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Kuzularda Febantel ile Paraziter Sağıtımın Et Verimine Olan Etkisi

Year 1987, Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 89 - 94, 01.12.1987


Araştırma, Beypazarı Yoğunpelit köyünde, değişik sürü sahiplerine ait kuzular üzerinde gerçekleştirildi. Denemeye alınan kuzular tartılarak iki sağıtım ve bir kontrol grubu olmak üzere üç grup oluşturuldu. Birinci gruba 60 baş kuzu, 5 mg/ Kg , İkinci gruba 60 baş kuzu, 10 mg/ Kg. Febantel (Tabler rintal)verildi. 40 Baş kuzu kontrol grubu olarak ayrıldı. İlâç verildikten 45 gün sonra sağıtım grubu ikiye ayrıldı. Bunlardan I. gruptan 3 baş kuzuya 5 mg/ Kg. II. gruptan 30 baş kuzuya 10 mg/ Kg. İlâç (Tablet Rintal) ikinci defa verildi.
Tedaviden 45 gün sonra, her iki sağıtım grubunda, kontrol grubuna oranla 9.90 - 1.030 gr. bir kilo artış farkı saptandı. Üç ay sonra 5 mg / Kg. bir defa ilâç verilen kuzularda 2.900 gr aynı dozda II. defa ilâç verilen kuzularda 1.000 gr. , 10 mg/ Kg I. ilâçlamada 1.540 gr aynı dozda II. ilaçlamada 3.900 gr. kilo artış farkı elde edildi. Kontrol gruubuna göre, sağıtım grubundaki ortalama kilo artışı 2.335 gr. olarak hesap edildi.


  • 1 - BARTON, N.J., BRIMBLECOMBE, C.J. (1983) : The effects of anthelmintic Treatment and Season on the Ouantitiy and Quality of Wool Grown by Merino Sheep. Aust. J. A.gric. Res. (34, No. 5, 557-68).
  • 2 - COOP, R.L., ANGUS, KW., HUTSHISON, G., WRIGHTS. (1984) : Effect of Anthelmintic Treatment on the productivity of lambs infected with the intestinal nematode, Trichostrongylus colubriformis. Res. Vet. Sci. (36, No. l, 71-75).
  • 3 - HOVORKA. 1. , CORBA, J. (1984) : The effect of Dehelminthization on weight increase and utility of farm animals in subclinical helminthiasis. (czech). Veterinarstvi (34, No. 5. 222-24).
  • 4 - MATTHEWS, G.L., GRAY, R.M ., Mc GOVAN, A.A. (1983) : Effect of Anthelmintic Treatment immediately after Calving on milk production·. Aust. Vet. J, (60, No. 4, 116-19).
  • 5 - Michel, J.F., RICHARDS M., ALTMAN, J.F.B. ,MULMOLLAND J.R., GOULD, C.M ., ARMOURJ (1982) : Effect of anthelmintic treatment on the milk. yield of dairy cows in England, Scotland and. Wales. Vet. Record. December, 11. 546-550.
  • 6 ·- RADINOV, P.V., REDZHEPOVıA, G.R. (1983) : Parasiteses in sheep in fattening units. Veterinariya (moscow) No. 6 40 . ·
  • 7 - THOMAS, G.V., DARTON, N.J., Mc GOV•AN, A.A., MICKAN, F.J., MILL>ER, G., JAMES, R.E. 1984) : Ef,fect of whole herd anthelmintic treatment on milk production of dairy cows. Researoh in Veterinar;y Sci. 36, 266-269.
  • 8 - VURAL, A. , ONAR, E., WHITTEN, G., L.K. (1968) : Türkiye koyunlarını·n parazitleri . . Türkiye'nin kuzey kısmında değişik iki iklimde koyun helmintlerinin mukayesesi, Pendik Vet. Kont. ve Araşt. Enst. !Derg. 2 (2), 118-139.
  • 9 - VURAL, A., DOGRU, C., ONAR, E., ÖZKOC, Ü. (1975), (1979). (1980) : Pendik Vet. Mikrobiyoloji Enst. 1!1 (1), 61-67, 12 (1). 27-47. 12 (2). 36-53;
  • 10 - ZEYBEK, H. (1981) : Samsun yöresi koyon ve kuzularında parazitlerin et verimine olan etkileri Etlik Vet. Mikrobiyoloji Enst. Derg. 1979-1981 5 . (1-2-3). 21··28.

The Effect of Treatment With Rintal (R) On the Weight Gain of Lambs.

Year 1987, Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 89 - 94, 01.12.1987


The researc was realized on lambs of various flock ownersin yoğunpelit village of Beypazarı, districh in Ankara Province, Lambs, picket-out for testing were , weighed and three groups, two treatment and one control group, were formed. 5 mg/Kg. Febantel (rintal tablet) was administered to the first group (60 lamps) and 10 mg/Kg to the second group (60 lambs) were selected for the control group. 45 days after the two treatment groups were easch broken down into two sub-groups. 5 mg/Kg of febantel (rintal tablet) was given to the first sub-groups of 30 lambs and 10 mg/Kg to the second Sub- groups of other 30 lambs for the second time. 45 days after the first treatment 990- 1030 gr. of increase was observed in both treatment groups when compared to the control group, 90 days after the first treatment 2900 gr. of difference in increase was observed in lambs given 5 mg/Kg febantel for time, 1000 gr in lambs receiving the same dosage of febantel for the second time, 1540 gr in lambs given 10 mg/Kg of febantel for the first and 3900 gr after the second time of treatment with same dosage. The average overall weight- increase of the treated groups was 2335 gr. more when compared to the control group.


  • 1 - BARTON, N.J., BRIMBLECOMBE, C.J. (1983) : The effects of anthelmintic Treatment and Season on the Ouantitiy and Quality of Wool Grown by Merino Sheep. Aust. J. A.gric. Res. (34, No. 5, 557-68).
  • 2 - COOP, R.L., ANGUS, KW., HUTSHISON, G., WRIGHTS. (1984) : Effect of Anthelmintic Treatment on the productivity of lambs infected with the intestinal nematode, Trichostrongylus colubriformis. Res. Vet. Sci. (36, No. l, 71-75).
  • 3 - HOVORKA. 1. , CORBA, J. (1984) : The effect of Dehelminthization on weight increase and utility of farm animals in subclinical helminthiasis. (czech). Veterinarstvi (34, No. 5. 222-24).
  • 4 - MATTHEWS, G.L., GRAY, R.M ., Mc GOVAN, A.A. (1983) : Effect of Anthelmintic Treatment immediately after Calving on milk production·. Aust. Vet. J, (60, No. 4, 116-19).
  • 5 - Michel, J.F., RICHARDS M., ALTMAN, J.F.B. ,MULMOLLAND J.R., GOULD, C.M ., ARMOURJ (1982) : Effect of anthelmintic treatment on the milk. yield of dairy cows in England, Scotland and. Wales. Vet. Record. December, 11. 546-550.
  • 6 ·- RADINOV, P.V., REDZHEPOVıA, G.R. (1983) : Parasiteses in sheep in fattening units. Veterinariya (moscow) No. 6 40 . ·
  • 7 - THOMAS, G.V., DARTON, N.J., Mc GOV•AN, A.A., MICKAN, F.J., MILL>ER, G., JAMES, R.E. 1984) : Ef,fect of whole herd anthelmintic treatment on milk production of dairy cows. Researoh in Veterinar;y Sci. 36, 266-269.
  • 8 - VURAL, A. , ONAR, E., WHITTEN, G., L.K. (1968) : Türkiye koyunlarını·n parazitleri . . Türkiye'nin kuzey kısmında değişik iki iklimde koyun helmintlerinin mukayesesi, Pendik Vet. Kont. ve Araşt. Enst. !Derg. 2 (2), 118-139.
  • 9 - VURAL, A., DOGRU, C., ONAR, E., ÖZKOC, Ü. (1975), (1979). (1980) : Pendik Vet. Mikrobiyoloji Enst. 1!1 (1), 61-67, 12 (1). 27-47. 12 (2). 36-53;
  • 10 - ZEYBEK, H. (1981) : Samsun yöresi koyon ve kuzularında parazitlerin et verimine olan etkileri Etlik Vet. Mikrobiyoloji Enst. Derg. 1979-1981 5 . (1-2-3). 21··28.
There are 10 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Veterinary Surgery
Journal Section Original Article

Hasan Zeybek This is me

Publication Date December 1, 1987
Submission Date December 1, 1987
Published in Issue Year 1987 Volume: 6 Issue: 1


APA Zeybek, H. (1987). Kuzularda Febantel ile Paraziter Sağıtımın Et Verimine Olan Etkisi. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 6(1), 89-94.
