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Ege Bölgesi Sığırları Arasında Q Fever Vak'alarının Yaygınlık Derecesinin Mİkroagglutinasyon Tekniği ile Araştırılması

Year 1989, Volume: 6 Issue: 4, 79 - 85, 01.12.1989


Ege bölgesi sığırlarına ait 391 sığır kan serumunda mikroaglutinasyon testi ile Coxiella Burnettii antikoru arandı. 4 adedi 1/32, 19 adedi 1/64i, 25 adedi 1/128 ve 36 adedi 1/256 dilisyonda müsbet reaksiyon verdi. Ortalama olarak %21.73'ünde antikor saptandı..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


  • ADDO, P. B.; SCHNORENBERGER, P. R. (1977): Q Fever antibodidies In food animals of Nigeria : a serological survey of cattle, sheep; and goats. Revue d'Elevage et de Medecine. Vet. des Pays Tropicaux . . 30 {4) 3S9. 362.
  • ALPAR, S.: MASSIE, E.L. (1960): Türkiye'de Q Humması . Türk Vet. Hek. Der. Derg. 30, 164-165, s. 746-755
  • ATUN, H. (1953): Tükriye'de Serolojik Yolla Hayvanlarda Q Fever Aranması. Türk Vet. Hek. Der. Derg. 23, 78-79, s.613-620
  • BEHYMER, D.E.: BIBERSTEIN, E.L. RIEMANN, H.P.; FRANTI, C.E. ;SAWYER M. RUPPANNER, R.; CRENSHAW, G.L. (1975): Q Fever (Coxiella burnettii) Investigations In Dairy Cattle: Persistance of Antibodies After Vaccination. Am. J. Vet.Res. Vol. 36 No:6 s.781-784
  • BEHYMER, D.E.: BIBERSTEIN, E.L. RIEMANN, H.P.; FRANTI, C.E. ;SAWYER M. RUPPANNER, R.; CRENSHAW, G.L. (1975): Q Fever (Coxiella burnettii) Investigations In Dairy Cattle: Challenge of Immunity After Vaccination. Am. J. Vet. Res. Vol. 37 No:6 s.631-634
  • BERKMAN, L.: DEMİRER, M.A. (1973): Mikro agglutinasyon Metodu ile Genital Hastalıklı Hayvanlarda Q Humması Araştırmaları Bor. Vet. Araşt. Enst. Der. Yıl 14, Sayı 26-27 s. 88-94.
  • BIBERSTEİN, E.L: RIEMANN H.P. C.E; BEHYMER, D.E. RUPPANNER, R.; BUSHNELL,R. : ERENSHAW, G. (1974): Vaccination of Dairy Cattle Againt Q Fever (Coxiella Burnettii): Result of Field Trials:, Am. J. Vet. Res. Vol:38, No:2 s.189-193
  • BISSON, D.L.R.M. (1980): Q Fever in Cattle: Result of a bacteriological and serological survey in the Sorthe Department of France. Ecole Nationale Veterinaire d'Alfort. 74 pp (Fr.48 ref.)
  • DOER, H.W.; HOFERER, E; ZESCHHORN, V.; MAYER, H.; NASSAL, J. THEUER, D. (1980) Epideminological and Clinical findings in a Q Fever epidemic in Autumm 1978 in North Baden. Bundesgesund heitsblatt 23 (5/6) 56-64.
  • EDWIN, H.L. SCHMIDT. J.N. (1969): Diagnostic Procedures: For Viral and Rickettisial İnfections. Am. Public Health Association.
  • GOLEM, S.B. (1951): Türkiye'de Q Fever Epidemiyoloji ve Hayvan Q Fever'i hakkında kısa bilgi. Türk Hijyen ve Tecrübi Biyo. Derg. Vol. 20 No:2 s.1-8
  • FISET, P.: ORMSBEE, R.A.: SILBERMAN, R. PEACOCK, M. SPIELMAN, H. S. (1969): A Micro agglutination Technique For Detection and Measurement of Rickettsial antibodies. Acta Virol, 13,s. 60-66.
  • PAYZIN,S. (1952): Riketsiya ve Virus Hastalıkları.
  • RANDHAWA A.S.; KELLY. V.P.; BAKER, E.F.; JR (1977): Aglutinins to Coxiella burnettii and Brucella Spp. with particular reference to Brucella canis in wild animals of southern Texas. Journal of the Am. Vet. Med. As. 171 (9) 939- 942.
  • SCHMITTDIEL, E.;BAUER. K: STEINBRECHER, H.; JUSTL, W. (1981): Vaccination of Q fever infected cattle: The effect on excretion of Coxiella burnetti. Ticrarztliche umschav, 36 (3) 159-160-162.
  • SERTER. F.; BİLGEHAN H. (1978): Klinik Mikrobiyoloji Ege Ün. Mab. Bornova.
  • SODHI, S.S.; JOSHI D.V.; SHARMA D.R. :BAXI, K.K. (1980): Soroprevalence of brucellosis and Q Fever in dairy animals . Zentralblatt für Veterinarmedizin, 27 (B) 683-685
  • YADAV, M.P. : SETHI. M.S.(1979): Sero epidemiological studies on coxiellosis in animals and man in the State of Uttar Predesh and Delhi. International Journalof Zoonoses, 6-2, 67-74.
  • WILLEBERG,P.: RUPPANNER, R,: BEHYMER,D.E.; HAGHIG S.: KANEKO, J.J.: FRANTI, C.E. (1980): Environmental exposure to Coxiella burnettii: a sero epidemologic survey amonoy domesti animals. American Journal of Epidemiology, 114 (4) 437 - 443.
Year 1989, Volume: 6 Issue: 4, 79 - 85, 01.12.1989


In Aegean area by using miroaglutination test tecnique Coxiellaburnettii anticor was examined on 391 blod serum semples, 4 of them 1/32, 19 1/E4, 25 1/128 and 36 1/156 of dilutions gave positive reaktion. On avarage attached the number 21.73%....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


  • ADDO, P. B.; SCHNORENBERGER, P. R. (1977): Q Fever antibodidies In food animals of Nigeria : a serological survey of cattle, sheep; and goats. Revue d'Elevage et de Medecine. Vet. des Pays Tropicaux . . 30 {4) 3S9. 362.
  • ALPAR, S.: MASSIE, E.L. (1960): Türkiye'de Q Humması . Türk Vet. Hek. Der. Derg. 30, 164-165, s. 746-755
  • ATUN, H. (1953): Tükriye'de Serolojik Yolla Hayvanlarda Q Fever Aranması. Türk Vet. Hek. Der. Derg. 23, 78-79, s.613-620
  • BEHYMER, D.E.: BIBERSTEIN, E.L. RIEMANN, H.P.; FRANTI, C.E. ;SAWYER M. RUPPANNER, R.; CRENSHAW, G.L. (1975): Q Fever (Coxiella burnettii) Investigations In Dairy Cattle: Persistance of Antibodies After Vaccination. Am. J. Vet.Res. Vol. 36 No:6 s.781-784
  • BEHYMER, D.E.: BIBERSTEIN, E.L. RIEMANN, H.P.; FRANTI, C.E. ;SAWYER M. RUPPANNER, R.; CRENSHAW, G.L. (1975): Q Fever (Coxiella burnettii) Investigations In Dairy Cattle: Challenge of Immunity After Vaccination. Am. J. Vet. Res. Vol. 37 No:6 s.631-634
  • BERKMAN, L.: DEMİRER, M.A. (1973): Mikro agglutinasyon Metodu ile Genital Hastalıklı Hayvanlarda Q Humması Araştırmaları Bor. Vet. Araşt. Enst. Der. Yıl 14, Sayı 26-27 s. 88-94.
  • BIBERSTEİN, E.L: RIEMANN H.P. C.E; BEHYMER, D.E. RUPPANNER, R.; BUSHNELL,R. : ERENSHAW, G. (1974): Vaccination of Dairy Cattle Againt Q Fever (Coxiella Burnettii): Result of Field Trials:, Am. J. Vet. Res. Vol:38, No:2 s.189-193
  • BISSON, D.L.R.M. (1980): Q Fever in Cattle: Result of a bacteriological and serological survey in the Sorthe Department of France. Ecole Nationale Veterinaire d'Alfort. 74 pp (Fr.48 ref.)
  • DOER, H.W.; HOFERER, E; ZESCHHORN, V.; MAYER, H.; NASSAL, J. THEUER, D. (1980) Epideminological and Clinical findings in a Q Fever epidemic in Autumm 1978 in North Baden. Bundesgesund heitsblatt 23 (5/6) 56-64.
  • EDWIN, H.L. SCHMIDT. J.N. (1969): Diagnostic Procedures: For Viral and Rickettisial İnfections. Am. Public Health Association.
  • GOLEM, S.B. (1951): Türkiye'de Q Fever Epidemiyoloji ve Hayvan Q Fever'i hakkında kısa bilgi. Türk Hijyen ve Tecrübi Biyo. Derg. Vol. 20 No:2 s.1-8
  • FISET, P.: ORMSBEE, R.A.: SILBERMAN, R. PEACOCK, M. SPIELMAN, H. S. (1969): A Micro agglutination Technique For Detection and Measurement of Rickettsial antibodies. Acta Virol, 13,s. 60-66.
  • PAYZIN,S. (1952): Riketsiya ve Virus Hastalıkları.
  • RANDHAWA A.S.; KELLY. V.P.; BAKER, E.F.; JR (1977): Aglutinins to Coxiella burnettii and Brucella Spp. with particular reference to Brucella canis in wild animals of southern Texas. Journal of the Am. Vet. Med. As. 171 (9) 939- 942.
  • SCHMITTDIEL, E.;BAUER. K: STEINBRECHER, H.; JUSTL, W. (1981): Vaccination of Q fever infected cattle: The effect on excretion of Coxiella burnetti. Ticrarztliche umschav, 36 (3) 159-160-162.
  • SERTER. F.; BİLGEHAN H. (1978): Klinik Mikrobiyoloji Ege Ün. Mab. Bornova.
  • SODHI, S.S.; JOSHI D.V.; SHARMA D.R. :BAXI, K.K. (1980): Soroprevalence of brucellosis and Q Fever in dairy animals . Zentralblatt für Veterinarmedizin, 27 (B) 683-685
  • YADAV, M.P. : SETHI. M.S.(1979): Sero epidemiological studies on coxiellosis in animals and man in the State of Uttar Predesh and Delhi. International Journalof Zoonoses, 6-2, 67-74.
  • WILLEBERG,P.: RUPPANNER, R,: BEHYMER,D.E.; HAGHIG S.: KANEKO, J.J.: FRANTI, C.E. (1980): Environmental exposure to Coxiella burnettii: a sero epidemologic survey amonoy domesti animals. American Journal of Epidemiology, 114 (4) 437 - 443.
There are 19 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Veterinary Surgery
Journal Section Original Article

Selma Gökçen This is me

Publication Date December 1, 1989
Submission Date December 1, 1989
Published in Issue Year 1989 Volume: 6 Issue: 4


APA Gökçen, S. (1989). Ege Bölgesi Sığırları Arasında Q Fever Vak’alarının Yaygınlık Derecesinin Mİkroagglutinasyon Tekniği ile Araştırılması. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 6(4), 79-85.
