Bu çalışmada, sağlıklı, hasta insan ve hayvanların çeşitli laboratuvar materyallerinden izole edilen 200 adet E. Coli suşunun kolisin plazmidi taşıma özellikleri incelendi.
İnsanların gaita ve idrarlarından izole ve identifiye edilen 100 E.coli suşundan sırasıyla ; %10, %1,5; sığır, tavuk ve hindilerden izole edilen 100 adet E.coli suşu arasında ise sırasıyla :%5.1 %12,5 , %100 kolisinojenik özellik belirlenmiştir.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
ALWIS, M. C. L. and THOMLINSON, J. R. (1973) : The incidence and distrl
bution of colicinogenic and colicin- ·ensitive E. coli in the gastrointestinal
·tract of the pig. J. Gen. Microbiol. 74 : 45-52:
ARAl, and KOMATSU, S. (1981): Distribution of the colicinogenic strains
and the labilty of their colicins. Keio J. Med., 30: .83.
ARDA, M. (1978) : Genel Bakteriyoloji. ·A. Ü. ·vet. Fak. Yayın No: 342. Ders
Kitabiarı : 242, A. Ü. Basımevi.
ÇETİN E. T., BOZOK, C. ve FURTUN, M. (1970): E. coli suşlarının kolisino·
jenik ve kolisin tip tayini. i. ü. Tıp Fak. Mec., 33: 141.
DAVIES, D. C., FALKINER, F. R. and HARRY, K. G. (1981) : Colicin V pro,
duction by clinicalisolates of E. coli. lnfect. lmmun., 31 : 574.
DJONE, B. K. (1985) : Colicine production in relation to pathogenicity factora
In strains of E. coli isolated from intestinal tract of piglets. Acta. Vet.
Scand., 26 : 145-148.
EDWARDS, P. R. and EWING, W. H. (1972) : ldentification of Enterobacteriaceae.
Third Ed. Burgess Publishing Company. Minneapolis, Minnesota
England .
ERGANIŞ, . O. '(1988): Hindilerin fekal florasından izole edilen E. coli suş-
larının :bazı patojenite özellikleri üzerinde incelemeler. Doktora Tezi. Selçuk
Üni. Vet. Fak. Mikrobiyoloji Anabilim Dalı, Konya.
FRANKLIN, A., SODERLIND, O. and MOLLBY, R. (1981): Plasmids ecding
for enterotxins, K88 antigen and colicins in porcine E. coli strains of O,
group 149. Med. Microbiol. Immuno!., 170 : 63:72.
FREDERIOO, P. (1953): Ann. lnst. P.ast' eur, 84:294. SOJKA, W.J. (1965):
E. coli in domestic animals and poultry. Commonwealth Agr. Bureaux
Farnham Royal. Bucks. England.
GLLIES, R. R. and DODDS, T. C. (1963): Bacteriology. lllustrated Livingtone
Lld., London.
GRAHA, A. (1925): C. R. Socö Biol., Paris, 93: 1040. SOJKA, W. J. (1965):
E. coli .in domestic animal and poultry. Commonwealth Agr. Bureaux Farn·
ham Royal Bucks., England.
HELLER, E. and DRABKIN, N. (1977) : Some characterizaticin of pathogenic
E. co li strains. Br. Vet. J., 133 : 572-578.
İSTANBULLUOGLU, E. ve DiKER, S. (1980) : Tavuklardan izole edilen E. coli
suşlarının biyokimyasal, colisin, lizojenik karakterleri ve antibiyotiklere du
yarlılık oranları üzerinde incelemeler. A. ü. Vet. Fak . .Oerg., 27: 484-490.
IZGÜR, M. (1981 ) : Sağlıklı koyunlardan izole edilen E. coli suşlarının çeşitli
özellikleri üzerinde incelemeler. Doktora Tezi. A. Ü. Vet. Fak.
JAKOVINA, M. (1972) :. Colicine production by E. coli strains isolated intes-
tina of chickens. Archiv. 42 : 255- 263.
KULSHRESTHA, S. B., KRISHNA, L. and PALIWAL, O. P. (1978) : lndian J
Animal Sci., 48 : 746.
LASSEN, J. (1975) : Rapid identification of gram negative rods using threetube
methods combined with a dictotomic key. Acta. Path. Microbiol. Scand
Sect. B., ' 83 : 525 - 533·.
G. A. and FULKOV, S. (1978) : Same characteristics of E. coli strains
isolated from extraintestinal infections and humans, J. lnfect. Dis., 137 : 648.
OBI, S. K. C. and CAMPBELL, J. A. (1978): Ineidence of colicinogenic E. cofi
in shepp, goats and cattle. Zbl. Vet. Med. B., 25 : 252- 256.
POHL,P., LINTERMANS, P. and MOURY, J. (1981) : Colicine production by pathogenic
E. coli domestic mammals. Ann. Med. Vet., 125 : 567-570.
REEVES, P. (1965): The bacteriocins. Bacteriol. Rev., 29:24-42.
SARMANOVA, Z. and SALAJKA, E. (1970) : Colicine production of hemolytic
E. coli infections in weanling pigs. Acta. Vet. Brno., 40 : 241.
SMITH, H. W. and HUGGINS, M. B. (1976): Further observation of the association
of the colicine V plasmid of E. coli with pathogenicity and with survival
in the alimentray tract. J. Gen. Microbiol., 92 : 335-350.
VASENIUS, H. (1967) : The colicinogenic properties of porcine E. coli strains.
Acta. Vet. Scand., 8: 195-200.
Investigations On Colicinogenic Characteristics Of Escherichia Coli Isolated From Human and Animals
In this study, 200 E.coli strains isolated from different laboratory materials of healthy and diseased humans and animals were examined for colicinogenity.
The percentage of colicine production in E.Coli strains isolated from cattle, chicken, and turkeys were found as follows: 5.1% for cattle, 12.5% for chicken, 100% for turkeys and was found 4% in human strains..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
ALWIS, M. C. L. and THOMLINSON, J. R. (1973) : The incidence and distrl
bution of colicinogenic and colicin- ·ensitive E. coli in the gastrointestinal
·tract of the pig. J. Gen. Microbiol. 74 : 45-52:
ARAl, and KOMATSU, S. (1981): Distribution of the colicinogenic strains
and the labilty of their colicins. Keio J. Med., 30: .83.
ARDA, M. (1978) : Genel Bakteriyoloji. ·A. Ü. ·vet. Fak. Yayın No: 342. Ders
Kitabiarı : 242, A. Ü. Basımevi.
ÇETİN E. T., BOZOK, C. ve FURTUN, M. (1970): E. coli suşlarının kolisino·
jenik ve kolisin tip tayini. i. ü. Tıp Fak. Mec., 33: 141.
DAVIES, D. C., FALKINER, F. R. and HARRY, K. G. (1981) : Colicin V pro,
duction by clinicalisolates of E. coli. lnfect. lmmun., 31 : 574.
DJONE, B. K. (1985) : Colicine production in relation to pathogenicity factora
In strains of E. coli isolated from intestinal tract of piglets. Acta. Vet.
Scand., 26 : 145-148.
EDWARDS, P. R. and EWING, W. H. (1972) : ldentification of Enterobacteriaceae.
Third Ed. Burgess Publishing Company. Minneapolis, Minnesota
England .
ERGANIŞ, . O. '(1988): Hindilerin fekal florasından izole edilen E. coli suş-
larının :bazı patojenite özellikleri üzerinde incelemeler. Doktora Tezi. Selçuk
Üni. Vet. Fak. Mikrobiyoloji Anabilim Dalı, Konya.
FRANKLIN, A., SODERLIND, O. and MOLLBY, R. (1981): Plasmids ecding
for enterotxins, K88 antigen and colicins in porcine E. coli strains of O,
group 149. Med. Microbiol. Immuno!., 170 : 63:72.
FREDERIOO, P. (1953): Ann. lnst. P.ast' eur, 84:294. SOJKA, W.J. (1965):
E. coli in domestic animals and poultry. Commonwealth Agr. Bureaux
Farnham Royal. Bucks. England.
GLLIES, R. R. and DODDS, T. C. (1963): Bacteriology. lllustrated Livingtone
Lld., London.
GRAHA, A. (1925): C. R. Socö Biol., Paris, 93: 1040. SOJKA, W. J. (1965):
E. coli .in domestic animal and poultry. Commonwealth Agr. Bureaux Farn·
ham Royal Bucks., England.
HELLER, E. and DRABKIN, N. (1977) : Some characterizaticin of pathogenic
E. co li strains. Br. Vet. J., 133 : 572-578.
İSTANBULLUOGLU, E. ve DiKER, S. (1980) : Tavuklardan izole edilen E. coli
suşlarının biyokimyasal, colisin, lizojenik karakterleri ve antibiyotiklere du
yarlılık oranları üzerinde incelemeler. A. ü. Vet. Fak . .Oerg., 27: 484-490.
IZGÜR, M. (1981 ) : Sağlıklı koyunlardan izole edilen E. coli suşlarının çeşitli
özellikleri üzerinde incelemeler. Doktora Tezi. A. Ü. Vet. Fak.
JAKOVINA, M. (1972) :. Colicine production by E. coli strains isolated intes-
tina of chickens. Archiv. 42 : 255- 263.
KULSHRESTHA, S. B., KRISHNA, L. and PALIWAL, O. P. (1978) : lndian J
Animal Sci., 48 : 746.
LASSEN, J. (1975) : Rapid identification of gram negative rods using threetube
methods combined with a dictotomic key. Acta. Path. Microbiol. Scand
Sect. B., ' 83 : 525 - 533·.
G. A. and FULKOV, S. (1978) : Same characteristics of E. coli strains
isolated from extraintestinal infections and humans, J. lnfect. Dis., 137 : 648.
OBI, S. K. C. and CAMPBELL, J. A. (1978): Ineidence of colicinogenic E. cofi
in shepp, goats and cattle. Zbl. Vet. Med. B., 25 : 252- 256.
POHL,P., LINTERMANS, P. and MOURY, J. (1981) : Colicine production by pathogenic
E. coli domestic mammals. Ann. Med. Vet., 125 : 567-570.
REEVES, P. (1965): The bacteriocins. Bacteriol. Rev., 29:24-42.
SARMANOVA, Z. and SALAJKA, E. (1970) : Colicine production of hemolytic
E. coli infections in weanling pigs. Acta. Vet. Brno., 40 : 241.
SMITH, H. W. and HUGGINS, M. B. (1976): Further observation of the association
of the colicine V plasmid of E. coli with pathogenicity and with survival
in the alimentray tract. J. Gen. Microbiol., 92 : 335-350.
VASENIUS, H. (1967) : The colicinogenic properties of porcine E. coli strains.
Acta. Vet. Scand., 8: 195-200.
Ayhan, H., & Aydın, N. (1989). İnsan ve Hayvanlardan İzole Edilen Escherıchia Coli Suşlarının Kolisin Plazmidi Taşıma Özellikleri Üzerinde İnceleme. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 6(4), 91-99.