/07420528.2015.1102149.
  • Asher G, Corsi SP. (2015) Time for food: the intimate interplay between nutrition, metabolism, and the circadian clock. Cell. 161(1), 84-92. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2015.03.015.
  • Auldist MJ, Turner SA, McMahon CD, Prosser CG. (2007) Effects of melatonin on the yield and composition of milk from grazing dairy cows in New Zealand. J Dairy Sci Res. 74(1), 52-57. doi: 10.1017/S0022029906002160.
  • Belyaev V, Gorbunova E. (1973) Effect of lightning in premises on milk yield of cows. Veterinaria, 11, 29-31.
  • Brainard GC, Hanifin JP, Greeson JM, Byrne B, Glickman G, Gerner E, Rollag MD. (2001) Action spectrum for melatonin regulation in humans, Evidence for a novel circadian photoreceptor. J Neurosci. 21(16), 6405-6412. DOI:
  • Brainard GC, Sliney D, Hanifin JP, Glickman G, Byrne B, Greeson JM, Rollag MD. (2008) Sensitivity of the human circadian system to short-wavelength (420-nm) light. J Biol Rhythm. 23(5), 379-86. doi: 10.1177/0748730408323089.
  • Bunu M. (2019).Effects of red and blue LED light on feed intake, feed selection and milk yield in dairy Cows Department of Animal Nutrition and Management. Master´s thesis.
  • Cajochen C, Münch M, Kobialka S, Kräuchi K, Steiner R, Oelhafen P, Orgül S, Wirz-Justice A. (2005) High sensitivity of human melatonin, alertness, thermoregulation, and heart rate to short wavelength light. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 90(3), 1311-1316. doi: 10.1210/jc.2004-0957.
  • Cardinali DP, Pévet P. (1998) Basic aspects of melatonin action. Sleep Med Rev. 2(3), 175-190. doi: 10.1016/s1087-0792(98)90020-x.
  • Castro N, Spengler M, Lollivier V, Wellnitz O, Meyer HHD, Bruckmaier RM. (2011) Diurnal pattern of Melatonin in blood and milk of dairy cows. Milchwissenschaft. 66(4), 352-353.
  • Claustrat B, Brun J, Chazot G. (2005). The basic physiology and pathophisology of Melatonin. Sleep Medicine Reviews. 9(1), 11-24. doi: 10.1016/j.smrv.2004.08.001.
  • Crawford HM, Morin DE, Wall EH, McFadden TB, Dahl GE. (2015) Evidence for a role of prolactin in mediating effects of photoperiod during the dry period. Animals. 5(3), 803-820. doi: 10.3390/ani5030385.
  • Çevik M, Yurdaydın N. (1998) Evcil hayvanlarda fotoperiyodizm ve dölverimine etkisi. Lalahan Hay. Araşt. Enst. Derg. 38(1), 69-78.
  • Dahl GE, Petitclerc D. (2003) Management of photoperiod in the dairy herd for improved production and health. J Anim Sci. 81 Suppl 3, 11-17. doi: 10.2527/2003.81suppl_311x.
  • Dahl GE. (2010) Photoperiod Management of Dairy Cattle. Minnesota Dairy Health Conference, University of Minnesota, St. Paul.
  • Dahl GE, Tao S, Thompson IM. (2012) Lactation Biology Symposium, Effects of photoperiod on mammary gland development and lactation. J Anim Sci. 90(3), 755-760. doi: 10.2527/jas.2011-4630.
  • Eriksson L, Valtonen M, Laitinen JT, Paananen M, Kaikkonen M. (1998) Diurnal rhythm of melatonin in bovine milk, Pharma- cokinetics of exogenous melatonin in lactating cows and goats. Acta Vet Scand. 39(3), 301-310. doi: 10.1186/BF03547778.
  • Hanifin JP, Stewart KT, Smith P, Tanner R, Rollag M, Brainard GC. (2006) High-intensity red light suppresses melatonin. Chronobiol Int. 23(1-2), 251-268. doi: 10.1080/07420520500521988.
  • Ikonen S, Morri A, Tyrisevä M, Ruottinen O, Ojala M. (2004) Genetic and phenotypic correlations between milk coagulation properties, milk production traits, somatic cell count, casein content, and ph of milk. J Dairy Sci. 87(2), 458-467. doi: 10.3168/jds.S0022-0302(04)73185-9.
  • Kollmann MT, Locher M, Hirche F, Eder K, Meyer HH, Bruckmaier RM. (2008) Effects of tryptophan supplementation on plasma tryptophan and related hormone levels in heifers and dairy cows. Domest Anim Endocrinol. 34(1), 14-24. doi: 10.1016/j.domaniend.2006.09.005.
  • Köseman A, Şeker İ. (2019) Influence of husbandry conditions on animal welfare at cattle farms in Turkey. Anim Sci Pap Rep. 37(2), 137-147.
  • Lawson TJ, Kennedy AD. (2001) Inhibition of nighttime melatonin secretion in cattle, threshold light intensity for dairy heifers. Can J Anim Sci. 81(1), 153-156.
  • Lindkvist S, Ternman E, Ferneborg S, Bånkestad D, Lindqvist J, Ekesten B, Agenäs S. (2021) Effects of achromatic and chromatic lights on pupillary response, endocrinology, activity, and milk production in dairy cows. PLoS One. 16(7), e0253776. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0253776.
  • Lockley SW, Brainard GC, Czeisler CA. (2003) High sensitivity of the human circadian melatonin rhythm to resetting by short wavelength light. J Clin Endocr Metab. 88(9), 4502-4505. doi: 10.1210/jc.2003-030570.
  • Mainster MA. (2006) Violet and blue light blocking intraocular lenses, Photoprotection versus photoreception. Brit J Ophthalmol. 90(6), 784-792. doi: 10.1136/bjo.2005.086553.
  • Milagres MP, Minim VPR, Minim L A, Simiqueli AA, Moraes LES, Martino HSD. (2014) Night milking adds value to cow’s milk. J Sci Food Agr. 94(8), 1688-1692. doi: 10.1002/jsfa.6480.
  • Miteva C. (2012) Hygienic aspects of freerange production systems for dairy cows. Monograph, Academic Publishing House of the Trakia University.
  • Molik E, Bonczar G, Żebrowska A, Misztal T, Pustkowiak H, Zięba D. (2011) Effect of day length and exogenous melatonin on chemical composition of sheep milk. Arch Anim Breed. 54, 177-187. DOI:10.5194/AAB-54-177-2011.
  • Muthuramalingam P, Kennedy AD, Berry RJ. (2006) Plasma melatonin and insulin-like growth factor-1 responses to dim light at night in dairy heifers. J Pineal Res. 40(3), 225-229. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-079X.2005.00303.x.
  • Olsson P. (2020) The effect of low light intensiti esand red lighton heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate and activity in dairy cows. Masterin Animal Science Place of publication. Uppsala Place of publication, Uppsala., (Erişim 3 Mart 2020, 16.42).
  • Ostrin LA. (2019) Ocular and systemic melatonin and the influence of light exposure. Clin Exp Optom. 102(2), 99-108. DOI: 10.1111/cxo.12824.
  • Özçelik F, Erdem M, Bolu A, Gülsün M. (2013) Melatonin, general features and its role in psychiatric disorders. Current Approaches in Psychiatry. 5(2), 179-203.
  • Özgüner F, Özcankaya R, Delibaş N, Koyu A, Çalışkan S. (1995) Melatonin ve klinik önemi. SDÜ Tıp Fak Derg. 2(4), 1-6.
  • Papamichael C, Skene DJ, Revell VL. (2012) Human nonvisual responses to simultaneous presentation of blue and red monochromatic light. J Biol Rhythm. 27(1), 70-78.
  • Penev T, Radev V, Slavov T, Kirov V, Dimov D, Atanassov A, Marinov I, (2014) Effect of lighting on the growth, development, behaviour, production and reproduction traits in dairy cows. Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci. 3(11), 798-810.
  • Peters RR, Tucker HA. (1978) Prolactin and growth hormone responses to photoperiod in heifers. Endocrinology. 103(1), 229–234.
  • Phillips CJC, Morris ID, Lomas CA, Lockwood SJ. (2000) The locomotion of dairy cows in passageways with different light intensities. Anim Welfare. 9(4), 421-431. DOI:
  • Romero Velarde E, Delgado-Franco D, García-Gutiérrez M, Gurrola-Díaz C, Larrosa-Haro A, Montijo-Barrios E, Muskiet FAJ, Vargas-Guerrero B, Geurts J. (2019) The Importance of Lactose in the Human Diet, Outcomes of a Mexican Consensus Meeting. Nutrients. 11(11), 2737. doi: 10.3390/nu11112737.
  • Schaper C, Koethe M, Braun PG. (2015) Melatonin levels in Holstein-Friesian dairy cow milk. Journal of Food Safety and Food Quality. 66(6), 172-176. DOI: 10.2376/0003-925X-66-172.
  • Simonneaux V, Ribelayga C. (2003) Generation of the Melatonin endocrine message in mammals, a review of the complex regulation of melatonin synthesis by norepinephrine, peptides, and other pineal transmitters. Pharmacol Rev. 55(2), 325-95. doi: 10.1124/pr.55.2.2.
  • Sjaastad OV, Sand O, Hove K. (2003) Physiology of domestic animals. 2nd edition. Oslo, Scandinavian Veterinary Press. 256- 257.
  • Valtonen M, Kangas AP, Voutilainen M, Eriksson L. (2003) Diurnal rythm of melatonin in young calves and intake of melatonin in milk. Anim Sci. 77(1), 149-154. doi:10.1017/S1357729800053741.
  • Vanecek J. (1998) Cellular Mechanisms of melatonin Action. Physiol Rev. 78(3), 687-721. doi: 10.1152/physrev.1998.78.3.687.
  • Yang M, Shi J, Tian J, Tao J, Chai M, Wang J, Xu Z, Song Y, Zhu K, Ji P, Liu G. (2017) Exogenous melatonin reduces somatic cell count of milk in Holstein cows. Sci Rep. 7, 43280.
  • Yu H, Dickson EJ, Jung SR, Koh DS, Hille B. (2016) High membrane permeability for melatonin. J Gen Physiol.147(1), 63-76. doi: 10.1085/jgp.201511526.

Holştayn İneklerde Kırmızı Işıkla Gece Aydınlatmasının Melatonin ve Süt Kalite Parametrelerine Etkileri

Year 2023, , 161 - 173, 28.12.2023


Bu çalışmada kırmızı ışıkla aydınlatmanın, kan-süt melatonin düzeyleri ile süt kalitesi üzerine etkilerinin araştırılması amaçlandı. Deneme bir Araştırma ve Uygulama Çiftliğinde yetiştirilmekte olan laktasyondaki 6 Holştayn ırkı sağmal inek üzerinde gerçekleştirildi. Hayvanlarda 15 gün, gece aydınlatması uygulanmayan kontrol döneminden sonra (kontrol grubu) sonra 15 gün boyunca gece aydınlatması (deneme grubu) 652 nm dalga boylu kırmızı ışık yayan LED ampüllerle sağlandı. Çalışma boyunca 5., 10., ve 15. günlerinde, 06:00 ve 18:00’da kan ve süt örnekleri alındı.
Kontrol sabah grubunda serum ve süt melatonin düzeyleri, 5., 10., 15. günlerde, sırasıyla 8,64±1,4; 7,02±0,97; 8,71±2,3 ve 5,01±0,92; 5,23±0,35; 3,93±0,81 pg/ml olarak bulunurken,kontrol akşam grubunda, 8,59±1,8; 7,53±2,14; 8,35±0,94 ve 6,91±1,73; 6,8±1,27; 3,67±0,97 pg/ml olarak hesaplandı. Deneme sabah grubunda serum ve süt MLT düzeyleri, aynı günlerde, sırasıyla 10,93±2,06; 15,37±2,6; 11,25±1,71 ve 2,97±0,64; 5,7±1,06; 3,33±0,73 pg/ml olarak hesaplanırken, deneme akşam grubunda 14,83±3,11; 14,5±3,57; 12,95±4,09 ve 4,42±0,61; 2,51±0,56; 2,48±0,79 pg/ml olarak hesaplandı. Serum ve süt MLT düzeyleri, süt somatik hücre sayısı, süt kalite parametrelerinden iletkenlik dışında gruplar arasında veya grup içinde herhangi bir istatistiki fark belirlenmedi. Sonuç olarak kırmızı LED ampuller ile gece aydınlatılmasının (652 nm) 12 saat boyunca kullanımında serum ve süt melatonin düzeyleri ile süt parametrelerinin olumsuz etkilenmediği görüldüğünden gece barınak içi aydınlatmalarda kullanılmasında bir sakınca olmadığı düşünüldü.


  • Anonymous (1981) IDF (Erişim: 18.06.2021, 11.23).
  • Arnao MB, Ruiz JH. (2018) The Potential of phytomelatonin as a nutraceutical. Molecules. 23(1), 238. doi: 10.3390/molecules23010238.
  • ASABE American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers. (2014) Standards. Lighting systems for Agricultural Facilities. St Joseph (US), ASAE EP344.4 (R2019).
  • Asher A, Shabtay A, Brosh A, Eitam H, Agmon R, Cohen-Zinder M, Zubidat AE, Halm A, (2015) Chrono-functional milk, The difference between melatonin concentration in night milk versus day milk under different illumination conditions. Chronobiol Int. 32(10), 1409-1416. doi: 10.3109/07420528.2015.1102149.
  • Asher G, Corsi SP. (2015) Time for food: the intimate interplay between nutrition, metabolism, and the circadian clock. Cell. 161(1), 84-92. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2015.03.015.
  • Auldist MJ, Turner SA, McMahon CD, Prosser CG. (2007) Effects of melatonin on the yield and composition of milk from grazing dairy cows in New Zealand. J Dairy Sci Res. 74(1), 52-57. doi: 10.1017/S0022029906002160.
  • Belyaev V, Gorbunova E. (1973) Effect of lightning in premises on milk yield of cows. Veterinaria, 11, 29-31.
  • Brainard GC, Hanifin JP, Greeson JM, Byrne B, Glickman G, Gerner E, Rollag MD. (2001) Action spectrum for melatonin regulation in humans, Evidence for a novel circadian photoreceptor. J Neurosci. 21(16), 6405-6412. DOI:
  • Brainard GC, Sliney D, Hanifin JP, Glickman G, Byrne B, Greeson JM, Rollag MD. (2008) Sensitivity of the human circadian system to short-wavelength (420-nm) light. J Biol Rhythm. 23(5), 379-86. doi: 10.1177/0748730408323089.
  • Bunu M. (2019).Effects of red and blue LED light on feed intake, feed selection and milk yield in dairy Cows Department of Animal Nutrition and Management. Master´s thesis.
  • Cajochen C, Münch M, Kobialka S, Kräuchi K, Steiner R, Oelhafen P, Orgül S, Wirz-Justice A. (2005) High sensitivity of human melatonin, alertness, thermoregulation, and heart rate to short wavelength light. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 90(3), 1311-1316. doi: 10.1210/jc.2004-0957.
  • Cardinali DP, Pévet P. (1998) Basic aspects of melatonin action. Sleep Med Rev. 2(3), 175-190. doi: 10.1016/s1087-0792(98)90020-x.
  • Castro N, Spengler M, Lollivier V, Wellnitz O, Meyer HHD, Bruckmaier RM. (2011) Diurnal pattern of Melatonin in blood and milk of dairy cows. Milchwissenschaft. 66(4), 352-353.
  • Claustrat B, Brun J, Chazot G. (2005). The basic physiology and pathophisology of Melatonin. Sleep Medicine Reviews. 9(1), 11-24. doi: 10.1016/j.smrv.2004.08.001.
  • Crawford HM, Morin DE, Wall EH, McFadden TB, Dahl GE. (2015) Evidence for a role of prolactin in mediating effects of photoperiod during the dry period. Animals. 5(3), 803-820. doi: 10.3390/ani5030385.
  • Çevik M, Yurdaydın N. (1998) Evcil hayvanlarda fotoperiyodizm ve dölverimine etkisi. Lalahan Hay. Araşt. Enst. Derg. 38(1), 69-78.
  • Dahl GE, Petitclerc D. (2003) Management of photoperiod in the dairy herd for improved production and health. J Anim Sci. 81 Suppl 3, 11-17. doi: 10.2527/2003.81suppl_311x.
  • Dahl GE. (2010) Photoperiod Management of Dairy Cattle. Minnesota Dairy Health Conference, University of Minnesota, St. Paul.
  • Dahl GE, Tao S, Thompson IM. (2012) Lactation Biology Symposium, Effects of photoperiod on mammary gland development and lactation. J Anim Sci. 90(3), 755-760. doi: 10.2527/jas.2011-4630.
  • Eriksson L, Valtonen M, Laitinen JT, Paananen M, Kaikkonen M. (1998) Diurnal rhythm of melatonin in bovine milk, Pharma- cokinetics of exogenous melatonin in lactating cows and goats. Acta Vet Scand. 39(3), 301-310. doi: 10.1186/BF03547778.
  • Hanifin JP, Stewart KT, Smith P, Tanner R, Rollag M, Brainard GC. (2006) High-intensity red light suppresses melatonin. Chronobiol Int. 23(1-2), 251-268. doi: 10.1080/07420520500521988.
  • Ikonen S, Morri A, Tyrisevä M, Ruottinen O, Ojala M. (2004) Genetic and phenotypic correlations between milk coagulation properties, milk production traits, somatic cell count, casein content, and ph of milk. J Dairy Sci. 87(2), 458-467. doi: 10.3168/jds.S0022-0302(04)73185-9.
  • Kollmann MT, Locher M, Hirche F, Eder K, Meyer HH, Bruckmaier RM. (2008) Effects of tryptophan supplementation on plasma tryptophan and related hormone levels in heifers and dairy cows. Domest Anim Endocrinol. 34(1), 14-24. doi: 10.1016/j.domaniend.2006.09.005.
  • Köseman A, Şeker İ. (2019) Influence of husbandry conditions on animal welfare at cattle farms in Turkey. Anim Sci Pap Rep. 37(2), 137-147.
  • Lawson TJ, Kennedy AD. (2001) Inhibition of nighttime melatonin secretion in cattle, threshold light intensity for dairy heifers. Can J Anim Sci. 81(1), 153-156.
  • Lindkvist S, Ternman E, Ferneborg S, Bånkestad D, Lindqvist J, Ekesten B, Agenäs S. (2021) Effects of achromatic and chromatic lights on pupillary response, endocrinology, activity, and milk production in dairy cows. PLoS One. 16(7), e0253776. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0253776.
  • Lockley SW, Brainard GC, Czeisler CA. (2003) High sensitivity of the human circadian melatonin rhythm to resetting by short wavelength light. J Clin Endocr Metab. 88(9), 4502-4505. doi: 10.1210/jc.2003-030570.
  • Mainster MA. (2006) Violet and blue light blocking intraocular lenses, Photoprotection versus photoreception. Brit J Ophthalmol. 90(6), 784-792. doi: 10.1136/bjo.2005.086553.
  • Milagres MP, Minim VPR, Minim L A, Simiqueli AA, Moraes LES, Martino HSD. (2014) Night milking adds value to cow’s milk. J Sci Food Agr. 94(8), 1688-1692. doi: 10.1002/jsfa.6480.
  • Miteva C. (2012) Hygienic aspects of freerange production systems for dairy cows. Monograph, Academic Publishing House of the Trakia University.
  • Molik E, Bonczar G, Żebrowska A, Misztal T, Pustkowiak H, Zięba D. (2011) Effect of day length and exogenous melatonin on chemical composition of sheep milk. Arch Anim Breed. 54, 177-187. DOI:10.5194/AAB-54-177-2011.
  • Muthuramalingam P, Kennedy AD, Berry RJ. (2006) Plasma melatonin and insulin-like growth factor-1 responses to dim light at night in dairy heifers. J Pineal Res. 40(3), 225-229. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-079X.2005.00303.x.
  • Olsson P. (2020) The effect of low light intensiti esand red lighton heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate and activity in dairy cows. Masterin Animal Science Place of publication. Uppsala Place of publication, Uppsala., (Erişim 3 Mart 2020, 16.42).
  • Ostrin LA. (2019) Ocular and systemic melatonin and the influence of light exposure. Clin Exp Optom. 102(2), 99-108. DOI: 10.1111/cxo.12824.
  • Özçelik F, Erdem M, Bolu A, Gülsün M. (2013) Melatonin, general features and its role in psychiatric disorders. Current Approaches in Psychiatry. 5(2), 179-203.
  • Özgüner F, Özcankaya R, Delibaş N, Koyu A, Çalışkan S. (1995) Melatonin ve klinik önemi. SDÜ Tıp Fak Derg. 2(4), 1-6.
  • Papamichael C, Skene DJ, Revell VL. (2012) Human nonvisual responses to simultaneous presentation of blue and red monochromatic light. J Biol Rhythm. 27(1), 70-78.
  • Penev T, Radev V, Slavov T, Kirov V, Dimov D, Atanassov A, Marinov I, (2014) Effect of lighting on the growth, development, behaviour, production and reproduction traits in dairy cows. Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci. 3(11), 798-810.
  • Peters RR, Tucker HA. (1978) Prolactin and growth hormone responses to photoperiod in heifers. Endocrinology. 103(1), 229–234.
  • Phillips CJC, Morris ID, Lomas CA, Lockwood SJ. (2000) The locomotion of dairy cows in passageways with different light intensities. Anim Welfare. 9(4), 421-431. DOI:
  • Romero Velarde E, Delgado-Franco D, García-Gutiérrez M, Gurrola-Díaz C, Larrosa-Haro A, Montijo-Barrios E, Muskiet FAJ, Vargas-Guerrero B, Geurts J. (2019) The Importance of Lactose in the Human Diet, Outcomes of a Mexican Consensus Meeting. Nutrients. 11(11), 2737. doi: 10.3390/nu11112737.
  • Schaper C, Koethe M, Braun PG. (2015) Melatonin levels in Holstein-Friesian dairy cow milk. Journal of Food Safety and Food Quality. 66(6), 172-176. DOI: 10.2376/0003-925X-66-172.
  • Simonneaux V, Ribelayga C. (2003) Generation of the Melatonin endocrine message in mammals, a review of the complex regulation of melatonin synthesis by norepinephrine, peptides, and other pineal transmitters. Pharmacol Rev. 55(2), 325-95. doi: 10.1124/pr.55.2.2.
  • Sjaastad OV, Sand O, Hove K. (2003) Physiology of domestic animals. 2nd edition. Oslo, Scandinavian Veterinary Press. 256- 257.
  • Valtonen M, Kangas AP, Voutilainen M, Eriksson L. (2003) Diurnal rythm of melatonin in young calves and intake of melatonin in milk. Anim Sci. 77(1), 149-154. doi:10.1017/S1357729800053741.
  • Vanecek J. (1998) Cellular Mechanisms of melatonin Action. Physiol Rev. 78(3), 687-721. doi: 10.1152/physrev.1998.78.3.687.
  • Yang M, Shi J, Tian J, Tao J, Chai M, Wang J, Xu Z, Song Y, Zhu K, Ji P, Liu G. (2017) Exogenous melatonin reduces somatic cell count of milk in Holstein cows. Sci Rep. 7, 43280.
  • Yu H, Dickson EJ, Jung SR, Koh DS, Hille B. (2016) High membrane permeability for melatonin. J Gen Physiol.147(1), 63-76. doi: 10.1085/jgp.201511526.
There are 48 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Veterinary Biochemistry
Journal Section Original Article

Rukiye Garip 0000-0003-3586-9534

Nuri Başpınar 0000-0002-5481-1111

Beyza Suvarıklı Alan 0000-0003-4698-9291

Mustafa Garip 0000-0002-1429-2724

Pınar Peker Coşkun 0000-0002-6991-3727

Emre Arslan 0000-0002-4609-8395

Publication Date December 28, 2023
Submission Date October 13, 2023
Acceptance Date December 13, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Garip, R., Başpınar, N., Suvarıklı Alan, B., Garip, M., et al. (2023). Effects of Night Lighting with Red Light on Melatonin and Milk Quality Parameters in Holstein Cows. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 34(2), 161-173.