The properties of protein-A. productlon by Staphylococci isolated from poultry and the importance of two different media on the production of protein-A.
In this study, 126 S.aureus and 118 S.epidermidis isolates re
·covered from poultry were tested by passive haemagglutination test
using· sensitized sheep red blood cells on slide. In the passages of
isolates from TSA to TSA media 16 (12.7 %) of S.aurues, 2 (1.7 %)
of . S.epidermidis were determined as . positive. · ın subcultures made from TSA to Gox media 45 (35.7%) and 6. (5%) strains representing S.aureus and S.epidermidis were found positive for the protein-A, respectively; These results showed that Gox agar, was the · most sultable medium for the production of protein-A by staphylococci.
AKAY Ö, OCAK, İ :, İZGÜR, M., ARDA, M., AYDIN, N., SULTAN, N. ve AYDIN, N. (1885) : insan ve ceşitli . kaynaklı ·stafilokok· suşlarının protein-A olusturmaları üzerinde bir araş tırma. A. Ü. Vet. Fak. 'Perg., 32: 401-402.
CARRET, ·G .. · FLANDROIS;· J.P. and FLOUOURAT, J. (1981) : Detection of Staph .aureus protein-A by passive haemagglutination test using microtiter plate. Zbl. -Bakt. Hyg, 1. Abt. Orig. A., 249: 32-38 .
ESSERS. L. and RADEBOLD, K. (1980) : Protain-A haemagglutination test a reliable method for rapid identification of staph . aureus . ·Hyg,. Abt. l. Orig.Reihe A .. 247: 170-176.
FLANDROIS, J.P,. FLERETTE, J., et EYRAUD, F. (1976) : Detection de lo
protein-A de Staph .aureus par hemagglutination conditionnee. · Ann. Biol. Clin .. 33: 3&5-3ô8.
FORSGREN, A. ('197J) : Significance ·of protein -A production by Staphylococci.lnfect. lmmun., 2: 672,673.
FORSGREN, A and SJÖQUIST, J. (.1967) : Protein-A from Staph .aureus. lll.Reaction with rabbit gamma globulin . J. lmmun . , 99: 19-24.
iZGÜR, M .. AKAY, Ö. ve USLANOGLU, B. (1987) : insan ve hayvanlardan izole ve idenlifiye edilen S.aureus suşlarının protein-A oluşturmaları üzerine çeşitli besiyerlerinin etkisi. TÜBİTAK Proje No: VHAG-686.
KRONVALL, G., HOLMBERG, O. and RIPA, T. (1972) : Protein-A in Staph.
aureus strains of human and bovine origin. Acta Pathol. Microbiol. Scand.
Sect. B .• 80: 735-742.
LACHICA, V.F., GENIGERGIS, C.A. and HOEPRICH, P.D. (1979) : Occurence
of protein-A in S.aureus and colsely related Staphylococcus species. J. Clin.
Microbiol., 10: 752-753.
LIND, 1. (1974) : Protein-A production in different strains of Staph.aureus
under varied growth conditions. Acta Pathol. Microbiol. Scand., 82: 821·828.
MAXIME, P.E ., MATHEWS, H.L. and MENGOLL, H.F. (1976) : Single tube
mixed agglutination test for .the detection of stapylococcol protein-A. J. Clin.
Microbiol., 4: 418-422.
MULLER. H.P SCHAEG, W. and BLOBEL, H. (.1981) : Protein·A aktivitat
von S.hyicus im vergleich zu protein A von S.areus. Zbl. Bakt. Hyg. ı. Abt.
Orig. A., 249:_ 443-451.
MULLER. -E. E:,- BRUCKLER, · J., SCHAEG, W. and BLOBEL (1973·) : Production of protein-A by cultures of Staph.aureus isolated from cattle and its
pur(fication. Pesquisa Agropeccuaria Brasileirar, Serie Veterinaria., 8: 115·
NETER, E. and GORZYNSKI, E.A. (1959) : Studies on indlrect Staphylococcal
:henıa.gglutination. Z. lnımun. Forsch., 118-288.
OEDING. P. and HAUKENES, G. (1963) : ldentification of Staph . aureus antigens and antibodies by means of the gel precipitation teohnique. Acta
Patihol. Microibiol. Scand. 57: 438-450.
POUTREL, B. et LEFORT, B. (1980) : Mise au point et utilisation d'un rea-
ctif sensible et staible · pour la detection de la proteine-A de Staph.aureus.
Med. Maladies lnfect., 10: 38·41 .
WEISS. R., SCHMEER, N., AMEND, A .. SCHAEG, W. and BEKHEAT. 1. (1984): Detection of pr.otein-A formatian by Staphylococci by means of ELISA. Zıbl.Vet. Med. B ., 31 : 424-434.
WINBLAD. S. and ERICSON. C. (1973) : Sensitized sheep red cells a reactant
for Staph.aureus protein·A. Acta Pathol. Microbiol. Scant. Sect. B.; .. 81:
Tavuk Orjinli Stafilokok Suşlarının Protein-A Sentezleme Özellikleri ve Protein-A Sentezi Üzerinde İki Farklı Besiyerinin Önemi
İdentifiye edilen tavuk orijinli 126 S.aureus ve 118 S.epidermidis
suşu TSA ve Gox agar besiyerlerinde protein-A sentezlemeleri yönünden test edildi. Duyarlı eritrositlerin kullanıldığı lam aglutinasyon testinde, TSA besiyerinden TSA besiyerine yapılan subkültürlerde S.aureus'ların 16 (% 12.7'sı, S.epidermidis suşlarının 2 (% 1.7)'si; TSA besiyerinden Gox besiyerine yapılan subkültürlerde ise· S.aureus ve S.epidermidis suşlarının sırasıyla, 45 (% 35.7) 'i, 6 (% 5)'i pozitif bulundu.
Protein-A sentezleme üzerine en uygun besiyerinin Gox agar
olduğu belirlendi.
AKAY Ö, OCAK, İ :, İZGÜR, M., ARDA, M., AYDIN, N., SULTAN, N. ve AYDIN, N. (1885) : insan ve ceşitli . kaynaklı ·stafilokok· suşlarının protein-A olusturmaları üzerinde bir araş tırma. A. Ü. Vet. Fak. 'Perg., 32: 401-402.
CARRET, ·G .. · FLANDROIS;· J.P. and FLOUOURAT, J. (1981) : Detection of Staph .aureus protein-A by passive haemagglutination test using microtiter plate. Zbl. -Bakt. Hyg, 1. Abt. Orig. A., 249: 32-38 .
ESSERS. L. and RADEBOLD, K. (1980) : Protain-A haemagglutination test a reliable method for rapid identification of staph . aureus . ·Hyg,. Abt. l. Orig.Reihe A .. 247: 170-176.
FLANDROIS, J.P,. FLERETTE, J., et EYRAUD, F. (1976) : Detection de lo
protein-A de Staph .aureus par hemagglutination conditionnee. · Ann. Biol. Clin .. 33: 3&5-3ô8.
FORSGREN, A. ('197J) : Significance ·of protein -A production by Staphylococci.lnfect. lmmun., 2: 672,673.
FORSGREN, A and SJÖQUIST, J. (.1967) : Protein-A from Staph .aureus. lll.Reaction with rabbit gamma globulin . J. lmmun . , 99: 19-24.
iZGÜR, M .. AKAY, Ö. ve USLANOGLU, B. (1987) : insan ve hayvanlardan izole ve idenlifiye edilen S.aureus suşlarının protein-A oluşturmaları üzerine çeşitli besiyerlerinin etkisi. TÜBİTAK Proje No: VHAG-686.
KRONVALL, G., HOLMBERG, O. and RIPA, T. (1972) : Protein-A in Staph.
aureus strains of human and bovine origin. Acta Pathol. Microbiol. Scand.
Sect. B .• 80: 735-742.
LACHICA, V.F., GENIGERGIS, C.A. and HOEPRICH, P.D. (1979) : Occurence
of protein-A in S.aureus and colsely related Staphylococcus species. J. Clin.
Microbiol., 10: 752-753.
LIND, 1. (1974) : Protein-A production in different strains of Staph.aureus
under varied growth conditions. Acta Pathol. Microbiol. Scand., 82: 821·828.
MAXIME, P.E ., MATHEWS, H.L. and MENGOLL, H.F. (1976) : Single tube
mixed agglutination test for .the detection of stapylococcol protein-A. J. Clin.
Microbiol., 4: 418-422.
MULLER. H.P SCHAEG, W. and BLOBEL, H. (.1981) : Protein·A aktivitat
von S.hyicus im vergleich zu protein A von S.areus. Zbl. Bakt. Hyg. ı. Abt.
Orig. A., 249:_ 443-451.
MULLER. -E. E:,- BRUCKLER, · J., SCHAEG, W. and BLOBEL (1973·) : Production of protein-A by cultures of Staph.aureus isolated from cattle and its
pur(fication. Pesquisa Agropeccuaria Brasileirar, Serie Veterinaria., 8: 115·
NETER, E. and GORZYNSKI, E.A. (1959) : Studies on indlrect Staphylococcal
:henıa.gglutination. Z. lnımun. Forsch., 118-288.
OEDING. P. and HAUKENES, G. (1963) : ldentification of Staph . aureus antigens and antibodies by means of the gel precipitation teohnique. Acta
Patihol. Microibiol. Scand. 57: 438-450.
POUTREL, B. et LEFORT, B. (1980) : Mise au point et utilisation d'un rea-
ctif sensible et staible · pour la detection de la proteine-A de Staph.aureus.
Med. Maladies lnfect., 10: 38·41 .
WEISS. R., SCHMEER, N., AMEND, A .. SCHAEG, W. and BEKHEAT. 1. (1984): Detection of pr.otein-A formatian by Staphylococci by means of ELISA. Zıbl.Vet. Med. B ., 31 : 424-434.
WINBLAD. S. and ERICSON. C. (1973) : Sensitized sheep red cells a reactant
for Staph.aureus protein·A. Acta Pathol. Microbiol. Scant. Sect. B.; .. 81:
Ayhan, H., & Aydın, N. (1990). Tavuk Orjinli Stafilokok Suşlarının Protein-A Sentezleme Özellikleri ve Protein-A Sentezi Üzerinde İki Farklı Besiyerinin Önemi. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 6(6), 61-66.