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Monoklonal Antikorlar (MKA) ve Bunların Hastalıklarda Kullanılması

Year 1989, Volume: 6 Issue: 4, 165 - 195, 01.12.1989


İnsan ve hayvanların vücudu, dışarıdan giren ve özellikle patojenik karakterde olan (bakteri, virus, parazit vs) etkenlere karşı immunolojik bir yanıt verecek tarzda teçhiz edilmiştir. Partiküler nitelikte olanların yanısıra, eriyebilir özellikteki (protein
, polisakkarit ve/veya bunların kompleksleri) substanslara da benzer tarzda bir reaksiyon gösterir. Oluşan bu bağışıksal yanıt başlıca iki tarzda kendini belli etmektedir. Bunlarda, humoral (sıvısal) yanıt ve Sellüler (hücresel) yanıt.
Uyarımın şiddetine, konakcının bağışıklık durumuna ve immunojenin bazı özelliklerine ( yapısı, miktarı, veriliş yolu vs. ) göre, bu yanıtlardan biri daha etkin olmakta diğeri ise ikinci planda kalmaktadır. Bazen de her ikisinin de aynı derecede etkin olabildiği veya hiç olamadığı durumlar da (immunolojik yanıtsızlık, immunolojik paraliz)ortaya çıkabilmektedir. Bu son durum , özellikle, immunojenin çok az veya cok fazla verildiği hallerde görülmektedir.


  • ANTCZAK, D. F. (1982) : Monoclonal antibodies: Technolgg~ and potential use. JAVMA, 181 (10) : 1005- 1010.
  • ARDA, M. (1984) : Monoklenal antikor hazırlama · tekniği (kurs notları) Hannove~ • .
  • DAVIS, W. C.,: McGUIRE, T. C. and · PERRVMAN, E. E: (1982) : Biomedical and biological application of monoclonal antibody technology ·in developing countries. National. Academy Press, Washington, D. C., 1982._ ·· .
  • DOMİNGO, M. (1982) : Herstellung und charakt erisierung ~o~okloiıaler ımtikörper gegen bursazellan des huhnes· (lnaugiıral dissertatlon). ·lnstitut für Veterinar- Pathologie der Justus- Liebig- Universit~it zu Gie'ssen. ·
  • Fox, J. L. (1986) : 'Monoclonal antibodies : A successful diagnosis ASM . News, 52 (2) : 90- 93.
  • GALFRE, G. and MILSTEIN, C. (1981): Preparation of monoclonal antibodies: Strategies and procedures. Eds. V. HOUBA and S. H. CHAN (1982) : Properties of the monoclonal anti- . bodies produced by hybridoma technology and their application to the study of diseases p. 1-46. UNDP/WORLD BANK/WHO, Geneva.
  • GALFRE: ci and MILSTEIN, c. (Hi81): -Preparatiori of miıiıoclonal antibodies: . Strategies and - procedunis. Meth. En~yİncil., :73 : 3 ~ 47. -
  • GERSHWIN, L. J. (1981) : Hybridomas: The production of manaciönai anti- . badies. ·cal. Vet~ . 35 (10) : 31-33. - · '
  • HEWITI, J ., COATES, A.'R. M., MITCİ-liSON and IVANYI, J. (1982) : The use of murine monoelenal antibodies without purification of antige~ in the serodiagnasis· of tuberculosis. j, lmmunological Methods, 55 : 205- 211 -
  • iZGÜR, . M. ve DIKER, K. S. (1984): Monoklenal antikorlar. A. Ü. Vet. Fak Derg., 31 (1) : 98 - 106.
  • KADOUCHE, J ., DARNE, C., KETELS, F., .POULETTY, P., CREVAT, D., KALiL, J. et NAJEAN, V. (1982) : Analyse de differentes isoferritines par des antlcorps monoclonalaux. C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris, t. 295, Serie 443- 448.
  • KEARNEY, J. F. (1984) : Hybridomas and monoelenal antibodies. Ed. W. E Paul. Fundamental lmmunology, Raven Pr~ss , New York.
  • KÖHLER, G. and MILSTEIN.- C. (1975) : Continous culture of fused cells seereting antibody of predifend spesifity. Nature, 256 : 495-497.
  • KRAMMER, P. H., ECHTENACHER, B., GEMSA, D., HAMANN, U . HÜLTNER, L., KALTMAN, B., KESS, U., KUBELKA, C. and MARCUCCI.- F. (1983): lmmune- interferon (IFN), Macrophage a9tivating factors (MAFs), and colony stimulating factors (CSFs), secreted. by T. cell clones in limiting dilution microcultures, · long-term cultures: and by T cell hybridomas. lmriıünol. Review, 76 : 5 - 28.
  • LaBONNARDIERE, C., GROSCLAUDE, J. et VENTURA, M-. (1983): Detection des' hybrides sereteurs d'immunoglobulines monoclonales par egglııtination de -Staph.aureus. Ann. Immuno!., 134 C : 281 - 291.
  • LETOWORTH, G. J . and APPLETON, J. A. (1984) : Methods for production of monoelenal antibodies. U. S. Dep. of Agric., Agriculture Handbook, No. 630.
  • LLOYD, R. V. and WILSON, B. S. (1983) : Spesific endocrine tissue marker defined b,Y a monoelenal antibody. Sciense, 222 : 628- 630.
  • Longenecker, B. M. (1982) : Preparation and properties of monocianal antibodies against cell surface polymorphic or allelic determihats : their use in blood typing and the study of cell differentiation. Anim. Blood groups and Bioch. Genetics, 13 : 225 - 238. ·
  • LOVBORG, U. (1982) : Monqclonal antibodies : Production and mair,ıtenance . .William. Heinemann Medical Books ' London. '
  • McCU.LLOUGH, K. L. (1986) : .Monoclonal antibadfes : implications for virology (brief review). Arch. Virology, 87 : 1 - 36.
  • MENEVŞE, A. ve MENEYŞE, S. (1984) : Gen mühendisliği. TÜBiTAK, Doğa Bilim Derg., Seri C, 8 (3) : 430- 44~.
  • MILSTEN, C . . (1980): Monoelenal antibodies. Sci.. Amer., 243: 56 -_64.
  • MORRISON, S. L., WIMS, L. A. an·d Ol, V. T. (1985) : · Transfectomas :· A new approach for the production of the monocianal antibodies. Eds. ,A. PINCHERA, G. DORIA, f. DAMMACCO, A. BARGELLESI, Monoclonçı F Antibodies'B4 : f3io,logical and elinical application, . P·.· 39-53. Proc. Int. Symp. MCA'84. Editrice kurtis, Milano.
  • NICKERSON, S. C. SHAPIRO, R. P., GUIORY, A . .J., SRIKUMARAN, s. and GOLDSBV; R. A. (19Ş3) : Production of monoclonal . antibodies to bovine leukocyte cell-surface components . . J. Dairy Sci., 66 (7) : 1547 1558
  • NOWINSKI, R. C., TAM, M. R., COLDSTEIN, L. C., STONG, L., KUO C. C., COREY, L., ST AM M, W. E., HANDSFIELD, H. H., K~.APP, S. S. and HOLMES ·K·. K. (1983) : Monoi::lonal antibodies for diagnosis of infecitious diseases' in humans. Science, 219 : 637- 644.
  • PALLOCK, R. R., TEILLAND, J. L. and SCHARFF, M: D. (19~4) : · Monoclonal antibodies : A powerful tool fo'r selseting and analysing mutations in antigenil and antibodies. Ann. Rev: Microbiol., 36.: 389 -;417.
  • PALLOCK, R.' R., AGUIL.A.. H. L., BARGELLESI, A., . SP! RA, G. FISCHBERG. E. and SCHARFF, M. ı:i. [1985) : Advarices in monoclonal ' antibödies. Eds. 'A. PINCHERA, G. DORIA, F. DAMMACCO, A. BARGHESSI; Monoclonai- Antibodies'84 : Bio l ogidıl and elinical applic ation, p. 1.5 - .38. Proc. Int. Symp. , MCA'84. Editrice Kurtis, ·Miano.
  • PASTORET, P. P. (1982) : Antcorps moıiocfonaux et iıerspectives d ~application en decidine veterinaire. Ann.' Res. Vet:, ·13 :· 21 ·- 31 .
  • PATION, J. G., ALLEY, M. C .. and MAO, s·.:J. T. (Hl82) : A~aluation of mo· noclonal antibodies to human plasma· low · deiıs ity l i poprotei~. A requirement for lipid to maintain antigenic structure. J. Immuno!. Meth., 55 : 193- 203.
  • PAVLOV, H., MOGARTH, ·M:. McKENziE •. i. F. ~nd CHEERS, C. (1982): In . vivo and in vitro effects of ıiıonoclonal .antibody to Ly aııtigens on Immunity to infection. Cellular Immuno!., 71 : 127- 138.
  • PENG, W. W., BRESSLER, J. P., CASTIGLIONI , TIFFANY E. and VELLIS, :t (1982) : Developments of a monocianal antibody against a turnar acc~ciated antigen. Science, 215: 1102-1104. · ' '. ;
  • READING, C. L. (1982) : Procedure for in vitro immunization aiıd mon~clonal antibody P.roduction. . Eds. B. H. TOM and J. P. ALLISON; Hybridomas and ' cellular lmmortality p. 235 - 250. Plenuni ·Press, New York. · · ·
  • SCHRÖDER, J. (1980): Monocianal antibodies .: A new tool for researdt ·and imniunodiagonsticS. Biol., 58: 140 ·148.. 1
  • SECHER, D. S. and BURKE, D. C. (1'980) : A ~onoclonal antibody fo~ large s ca le purification of human leukocyte .ınterferon. ·Nature, · 285 : 446-450.
  • SHIRAI , V., HASHIMOTO, K. YAMAJI, H. and TOKASHIKI, M. (1987) : Continous production of monocı'onal antib.ody with immobllized hibridoma cell~ in an expanded bed fermantor. App. Microbiol Biotechnol., 26 : 495- 499.
  • SINKOVIS, J. G. and REESMAN, G. R. (1983) : Monocianal antibodies of hybridomas. Rev. lnfect. Dis., .. 5 (1) : 9-34.
  • SRIKUMARAN, S., GUIDRV, A. J. ve GOLDSBV, R. A. (1982) : Production and characterization of monocianal antibodies to bovine immunoglobulin G2. Amer. J. Vet. Res., 43 (1): 21-25.
  • SÜSS, C. (1983) : Produktion monoklonales antikörper gegen experimentelle gliome durch fusion von mausmyelomzellen (X63-Ag8.653) und maussplenozyten. (lnaugural dissertaion). lnstitur für Tierpathologie der Universtat Münclıen.
  • TEILLAUD, J. L., DESAYMARD, C., GUISTV, A. M., HASELTINE, B., PALLÖCK, R. R., YEL TON, D. E., ZACK, D. J. and SCHARFF, M. D. (1983) : Monocianal antibodies reveal the structural basic of antibody diversity. Scienze, 222 : 721 - 726.
  • THIRY, E. and PASTORET, P. P. (1981): Les anticorps monoclonaux. Ann. Med. vet.. 125 : 485 - 493.
  • ÜSTÜN, T. B. ve ALKAN, Ş. Ş. (1982): Hücre melezlernesi ve monoklonal antikorlar. TÜBiTAK, Doğa Bil im Derg., Tıp, Seri C, 6 (2) : 89-98.
  • VALLERA, R. C., ASH, R. C., ZANJANI , E. D., KERSEV, J. H. LeBIEN, T. W., BEVERLY, P. C.l., NEVI LLE, D. M. and VOULE, R. J. (1983): Anti T-cell reagents for human bone marrow transplantation : Ricin linked to three monoclonal antibodies. Ecience, 222: 512-515.
  • WEINSTAIN, J. N., STELLER, M. A., KEENAN, A. M., COVELL, D. G., KEV, E. E .. SIEBER, S. M., OLDHAM, R. K., HWANG, K. M. and PARKER, R. J. (1983): Monocianal ant!bodies in the lymphat ics : Selective delivery to lymph node metastases a solid tumor. Science, 222 : 423. 426.
  • WEISS, R. A. (1982) : Hybridomas produce viruses as well as antibodies. lmmunol. Taday, 3 ( 11) : 292 - 294.
  • YEWDELL, J. W. and GERHARD, W. (1981) : Antigenic characterization of viruses by monocianal antibad i es. Ann. Rev. Microbiol., 35 : 185- 206.
  • YELTON, D. E. and SCHARFF, M. D. (1982): Monocianal antibodies. Amer. Scintist, 68 (5) : 510-516.
  • YELTON, D. E., MARGULIES, D. H., DIAMOND, B. and SCHARFF, M. D. (1981): Plasmocytomas and Hybridomas. Development and applications. Eds. R. H. KENNETH, T.J. McKEARN, K. B. BECHTOL (1981) : Monocianal antibodies Hybridmas : A new dimension in Biological analyses. p. 3-17. Plenum Press, New York.
Year 1989, Volume: 6 Issue: 4, 165 - 195, 01.12.1989



  • ANTCZAK, D. F. (1982) : Monoclonal antibodies: Technolgg~ and potential use. JAVMA, 181 (10) : 1005- 1010.
  • ARDA, M. (1984) : Monoklenal antikor hazırlama · tekniği (kurs notları) Hannove~ • .
  • DAVIS, W. C.,: McGUIRE, T. C. and · PERRVMAN, E. E: (1982) : Biomedical and biological application of monoclonal antibody technology ·in developing countries. National. Academy Press, Washington, D. C., 1982._ ·· .
  • DOMİNGO, M. (1982) : Herstellung und charakt erisierung ~o~okloiıaler ımtikörper gegen bursazellan des huhnes· (lnaugiıral dissertatlon). ·lnstitut für Veterinar- Pathologie der Justus- Liebig- Universit~it zu Gie'ssen. ·
  • Fox, J. L. (1986) : 'Monoclonal antibodies : A successful diagnosis ASM . News, 52 (2) : 90- 93.
  • GALFRE, G. and MILSTEIN, C. (1981): Preparation of monoclonal antibodies: Strategies and procedures. Eds. V. HOUBA and S. H. CHAN (1982) : Properties of the monoclonal anti- . bodies produced by hybridoma technology and their application to the study of diseases p. 1-46. UNDP/WORLD BANK/WHO, Geneva.
  • GALFRE: ci and MILSTEIN, c. (Hi81): -Preparatiori of miıiıoclonal antibodies: . Strategies and - procedunis. Meth. En~yİncil., :73 : 3 ~ 47. -
  • GERSHWIN, L. J. (1981) : Hybridomas: The production of manaciönai anti- . badies. ·cal. Vet~ . 35 (10) : 31-33. - · '
  • HEWITI, J ., COATES, A.'R. M., MITCİ-liSON and IVANYI, J. (1982) : The use of murine monoelenal antibodies without purification of antige~ in the serodiagnasis· of tuberculosis. j, lmmunological Methods, 55 : 205- 211 -
  • iZGÜR, . M. ve DIKER, K. S. (1984): Monoklenal antikorlar. A. Ü. Vet. Fak Derg., 31 (1) : 98 - 106.
  • KADOUCHE, J ., DARNE, C., KETELS, F., .POULETTY, P., CREVAT, D., KALiL, J. et NAJEAN, V. (1982) : Analyse de differentes isoferritines par des antlcorps monoclonalaux. C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris, t. 295, Serie 443- 448.
  • KEARNEY, J. F. (1984) : Hybridomas and monoelenal antibodies. Ed. W. E Paul. Fundamental lmmunology, Raven Pr~ss , New York.
  • KÖHLER, G. and MILSTEIN.- C. (1975) : Continous culture of fused cells seereting antibody of predifend spesifity. Nature, 256 : 495-497.
  • KRAMMER, P. H., ECHTENACHER, B., GEMSA, D., HAMANN, U . HÜLTNER, L., KALTMAN, B., KESS, U., KUBELKA, C. and MARCUCCI.- F. (1983): lmmune- interferon (IFN), Macrophage a9tivating factors (MAFs), and colony stimulating factors (CSFs), secreted. by T. cell clones in limiting dilution microcultures, · long-term cultures: and by T cell hybridomas. lmriıünol. Review, 76 : 5 - 28.
  • LaBONNARDIERE, C., GROSCLAUDE, J. et VENTURA, M-. (1983): Detection des' hybrides sereteurs d'immunoglobulines monoclonales par egglııtination de -Staph.aureus. Ann. Immuno!., 134 C : 281 - 291.
  • LETOWORTH, G. J . and APPLETON, J. A. (1984) : Methods for production of monoelenal antibodies. U. S. Dep. of Agric., Agriculture Handbook, No. 630.
  • LLOYD, R. V. and WILSON, B. S. (1983) : Spesific endocrine tissue marker defined b,Y a monoelenal antibody. Sciense, 222 : 628- 630.
  • Longenecker, B. M. (1982) : Preparation and properties of monocianal antibodies against cell surface polymorphic or allelic determihats : their use in blood typing and the study of cell differentiation. Anim. Blood groups and Bioch. Genetics, 13 : 225 - 238. ·
  • LOVBORG, U. (1982) : Monqclonal antibodies : Production and mair,ıtenance . .William. Heinemann Medical Books ' London. '
  • McCU.LLOUGH, K. L. (1986) : .Monoclonal antibadfes : implications for virology (brief review). Arch. Virology, 87 : 1 - 36.
  • MENEVŞE, A. ve MENEYŞE, S. (1984) : Gen mühendisliği. TÜBiTAK, Doğa Bilim Derg., Seri C, 8 (3) : 430- 44~.
  • MILSTEN, C . . (1980): Monoelenal antibodies. Sci.. Amer., 243: 56 -_64.
  • MORRISON, S. L., WIMS, L. A. an·d Ol, V. T. (1985) : · Transfectomas :· A new approach for the production of the monocianal antibodies. Eds. ,A. PINCHERA, G. DORIA, f. DAMMACCO, A. BARGELLESI, Monoclonçı F Antibodies'B4 : f3io,logical and elinical application, . P·.· 39-53. Proc. Int. Symp. MCA'84. Editrice kurtis, Milano.
  • NICKERSON, S. C. SHAPIRO, R. P., GUIORY, A . .J., SRIKUMARAN, s. and GOLDSBV; R. A. (19Ş3) : Production of monoclonal . antibodies to bovine leukocyte cell-surface components . . J. Dairy Sci., 66 (7) : 1547 1558
  • NOWINSKI, R. C., TAM, M. R., COLDSTEIN, L. C., STONG, L., KUO C. C., COREY, L., ST AM M, W. E., HANDSFIELD, H. H., K~.APP, S. S. and HOLMES ·K·. K. (1983) : Monoi::lonal antibodies for diagnosis of infecitious diseases' in humans. Science, 219 : 637- 644.
  • PALLOCK, R. R., TEILLAND, J. L. and SCHARFF, M: D. (19~4) : · Monoclonal antibodies : A powerful tool fo'r selseting and analysing mutations in antigenil and antibodies. Ann. Rev: Microbiol., 36.: 389 -;417.
  • PALLOCK, R.' R., AGUIL.A.. H. L., BARGELLESI, A., . SP! RA, G. FISCHBERG. E. and SCHARFF, M. ı:i. [1985) : Advarices in monoclonal ' antibödies. Eds. 'A. PINCHERA, G. DORIA, F. DAMMACCO, A. BARGHESSI; Monoclonai- Antibodies'84 : Bio l ogidıl and elinical applic ation, p. 1.5 - .38. Proc. Int. Symp. , MCA'84. Editrice Kurtis, ·Miano.
  • PASTORET, P. P. (1982) : Antcorps moıiocfonaux et iıerspectives d ~application en decidine veterinaire. Ann.' Res. Vet:, ·13 :· 21 ·- 31 .
  • PATION, J. G., ALLEY, M. C .. and MAO, s·.:J. T. (Hl82) : A~aluation of mo· noclonal antibodies to human plasma· low · deiıs ity l i poprotei~. A requirement for lipid to maintain antigenic structure. J. Immuno!. Meth., 55 : 193- 203.
  • PAVLOV, H., MOGARTH, ·M:. McKENziE •. i. F. ~nd CHEERS, C. (1982): In . vivo and in vitro effects of ıiıonoclonal .antibody to Ly aııtigens on Immunity to infection. Cellular Immuno!., 71 : 127- 138.
  • PENG, W. W., BRESSLER, J. P., CASTIGLIONI , TIFFANY E. and VELLIS, :t (1982) : Developments of a monocianal antibody against a turnar acc~ciated antigen. Science, 215: 1102-1104. · ' '. ;
  • READING, C. L. (1982) : Procedure for in vitro immunization aiıd mon~clonal antibody P.roduction. . Eds. B. H. TOM and J. P. ALLISON; Hybridomas and ' cellular lmmortality p. 235 - 250. Plenuni ·Press, New York. · · ·
  • SCHRÖDER, J. (1980): Monocianal antibodies .: A new tool for researdt ·and imniunodiagonsticS. Biol., 58: 140 ·148.. 1
  • SECHER, D. S. and BURKE, D. C. (1'980) : A ~onoclonal antibody fo~ large s ca le purification of human leukocyte .ınterferon. ·Nature, · 285 : 446-450.
  • SHIRAI , V., HASHIMOTO, K. YAMAJI, H. and TOKASHIKI, M. (1987) : Continous production of monocı'onal antib.ody with immobllized hibridoma cell~ in an expanded bed fermantor. App. Microbiol Biotechnol., 26 : 495- 499.
  • SINKOVIS, J. G. and REESMAN, G. R. (1983) : Monocianal antibodies of hybridomas. Rev. lnfect. Dis., .. 5 (1) : 9-34.
  • SRIKUMARAN, S., GUIDRV, A. J. ve GOLDSBV, R. A. (1982) : Production and characterization of monocianal antibodies to bovine immunoglobulin G2. Amer. J. Vet. Res., 43 (1): 21-25.
  • SÜSS, C. (1983) : Produktion monoklonales antikörper gegen experimentelle gliome durch fusion von mausmyelomzellen (X63-Ag8.653) und maussplenozyten. (lnaugural dissertaion). lnstitur für Tierpathologie der Universtat Münclıen.
  • TEILLAUD, J. L., DESAYMARD, C., GUISTV, A. M., HASELTINE, B., PALLÖCK, R. R., YEL TON, D. E., ZACK, D. J. and SCHARFF, M. D. (1983) : Monocianal antibodies reveal the structural basic of antibody diversity. Scienze, 222 : 721 - 726.
  • THIRY, E. and PASTORET, P. P. (1981): Les anticorps monoclonaux. Ann. Med. vet.. 125 : 485 - 493.
  • ÜSTÜN, T. B. ve ALKAN, Ş. Ş. (1982): Hücre melezlernesi ve monoklonal antikorlar. TÜBiTAK, Doğa Bil im Derg., Tıp, Seri C, 6 (2) : 89-98.
  • VALLERA, R. C., ASH, R. C., ZANJANI , E. D., KERSEV, J. H. LeBIEN, T. W., BEVERLY, P. C.l., NEVI LLE, D. M. and VOULE, R. J. (1983): Anti T-cell reagents for human bone marrow transplantation : Ricin linked to three monoclonal antibodies. Ecience, 222: 512-515.
  • WEINSTAIN, J. N., STELLER, M. A., KEENAN, A. M., COVELL, D. G., KEV, E. E .. SIEBER, S. M., OLDHAM, R. K., HWANG, K. M. and PARKER, R. J. (1983): Monocianal ant!bodies in the lymphat ics : Selective delivery to lymph node metastases a solid tumor. Science, 222 : 423. 426.
  • WEISS, R. A. (1982) : Hybridomas produce viruses as well as antibodies. lmmunol. Taday, 3 ( 11) : 292 - 294.
  • YEWDELL, J. W. and GERHARD, W. (1981) : Antigenic characterization of viruses by monocianal antibad i es. Ann. Rev. Microbiol., 35 : 185- 206.
  • YELTON, D. E. and SCHARFF, M. D. (1982): Monocianal antibodies. Amer. Scintist, 68 (5) : 510-516.
  • YELTON, D. E., MARGULIES, D. H., DIAMOND, B. and SCHARFF, M. D. (1981): Plasmocytomas and Hybridomas. Development and applications. Eds. R. H. KENNETH, T.J. McKEARN, K. B. BECHTOL (1981) : Monocianal antibodies Hybridmas : A new dimension in Biological analyses. p. 3-17. Plenum Press, New York.
There are 47 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Veterinary Surgery
Journal Section Review

Mustafa Arda This is me

Publication Date December 1, 1989
Submission Date December 1, 1989
Published in Issue Year 1989 Volume: 6 Issue: 4


APA Arda, M. (1989). Monoklonal Antikorlar (MKA) ve Bunların Hastalıklarda Kullanılması. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 6(4), 165-195.
