Research Article
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Year 1999, Volume: 10 Issue: 1, 19 - 30, 01.06.1999


Toroviruslar içinde Breda virus sığırların, Berne virus ise atların enteritis etkeni olarak saptanmıştır. Ayrıca insan ve domuzlarda da Torovirusların varlığı bilinmektedir.
Bu derlemede son yıllarda enterik enfeksiyonlarda önem kazanmaya başlayan Toroviruslar hakkında bilgi verilmiştir.


  • Koopmans M, Herrewegh A, Horzinek M C (1991): Diagnosis oj Torovirus Irifection. The Lancet. 337 (6) : 859.
  • Koopmans M, Wuijckhuise-Sjouke LV, Schukken Y H, Cremers H, Horzinek M C (ı 99 ı) : Association oj Diarrhea in Cattle w ith Torovirus Injections on Farms. Am. J. Vet. Res .. 52 (ll) : ı 769- 1773.
  • Liebermann H (1990): Für die DDR neuartige Virusinjelctioner der Haustiere. I. Mitteulung: Serologische über Sichtsuntersuchungen über die Verbreitung equiner Torovirusinjelctşonen in der DDR. Arch. exper. Vet. Med., 44 (2): 25ı-253.
  • Liebler E M, Klüver S, Pohlenz J, Koopmans M (ı992). Zur Bedeutung des Bredavirus als Durchjallergener in niedersachsischen Kalberbestanden. Dtsch.Tieraztl. Wschr .. 99: 195-200.
  • Penrith ML, Gerates G H (1992): Breda virus-lilee Partic/es in Pigs in South Ajrica. Journal of the South Mrican Veterinary Association, 63 (3): 102 .
  • Scott A C, ·chaplin MJ, Stack MJ, Lund L J (ı987). Porcine Torovirus. The Veterinary Record, ı3 : 583.
  • Vanopdenbosch E, Wellemans G, Petroff K (1991): Breda virus Associated with Respiratory Disease in Calves. Th~ Veterinary Record 3 ı : 203.
  • Vanopdenbosch E, Wellemans G, Charlier G, Petroff K (ı 992): Bovine Torovirus : Cell culture propagation oj a respiratory isoIate and same epidemiological data. Vlaams. Diergeneeskundig Tijdschrift, 6ı (2) : 45-49.
  • Weiss M, Horzinek M C (ı 986): Resistance oj BEV to Physical and Chemical Treatment. Veterinary Microbiology, ı ı: 4 ı -46.
  • Weiss M, Horzinek M C (1987): The Proposed Family Toroviridae.: Agents oj Enteric Injections. Arch.Virol. , 92: ı- ı5 .
  • Weiss M, Steck F, Horzinek M C (ı983) : Purification and Partial Characterisation oj a New Enveloped RNA virus. (Berne Virus). J. Gen. Viral.. 64: ı849- ı858.
  • Weiss M, Steck F, Kaderli R, Horzinek M C (1984). Antibodies to Berne virus in Horses and Other Animals. Veterinary Microbiology. 9: 523-531.
  • Woode G N (1990): Breda virus. Virus Infections of Ruminants, Chapter: 29. 309-316; Plenum Press.
  • Woode G N, Reed D E, Runnets P L, Herrig MA, Hill H T (19821: Studies with an Unclassified Virusfrom Diarrheic Calves. Veterinary Microbiology, 7 : 221-240.
  • Zanoni R, Weiss M, Peterhans E (1986): The Haemaglutinating Activity of BEV. Journal of General Virology. 67 : 2485- 2488.


Year 1999, Volume: 10 Issue: 1, 19 - 30, 01.06.1999


Toroviruses comprise two genera namely. Breda virus of cattle and Berne virus of cattle and Berne virus of horse which had been described as a causative agents of enteric infections, respectively. Besides, Toroviruses are present in human being and pigs.
In this article it was given the knowledge about Toroviruses which is having an importance on the responsibilitiy on enteric infections, during the past decade.


  • Koopmans M, Herrewegh A, Horzinek M C (1991): Diagnosis oj Torovirus Irifection. The Lancet. 337 (6) : 859.
  • Koopmans M, Wuijckhuise-Sjouke LV, Schukken Y H, Cremers H, Horzinek M C (ı 99 ı) : Association oj Diarrhea in Cattle w ith Torovirus Injections on Farms. Am. J. Vet. Res .. 52 (ll) : ı 769- 1773.
  • Liebermann H (1990): Für die DDR neuartige Virusinjelctioner der Haustiere. I. Mitteulung: Serologische über Sichtsuntersuchungen über die Verbreitung equiner Torovirusinjelctşonen in der DDR. Arch. exper. Vet. Med., 44 (2): 25ı-253.
  • Liebler E M, Klüver S, Pohlenz J, Koopmans M (ı992). Zur Bedeutung des Bredavirus als Durchjallergener in niedersachsischen Kalberbestanden. Dtsch.Tieraztl. Wschr .. 99: 195-200.
  • Penrith ML, Gerates G H (1992): Breda virus-lilee Partic/es in Pigs in South Ajrica. Journal of the South Mrican Veterinary Association, 63 (3): 102 .
  • Scott A C, ·chaplin MJ, Stack MJ, Lund L J (ı987). Porcine Torovirus. The Veterinary Record, ı3 : 583.
  • Vanopdenbosch E, Wellemans G, Petroff K (1991): Breda virus Associated with Respiratory Disease in Calves. Th~ Veterinary Record 3 ı : 203.
  • Vanopdenbosch E, Wellemans G, Charlier G, Petroff K (ı 992): Bovine Torovirus : Cell culture propagation oj a respiratory isoIate and same epidemiological data. Vlaams. Diergeneeskundig Tijdschrift, 6ı (2) : 45-49.
  • Weiss M, Horzinek M C (ı 986): Resistance oj BEV to Physical and Chemical Treatment. Veterinary Microbiology, ı ı: 4 ı -46.
  • Weiss M, Horzinek M C (1987): The Proposed Family Toroviridae.: Agents oj Enteric Injections. Arch.Virol. , 92: ı- ı5 .
  • Weiss M, Steck F, Horzinek M C (ı983) : Purification and Partial Characterisation oj a New Enveloped RNA virus. (Berne Virus). J. Gen. Viral.. 64: ı849- ı858.
  • Weiss M, Steck F, Kaderli R, Horzinek M C (1984). Antibodies to Berne virus in Horses and Other Animals. Veterinary Microbiology. 9: 523-531.
  • Woode G N (1990): Breda virus. Virus Infections of Ruminants, Chapter: 29. 309-316; Plenum Press.
  • Woode G N, Reed D E, Runnets P L, Herrig MA, Hill H T (19821: Studies with an Unclassified Virusfrom Diarrheic Calves. Veterinary Microbiology, 7 : 221-240.
  • Zanoni R, Weiss M, Peterhans E (1986): The Haemaglutinating Activity of BEV. Journal of General Virology. 67 : 2485- 2488.
There are 15 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Veterinary Surgery
Journal Section Original Article

Seval Bilge This is me

Publication Date June 1, 1999
Submission Date December 1, 1999
Published in Issue Year 1999 Volume: 10 Issue: 1


APA Bilge, S. (1999). TOROViRUSLAR. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 10(1), 19-30.
