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BVD-MD Yönünden Seronegatif Sığırlarda, Persiste BVD Enfeksiyonlarının Elisa İle Araştırılması

Yıl 2002, Cilt: 13 Sayı: 1, 32 - 44, 01.06.2002


Türkiye'de daha önce farklı araştırıcılar tarafından bölgesel ve işletmeler düzeyinde
yapılan çalışmalarda BVD enfeksiyonu prevalansının yüksek bulunması nedeniyle bu
hastalığın ülkesel düzeyde araştırılmasının, hastalığın kontrolü ve mücadelesi açısından gerek.
li oldugu gerçeğini ortaya koymuştur. Bu nedenle Türkiye genelinde yapılan bu araştırma
sonuçları ile hastalığın kontrol ve mücadele kriterlerinin belirlenmesi ve hastalığın eradikasyonuna
ışık tutması amaçlanmıştır.
Bu çalışmada Türkiye genelinde ı505 adet sığır kan serum örneğinde% 60,2 seropozi~ ·
tiflik bulunmuş; BVD aşısı yapılmamış, alti aydan büyük hayvanlardaki bu seropozitiflik, hayvanların
bu hastalığı geçirmiş olduklarını ya da immunotolerant olarak hastalığı taşıdıkları
sonucunu ortaya koymaktadır.
Bovine vinil diarrhoea (BVDV) enfeksiyonunun yayılmasında en büyük etken klinik
belirti göstermeyen serenegatif olan persiste hayvanlardır. Bu amaçla serenegatif bulunan 599
adet hayvana ait defibrine kan örneği BVD Ag yönünden test edilmiş BVD antijen prevalansı
% ı ,8 olarak bulunmuştur. · ·
Immunotolerant hayvanların tespiti amacıyla serepozitif bulunan 379 adet hayvandan 3
adeti antijen pozitif bulunmuş olup, BVD serenegatif ve serepozitif hayvanlarda antijen
prevalansı %ı ,4 olarak tespit edilmiştir. BVD enfeksiyonunun Türkiye genelinde yaygın
olduğu ve hastalığın mevcut sığır populasyonunda endemik hale dönüştüğü kanaatine
Çalışmada: BVD serepozitif- serenegatifhayvanları belirlemede BVD antikor ELlSA ve
persiste h.ayvanların tespitinde de antijen ELISA kullanılmıştır.


  • AFSAR A, EAGLESOME MD (1990). Viruses associated with bovine semen. Vet Bulletin, 60(2), 93-109.
  • ALKAN F (ı 989). Arthrogripothyphoso ve hidrencephaly'li buzağı doğumlarında Bovine Viral Diarrhea-Mucosal Disease (BVD-MD)'in insidensi üzerine araştırmalar. A.Ü. Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Doktora Tezi, Ankara,
  • ANONiM (ı985) . Diseases transmissible by semen and embryo transfer techniques. OIE Technical Series. No. 4,
  • BAKER JC (1987) . Bovine viral diarrhea virus: A review. JAVMA ı90, 1449-1458.
  • BARBER DML, NETTLETON PF, HERRING JA (1985). Disease in a dairy herd associated with the i~troduction and spread of bovine virus diarrhoea virus. Vet Rec, 2, 459-464.
  • BURGU İ, ÖZTÜRK F, AKÇAY Y, TOKER A, FREY HR, LİES B {1990). Türkiye'de koyunlarda Bovin Viral Diarrhoea (BVD) enfeksiyon/artnın varlığı ve önemi. AÜ Vet Fak Derg, 37(ı):ı2I-ı27 .
  • DAHLE J, LIESS B, FREY HR {1987). Neutralizing antibody development following sequential inoculation of pigs w ith strains of Bovine Viral diarrhea Virus and Hog Cholera Virus. J Vet Med B, 39: 729-739.
  • ENTRICAN G, DAND A, NETTLETON PF (1995). A double monoclonal antibody EL/SA fordetecting pestivirus antigen in the blood of viraemic cattle and sheep. Vet Microb, 43 : 65-74.
  • ERHAN M, ONAR B, CSANTOS L, HOPKINS lG ( I97 ı). Serological survey on s ome virus and beadsonia disease of catt/e, sheep and horse. J Vet Cent Res Inst (Pendik), 4 (2): 56-58.
  • FENTON A, ENTRICAN G, HERRING JA, NETTLETON PF {1990). An EL/SA for detecting pestivirus antigen in the blood of sheep persistently infected with border disease virus. J Virol Methods, 27: 253-260
  • FENTON A, NETTELETON PF, ENTRICAN G, HERRING JA, MALLOY C, GREIG A., LOW JC (199ı).ldenti(ication o( cattle infected with bovine virus diarrhoea virus using a monocianal antibody capture EL/SA. Arch Virol [Suppl. 3], ı69-ı74.
  • FİNCİ E (1972). Türkiye'de mucosal disease (virus diyare) üzerinde araştırmalar. A.Ü. Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Doktora Tezi, Ankara.
  • FOX FH (1996). Historic Clinical Perspective. Inter symp bovine viral diarrhea virus a 50 year review at the Collage of Vet Med Comeli Un.
  • HAFEZ SM, LIESS B (1972). Studies on Bovine Viral Diarrhea-Mucosal disease Virus. l.Cultural behaviour and antigenic relationship of s ome strains. Acta Vi rol, ı 6: 388-398.
  • HORZINEK MC {1990). Bovine Virus Diarroea Virus: An Introduction. Rev Sci Tech Offint Epiz, 9(ı): ı3-23.
  • HOWARD CJ, BROWNLIE J, CLARKE MC (1987). Comparisian by the neutralization assays of pairs of noncytopathogenic and cytopathogenic strains of bovine virus diarrhoea virus isolared from cases o( mucosal disease. Vet Microbiol, 13, 361- 369.
  • HYERA JMK, DAHLE J, LIESS B, MOENNIG V, FREY HR {1985). Production of potent antisera raised in pigs by anamnestic response and use for direct imunofluorescent and immunoperoxidase techniques. Pestivirus Infections of Ruminants, Commision of the European Communites, EUR, I 0238, 87 -101.
  • JUNTTI N, LARSSON B, FOSSUM C ( 1987). The use of monocianal antibodies in enzyme-linked immunosorbeni assay for detection of antibodies to bovine viral diarrhoea virus. J Vet Med B, 34, 356-363.
  • LİESS B (1990). Bovineviral Diarrhea virus. In: Virus Infections of Ruminants. Edd. Dinter,Z, Morein, B. Elsevier Science Publisher. Amsterdam, Oxf~rd, New York, Tokyo. Chapter23, 247-266, ı 990. LIESS B, MOENNIG V (ı990). Ruminant Pestivirus in(ection in pigs. I Rev Sci Tech Off Int Ep iz, 9(1 ). 151-161.
  • MARL GELFERT cc (1991) . Epidemiologisch Untersuchungen uber die Verbreitung des BVD virus bei Rindem in der Turkei. Hannover. McCLURKIN, AW, . LITTLEDIKE ET, CUTLIP RC, FRANK C, CORIA MF, BOLIN SR (1984). Production of cattle immunoto/erant to b viral diarrhea virus. Can J Comp Med, 48: 156-161.
  • MEYLING A (1984) . Detection of BVD virus in vireınic cattle by an indi immunoperoxidase technique. Recent Advences in Virus Diagnosis. CEC seminar, Belfast, Sept. 22- 23, 1983, 37-46.
  • MEYLING A, HOUE H, JENSEN A M (1990). Epidemiology of bovine virus diarrhoea virus. Rev Sci Tech Off Int Epiz, 9(ı) : 75-93 .
  • MIGNON B, SCHWERS A, WAXWEILER S, BOUI.ANGER D, DUBUISSON J, BROWNLIE J, PASTORET P P (1990). Etude de la stabilite antigenique d'une; souche noncytopathogene de virus BVD chez des animaux infecteces experimentalement de maniere persistante. Ann Med Vet, ı34: 325-329.
  • MOENNIG V(I990). Pestivirues: A Review. Vet Microbiol, 23: 35-54.
  • NETTLETON PF, . HERRING JA, SINCLAIR JA, QUIRIE L (1985). The epidemiology of Bovine Viral Dairrhoea Virus. Proc Sos Vet Epid, pp. 42-53.
  • NISKANEN R, ALENIUS S, LARSSON B, JUNTTI N (ı989). Evalutian of an enzymelinked immunosorbeni assay for the detection of antibodies to bovine virus diarrhoea virus in m ilk. J Vet Med B, 36, ı ı 3- ı ı 8.
  • OHMAN HP, BABlUK LA (1986). Viral infections in domestic anima/s as modelsfor studies of viral immunology and pathagenes is. J Gen Virol, 66: 1-25.
  • ÖNCÜL S, MERİÇ I, KORKUT F (1964). First ineidence of mucosal disease in Turkey observed among callle at the Lalahan Animal Breeding Resem·ch Institute: Clinical Aspects. J Aniın Breed Res lnst (Lalahan), 4: 186-199.
  • ÖZKUL A (1992). Gebe ineklerde ve fôtuslarında bovine virus diarrhea -mucosal disease (BVD-MD), AÜ Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Doktora Tezi, Ankara.
  • PERDRIZED JA, REBHUN WC, DUBOVI EJ, DONI RO (1987). Bovine Virus Diarrhea Clinical Syndromes in Dairy Herds. The Comeli Vet, 77: 46-74.
  • RADOSTITS OM, LITTLEJOHNS IR (1988). New concepts in the Pathogenesis, Diagnosis and Control of disease caused by BVDV. Can Vet J, 29:5ı3-528.
  • REGGIARDO C, KAEBERLE ML (1981) . Detection of bacteremia in callle inoculated with bovine viral diarrhoea virus. The Am J of Vet Res, 42, 218-221 .
  • SANDVIK T, KROGSRUD J (1995). Evalutian of an antigen-capture EL/SA for detections of bovine viral diarrhea virus in callle blood sample_s. J Vet Diagn Vest, 7: 65- 71.
  • THIBAULT JC, CREVAT D, CHPPUIS G (1993). Control of bovine virus diarrhoea mucosal disease in callle: examples of the combined use of serological screen ing, viral antigen detection and vaccination. Rev Sci Tech Off Int Ep iz, 12(2):471 -481.
  • VANLEEUWEN JA., KEEFE GP, TREMBLAY R, POWER, C, WICHTEL JJ (2001). Seroprevalance of infeelian w ith Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis, bovine leukemia virus,and bovine viral diarrhea virus in Maritime Canada dairy cattle. Can Vet J, 42: 193- 198
  • VAN OIRSCHOT JT (1983).Congenital infections with nonarba togaviruses: A review. Vet Microbiol, 8, 32 ı -36 I.

The Investigation of Persistent BVD/MD Infections by ELISA in Cattle Who are Seronegative for BVD/MD

Yıl 2002, Cilt: 13 Sayı: 1, 32 - 44, 01.06.2002


The prevalance of BVD infection had been found high in the studies carried out by a
number of researchers at regionallevel or in certain farms. This was the reason to carry out a
research at the base of country in order to direct the control of and combat with the disease.
With this study conducted in the country as a whole to obtain the information and to set the
criteria, necessary for the control of the disease and for i ts eradication was aimed.
In this study, 60,2 % seropositivity was found in ı 505 cattle blood sera samples and that
this seropositivity in the animals older than six months and not vaccinated indicated that the
animals had already recovered or carried the disease as immunotolerant individuals.
The most im portant factor in the transmission of bovine viral diarrhoea (BVDV) infection
is persistently infected animals that do not show any elinical signs and are sero negative.
Therefore, defibrinated blood samples which had been found seronegative from 599 animals
were tested for BVD antigen and BVD antigen prevalance was found ı,8 %.
In finding immunotolerant animal s, of 3 79 animal s which were seropositive, three were
antigen positive and antigen prevalance was ı ,4 % in BVD seronegative and seropositive animals.
It was concluded that BVD infection was wide spread in Türkiye and the disease was
endemic in exsisting cattle population.
In this study, BVD antibody ELISA and antigenELISA were used to find BVD seropositive-
seronegative animals and persistently infected animals.


  • AFSAR A, EAGLESOME MD (1990). Viruses associated with bovine semen. Vet Bulletin, 60(2), 93-109.
  • ALKAN F (ı 989). Arthrogripothyphoso ve hidrencephaly'li buzağı doğumlarında Bovine Viral Diarrhea-Mucosal Disease (BVD-MD)'in insidensi üzerine araştırmalar. A.Ü. Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Doktora Tezi, Ankara,
  • ANONiM (ı985) . Diseases transmissible by semen and embryo transfer techniques. OIE Technical Series. No. 4,
  • BAKER JC (1987) . Bovine viral diarrhea virus: A review. JAVMA ı90, 1449-1458.
  • BARBER DML, NETTLETON PF, HERRING JA (1985). Disease in a dairy herd associated with the i~troduction and spread of bovine virus diarrhoea virus. Vet Rec, 2, 459-464.
  • BURGU İ, ÖZTÜRK F, AKÇAY Y, TOKER A, FREY HR, LİES B {1990). Türkiye'de koyunlarda Bovin Viral Diarrhoea (BVD) enfeksiyon/artnın varlığı ve önemi. AÜ Vet Fak Derg, 37(ı):ı2I-ı27 .
  • DAHLE J, LIESS B, FREY HR {1987). Neutralizing antibody development following sequential inoculation of pigs w ith strains of Bovine Viral diarrhea Virus and Hog Cholera Virus. J Vet Med B, 39: 729-739.
  • ENTRICAN G, DAND A, NETTLETON PF (1995). A double monoclonal antibody EL/SA fordetecting pestivirus antigen in the blood of viraemic cattle and sheep. Vet Microb, 43 : 65-74.
  • ERHAN M, ONAR B, CSANTOS L, HOPKINS lG ( I97 ı). Serological survey on s ome virus and beadsonia disease of catt/e, sheep and horse. J Vet Cent Res Inst (Pendik), 4 (2): 56-58.
  • FENTON A, ENTRICAN G, HERRING JA, NETTLETON PF {1990). An EL/SA for detecting pestivirus antigen in the blood of sheep persistently infected with border disease virus. J Virol Methods, 27: 253-260
  • FENTON A, NETTELETON PF, ENTRICAN G, HERRING JA, MALLOY C, GREIG A., LOW JC (199ı).ldenti(ication o( cattle infected with bovine virus diarrhoea virus using a monocianal antibody capture EL/SA. Arch Virol [Suppl. 3], ı69-ı74.
  • FİNCİ E (1972). Türkiye'de mucosal disease (virus diyare) üzerinde araştırmalar. A.Ü. Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Doktora Tezi, Ankara.
  • FOX FH (1996). Historic Clinical Perspective. Inter symp bovine viral diarrhea virus a 50 year review at the Collage of Vet Med Comeli Un.
  • HAFEZ SM, LIESS B (1972). Studies on Bovine Viral Diarrhea-Mucosal disease Virus. l.Cultural behaviour and antigenic relationship of s ome strains. Acta Vi rol, ı 6: 388-398.
  • HORZINEK MC {1990). Bovine Virus Diarroea Virus: An Introduction. Rev Sci Tech Offint Epiz, 9(ı): ı3-23.
  • HOWARD CJ, BROWNLIE J, CLARKE MC (1987). Comparisian by the neutralization assays of pairs of noncytopathogenic and cytopathogenic strains of bovine virus diarrhoea virus isolared from cases o( mucosal disease. Vet Microbiol, 13, 361- 369.
  • HYERA JMK, DAHLE J, LIESS B, MOENNIG V, FREY HR {1985). Production of potent antisera raised in pigs by anamnestic response and use for direct imunofluorescent and immunoperoxidase techniques. Pestivirus Infections of Ruminants, Commision of the European Communites, EUR, I 0238, 87 -101.
  • JUNTTI N, LARSSON B, FOSSUM C ( 1987). The use of monocianal antibodies in enzyme-linked immunosorbeni assay for detection of antibodies to bovine viral diarrhoea virus. J Vet Med B, 34, 356-363.
  • LİESS B (1990). Bovineviral Diarrhea virus. In: Virus Infections of Ruminants. Edd. Dinter,Z, Morein, B. Elsevier Science Publisher. Amsterdam, Oxf~rd, New York, Tokyo. Chapter23, 247-266, ı 990. LIESS B, MOENNIG V (ı990). Ruminant Pestivirus in(ection in pigs. I Rev Sci Tech Off Int Ep iz, 9(1 ). 151-161.
  • MARL GELFERT cc (1991) . Epidemiologisch Untersuchungen uber die Verbreitung des BVD virus bei Rindem in der Turkei. Hannover. McCLURKIN, AW, . LITTLEDIKE ET, CUTLIP RC, FRANK C, CORIA MF, BOLIN SR (1984). Production of cattle immunoto/erant to b viral diarrhea virus. Can J Comp Med, 48: 156-161.
  • MEYLING A (1984) . Detection of BVD virus in vireınic cattle by an indi immunoperoxidase technique. Recent Advences in Virus Diagnosis. CEC seminar, Belfast, Sept. 22- 23, 1983, 37-46.
  • MEYLING A, HOUE H, JENSEN A M (1990). Epidemiology of bovine virus diarrhoea virus. Rev Sci Tech Off Int Epiz, 9(ı) : 75-93 .
  • MIGNON B, SCHWERS A, WAXWEILER S, BOUI.ANGER D, DUBUISSON J, BROWNLIE J, PASTORET P P (1990). Etude de la stabilite antigenique d'une; souche noncytopathogene de virus BVD chez des animaux infecteces experimentalement de maniere persistante. Ann Med Vet, ı34: 325-329.
  • MOENNIG V(I990). Pestivirues: A Review. Vet Microbiol, 23: 35-54.
  • NETTLETON PF, . HERRING JA, SINCLAIR JA, QUIRIE L (1985). The epidemiology of Bovine Viral Dairrhoea Virus. Proc Sos Vet Epid, pp. 42-53.
  • NISKANEN R, ALENIUS S, LARSSON B, JUNTTI N (ı989). Evalutian of an enzymelinked immunosorbeni assay for the detection of antibodies to bovine virus diarrhoea virus in m ilk. J Vet Med B, 36, ı ı 3- ı ı 8.
  • OHMAN HP, BABlUK LA (1986). Viral infections in domestic anima/s as modelsfor studies of viral immunology and pathagenes is. J Gen Virol, 66: 1-25.
  • ÖNCÜL S, MERİÇ I, KORKUT F (1964). First ineidence of mucosal disease in Turkey observed among callle at the Lalahan Animal Breeding Resem·ch Institute: Clinical Aspects. J Aniın Breed Res lnst (Lalahan), 4: 186-199.
  • ÖZKUL A (1992). Gebe ineklerde ve fôtuslarında bovine virus diarrhea -mucosal disease (BVD-MD), AÜ Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Doktora Tezi, Ankara.
  • PERDRIZED JA, REBHUN WC, DUBOVI EJ, DONI RO (1987). Bovine Virus Diarrhea Clinical Syndromes in Dairy Herds. The Comeli Vet, 77: 46-74.
  • RADOSTITS OM, LITTLEJOHNS IR (1988). New concepts in the Pathogenesis, Diagnosis and Control of disease caused by BVDV. Can Vet J, 29:5ı3-528.
  • REGGIARDO C, KAEBERLE ML (1981) . Detection of bacteremia in callle inoculated with bovine viral diarrhoea virus. The Am J of Vet Res, 42, 218-221 .
  • SANDVIK T, KROGSRUD J (1995). Evalutian of an antigen-capture EL/SA for detections of bovine viral diarrhea virus in callle blood sample_s. J Vet Diagn Vest, 7: 65- 71.
  • THIBAULT JC, CREVAT D, CHPPUIS G (1993). Control of bovine virus diarrhoea mucosal disease in callle: examples of the combined use of serological screen ing, viral antigen detection and vaccination. Rev Sci Tech Off Int Ep iz, 12(2):471 -481.
  • VANLEEUWEN JA., KEEFE GP, TREMBLAY R, POWER, C, WICHTEL JJ (2001). Seroprevalance of infeelian w ith Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis, bovine leukemia virus,and bovine viral diarrhea virus in Maritime Canada dairy cattle. Can Vet J, 42: 193- 198
  • VAN OIRSCHOT JT (1983).Congenital infections with nonarba togaviruses: A review. Vet Microbiol, 8, 32 ı -36 I.
Toplam 36 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Veteriner Cerrahi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Arife Ertürk Bu kişi benim

Nigar Tatar Bu kişi benim

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Şerife (kocabaş) İnçoglu Bu kişi benim

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Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2002
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Ocak 2002
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2002 Cilt: 13 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Ertürk, A., Tatar, N., Kabaklı, Ö., (kocabaş) İnçoglu, Ş., vd. (2002). BVD-MD Yönünden Seronegatif Sığırlarda, Persiste BVD Enfeksiyonlarının Elisa İle Araştırılması. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 13(1), 32-44.