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Etlik Hayvan Hastalıkları Araştırma Enstitüsüne Gelen Koyun Materyallerinde Mikoplazmal Enzootik Pnöymoni Olayları ve Patolojik Bulgular

Year 1993, Volume: 7 Issue: 4, 172 - 197, 01.12.1993


Etlik Hayvan Hastalıklan Araştınna Enstirusüne iki yıl içinde gelen 262
koyun akciğeri histopatolojik olarak incelendi. Bunlardan 148 tanesinde
pnöymoni tesbit edildi (%44.6). Pnöymonili akciğerlerden yapılan histopatolojik,
barteriyolojik, virolojik yoklamalarda mycoplasmaların pnöymonilere
katılımı incelendi. ·
Bu çalışmalarda lezyonlu akciğerlerden izole edilen 26 mycoplasmanın
20'sinin M. arjinini olduğu tesbit edildi. Ancak mycoplasmalar lezyonlu dokularda
tek başına bulunmayıp çeşitli bakteri (%21.4), virus (%9.8) ve parazİtler
(%6.25) eşlik ediyorlardı. Etiyolojik ajanı tesbit edilemeyen intersitisyel
pnöymoni bulgulan gösteren 9 akciğerin 5'inden M.arjinini İzolasyonu


  • ALİBAŞOGLU, M.: Patoloji II. Sindirim ve Solunum Sistemleri Patoloji Ders notları. B.Ü. Vet. Fak. 96-104, 1981
  • AYTUG, C.N.: Kuzuların enzootik pneumonisi. I. Etiyoloji ve patogenez alanında yeni gelişmeler. II. Tiamitin ile koruyucu tedavi denemeleri. Koyun Yetiştiriciliği ve Hastalıkları Sempozyumu. 11-12 Mayıs S.Ü. Vet. Fak. 1987.
  • BELAK, S.: PALFI, V; PAL YA, Y .: Adenavirus infection in lam bs. I. Epizootiology of the disease. Zbl. Vet. Med. B. 23- : 320-330, 1976.
  • BIBERSTAN, E.L.: SHREEVE, B.J.; ANGUS, K.W.; THOMPSON, D.A.: Experimental pneumonia of sheep. J. Comp. Path. 81 : 339-350, 1971.
  • BLOOD, D.C.; RADASTITS, O.M.: Disease of the respiratory system. Veterinary Medicine. 7 th Edition, London UK. 367-368 1990.
  • BOCKLISCH, Von H. : PFÜTZNER, H.: WEIDEHAAS, H.: ZEPEZAUER.V.: Mycoyplasmennachweise bei pneumonien von schafen unter besonderer berücksichtigung von .M. ovipneumoniae. Mh. Vet. 42: 778-781, 1987.
  • BROGDEN, K.A.: ROSE, D.; CUTLIP, C.; LEHMKUHL, H.D.; JULLY, J.G.: Isolation and identification of mycoplasmas from the nasal cavity of sheep. Am. J. Vet. Res. 49: 1669-1672, 1988.
  • BORWN, G.G.: Primer of Histopathologic Tecnique. Appleton Century-Corfts, Educational Division, Meredith Corporation, New York, 123-124 and 137-138, 1969.
  • CARTER, G.R.: Mycoplasma. Pathogenesis of Bacterial Infections in Animals. Iowe State Universty Press lowa. 205-215, 1986.
  • CLYDE, W.A.: Mycoplasma-Animal host interrelationships in metods in mycoplasmology . Vol. I. Mycoplasma Characterization Razin, S.; Jully, J.G. (eds) Academic Press, New York, 15-19, 1983.
  • CUTLIP, R.C., LEHMKUHL, H.D.: Experimentally induced paraınfluenza type 3 virus infection in young lambs : Pathologie responce. Am. J. Vet. Res. 43: 2101-2107, 1982.
  • CUTLIP, R.C., YOUNG, S.: Sheep pulmonary adenomatasis Uaagsiekta) ın the United States. Am. J. Vet. Res. 43: 2108-2113, 1982.
  • CUTLIP, R.C., LEHMKUHL, H.D.: Experimental infection of lambs with ovine adeno virus isoiate RTS-151: Lesions. Am. J.Veı. Res. 44: 2395-2402, 1983.
  • DAVIES, D.H., LONG, D.L., Mc CARTHY, A.R., HERCEP, M.: The effect of Parainfluenza virus type 3 on the phagochytic cell response of the ovine lung to Pasleurella Haemolytica. Vet. Microbiol. ll: 125-144, 1986.
  • DAWSON, M., DONE, S.H., VENABLES, C.: JENK!NS, C.E.: Maedi-Visna and sheep pulmonary adenoınatosis. A study of concurrent infection. Br. Vet. J. 146: 531-537, 1990.
  • DINTER, Z.: MOREIN, B.: Ovine adeno virus. Virus Infectious of Ruıninants. Elsevier Science Puplishers. B.U. Oxford U.K. 171-187, 1990.
  • DUBEY, S.C.: KUMAR, N: SHARMA, S.N.: Experimental pneumoenteritis in lambs with local isoiate of ovine adenavirus typ-1. Ind. J.An. Sci. 57: 787-797, 1987.
  • ERNO, H., : Mycoplasmosis of ruminants: a general introduction Rev. Sci. Tech. Off. Int. Epiz. 6: 553-560, 1987.
  • FOGGIE, A.: ANGUS, K.W.: Observations on the distribution of Mycoplasma arginini as a respiratory tract infection in sheep and its pathogenicity for specific pathogen free lambs. Vet. Rec. ll: 312-313, 1972.
  • FOGGIE, A. : JONES, G.E.: BUXTON, D.: The experimental infection of specific pathogen free lambs with mycoplasma ovipneumonia. Rec. Vet. Sci. 21: 28-35, 1976.
  • GEORGE, T.D.: CARMICHAEL, L.E.: Isolation of mycoplasma ovipneumoniae from sheep with chronic pneumonia. Vet. Rec. 97: 205-206, 1975.
  • GILMOUR, N.J.L.: GILMOUR, J.S .: Diagnosis of pasteurellosis ın sheep. In. Practice. 145-149, 1985.
  • GUPTA, P.D.: SOOD, N.: BANGA,H.S.: Pathogenicity of mycoplasma mycoides sub. sp. mycoides (large-colony type) for sheep. Indian Vet. J. 65: 475-477, 1988.
  • HOVE, D.E.: STEVENSON, R.G.: Respiratory infeelian of lambs with on ovine strain of parainfluenza virus type 3. Res. Vet. Sci. 10: 342-352. 1960.
  • HOVE, D.E., STEVENSON, R.G.,: GILMOUR, N.J.L.: Influenza virus from the lungs and nasal passages of sheep showing respiratory disease. J.Comp. Path. 78: 259-265, 1968
  • IONAS, G.: ALISON, J.M.: ALLEY, M.R.: CLARKE, J.K.: ROBlNSON, A.J.: MARSHALL, R.B.: Colonisation of the repsiratory tract of lambs by strains mycoplasma ovipneumonia. Vet. Microbiol. 10: 533-539, 1985.
  • JONES, G.E. : Mycoplasmas of sheep and goals : a synopsis. Vet. Rec. 619-620, 1983.
  • KIRAN, M.M.: Konya bölgesi kuzu pneumonilerinde patolojik ve etiyolajik araştırmalar. Doktora Tezi, S.Ü. Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Konya, 1~90.
  • LEFEVRE, P.C. : JONES, G.E.: OJO, M.O. : Pulmonary mycoplasmosis of sm ail ruminants. Rev. Sci. Tech. Off. Int. Epiz. 6: 759-801, 1987.
  • LEMKUL, H.D.: CUTLIP, R.C.: Characterisation of parainfluenza type 3 virus isolates from the lung of a lamb with pneumonia. Am. J. Vet. Res. 43: 626-627, 1928.
  • OKOH, A.E.: OCHOLlJ, R.A.: Disease associated with Mycoplasma mycoide subspesies mycoides in sheep in Nigeria. Vet. Med. 118- 212, 1980.
  • OLIVER, R.E.: GORHAM,J.R.: PERRYMAN, L.E.: SPENCER,G.R.: Ovine progressive pneumonia: Experimental intrathoracic, intracerebral intraarticular infection of lambs. Zbl. Vet. Med. B., 24 : 529-541, 1981.
  • OLIVER, R.E.: GORHAM, J.R.: PERRYMAN, L.E.: SPENEER, G.R: Ovine progressive pneumonia : Experimental intrathoracic, intracerebral and intraarticuler infections. Am. J: Vet. Res. 42: 1560-1564, 1981.
  • PALYA, V .. : BELAK, S.: PALFI, V.: Adeno virus infection in lam bs Il. Experimental infection of lambs. Zbl. Vet. Med. B. 24: 529-541, 1977.
  • PARKS. S.B. POST.G.: THORNE, J.: NASH, P.: Parainfluenza - 3 virus infection in Rock Mountain Bighorn sheep. J.A.V.M.A. 161: 669-671- 1972.
  • RAZIN, S.: TULLY, T.G.l.: Methods in mycoplasmology. Vol. I. Mycoplasma Characterization. Academic Prees. New York.
  • ROSENDAL, S.: Experimental infection of goats, sheep and calves with the large colony type of mycoplasma mycoide~ subsp mycoides. Vet. Path. ·18: 71-81, 1981.
  • ROSENDAL, S.: Mycoplasmas. Essentials of Vet. Bacterioloji and Mycology. GYLES, CL.: THGEN; C.O. (eds), 3 rd ed. Lea, Febiger. Philadelphia 215-220, 1988.
  • SHARP, J.M.: Slow virus infections of the respiratory tract of sheep. Vet. Res. 108: 391-393, 1981.
  • SREERAMULU, P.: KRISHNASW ANY, S: GAPOLAKRISHNA RAO, O, : RAMA RAO, P.: Histopathological changes in naturally and experim.ı:ntal mycoplasmal pneumonias of sheep. Indian Vet. J. 64: 452-455, , 1987.
  • STALHEIM, H. V.: Mycoplasmal respiratory · diseases of ruminan ts: A review and update. J.A.V.M.A. 182: 403-406, 1983.
  • SULLIVAN, N.D.: St GEORGE, T.D.: HORSFALL, N.: A proliferative intersititial pneumonia of sheep associated with mycoplasma infection. 1. Natural history of the disease in a flock. Aust. Vet. J. 49: 57-62, 1973.
  • SULLIVAN, N.D.: St GEORGE, T.D.; HORSFALL, N.: A proliferative intersititial pneumonia of sheep associated with mycoplasma infection Il. The experimental exposure of young lambs to infection. Aust. Vet. J. 49: 63-68, 1973.
  • THIKRLL, D.; SPOONER, R.K.; JONES, G.E.; RUSSELL, W.C.: The humoral immune response of lambs experimentally infected wjith mycoplasma ovipneumonia. Vet. Microbiol. 24: 143-153, 1990.
  • WlLSON, G.S.: MULES, A.A.: The mycoplasmatales. Topley and Vilson's Principles of Bacterioloyg Virology and Immunity. Vol. 5 Butter and Tanner. 1206-1214, 1975.

«The cases of mycoplasmal enzootic pneumonia and pathological findings in the sheep malerials that were senıto Etlik Animal Diseases Research Institute»

Year 1993, Volume: 7 Issue: 4, 172 - 197, 01.12.1993


Mycoplasmol enzocitic peneumonia cases and their pathological characterizations
in sheep in Etlik Animal Diseases Research Ensti tu te.
262 sheep lungs had been taken under histopathological examinations during
two years.Pneumonia was diagnosed 148 of the lungs (%44.6). The assosiation
of the mycoplasmas in the pneumonia cases, carried out by histopathological,
bacteriological and virological examinations.
Mycoplasma were isolated 26 of the lungs and 20 of them were M. arjinini.
However, mycoplasmas were not alone in the pneumonia lesions, they
were accompanied by bacteria (%21.4), viruses (%9.8) and parasites
9 lungs showed chonic intersititial pneumonia lesions, their etiology was
tınknown and M. aıjinini w as isolated fonn 5 lung out of 9.


  • ALİBAŞOGLU, M.: Patoloji II. Sindirim ve Solunum Sistemleri Patoloji Ders notları. B.Ü. Vet. Fak. 96-104, 1981
  • AYTUG, C.N.: Kuzuların enzootik pneumonisi. I. Etiyoloji ve patogenez alanında yeni gelişmeler. II. Tiamitin ile koruyucu tedavi denemeleri. Koyun Yetiştiriciliği ve Hastalıkları Sempozyumu. 11-12 Mayıs S.Ü. Vet. Fak. 1987.
  • BELAK, S.: PALFI, V; PAL YA, Y .: Adenavirus infection in lam bs. I. Epizootiology of the disease. Zbl. Vet. Med. B. 23- : 320-330, 1976.
  • BIBERSTAN, E.L.: SHREEVE, B.J.; ANGUS, K.W.; THOMPSON, D.A.: Experimental pneumonia of sheep. J. Comp. Path. 81 : 339-350, 1971.
  • BLOOD, D.C.; RADASTITS, O.M.: Disease of the respiratory system. Veterinary Medicine. 7 th Edition, London UK. 367-368 1990.
  • BOCKLISCH, Von H. : PFÜTZNER, H.: WEIDEHAAS, H.: ZEPEZAUER.V.: Mycoyplasmennachweise bei pneumonien von schafen unter besonderer berücksichtigung von .M. ovipneumoniae. Mh. Vet. 42: 778-781, 1987.
  • BROGDEN, K.A.: ROSE, D.; CUTLIP, C.; LEHMKUHL, H.D.; JULLY, J.G.: Isolation and identification of mycoplasmas from the nasal cavity of sheep. Am. J. Vet. Res. 49: 1669-1672, 1988.
  • BORWN, G.G.: Primer of Histopathologic Tecnique. Appleton Century-Corfts, Educational Division, Meredith Corporation, New York, 123-124 and 137-138, 1969.
  • CARTER, G.R.: Mycoplasma. Pathogenesis of Bacterial Infections in Animals. Iowe State Universty Press lowa. 205-215, 1986.
  • CLYDE, W.A.: Mycoplasma-Animal host interrelationships in metods in mycoplasmology . Vol. I. Mycoplasma Characterization Razin, S.; Jully, J.G. (eds) Academic Press, New York, 15-19, 1983.
  • CUTLIP, R.C., LEHMKUHL, H.D.: Experimentally induced paraınfluenza type 3 virus infection in young lambs : Pathologie responce. Am. J. Vet. Res. 43: 2101-2107, 1982.
  • CUTLIP, R.C., YOUNG, S.: Sheep pulmonary adenomatasis Uaagsiekta) ın the United States. Am. J. Vet. Res. 43: 2108-2113, 1982.
  • CUTLIP, R.C., LEHMKUHL, H.D.: Experimental infection of lambs with ovine adeno virus isoiate RTS-151: Lesions. Am. J.Veı. Res. 44: 2395-2402, 1983.
  • DAVIES, D.H., LONG, D.L., Mc CARTHY, A.R., HERCEP, M.: The effect of Parainfluenza virus type 3 on the phagochytic cell response of the ovine lung to Pasleurella Haemolytica. Vet. Microbiol. ll: 125-144, 1986.
  • DAWSON, M., DONE, S.H., VENABLES, C.: JENK!NS, C.E.: Maedi-Visna and sheep pulmonary adenoınatosis. A study of concurrent infection. Br. Vet. J. 146: 531-537, 1990.
  • DINTER, Z.: MOREIN, B.: Ovine adeno virus. Virus Infectious of Ruıninants. Elsevier Science Puplishers. B.U. Oxford U.K. 171-187, 1990.
  • DUBEY, S.C.: KUMAR, N: SHARMA, S.N.: Experimental pneumoenteritis in lambs with local isoiate of ovine adenavirus typ-1. Ind. J.An. Sci. 57: 787-797, 1987.
  • ERNO, H., : Mycoplasmosis of ruminants: a general introduction Rev. Sci. Tech. Off. Int. Epiz. 6: 553-560, 1987.
  • FOGGIE, A.: ANGUS, K.W.: Observations on the distribution of Mycoplasma arginini as a respiratory tract infection in sheep and its pathogenicity for specific pathogen free lambs. Vet. Rec. ll: 312-313, 1972.
  • FOGGIE, A. : JONES, G.E.: BUXTON, D.: The experimental infection of specific pathogen free lambs with mycoplasma ovipneumonia. Rec. Vet. Sci. 21: 28-35, 1976.
  • GEORGE, T.D.: CARMICHAEL, L.E.: Isolation of mycoplasma ovipneumoniae from sheep with chronic pneumonia. Vet. Rec. 97: 205-206, 1975.
  • GILMOUR, N.J.L.: GILMOUR, J.S .: Diagnosis of pasteurellosis ın sheep. In. Practice. 145-149, 1985.
  • GUPTA, P.D.: SOOD, N.: BANGA,H.S.: Pathogenicity of mycoplasma mycoides sub. sp. mycoides (large-colony type) for sheep. Indian Vet. J. 65: 475-477, 1988.
  • HOVE, D.E.: STEVENSON, R.G.: Respiratory infeelian of lambs with on ovine strain of parainfluenza virus type 3. Res. Vet. Sci. 10: 342-352. 1960.
  • HOVE, D.E., STEVENSON, R.G.,: GILMOUR, N.J.L.: Influenza virus from the lungs and nasal passages of sheep showing respiratory disease. J.Comp. Path. 78: 259-265, 1968
  • IONAS, G.: ALISON, J.M.: ALLEY, M.R.: CLARKE, J.K.: ROBlNSON, A.J.: MARSHALL, R.B.: Colonisation of the repsiratory tract of lambs by strains mycoplasma ovipneumonia. Vet. Microbiol. 10: 533-539, 1985.
  • JONES, G.E. : Mycoplasmas of sheep and goals : a synopsis. Vet. Rec. 619-620, 1983.
  • KIRAN, M.M.: Konya bölgesi kuzu pneumonilerinde patolojik ve etiyolajik araştırmalar. Doktora Tezi, S.Ü. Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Konya, 1~90.
  • LEFEVRE, P.C. : JONES, G.E.: OJO, M.O. : Pulmonary mycoplasmosis of sm ail ruminants. Rev. Sci. Tech. Off. Int. Epiz. 6: 759-801, 1987.
  • LEMKUL, H.D.: CUTLIP, R.C.: Characterisation of parainfluenza type 3 virus isolates from the lung of a lamb with pneumonia. Am. J. Vet. Res. 43: 626-627, 1928.
  • OKOH, A.E.: OCHOLlJ, R.A.: Disease associated with Mycoplasma mycoide subspesies mycoides in sheep in Nigeria. Vet. Med. 118- 212, 1980.
  • OLIVER, R.E.: GORHAM,J.R.: PERRYMAN, L.E.: SPENCER,G.R.: Ovine progressive pneumonia: Experimental intrathoracic, intracerebral intraarticular infection of lambs. Zbl. Vet. Med. B., 24 : 529-541, 1981.
  • OLIVER, R.E.: GORHAM, J.R.: PERRYMAN, L.E.: SPENEER, G.R: Ovine progressive pneumonia : Experimental intrathoracic, intracerebral and intraarticuler infections. Am. J: Vet. Res. 42: 1560-1564, 1981.
  • PALYA, V .. : BELAK, S.: PALFI, V.: Adeno virus infection in lam bs Il. Experimental infection of lambs. Zbl. Vet. Med. B. 24: 529-541, 1977.
  • PARKS. S.B. POST.G.: THORNE, J.: NASH, P.: Parainfluenza - 3 virus infection in Rock Mountain Bighorn sheep. J.A.V.M.A. 161: 669-671- 1972.
  • RAZIN, S.: TULLY, T.G.l.: Methods in mycoplasmology. Vol. I. Mycoplasma Characterization. Academic Prees. New York.
  • ROSENDAL, S.: Experimental infection of goats, sheep and calves with the large colony type of mycoplasma mycoide~ subsp mycoides. Vet. Path. ·18: 71-81, 1981.
  • ROSENDAL, S.: Mycoplasmas. Essentials of Vet. Bacterioloji and Mycology. GYLES, CL.: THGEN; C.O. (eds), 3 rd ed. Lea, Febiger. Philadelphia 215-220, 1988.
  • SHARP, J.M.: Slow virus infections of the respiratory tract of sheep. Vet. Res. 108: 391-393, 1981.
  • SREERAMULU, P.: KRISHNASW ANY, S: GAPOLAKRISHNA RAO, O, : RAMA RAO, P.: Histopathological changes in naturally and experim.ı:ntal mycoplasmal pneumonias of sheep. Indian Vet. J. 64: 452-455, , 1987.
  • STALHEIM, H. V.: Mycoplasmal respiratory · diseases of ruminan ts: A review and update. J.A.V.M.A. 182: 403-406, 1983.
  • SULLIVAN, N.D.: St GEORGE, T.D.: HORSFALL, N.: A proliferative intersititial pneumonia of sheep associated with mycoplasma infection. 1. Natural history of the disease in a flock. Aust. Vet. J. 49: 57-62, 1973.
  • SULLIVAN, N.D.: St GEORGE, T.D.; HORSFALL, N.: A proliferative intersititial pneumonia of sheep associated with mycoplasma infection Il. The experimental exposure of young lambs to infection. Aust. Vet. J. 49: 63-68, 1973.
  • THIKRLL, D.; SPOONER, R.K.; JONES, G.E.; RUSSELL, W.C.: The humoral immune response of lambs experimentally infected wjith mycoplasma ovipneumonia. Vet. Microbiol. 24: 143-153, 1990.
  • WlLSON, G.S.: MULES, A.A.: The mycoplasmatales. Topley and Vilson's Principles of Bacterioloyg Virology and Immunity. Vol. 5 Butter and Tanner. 1206-1214, 1975.
There are 45 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Veterinary Surgery
Journal Section Original Article

Emine Aksoy This is me

Publication Date December 1, 1993
Submission Date December 1, 1993
Published in Issue Year 1993 Volume: 7 Issue: 4


APA Aksoy, E. (1993). Etlik Hayvan Hastalıkları Araştırma Enstitüsüne Gelen Koyun Materyallerinde Mikoplazmal Enzootik Pnöymoni Olayları ve Patolojik Bulgular. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 7(4), 172-197.
