Önceleri, Moraxella cinsi içinde Moraxella· kingii olarak incelenen bakteriler (4) son zamanlarda Kingella cinsi (K. ·kingae, K. indologenes, · K. denitrificans (9) içinde sınıflandırılmıştır. · · Birçok özellikleri yönünden Moraxella'lara . benzeyen: Kingella'lar onlardan katalaz negatif olmaları ile ayrılırlar (10). Kuzuların viral pneumonilerde ~ Moraxella · kingii nin sekonder enfeksiyonlardan sorumlu olduğu bildirilmiştir (3, s; 8). Ancak; Kingella denitrificans'ın hayvanlarda özellikle koyunlarda solunum ·sistemi enfeksiyonlarına katıldığını bildiren literatüre rastlanamamıştır.
ANDREWS, J. S. and LEO, N. (1983) : Competen.ce in genetic transformatian
related to colony type in three species of Moraxellae. Life., 56 : 677-681.
BAUER, A. W., KIRBY, W. M., SHERRIS, L. C. and TURK, M. (1966) : Antibiotics
susceptibility testing by a standardized single disk method. Am. J. Cl in. Pathol..
45: 493
BLOBEL, H. and SCHLISSER, T. (1981): Handbuch der bakterialien infel:
tionen bei tieren. Band lll. Gustav Fischer Verlag. Stuttgart, p : 677- 681.
BUCHANON, R. E. and GIBBONS, N. E. (1974) : Bergey's Manual of Determinativ
Bacteriology. Eigth ed. Williams Wilkins Company. Baltimore. p. 433.
BUXTON, A. and FRASER, G. (1977) : Animal Microbiology. Vol. 1. Blackwelı
Scietific Publications. Oxford, London.
COWAN, S. T. (1974) : Manual for the identification of medical bacteria
Second ed. Revised by Cambridge Univ. Press, p : 87.
GAY, M. R., LANE, W. T. and Keller, C. D. (1983) : Septic Arthritis Caused
by Kingella denitrificans. J. Cl in. Microbiol., 17: 168-169.
HENRIKSEN, S. D. (1969) : Corroding bacteria from the respiratory trnct. 1.
Moraxella kiııgae. Acta Pathol. Microbiol. Scand., 75 : 85- 90.
HEN.RIKSEN, S. D. and Bovre, K. (1976) : Transfer of Moraxella kingae Henriksen
and Bovre to the genus Kingella gen. nov in the family Neisseriaceae.
Int. J. Sxst. Bactiriol., 26 : 447 • 500.
KONEMAN, E. W., ALLEN, S. D., DOWEL, V. R. and SOMMERS, H. M. (1983) :
Color Atlas and Textbook of Diagnostic Microbiology. 2nd. J. P. Lippincott,
REDFIELD, D. C., OVERTURF, G. D., EWING, N. and POWARS, D. (1980) :
Bacteriemia arthritis and skin lesions due to Kingella kingae. Arch. Dis.
Child., 55 : 411.
SUDHARMA, D. and SULOCHANA, S. {1985) : Isolation of nonliquefaciens
from suppurative pneumonia in New Zeland white rabbits. Kerala J. V. Sci..
16: 136-138.
Isolation of kingella denitrificans from a lamb with pneumoniae
It has been concluded that, K. denitrificans to be a secondary agent in this case which was diagnosed as bronchopneumoniae acute histolopathologically. ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
ANDREWS, J. S. and LEO, N. (1983) : Competen.ce in genetic transformatian
related to colony type in three species of Moraxellae. Life., 56 : 677-681.
BAUER, A. W., KIRBY, W. M., SHERRIS, L. C. and TURK, M. (1966) : Antibiotics
susceptibility testing by a standardized single disk method. Am. J. Cl in. Pathol..
45: 493
BLOBEL, H. and SCHLISSER, T. (1981): Handbuch der bakterialien infel:
tionen bei tieren. Band lll. Gustav Fischer Verlag. Stuttgart, p : 677- 681.
BUCHANON, R. E. and GIBBONS, N. E. (1974) : Bergey's Manual of Determinativ
Bacteriology. Eigth ed. Williams Wilkins Company. Baltimore. p. 433.
BUXTON, A. and FRASER, G. (1977) : Animal Microbiology. Vol. 1. Blackwelı
Scietific Publications. Oxford, London.
COWAN, S. T. (1974) : Manual for the identification of medical bacteria
Second ed. Revised by Cambridge Univ. Press, p : 87.
GAY, M. R., LANE, W. T. and Keller, C. D. (1983) : Septic Arthritis Caused
by Kingella denitrificans. J. Cl in. Microbiol., 17: 168-169.
HENRIKSEN, S. D. (1969) : Corroding bacteria from the respiratory trnct. 1.
Moraxella kiııgae. Acta Pathol. Microbiol. Scand., 75 : 85- 90.
HEN.RIKSEN, S. D. and Bovre, K. (1976) : Transfer of Moraxella kingae Henriksen
and Bovre to the genus Kingella gen. nov in the family Neisseriaceae.
Int. J. Sxst. Bactiriol., 26 : 447 • 500.
KONEMAN, E. W., ALLEN, S. D., DOWEL, V. R. and SOMMERS, H. M. (1983) :
Color Atlas and Textbook of Diagnostic Microbiology. 2nd. J. P. Lippincott,
REDFIELD, D. C., OVERTURF, G. D., EWING, N. and POWARS, D. (1980) :
Bacteriemia arthritis and skin lesions due to Kingella kingae. Arch. Dis.
Child., 55 : 411.
SUDHARMA, D. and SULOCHANA, S. {1985) : Isolation of nonliquefaciens
from suppurative pneumonia in New Zeland white rabbits. Kerala J. V. Sci..
16: 136-138.