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Koyunlarda Subklinik Mastitislerin Erken Tanısı Amacıyla Süt ve Kanda Bazı Biyokimyasal Değerler ile Mikrobiyolojik Yönden Araştırılması

Year 1989, Volume: 6 Issue: 5, 115 - 125, 01.12.1989


Bu çalışma, koyunlarda subklinik mastitislerin erken tanısı amacıyla kan ve sütte biyokimyasal ve mirobiyolojik yönden araştırmalar yapmak amacıyla yapıldı.
Sunulan bu çalışmada materyal olarak , Koyna Hayvancılık Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü'nden temin edilen 4-7 yaş arasında toplam 27 baş Merinos ırkı koyun kullanıldı.
Kan ve süt örnekleri biyokimyasal ve mikrobiyolojik yönden incelendi. Kan örneklerinde ALP, albumin, Na ve K değerleri tayin edildi. Süt örneklerinde PMN lökosit sayısı, mikrobiyolojik testler, LDH, ALP, Na ve K değerleri ölçüldü.
Subklinik mastitisli koyunların süt örneklerinde PMN lökosit sayısı, LDH, Na ve K değerleri istatistiki yönden önemli farklılıklar göstermiştir. (P<0.005, P<0.01). Mikrobiyolojik yoklamalarda Staph.aureus, Bacillus ssp, Corynebacterium ssp, Staph.epidermitis, Pasteurella haemolytica ve Micrococus ssp.izole ve identifiye edildi.
Sonuç olarak, koyunlarda subklinik mastitislerin erken tanısında PMN lökosit sayılarının tayini, süt LDH, Na ve K değerlerinin ölçülmesi teşhise önemli ölçüde yardımcı olacağı kanısındayız.


  • ALAÇAM, E., NiZAMOGLU, M., ERGANiŞ., O ve SEZER, NA (1888) : ineklerde subklinik mastitislerin tanısı amacıyla süt ve kanda prostaglandin F2a. ile bazı mikrobiyoloiik, •hücresel ve biyokimyasal değerlerin araştırılması . Doğa Tu . Vet. ve Hay. D. 12-1-11-18.
  • ATROSHI, F., PARANTAINEN. J., SANKARI, S. and ÖSTERMAN, T. 1986) : Prostaglandins and glutathione peraksidese in bovine mastitis. Res. Vet. Sci., 40. 4, 361 -366.
  • AYTUG, C.N., ALACAM, E. ve GÖRGÜL, S. (1989) :Sığır -hastalıkları , Tekno Grufik istanbul.
  • BATU, A. ve FiRAT, G. (1981) : Trakya ve Marmara bölgesinde koyunlarda klinik ve suıb klinik mastitisler ve etkenleri üzerinde ara ş tırmalar. Doğa, Vet. Hay./Tar. Orın . 5, 269-274.
  • BEŞE , M. (1974) : Mikrobiyoloiide kullanılan biyokimyasal testler ve besiyerleri. A.Ü. Vet. Fak. Yay. 298. A.Ü. Basımevi , Ankara.
  • BITMAN, J., CECiL, H.C., GJLLIAM, 'D.R. and WRENN, T.T. (1963) : Chemicol composition of mammary gland during exparimental mastitis. J. Dairy Sci. 46. 933-940.
  • BLOOD, D.C., R.A:DOSTITS , O.M . and HBNDE<RSON, J.A. (1983) : A textbook of diaseses of cattle, shee:p, pigs, goats and horses, Veterinary Medicine. Bailiere Tındall : London.
  • BOGIN, E. and ZIV, G. (1972) : Enzymes and minerals ·in normal and mastitic milk. Cornell Vet., 63, 668-676.
  • BOGIN, E. and ZIV, G. (1973) : Enz,ymes and minerals in normal and maslitic cows milk. Br. Vet. J. 121 . 154.
  • BOGIN. E., ZIV, G. and .JW.IOAR J. (1976) : Enzyme activities in normal and inflamed Savine Udder Tissue Z,bl. Vet. Med. A. 23, 460•4u6.
  • BUTOZON, U. and MIHAJLOVIC, S. (1963) : Les mammites microbiennes des ovins ct des coprins en Yogouslavi, Bull. of. Epiz. 60, 1041 -1050.
  • GREEN, J.T. (1984) . Use of Sematic Cell Counts for the detection of subclinical mostilis in ewes. Vet. Rec. 114, 43.
  • GROSS, S.J., POLLAK E.J., ANDERSON, J.G. and TORELL, T.D.L. (197ô) : Ineidence an importance of subclinical mastitis in sheep. Journal of Animal Science 46, 1. 1-8.
  • HAMBITZER, R. and SOMME<R, H. (1987) : Determination of Lactate Dehydrogenase in Bovine Milk, J. Vet. Med. A 34, 721 -727.
  • HINCKLEY, L.S. (1983) : Sematic Cell Count in relation to caprine mastitis, Veterinary Medicine/ Small Animal Clinician August - 1983, 1267-1271 .
  • INTERNATIONAL DAIRY FE.DlRATION (1981) : Laboratory methods for use in mostilis work. Docuınant 132. England.
  • KITCHEN, S.J., MIDDLETON, G. and SALMON, M. (1978) : Bovine mill< Nacetyl B-D-Gicoseominidase and its significance in the detection of abnornıal udder secretions. J. of Dairy Res. 1578, 45, 1"5-20.
  • KONEMAN, E.W., ALLEN, S.D., DOWEL. W.R. and and SOMMERS, H.M. (1983) : Color atlas and tetx~book of diagnostic. 2nd ed., J.D. Lippin cott, Phiiadelphia.
  • MAISI, P., JUNTTILA, J. and SE.PPAıNEN , J. (1987) : Detection of subclinicol mostilis in ewes. Br. Vet. J. 143, 402.
  • MIJNFN, E., JAARTS.VELD, F.H.J ., Al.JBE-RS, G.A.A., VERS.TEGE.N, M.W.A. and TIELEN, M.J.M. (1982) : The value of cell count lactose cotent. pH and conductivity of milk for mostilis detection in individual cows. Neth. Milk Dairy J. 36. 1. 65-77.
  • PARANTAINEN, J., TENHUNEN, E., KANGASNIEMI, R., SANKARI, S. and ATROSH, F. c 1987) : Mil k and blood levels of silicon and seleni um status in rbovine mostitis. Veterinary Research Comminications. 11 . 467-4.
  • PEGREFFI. G. (1963) : «Les mammites infectieuses de la Brebies et de la chevreıı, Bul. off, inst. Epiz. 60, 1009-1040.
  • ROOK, J.A. and WHEELLOCK, J.V. (1967) Reviews of the progres of dairy science. J. Dairy res. 34, 273.
  • SANDHOLM, M. and MATTILA, T. (1986) Biocheınical aspect3 of bovine ınastitis. lsr. J. Vet. Med., 42, 4, 4%-4.15.
  • SASSHOFE-R, V.K., LOIBL, A. und KESSLER, O. (1987) : Eriuan kungen bei Sehat und Ziege 7. Euterent Zundungen. Wien. tierarzti. Mschr 74. 4, 125-135.
  • SCHALM, O.W .. CARROLS, E.J. and JAIN, N.C. (1971) : Bovine mostitis, Lea a!ld Febiger. Philadelphia.
  • SCHUKKEN, Y.H., GROMMERS, F.J., VAN DE GE·ER, D. and BRAND, A. (1989) : Ineidence of dinical mostilis on farms with law somatic cell counts in bulk ınilk . Tihe Vet. Rec., 125. 60-63.
  • SCHUL TZE, W.D. (1985) : Developments in the identification of diseased udder quarters or cows. IDF ·seminer «.Progres in the control of Bovine mastitis ıı . Kiel , F:R. Germany, 319-328.
  • SOMMER, H., HAıMBITZER, R. and AYDIN, 1. ( 1986) : L.:DH activity and ccrrelation to pathogenic and nonpathogenic microorganisms dairy milk. lsr. Vet. Med. 42, 4, 373-375.
  • STRORPER, M .. ZIV, G. and SARAN, A. ("1981) : Evaluation of several milk sampling methods for the diagnosis of Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus agolactiae mostitis. Refuah Vet., 38, 4, 149-153.

Some biochemical and microbiological investigations in milk and blood for the early diagnosis of subclinical mastitis in sheep

Year 1989, Volume: 6 Issue: 5, 115 - 125, 01.12.1989


The aim of this present study was to investigate biochemical and microbiological values in blood and milk for the early diagnosis of subclinical mastitis in sheep.
In this study, a total of 27 merinos sheep, in 4-7 years old, supplied by Konya Animal Research Centre,were used as materials.
Biochemical and microbiological determinations were performed in blood and milk samples. Serum ALP, albumin , Na and K values were determined in the blood samples. The counting of PMN, LDH, ALP, Na and K avlues were measured in the milk samples.
LDH, Na and K values were found statistically significant in the subklinical mastitic sheep milk ( P< 0.005, P< 0.01). Staph.aureus, Bacillus ssp, Corynebacterium ssp, Staph.epidermitis, Pasteurella haemolytica and Micrococus ssp were identified in milk samples.
As a conclusion , the determining of LDH, Na, K and the counting of PMN seemed suitable, for the early diagnosis of subclinical mastitis in sheep.


  • ALAÇAM, E., NiZAMOGLU, M., ERGANiŞ., O ve SEZER, NA (1888) : ineklerde subklinik mastitislerin tanısı amacıyla süt ve kanda prostaglandin F2a. ile bazı mikrobiyoloiik, •hücresel ve biyokimyasal değerlerin araştırılması . Doğa Tu . Vet. ve Hay. D. 12-1-11-18.
  • ATROSHI, F., PARANTAINEN. J., SANKARI, S. and ÖSTERMAN, T. 1986) : Prostaglandins and glutathione peraksidese in bovine mastitis. Res. Vet. Sci., 40. 4, 361 -366.
  • AYTUG, C.N., ALACAM, E. ve GÖRGÜL, S. (1989) :Sığır -hastalıkları , Tekno Grufik istanbul.
  • BATU, A. ve FiRAT, G. (1981) : Trakya ve Marmara bölgesinde koyunlarda klinik ve suıb klinik mastitisler ve etkenleri üzerinde ara ş tırmalar. Doğa, Vet. Hay./Tar. Orın . 5, 269-274.
  • BEŞE , M. (1974) : Mikrobiyoloiide kullanılan biyokimyasal testler ve besiyerleri. A.Ü. Vet. Fak. Yay. 298. A.Ü. Basımevi , Ankara.
  • BITMAN, J., CECiL, H.C., GJLLIAM, 'D.R. and WRENN, T.T. (1963) : Chemicol composition of mammary gland during exparimental mastitis. J. Dairy Sci. 46. 933-940.
  • BLOOD, D.C., R.A:DOSTITS , O.M . and HBNDE<RSON, J.A. (1983) : A textbook of diaseses of cattle, shee:p, pigs, goats and horses, Veterinary Medicine. Bailiere Tındall : London.
  • BOGIN, E. and ZIV, G. (1972) : Enzymes and minerals ·in normal and mastitic milk. Cornell Vet., 63, 668-676.
  • BOGIN, E. and ZIV, G. (1973) : Enz,ymes and minerals in normal and maslitic cows milk. Br. Vet. J. 121 . 154.
  • BOGIN. E., ZIV, G. and .JW.IOAR J. (1976) : Enzyme activities in normal and inflamed Savine Udder Tissue Z,bl. Vet. Med. A. 23, 460•4u6.
  • BUTOZON, U. and MIHAJLOVIC, S. (1963) : Les mammites microbiennes des ovins ct des coprins en Yogouslavi, Bull. of. Epiz. 60, 1041 -1050.
  • GREEN, J.T. (1984) . Use of Sematic Cell Counts for the detection of subclinical mostilis in ewes. Vet. Rec. 114, 43.
  • GROSS, S.J., POLLAK E.J., ANDERSON, J.G. and TORELL, T.D.L. (197ô) : Ineidence an importance of subclinical mastitis in sheep. Journal of Animal Science 46, 1. 1-8.
  • HAMBITZER, R. and SOMME<R, H. (1987) : Determination of Lactate Dehydrogenase in Bovine Milk, J. Vet. Med. A 34, 721 -727.
  • HINCKLEY, L.S. (1983) : Sematic Cell Count in relation to caprine mastitis, Veterinary Medicine/ Small Animal Clinician August - 1983, 1267-1271 .
  • INTERNATIONAL DAIRY FE.DlRATION (1981) : Laboratory methods for use in mostilis work. Docuınant 132. England.
  • KITCHEN, S.J., MIDDLETON, G. and SALMON, M. (1978) : Bovine mill< Nacetyl B-D-Gicoseominidase and its significance in the detection of abnornıal udder secretions. J. of Dairy Res. 1578, 45, 1"5-20.
  • KONEMAN, E.W., ALLEN, S.D., DOWEL. W.R. and and SOMMERS, H.M. (1983) : Color atlas and tetx~book of diagnostic. 2nd ed., J.D. Lippin cott, Phiiadelphia.
  • MAISI, P., JUNTTILA, J. and SE.PPAıNEN , J. (1987) : Detection of subclinicol mostilis in ewes. Br. Vet. J. 143, 402.
  • MIJNFN, E., JAARTS.VELD, F.H.J ., Al.JBE-RS, G.A.A., VERS.TEGE.N, M.W.A. and TIELEN, M.J.M. (1982) : The value of cell count lactose cotent. pH and conductivity of milk for mostilis detection in individual cows. Neth. Milk Dairy J. 36. 1. 65-77.
  • PARANTAINEN, J., TENHUNEN, E., KANGASNIEMI, R., SANKARI, S. and ATROSH, F. c 1987) : Mil k and blood levels of silicon and seleni um status in rbovine mostitis. Veterinary Research Comminications. 11 . 467-4.
  • PEGREFFI. G. (1963) : «Les mammites infectieuses de la Brebies et de la chevreıı, Bul. off, inst. Epiz. 60, 1009-1040.
  • ROOK, J.A. and WHEELLOCK, J.V. (1967) Reviews of the progres of dairy science. J. Dairy res. 34, 273.
  • SANDHOLM, M. and MATTILA, T. (1986) Biocheınical aspect3 of bovine ınastitis. lsr. J. Vet. Med., 42, 4, 4%-4.15.
  • SASSHOFE-R, V.K., LOIBL, A. und KESSLER, O. (1987) : Eriuan kungen bei Sehat und Ziege 7. Euterent Zundungen. Wien. tierarzti. Mschr 74. 4, 125-135.
  • SCHALM, O.W .. CARROLS, E.J. and JAIN, N.C. (1971) : Bovine mostitis, Lea a!ld Febiger. Philadelphia.
  • SCHUKKEN, Y.H., GROMMERS, F.J., VAN DE GE·ER, D. and BRAND, A. (1989) : Ineidence of dinical mostilis on farms with law somatic cell counts in bulk ınilk . Tihe Vet. Rec., 125. 60-63.
  • SCHUL TZE, W.D. (1985) : Developments in the identification of diseased udder quarters or cows. IDF ·seminer «.Progres in the control of Bovine mastitis ıı . Kiel , F:R. Germany, 319-328.
  • SOMMER, H., HAıMBITZER, R. and AYDIN, 1. ( 1986) : L.:DH activity and ccrrelation to pathogenic and nonpathogenic microorganisms dairy milk. lsr. Vet. Med. 42, 4, 373-375.
  • STRORPER, M .. ZIV, G. and SARAN, A. ("1981) : Evaluation of several milk sampling methods for the diagnosis of Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus agolactiae mostitis. Refuah Vet., 38, 4, 149-153.
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Veterinary Surgery
Journal Section Original Article

Mehmet Nizamlıoğlu This is me

Osman Erganiş This is me

Tevfik Tekeli This is me

Nuri Başpınar This is me

Publication Date December 1, 1989
Submission Date December 1, 1989
Published in Issue Year 1989 Volume: 6 Issue: 5


APA Nizamlıoğlu, M., Erganiş, O., Tekeli, T., Başpınar, N. (1989). Koyunlarda Subklinik Mastitislerin Erken Tanısı Amacıyla Süt ve Kanda Bazı Biyokimyasal Değerler ile Mikrobiyolojik Yönden Araştırılması. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 6(5), 115-125.
