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Kanatlı Hayvanların Göz Hastalıkları

Year 1971, Volume: 3 Issue: 11-12, 94 - 107, 01.12.1971


Göz yuvan ve gözün koruyucu sisteminde oluşan hastalık bulguları klinik ve patolojik yönden diğer belirtiler ile uyum gösterdiğinde teşhis için büyük önem taşır. Bazı hastalıkların gözden ya-
pılacak histopatolojik yoklamalar ile kesin olarak teşhisleri mümkündür; örneğin köpeklerin gençlik hastalığında irinsiz optik neuritis ve retinitis'in yanısıra iç gömleğin ganglion gözelerinde soy-
suzlaşma ile glia gözelerinde çekirdek- içi cisimcikler şekille­ nir (18). Atların Borna hastalığında da irinsiz retinitis ve optik neuritis oluşabilir; ayrıca iç gömleğin ganglion hücrelerinde teşhis
için yeterli cisimcikler bulunabilir. 


  • 19- Lauber, J.K., Shutze, J.V., and Mc. Ginııis, J. 1961 : Effect of Exposure to Continu6us Light on the Eye of ·the Growing Chick. Soc Exp. Biol. N.Y. 106, 871 - 872
  • 20- Laursen- Jones, A.P. 1968: Blinclness in Chicks Associated with Salmonella Typhimurium lnfection . Vet. Res. 83, 205
  • 21 - Lyabin, B.Y., Pirog, P.P., Vinokhodov, O.V., and Lyabina, L.M. 1966 : Virus Conjunctivitis of Chicks . Proc. 13 th Wld's Poult. Congr., Kiev . pp . 412-415
  • 22- Lyabin, B.Y., Vinokhodov, O.V., and Lyabina, L.M. 1965: Aetiology of lnfectious Conjunctivitis of Chicks : Isolation of a Virus . Veterinariya, Mosco-N. 42, No. 9, pp . 35- 38
  • 23- Malik, G. 1969: Histopathological Lesions of Avian Encephalomyelitis in Hungary. Acta Vet., Acad. Sc i. Hung. 19, 279- 298
  • 24- Mimioğlu, M., Göksu, K., and Sayın, F. 1969 : Veteriner ve Tıbbi Protozooloji. 1144- 1147. Ank . Ün iv. Basım .
  • 25- Mustafa- Babjee, A. 1968: An Outbreak of Verminous Opht halmia Due to Oxyspirura Manson i, Malay. Agric. J. 46, 485-482
  • 26- Mustafa- Babjee, A. 1969: Specific and Non_ Specific Conditions Affecting Avian Eyes. Vet. Bul\. V: 39, No. 10, pp. 681-687
  • 27- Nazerian, K., and Burmester, B.R. 1968 : Electron Microscopy of a Herpes Virus Associated with the Agent of Marek's Disease in Cell Culture. Cancer Res. 28, 2454- 2462
  • 28- Raggi, L.G., and Armstrong, W.H. 1960: Conjunctivitis of Chickens (aused by a Typical lnfectious Laryngotracheitis Virus. Av. Dis . 4, 272- 274
  • 29- Rigdon, R.H . 1959 : Cataracts in Chickens with Lymphomatosis. Am J. Vet. Res. V : 20, 647- 654
  • 30- Sherwood, R.M., and Couch, J.R . Vitamins and Vitamin Deficiencies. In «Diseases of Poultry» edited by H.E. Biester and L.H. Schwarte, third ed. pp. 163-213, 1952. Ames, lowa : The lowa State College Press .
  • 31- Simpson, C.F. 1969 : Elecron Microscopy of Irises of Chickens with Spon_ taneous Ocular Leucosis . Canc. Res . 29, 33- 39
  • 32- Smith, H.A., and Jones, T.C. 1968: Veterinary Pathology, pp . 1119 - 1145, Third ed . Lea- Febiger, Philadelphia
  • 33- Smith, J.L., and Jones, D.B. 1962 : Experimental Avian Ocular Histoplasmosis. Arch . Oplıthal . 67, 349-356
  • 34- Sumner, F.W., Jungher, E,L., and Luginbuhl R.E. 1957: Studies on Avi. an Encephalomyelitis, 1, Egg Adaptation of the Virus. Am. J . Vet. Res . 69, 717-719
  • 35- Velling, G. 1962: Experiences from Outbreaks of lnfectious Bronchitis and 1nfectious Conjunctivitis in Denmark. Proc . 12 World's Poult. Cong. Sydney. Sect . Papers . pp, 331 334
  • 36- Vindel, J.A. 1964: La Neurolymphomatose avıaıre, Epizootiologie, Etiologie et Pathogenie. Rec . Med. Vet., Tom. 140, 87-113
  • 37- Voigt, A., Dietz, 0 ., and Schmidt, V. 1966: Aetiology of Chronic Superficial Keratitis in Dogs. Arch. Exp. Vet. Med., 20, 259-274
  • 38- Wight, P.A.L. and Carr, J.G. 1965: Dominant Microphthalınia in the Fowl. ·J . Path. Bact. 89, 681-689
  • 39- Wight, P.A.L. 1965 : H istepathology of a Chronic Endophthalmitis of the Domestic Fovtl. J. Comp. Path . 75, 353-361
  • 40- Williamson, A.P., Simonsen, L., and Blattner, R.J. 1956: Specific Organ Defects in Eearly Clıick Embryos Following lnoculation with lnfluenza A Virus . Procc. Soc. Exp. Biol- Med. 92, 334- 337
  • Author s prcsent address: Etlik Veteriner Araştırma ve Kontrol Enstitüsü, Ankara/Turkey

Avian Eye Diseases

Year 1971, Volume: 3 Issue: 11-12, 94 - 107, 01.12.1971


Göz yuvan ve gözün koruyucu sisteminde oluşan hastalık bulguları klinik ve patolojik yönden diğer belirtiler ile uyum gösterdiğinde teşhis için büyük önem taşır. Bazı hastalıkların gözden ya-
pılacak histopatolojik yoklamalar ile kesin olarak teşhisleri mümkündür; örneğin köpeklerin gençlik hastalığında irinsiz optik neuritis ve retinitis'in yanısıra iç gömleğin ganglion gözelerinde soy-
suzlaşma ile glia gözelerinde çekirdek- içi cisimcikler şekille­ nir (18). Atların Borna hastalığında da irinsiz retinitis ve optik neuritis oluşabilir; ayrıca iç gömleğin ganglion hücrelerinde teşhis
için yeterli cisimcikler bulunabilir. 


  • 19- Lauber, J.K., Shutze, J.V., and Mc. Ginııis, J. 1961 : Effect of Exposure to Continu6us Light on the Eye of ·the Growing Chick. Soc Exp. Biol. N.Y. 106, 871 - 872
  • 20- Laursen- Jones, A.P. 1968: Blinclness in Chicks Associated with Salmonella Typhimurium lnfection . Vet. Res. 83, 205
  • 21 - Lyabin, B.Y., Pirog, P.P., Vinokhodov, O.V., and Lyabina, L.M. 1966 : Virus Conjunctivitis of Chicks . Proc. 13 th Wld's Poult. Congr., Kiev . pp . 412-415
  • 22- Lyabin, B.Y., Vinokhodov, O.V., and Lyabina, L.M. 1965: Aetiology of lnfectious Conjunctivitis of Chicks : Isolation of a Virus . Veterinariya, Mosco-N. 42, No. 9, pp . 35- 38
  • 23- Malik, G. 1969: Histopathological Lesions of Avian Encephalomyelitis in Hungary. Acta Vet., Acad. Sc i. Hung. 19, 279- 298
  • 24- Mimioğlu, M., Göksu, K., and Sayın, F. 1969 : Veteriner ve Tıbbi Protozooloji. 1144- 1147. Ank . Ün iv. Basım .
  • 25- Mustafa- Babjee, A. 1968: An Outbreak of Verminous Opht halmia Due to Oxyspirura Manson i, Malay. Agric. J. 46, 485-482
  • 26- Mustafa- Babjee, A. 1969: Specific and Non_ Specific Conditions Affecting Avian Eyes. Vet. Bul\. V: 39, No. 10, pp. 681-687
  • 27- Nazerian, K., and Burmester, B.R. 1968 : Electron Microscopy of a Herpes Virus Associated with the Agent of Marek's Disease in Cell Culture. Cancer Res. 28, 2454- 2462
  • 28- Raggi, L.G., and Armstrong, W.H. 1960: Conjunctivitis of Chickens (aused by a Typical lnfectious Laryngotracheitis Virus. Av. Dis . 4, 272- 274
  • 29- Rigdon, R.H . 1959 : Cataracts in Chickens with Lymphomatosis. Am J. Vet. Res. V : 20, 647- 654
  • 30- Sherwood, R.M., and Couch, J.R . Vitamins and Vitamin Deficiencies. In «Diseases of Poultry» edited by H.E. Biester and L.H. Schwarte, third ed. pp. 163-213, 1952. Ames, lowa : The lowa State College Press .
  • 31- Simpson, C.F. 1969 : Elecron Microscopy of Irises of Chickens with Spon_ taneous Ocular Leucosis . Canc. Res . 29, 33- 39
  • 32- Smith, H.A., and Jones, T.C. 1968: Veterinary Pathology, pp . 1119 - 1145, Third ed . Lea- Febiger, Philadelphia
  • 33- Smith, J.L., and Jones, D.B. 1962 : Experimental Avian Ocular Histoplasmosis. Arch . Oplıthal . 67, 349-356
  • 34- Sumner, F.W., Jungher, E,L., and Luginbuhl R.E. 1957: Studies on Avi. an Encephalomyelitis, 1, Egg Adaptation of the Virus. Am. J . Vet. Res . 69, 717-719
  • 35- Velling, G. 1962: Experiences from Outbreaks of lnfectious Bronchitis and 1nfectious Conjunctivitis in Denmark. Proc . 12 World's Poult. Cong. Sydney. Sect . Papers . pp, 331 334
  • 36- Vindel, J.A. 1964: La Neurolymphomatose avıaıre, Epizootiologie, Etiologie et Pathogenie. Rec . Med. Vet., Tom. 140, 87-113
  • 37- Voigt, A., Dietz, 0 ., and Schmidt, V. 1966: Aetiology of Chronic Superficial Keratitis in Dogs. Arch. Exp. Vet. Med., 20, 259-274
  • 38- Wight, P.A.L. and Carr, J.G. 1965: Dominant Microphthalınia in the Fowl. ·J . Path. Bact. 89, 681-689
  • 39- Wight, P.A.L. 1965 : H istepathology of a Chronic Endophthalmitis of the Domestic Fovtl. J. Comp. Path . 75, 353-361
  • 40- Williamson, A.P., Simonsen, L., and Blattner, R.J. 1956: Specific Organ Defects in Eearly Clıick Embryos Following lnoculation with lnfluenza A Virus . Procc. Soc. Exp. Biol- Med. 92, 334- 337
  • Author s prcsent address: Etlik Veteriner Araştırma ve Kontrol Enstitüsü, Ankara/Turkey
There are 23 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Veterinary Sciences
Journal Section Original Article

Hamdi Girgin This is me

Publication Date December 1, 1971
Submission Date December 1, 1971
Published in Issue Year 1971 Volume: 3 Issue: 11-12


APA Girgin, H. (1971). Kanatlı Hayvanların Göz Hastalıkları. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 3(11-12), 94-107.
