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Yumurta Verim Düşüklüğü Görülen Bir Yetiştirmedeki Tavukların Serumlarında EDS'76 Virusuna Karşı HI Antikorlarının Belirlenmesi

Yıl 1989, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 4, 111 - 117, 01.12.1989


Bu çalışmada, yumurta veriminde düşüklük gösteren bir özel işletmeye ait tavukların serumlarının EDS'76 yönünden serolojik muayeneleri yapılmıştır.
Semptom gösteren tavuklardan alınan 75 serumdan 72'sinin (%96) EDS'76 virusuna karşı antikor taşıdığı tespit edilmiştir.


  • ADAIR, B. M., TODD, D., McFERRAN, J. B. and KILLOP, E. R. (1986): Camparative serological studies with egg drop syndrome virus. Avian Pathol .. 15 (4) : 677 - 685
  • ALL-HILLY, . J. N. A., KHALIL, H. H. NANO,M. O ., WHALO, N. A. and , AZIZ, S. S. (1982) : Serological survey for the presence of antibodies to egg drop syndrome - 1976 virus in poultry farms in Iraq. Rev. Sci. Tech. Off. Int. Epiz., 1 (1) : 153 -157 . .
  • BADSTUE, P. B. and SMIDT, B. (1978) : Egg-drop Syndrom 76 in Danish poultry; . Nordisk Vet. Med., 30 : 498 - 505.
  • BARRV; D.M, (1969): Egg production and disease: Adenovlrus. Vet. Rec., 84 : 397- 398.
  • CALNEK, B. W. (1978): Haemagglutination-lnhibition antibodies ·against an Adenovirus (Virus- 127) in white Pekin .ducks. in the United States. Avian Dis., 22 (4) : 798 • 801. ·
  • COOK, J. K. A.· (1972) : · Avian adenovirus alone or followed by lnfectious bronchitis virus in laying hens. J. Comp . Path. Thrp., 82 : 119- 128
  • GALLINA, A. M., WINTERFIELD, R. W. and FAELLY, A. M. (1973): Adenovlrus. and disease II. Histoparthology of . natural and experimental disease. Avian Dis., 17 : 343-353
  • HIGASHIHARA, M., TAKAI, S., HIDAKA, A., HOUDATSU, T., HIRUMA, M., . WATANABE, Y. and MATUMOTO, -M. (1983) : Isolation of the virus of egg · drop syndrome 1976- :(EDS-76) In a Janase outbreak. Jap. J. Vet. Sci., 45 (5): 603-612.
  • LHOR, ·J., REISSHAUER, G., SEILKOPF, G. und CLESS, O. (1981): .Serologische untersuchungen zum vorkommen von hamagglutinationshemmenden Antikörpern gegen das Virus des Egg:drop-syndrom 76 in süd Württemberg. Berl. Münch. Tiearztl. Wsch., 94 : 279- 280.
  • LU, Y. S., LIN, D. F., TSAI, H. J., LEE, Y. L., CHIU, S. V., LEE, C. and HUANG S. T. (1985) : Outbreaks of egg-drop-syndrome-76 in Taiwan and isolation of the etiological agent J. Chinese Soc. Vet. Sei., 11 : 157-165.
  • LU, Y. S:; TSAI, H. J., LIN , D. F., CHIU, ·S. Y., LEE, Y. L. and LEE, C. (1985) : Survey on antibody against egg drop syndrome 1976 virus among bird species in. Taiwan. J. Chin. Soc. Vet. Sci., 11 : 151-156.
  • McFERRAN, . J. H., ROELEY H. M., McNULTV, M. S. and MONTGOMERY, L J. · (1977) : Serological .studies . on flocks showing depressed egg production. Avian Pathol., 6 : 405-413.
  • MEULEMANS; S. G., FROYMAN, R. and HALEN, P. ·(1979) : Haemagglutination-inhibition . antibodies against EDS-76 virus in broilers. Avian Pathol:, 8 "(4) : 483.485.
  • MEULEMANS, G., FROYMAN, R., PEETERS, J. and HALEN, P. (1978) : Causes of drop in egg production in Belgian laying flocks. Vlam. Dierges. Tijdsh .. 47 (4) : 292 - 298
  • MOHANTY; . G. C., VERMA, K. C.; PRADHAN ; H·. K. and KUMAR, (1984) : Egg drop syndrome (EDS-76) in lndia : Sero-prevalence of . EDS-76. virus infection '·in :poultry flocks. Indian J: Poult. Sci., .19 ( 1 ): 15- 18.
  • NAWATHE, D. R. and ABEQUNDE; A. . (1980) : Egg . drop syndrome 76 In Nigeria : . Serological evidence in commercial farms. Vet. Rec, 107 (20) : 466.467.
  • PIELA, T. H., GULKA, Ç. M., YATES, . V. J. and CHANG, P. W. (1984): Use or egg yolk in serological tests (ELISA and HI) to detect antibody to Newcastle;. infectious bronchitis and · Mycoplasma gallisepticum. Avian · D is., 28 (4) : 877.883. .
  • RHEE, Y. O," HUN, W. S:, KIM, S. J., PARK, K S. ·and OH, K. R.(1982) : Egg Drop syndrome 1976: ·Res. Rep. Rural Dev.; 24 : ·112- 118.
  • RHEE, Y. O ., PARIK, B. K., JIN, Y., KIM, J. H. and KID S.J, (1982): Rutbreak of Egg Drop Syndrome-76 · in Korea:. Rep. Off. Rurl. Devl., Korea. 24 : ·112- 118 . .
  • SAWA M.I. AZEB, A. M., SHAREEF, A. M., RASHID, R. M:; .SALEH_. . M. I. Outbreak of egg-drop-syndrome-1976 in laying flocks in North Iraq. lraqi J. Agricultural Eci.,Zonco. 5 (4) : 109-117. ·
  • SUKUMAR, M. N. and BABU, T. S. (1986) : Sero-prevalance ·.of ·Egg drop · Syndrome• in poultry. in andhra pradesh lndian Vet. j 63 (5) : 353-355
  • VAN ECK, J. H. H., DEVELAAR, F. G., VAN DEN HEUVEL- PLESMAN·, T.A.M ., VAN . KOLL, N. KOWENHOVEN, B. and GULDIE, F. H. M. (1976) : Dropped egg production· soft shelled and shell-less eggs associated with apperance of · precipitins to . adenovirus in, .flocks of. laying fowl. Avian Pathol., 5: 261-272.
  • VILLIEGAS, P., KLEVEN, S.H., EIDSON, C. S. and TRAMPEL, D. (1979): Isolation of a heamagglutinating adenovirus serologically related to adenovirus 127. Avian Dis., 23: 507-514.
  • WILCOX, G. E., FLOWER. R.L. P., BOXENDALE, W. and MACKENZIE, J. S (1983) : Serological survey of wild birds in Australia for the prevalence of antibodies to egg drop syndrome 1976 (EDS-76) and infectious bursal disease virus. Avian Pathol., 12: 135-139.
  • YAMAGUCHI, S. and TANIGUCHI, T. (1983) : Outbreaks of Egg Drop-syndrome- 1976 in Japan and pathogenicity of isolated virus (JPA-1 strain) for laying hens. Trop. Agric. Res. Cent., 17 (1): 47-54.
  • YAMAGUCHI, S., IMADA, T., KAWAMURA, H. and HORIUCHI,T. (1982) : Survey on antibody against Egg Drop Syndrome-76 virus among chickeıı flocks in Japan. Nat. lnst. Ani m. H Ith. Ouart., 22 : 88- 89.
  • YAMAGUCHI, S., IMADA, T., KAWAMURA, H., TANIGUCHi, S., SAIO, H. and SHIMAMATSU, K. (1981): Outbreaks of Egg-Drop-Syndrome-1976 in Japan and its etiological agent. Avi an Dis .• 25 (3) : 628-641.

Haemagglutination - İnhibition Antibodies Against EDS'76 Virus In Flock Showing Depressed Egg Production

Yıl 1989, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 4, 111 - 117, 01.12.1989


In this study, serological examination of laying hens showing depressed egg production has been carried out for the presence of antibodies against Egg Drop Syndrome 1976 virus.
A total of 75 sera collected from hens were tested by haemagglutination- inhibition tests, 72 (%96) from these sera fere shown to presence antibodies against EDS'76 virus.


  • ADAIR, B. M., TODD, D., McFERRAN, J. B. and KILLOP, E. R. (1986): Camparative serological studies with egg drop syndrome virus. Avian Pathol .. 15 (4) : 677 - 685
  • ALL-HILLY, . J. N. A., KHALIL, H. H. NANO,M. O ., WHALO, N. A. and , AZIZ, S. S. (1982) : Serological survey for the presence of antibodies to egg drop syndrome - 1976 virus in poultry farms in Iraq. Rev. Sci. Tech. Off. Int. Epiz., 1 (1) : 153 -157 . .
  • BADSTUE, P. B. and SMIDT, B. (1978) : Egg-drop Syndrom 76 in Danish poultry; . Nordisk Vet. Med., 30 : 498 - 505.
  • BARRV; D.M, (1969): Egg production and disease: Adenovlrus. Vet. Rec., 84 : 397- 398.
  • CALNEK, B. W. (1978): Haemagglutination-lnhibition antibodies ·against an Adenovirus (Virus- 127) in white Pekin .ducks. in the United States. Avian Dis., 22 (4) : 798 • 801. ·
  • COOK, J. K. A.· (1972) : · Avian adenovirus alone or followed by lnfectious bronchitis virus in laying hens. J. Comp . Path. Thrp., 82 : 119- 128
  • GALLINA, A. M., WINTERFIELD, R. W. and FAELLY, A. M. (1973): Adenovlrus. and disease II. Histoparthology of . natural and experimental disease. Avian Dis., 17 : 343-353
  • HIGASHIHARA, M., TAKAI, S., HIDAKA, A., HOUDATSU, T., HIRUMA, M., . WATANABE, Y. and MATUMOTO, -M. (1983) : Isolation of the virus of egg · drop syndrome 1976- :(EDS-76) In a Janase outbreak. Jap. J. Vet. Sci., 45 (5): 603-612.
  • LHOR, ·J., REISSHAUER, G., SEILKOPF, G. und CLESS, O. (1981): .Serologische untersuchungen zum vorkommen von hamagglutinationshemmenden Antikörpern gegen das Virus des Egg:drop-syndrom 76 in süd Württemberg. Berl. Münch. Tiearztl. Wsch., 94 : 279- 280.
  • LU, Y. S., LIN, D. F., TSAI, H. J., LEE, Y. L., CHIU, S. V., LEE, C. and HUANG S. T. (1985) : Outbreaks of egg-drop-syndrome-76 in Taiwan and isolation of the etiological agent J. Chinese Soc. Vet. Sei., 11 : 157-165.
  • LU, Y. S:; TSAI, H. J., LIN , D. F., CHIU, ·S. Y., LEE, Y. L. and LEE, C. (1985) : Survey on antibody against egg drop syndrome 1976 virus among bird species in. Taiwan. J. Chin. Soc. Vet. Sci., 11 : 151-156.
  • McFERRAN, . J. H., ROELEY H. M., McNULTV, M. S. and MONTGOMERY, L J. · (1977) : Serological .studies . on flocks showing depressed egg production. Avian Pathol., 6 : 405-413.
  • MEULEMANS; S. G., FROYMAN, R. and HALEN, P. ·(1979) : Haemagglutination-inhibition . antibodies against EDS-76 virus in broilers. Avian Pathol:, 8 "(4) : 483.485.
  • MEULEMANS, G., FROYMAN, R., PEETERS, J. and HALEN, P. (1978) : Causes of drop in egg production in Belgian laying flocks. Vlam. Dierges. Tijdsh .. 47 (4) : 292 - 298
  • MOHANTY; . G. C., VERMA, K. C.; PRADHAN ; H·. K. and KUMAR, (1984) : Egg drop syndrome (EDS-76) in lndia : Sero-prevalence of . EDS-76. virus infection '·in :poultry flocks. Indian J: Poult. Sci., .19 ( 1 ): 15- 18.
  • NAWATHE, D. R. and ABEQUNDE; A. . (1980) : Egg . drop syndrome 76 In Nigeria : . Serological evidence in commercial farms. Vet. Rec, 107 (20) : 466.467.
  • PIELA, T. H., GULKA, Ç. M., YATES, . V. J. and CHANG, P. W. (1984): Use or egg yolk in serological tests (ELISA and HI) to detect antibody to Newcastle;. infectious bronchitis and · Mycoplasma gallisepticum. Avian · D is., 28 (4) : 877.883. .
  • RHEE, Y. O," HUN, W. S:, KIM, S. J., PARK, K S. ·and OH, K. R.(1982) : Egg Drop syndrome 1976: ·Res. Rep. Rural Dev.; 24 : ·112- 118.
  • RHEE, Y. O ., PARIK, B. K., JIN, Y., KIM, J. H. and KID S.J, (1982): Rutbreak of Egg Drop Syndrome-76 · in Korea:. Rep. Off. Rurl. Devl., Korea. 24 : ·112- 118 . .
  • SAWA M.I. AZEB, A. M., SHAREEF, A. M., RASHID, R. M:; .SALEH_. . M. I. Outbreak of egg-drop-syndrome-1976 in laying flocks in North Iraq. lraqi J. Agricultural Eci.,Zonco. 5 (4) : 109-117. ·
  • SUKUMAR, M. N. and BABU, T. S. (1986) : Sero-prevalance ·.of ·Egg drop · Syndrome• in poultry. in andhra pradesh lndian Vet. j 63 (5) : 353-355
  • VAN ECK, J. H. H., DEVELAAR, F. G., VAN DEN HEUVEL- PLESMAN·, T.A.M ., VAN . KOLL, N. KOWENHOVEN, B. and GULDIE, F. H. M. (1976) : Dropped egg production· soft shelled and shell-less eggs associated with apperance of · precipitins to . adenovirus in, .flocks of. laying fowl. Avian Pathol., 5: 261-272.
  • VILLIEGAS, P., KLEVEN, S.H., EIDSON, C. S. and TRAMPEL, D. (1979): Isolation of a heamagglutinating adenovirus serologically related to adenovirus 127. Avian Dis., 23: 507-514.
  • WILCOX, G. E., FLOWER. R.L. P., BOXENDALE, W. and MACKENZIE, J. S (1983) : Serological survey of wild birds in Australia for the prevalence of antibodies to egg drop syndrome 1976 (EDS-76) and infectious bursal disease virus. Avian Pathol., 12: 135-139.
  • YAMAGUCHI, S. and TANIGUCHI, T. (1983) : Outbreaks of Egg Drop-syndrome- 1976 in Japan and pathogenicity of isolated virus (JPA-1 strain) for laying hens. Trop. Agric. Res. Cent., 17 (1): 47-54.
  • YAMAGUCHI, S., IMADA, T., KAWAMURA, H. and HORIUCHI,T. (1982) : Survey on antibody against Egg Drop Syndrome-76 virus among chickeıı flocks in Japan. Nat. lnst. Ani m. H Ith. Ouart., 22 : 88- 89.
  • YAMAGUCHI, S., IMADA, T., KAWAMURA, H., TANIGUCHi, S., SAIO, H. and SHIMAMATSU, K. (1981): Outbreaks of Egg-Drop-Syndrome-1976 in Japan and its etiological agent. Avi an Dis .• 25 (3) : 628-641.
Toplam 27 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Konular Veteriner Cerrahi
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Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 1989
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Aralık 1989
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 1989 Cilt: 6 Sayı: 4

Kaynak Göster

APA Akay, Ö., Aydın, N., İzgür, M., Ayhan, H., vd. (1989). Yumurta Verim Düşüklüğü Görülen Bir Yetiştirmedeki Tavukların Serumlarında EDS’76 Virusuna Karşı HI Antikorlarının Belirlenmesi. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 6(4), 111-117.