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Yurdumuzda Avian Encephalomyelitis Olayları ve Göz Bulguları

Yıl 1971, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 11-12, 1 - 26, 01.12.1971


Avian encephalomyelitis ilk olarak Türkiye'de klinik, epidemiyolojik,
histopatolojik yoklamalar ve hastalığı nakletme denemeleri
ile Ocak- 1971 de teşhis edildi. Bugüne kadar hastalık Ankara'da
iki tavuk çiftliğinde görüldü. Enfeksiyonun yetiştirme - materyal
ile yurda sokulduğu sanılmaktadır.
Bu çalışmada, 2 - 4 haftalık iken hastalığa yakalanan ve Etlik
Veteriner Araştırma ve Kontrol Enstitüsüne gönderilen hastalıklı
50 civcivin- 100 gözü incelenmiştir.
Yapılan yoklamalarda; a - iritis, iridocyclitis, choroiditis,
chorioretinitis, uveitis ve endophthalmitis; b - katarakt benzeri
lezyonlar; c - retinanın ganglion gözeleri katında nöronların soysuzlaşma
ve nekrozisi, optik sinir telleri katının dış kesiminde vakuolleşme, fotoreseptörlerin dış segmentlerinde lamina'lı yapının
bozulması ve büyük küçük vakuolleşme, retina ayrılması ve anormallikleri;
d - optik sinirde gliosis; e - irisin arka yapışıklığı;f - keratik çökelekler; ve g - gözkapaklarında lenfoid adacıklar bulunmuştur.
Hastalığın patogenezisi tartışılmıştır. Bu konuda fazla çalışma yapılmasına rağmen henüz açıklanmayan taraflar bulunmaktadır.


  • 1- Ash, J.E : Organs of Special Senses. In «Patho-logy» edited by W.A.D. Anderson, fıfth ed. pp . 778-797, ı966. The C.V. Mosby Company, s ·aint Louis
  • 2 - Barber, C.W., and Blow, W.L. 1963: A Genetic lnfluence on Cataract :Formation Among White Leghorn Ineresses Following an Outbreak of Avian : Encephalomyelitis. Av. Dis . 7, 495- 500
  • 3- Bergmann, V. 1970: Zur Histopathologie und Pathogenese der Aviaren ,.Enzephaiomyelitis . Mh. Vet. Med. 25, 17- 22
  • 4 - Blattner, R.J., and Williamson, A.P. 1951 : Developmental Abnormalities in the Chick Embryo Following lnfection With Newcasıle Disease V'irus .Proc. Soc. Exptl . Biol. Med. 77, 619- 621·
  • 5-Blogg, J.R., and Coles, E.H . 1970: Vet. Bu ll. 5, 347- 351
  • 6- Bridges, C.H ., and Flowers, A.l. 1958: lridocyclitis and ·cataracts Associated With an Encephalomyelitis in Chickens. J . Am. Vet. Med . Ass . ı32, 79 -~ 84
  • 7- Butterfield, W.K., Luginbuhl, R.E ., and Helmboldt, C.F . . 1969: Characterization of Avian Encephalomyelitis Virus . Av . Dis . 13, 363- 378
  • 8- Cheville, N.F. : The lnfluence of Thymic and Bursal Lymhoid Systems in the Pathogenesis of Avi an Encephalomyelitis. Anı . J. Path. 58, 105 - 125, 1970
  • 9- Cheville, N.F., and Monlux, W.S. 1966: Effect of Vitamin E Deficiency on Aviarı Encephalonıyelitis in Chickens. Am. J. Vet. Res . 27 : 120, 1413-1418
  • 10- Clark H.F. 1964: sucling Mouse Cataract Agent. J. lnfect.Dis. 114 , 476-487
  • 11 - Dorn, P., elEtreby, M.F., and Weber, R. 1964: Keratoconjunctivitis with lntranuclear lnclusion Bodies in Fowls . Beri. Münch . Tierarztl. Wichr. 77, 262-266
  • 12 - Feibel, · F., Helmboldt, C.F., Jungherr, E.L., and Carson, J.R. 1952 : Aviarı Encephalomyelitis- Prevalence, Pa.thogenicity of the Virus and Breed Susceptibility Am. J . Vet. Res 'ı3., 260- 266 .
  • 13- Ferguson, T.M., Atkinson, R.L., and Couch, J:R. ·1954 : R~lation·ship of Vitamin E to 'Embryonic Development of Aviarı Eye . Proc. Soc Exp. Biol -·Med. 86, 868 - 87-ı .
  • 14- Grundboeck, M. 1965 :Myeloid Metaplasia Fihdings 'in iris of 'Chickens Affected with the Ocular Form of Mareks Disease. ·Bull. Vet. ·lnst:, Pulawy 9, 137- 139
  • 15- Grundboeck, M. 1966 : Cytological lnvestigations on Cellular infiltrations ' in lrises of Hens, · 1 . Character of · infiltrations in Clinically Healthy Birds in those Affected with some Diseases . and in Chickens with Experimentally lnduced lritis, 2 . Morphology and Cytochemical Charateristic of lnfiltration Cells-in Comparison to the Cells of Bone Marrow and Peripheral Blood Bul\ .Vet. lnst., Pulawy. 10, 1 -24,25-40
  • 16- Halpin, F.B. 1967: Opacity o fthe Lens in Fowl ,tı.ssociated with Ex,posure to the Virus. of lnfectious Avian Encephalomyelitis. Av. Dis. 11, 146- )48
  • 17 - Hwang, J., Luginbuhl, R.E., and Jungherr, E . L. 1959: Plapue Formatian of Avian Encephalomyelitis Virus in a Chicken . Embryo . Kidney Cell Culture System . Av. Dis. 3, 484, Abstr.
  • 18- Krauss, V.H., and Ueberschar, S. 1966: . Zur Ultrastructur . des Virus der Aviaren Encephalomyelitis. Beri. Münch .. Tierarzt Woch. 79 : 24,480- 482
  • 19- Lesbouyries, G. La pathologie des Oiseaux, Vigot Freres, Editeurs, 1941
  • 20 - Lyabin, B.Y., Vinokhodov, O.V., and Lyabina, L.M. 1965 : Aetiology of lnfectious Conjunctivitis of Chicks : isolation of a Virus.· Veterinariya, Moscow. 42:9,35-38 .
  • 21 - Lyabin, B.Y., Pirog, P.P., Vinokhodov, O.V., and Lyabina, L.M. 1966: Virus Conjunctivitis of Chicks Proc. 13 th Wild's Poult. Congr., Kiev . pp. 412-415
  • 22- Maas, H.J.L., and Helmboldt, C.F. 1962: Avian Encephalomyelitis : Notes on Clinical and Histopathological Diagnosis. Tijdschr. Diergeneesk . 87, 371- 395
  • 23- Malik, G. 1969: Histopathological Lesions of Avi an Encephalomyelitis in Hungary. Acta Vet. Aca . Sci. Hung. 19, 279-298
  • 24- Mancini, L.O., and Yates, V.J. 1967: Cultivation of Avian Encephalomyelitis Virus in Vitro ı, In Chick Embryo Neturoglial Cell Culture. Av . Dis. 672- 679
  • 25- Mustaffa- Babjee, A. 1969: Specific and Non- Specific Conditions Affecting Avi an Eyes . Vet. Bull . 39 : 10, 681 - 687
  • 26- Raggi, L.G., and Armstrong, W.H . 1960: Conjunctivitis of Chickens Caused by a Typical lnfectious Laryngotracheitis Virus. Av. Dis . 4, 272 - 274
  • 27- Rigdon, R.H. 1959 : Cataracts in Chickens with Lymphomatosis. Am . J. Vet. Res. 20, 647- 654
  • 28-Smith, H.A., and iones, T.C.: Veterinary Pathology, pp.1119-1145 . LeaFebiger, Philadelphia, 1968
  • 29- Sumner, F.W., Jungherr, E.L., and Luginbuhl, R.E . 1957: Studies on Avian Encepnalomyelitis . 1, Egg Adaptation of the Virus. Am. J . Vet. Res . 18 : 69, 717-719
  • 30 - Van der Heide, L. 1970: Diagnosing Avian Encephalomyelitis by the Direct Fluorescent Antibody Technique . Tjdschr. Diergeneesk. 95, 639- 641
  • 31 - Velling, G. 1962 : Experiences from Outbreaks of lnfectious Branchitis and lnfectious Conjunctivitis in Denmark. Proc. 12 World's Poult . Cong. Sydney. Sect. Papers. pp. 331 - 334
  • 32 - Vindel, J.A. 1964: La neurolymphomatose Aviaire, Epizootiologie, Etiologie et Pathogenie. Rec. Med vet. 140,87-113
  • 33 - Willemart, J.P., aiıd Dupond, B. 1969: Encephalomyelite Atypique et Paraly. sie Transitoire des Poules Domestiques . Rec . Med. Vet. 145 : 3,258-272
  • 34 - Williamson; A.P., Simonsen, L., and Blattner, R.J. 1956: Specific Organ Defects rn Early Chicks Embryös Following lrioculation with lnfluenza· A" Virus . Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol- Med. 92, 334- 337
  • 35 - Yamagiwa, S., ltakura, C., and Shimizu, Y. 1969: Poliomyelitis · of Newborn Chicks. 1. Proposal of a New Name for the Disease. Jap . Vet. Sci. 31, 105 - 118
  • 36- Yamagiwa, S., Yamashita, T., and Hakura, C. 1969 : Poliomyelitis of New born Chicks. 2, Electron Microscopic Observations of Degenerated Nerve Cells. Jap . j. Vet. Sci. 31, 173- 117

The First Recorded Cases of Avian Encephalomyelitis in Turkey and the Studies on Ocular Lesions

Yıl 1971, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 11-12, 1 - 26, 01.12.1971


Two outbreaks of avian encephalomyelitis were detected for
the first time in two poultry farms in Balgat and Gölbası, Ankara,
Turkey. The disease was diagnosed by clinical, epidemiological,
histopathological examinations and transmission experiments in
January 1971. The infection was probably introduced into Turkey
with iınported breeding ınaterial from abroad.
In this study, 100 eyes taken from 50 diseased chicks aged 2-4
weeks were examined histopathologically.
In the examination, a - iritis, iridocyclitis, choroiditis, chorioretinitis,
uveitis and endophthalmitis; b - cataractous lesions; c-
euronal degeneration and necrosis with lass of neurons in the ganglion
cell layer, and large vacuoles in the outer portion .of the optic
nerve fiber layer, fragınentation of the outer segments of the photoreceptors
with disorientation .of their laminated structures', and
retirral detachment and retİnal abnormalities; d - gliosis in the
optic nerve; e - posterior synechiae; f ~ keratic precipitates and
g ..,.- lymphoid islands in the eyelids wer~ found.
The pathogenesis .. of the disease was discussed. Althought its
pathogenesis has been the subject of much study, it is stili not
clear. Much study is needed on the possible effect of the avian encephalomyelitis
virus upon ocular structure.


  • 1- Ash, J.E : Organs of Special Senses. In «Patho-logy» edited by W.A.D. Anderson, fıfth ed. pp . 778-797, ı966. The C.V. Mosby Company, s ·aint Louis
  • 2 - Barber, C.W., and Blow, W.L. 1963: A Genetic lnfluence on Cataract :Formation Among White Leghorn Ineresses Following an Outbreak of Avian : Encephalomyelitis. Av. Dis . 7, 495- 500
  • 3- Bergmann, V. 1970: Zur Histopathologie und Pathogenese der Aviaren ,.Enzephaiomyelitis . Mh. Vet. Med. 25, 17- 22
  • 4 - Blattner, R.J., and Williamson, A.P. 1951 : Developmental Abnormalities in the Chick Embryo Following lnfection With Newcasıle Disease V'irus .Proc. Soc. Exptl . Biol. Med. 77, 619- 621·
  • 5-Blogg, J.R., and Coles, E.H . 1970: Vet. Bu ll. 5, 347- 351
  • 6- Bridges, C.H ., and Flowers, A.l. 1958: lridocyclitis and ·cataracts Associated With an Encephalomyelitis in Chickens. J . Am. Vet. Med . Ass . ı32, 79 -~ 84
  • 7- Butterfield, W.K., Luginbuhl, R.E ., and Helmboldt, C.F . . 1969: Characterization of Avian Encephalomyelitis Virus . Av . Dis . 13, 363- 378
  • 8- Cheville, N.F. : The lnfluence of Thymic and Bursal Lymhoid Systems in the Pathogenesis of Avi an Encephalomyelitis. Anı . J. Path. 58, 105 - 125, 1970
  • 9- Cheville, N.F., and Monlux, W.S. 1966: Effect of Vitamin E Deficiency on Aviarı Encephalonıyelitis in Chickens. Am. J. Vet. Res . 27 : 120, 1413-1418
  • 10- Clark H.F. 1964: sucling Mouse Cataract Agent. J. lnfect.Dis. 114 , 476-487
  • 11 - Dorn, P., elEtreby, M.F., and Weber, R. 1964: Keratoconjunctivitis with lntranuclear lnclusion Bodies in Fowls . Beri. Münch . Tierarztl. Wichr. 77, 262-266
  • 12 - Feibel, · F., Helmboldt, C.F., Jungherr, E.L., and Carson, J.R. 1952 : Aviarı Encephalomyelitis- Prevalence, Pa.thogenicity of the Virus and Breed Susceptibility Am. J . Vet. Res 'ı3., 260- 266 .
  • 13- Ferguson, T.M., Atkinson, R.L., and Couch, J:R. ·1954 : R~lation·ship of Vitamin E to 'Embryonic Development of Aviarı Eye . Proc. Soc Exp. Biol -·Med. 86, 868 - 87-ı .
  • 14- Grundboeck, M. 1965 :Myeloid Metaplasia Fihdings 'in iris of 'Chickens Affected with the Ocular Form of Mareks Disease. ·Bull. Vet. ·lnst:, Pulawy 9, 137- 139
  • 15- Grundboeck, M. 1966 : Cytological lnvestigations on Cellular infiltrations ' in lrises of Hens, · 1 . Character of · infiltrations in Clinically Healthy Birds in those Affected with some Diseases . and in Chickens with Experimentally lnduced lritis, 2 . Morphology and Cytochemical Charateristic of lnfiltration Cells-in Comparison to the Cells of Bone Marrow and Peripheral Blood Bul\ .Vet. lnst., Pulawy. 10, 1 -24,25-40
  • 16- Halpin, F.B. 1967: Opacity o fthe Lens in Fowl ,tı.ssociated with Ex,posure to the Virus. of lnfectious Avian Encephalomyelitis. Av. Dis. 11, 146- )48
  • 17 - Hwang, J., Luginbuhl, R.E., and Jungherr, E . L. 1959: Plapue Formatian of Avian Encephalomyelitis Virus in a Chicken . Embryo . Kidney Cell Culture System . Av. Dis. 3, 484, Abstr.
  • 18- Krauss, V.H., and Ueberschar, S. 1966: . Zur Ultrastructur . des Virus der Aviaren Encephalomyelitis. Beri. Münch .. Tierarzt Woch. 79 : 24,480- 482
  • 19- Lesbouyries, G. La pathologie des Oiseaux, Vigot Freres, Editeurs, 1941
  • 20 - Lyabin, B.Y., Vinokhodov, O.V., and Lyabina, L.M. 1965 : Aetiology of lnfectious Conjunctivitis of Chicks : isolation of a Virus.· Veterinariya, Moscow. 42:9,35-38 .
  • 21 - Lyabin, B.Y., Pirog, P.P., Vinokhodov, O.V., and Lyabina, L.M. 1966: Virus Conjunctivitis of Chicks Proc. 13 th Wild's Poult. Congr., Kiev . pp. 412-415
  • 22- Maas, H.J.L., and Helmboldt, C.F. 1962: Avian Encephalomyelitis : Notes on Clinical and Histopathological Diagnosis. Tijdschr. Diergeneesk . 87, 371- 395
  • 23- Malik, G. 1969: Histopathological Lesions of Avi an Encephalomyelitis in Hungary. Acta Vet. Aca . Sci. Hung. 19, 279-298
  • 24- Mancini, L.O., and Yates, V.J. 1967: Cultivation of Avian Encephalomyelitis Virus in Vitro ı, In Chick Embryo Neturoglial Cell Culture. Av . Dis. 672- 679
  • 25- Mustaffa- Babjee, A. 1969: Specific and Non- Specific Conditions Affecting Avi an Eyes . Vet. Bull . 39 : 10, 681 - 687
  • 26- Raggi, L.G., and Armstrong, W.H . 1960: Conjunctivitis of Chickens Caused by a Typical lnfectious Laryngotracheitis Virus. Av. Dis . 4, 272 - 274
  • 27- Rigdon, R.H. 1959 : Cataracts in Chickens with Lymphomatosis. Am . J. Vet. Res. 20, 647- 654
  • 28-Smith, H.A., and iones, T.C.: Veterinary Pathology, pp.1119-1145 . LeaFebiger, Philadelphia, 1968
  • 29- Sumner, F.W., Jungherr, E.L., and Luginbuhl, R.E . 1957: Studies on Avian Encepnalomyelitis . 1, Egg Adaptation of the Virus. Am. J . Vet. Res . 18 : 69, 717-719
  • 30 - Van der Heide, L. 1970: Diagnosing Avian Encephalomyelitis by the Direct Fluorescent Antibody Technique . Tjdschr. Diergeneesk. 95, 639- 641
  • 31 - Velling, G. 1962 : Experiences from Outbreaks of lnfectious Branchitis and lnfectious Conjunctivitis in Denmark. Proc. 12 World's Poult . Cong. Sydney. Sect. Papers. pp. 331 - 334
  • 32 - Vindel, J.A. 1964: La neurolymphomatose Aviaire, Epizootiologie, Etiologie et Pathogenie. Rec. Med vet. 140,87-113
  • 33 - Willemart, J.P., aiıd Dupond, B. 1969: Encephalomyelite Atypique et Paraly. sie Transitoire des Poules Domestiques . Rec . Med. Vet. 145 : 3,258-272
  • 34 - Williamson; A.P., Simonsen, L., and Blattner, R.J. 1956: Specific Organ Defects rn Early Chicks Embryös Following lrioculation with lnfluenza· A" Virus . Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol- Med. 92, 334- 337
  • 35 - Yamagiwa, S., ltakura, C., and Shimizu, Y. 1969: Poliomyelitis · of Newborn Chicks. 1. Proposal of a New Name for the Disease. Jap . Vet. Sci. 31, 105 - 118
  • 36- Yamagiwa, S., Yamashita, T., and Hakura, C. 1969 : Poliomyelitis of New born Chicks. 2, Electron Microscopic Observations of Degenerated Nerve Cells. Jap . j. Vet. Sci. 31, 173- 117
Toplam 36 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Veteriner Bilimleri
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Hamdi Girgin Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 1971
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Aralık 1971
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 1971 Cilt: 3 Sayı: 11-12

Kaynak Göster

APA Girgin, H. (1971). Yurdumuzda Avian Encephalomyelitis Olayları ve Göz Bulguları. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 3(11-12), 1-26.