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Türkiye'de Üretilen Ppr Aşısının Bagışıklık Süresinin Tespiti

Yıl 2006, Cilt: 17 Sayı: 1-2, 13 - 22, 01.12.2006


Bu çalışma, Türkiye' de ilk defa üretimi gerçek-
leştirilen PPR aşısı ile yapılan aşılamadan sonra
koyun ve keçilerde bağışıklığın süresi hakkında
yeterli verilerin sağlanması amacıyla gerçekleşti-
rildi. Etlik Merkez Veteriner Kontrol ve Araştırma
Enstitüsü' nde (EMVKAE) üretilen attenüe PPR
aşısının ilk dört serisi (PPR 0277-1, PPR 0277-2,
PPR 0277-3, PPR 0277-4) ile koyun ve keçi sürü-
lerinde dört farklı grupta deneysel ve saha çalış-
ması yapıldı. Aşılanan hayvanlarda bağışıklık
seviyesi Virus Nötralizasyon Test (VNT) ve PPR
C-ELISA ile gözlendi.
Birinci deneysel çalışma grubunda; deneme ahırlarındaki aşılı 22 koyun ve keçide (11 adet koyun ve 11 adet keçi ) ilk üç seri PPR aşısı ile (PPR 0277 -1, PPR 0277-2, PPR 0277-3 ) aşılama sonrası bağışıklık tespiti için çalışıldı. Aşı sonrası seroprevalans her iki türde de %100 bulundu. 2. yılın sonunda aşılı hayvanların hepsinde koruyucu düzeyde (>1:100) antikor titresi tespit edildi.
İkinci saha deneysel çalışma grubunda; Burdur'da aşılama öncesi PPRV antikorları yönünden seronegatif olan sürüde, 46 adet koyun ve 47 adet keçi ile çalışıldı. Aşılamadan bir yıl sonra her iki türde de aşılı hayvanlar %100 seropozitif bulundu. I. ve II. grupta oluşabilecek bir PPR enfeksiyonun tespiti amacıyla bırakılan aşısız kontrol gruplar ise çalışma süresince seronegatif olarak saptandı.
,İlk 3 seri PPR aşısının kullanıldığı Antalya, Manisa ve Mardin de 972 adet koyun ve keçinin örneklendiği saha çalışması yapıldı. Aşılamadan bir yıl sonra aşılı olduğu bildirilen toplam 742 hayvanın %78'i PPR seropozitif bulundu. Farklı 3 seri ile aşılanan sürülerdeki seropozitiflik oranı ise sırasıyla; PPR 0277-01 serisinde %70, PPR 0277-2 serisinde %75, PPR 0277-3 serisinde %95 olarak tespit edildi. Sahada bulaşmadan şüpheli hayvanlara da aşı uygulandığı ve bu sürülerde ki bağışıklık oranının sirayete maruz hayvanlardan daha düşük olduğu tespit edildi.
Deneme ahırlarında ki aşılı gebe keçilerden doğan 16 oğlakta meternal bağışıklık süresi 4-7 ay arasında tespit edilmekle birlikte 16 oğlaktan 13 adetinde maternal bağışıklık süresi 4-5 ay arasında tespit edildi. İlk doğdukları günlerdeki yüksek seviyedeki antikor titreleri ikinci ayın sonunda daha düşük seviyelere indi. Aşısız kontrol analardan doğan oğlaklar ise çalışma süresinde seronegatif bulundu.
Bu çalışmada PPR aşılama sonraı bağışıklık süresinin her iki türde de 2 yıldan daha uzun olduğu tespit edildi. Maternal bağılıkşık süresinin ise 4-5 ay sonra yapılmasının uygun olduğu ve sürü dinamiği ve sahada bulaşmadan şüpheli hayvanların da aşılanmış olabilceği göz önünde bulundurularak yıllık tekrar yapılmasının sürü bağışıklığı açısından gerekli olduğu sonucuna varıldı.


  • ABU ELZEIN,E.M.E.,_HASSANIEN, M.M., AL- AFALEQ, A.I., ABD ELHADI, M.A., HOUSAWI, F.M.T.: Isolation of peste des petits ruminants from goats in Saudi Arabia. Vet. Record. 127:309-310. (1990)
  • ABU ELZEIN, E.M.E., HOUSAWI, F.M.T., BASHARE EK, Y., GAMEEL,A.A., AL AFALEQ, A.I., ANDERSON, E.: Severe PPR infection in Gazelles kept serni-free range condi- tions. Jour. Vet. Med. 51(2): 68. (2004)
  • ADU,F.D., JOANNIS, T.E. : Serum-virus simultaneous method of immunisation against peste des petits ruminants. Trop. Anim. Health Prod. 16(2): 119-220. (1984)
  • ALÇIGIR, G., VURAL, S. A., TOPLU, N.: Türkiye'de kuzularda peste des petits ruminants virus enfeksiyonunun patomorfolojik ve immunohistolojik ilk tanımı. Ankara Üniv. Vet. Fak. Der. 43: 181-189.(1996)
  • AMJAD,H., ISLAM, Q., FORSYTH, M., BARRET, T., ROSSITER, P.B.: Peste des petits ruminants in goats in Pakistan. Vet. Record. 139: 118-119. (1996)
  • ANDERSON, E.C.: Morbillivirus infections in wildlife ( in relations to their population biology ) and disease control in domestic animals. Vet. Microbiol. 44: 319-332. (1995)
  • ANDERSON, J., Mc CAY, J.A., BUTCHER, R.N.: The use of monoclonal antibodies in competitive ELISA for the detection of antibodies to rinderpest and peste des petits ruminants viruses. In: The seromonitoring ofRinderpest Throughout Africa Phase One IAEA-TECDOC-623 p.: 43-53. (1991)
  • ANONiM.: Peste des petits ruminants. In; OIE Manual of Standarts Diagnostic Tesıs and Vaccines. 5th Ed. Chapter 2.1.5. (2004)
  • ATA, F.A., al SUMRY, H.S., KiNG, G.J., ISMAILI, S.I., ATA, A.A.: Duration immunity to peste des petits ruminants. Vet. Rec. Jun 3; 124(22): 590-591. (1989)
  • 10. AWA, D.N., NGAGNOU, A., TEFIANG, E., YAYA, D., NJOYA,A. : Post vaccination and colostral peste des petits ruminants antibody dynamics in research flocks of Kirdi goats and Foulbe sheep ofNorth Cameroon. Prev. Vet. Med. Nov. 15; 55(4): 265-271. (2002)
  • AWA, D.N., NJOYA,A., NGO TAMA, A.C.: Economics ofprophylaxis against peste des petits ruminants and gastrointestinal helminthiosis in small ruminants in North Cameroon. Trop. Anim. Health andProd. 32(6): 391-403. (2000)
  • BA, S.B., UDO, H.M~J., ZWART,D.: Impact of veterinary treatm en ts on go at mortality and offtake in a semi- arid area of Mali. Smail Ruminant. Resea~-ch. 19: 1-8.(1996)
  • BABA, S.S., TEFIANG, D.E.C., AWA, D.N., EL YUGUDA, A.D. : Profile of acquired and matemal immune respanses in small ruminants following vaccination with homologous peste des petits ruminants (PPR) vaccine (capripestovax). Proceedings of the I Oth international conference of the association of institutions for Tropical VeterinaJy Medicine. · Copenhagen. Denmark Poster 0-6. (200 1)
  • BARRETT, T., ROMERO, C.H., BARON, M.D., YAMANOUCHI, K., DIALLO,A., BOSTOCK, C.S., BLACK, D; : The malecular biology of rinderpest and peste des petits ruminants. Ann. Med. Vet. 137: 77-85.(1993)
  • BERHE, G., MINET, C., LE GOFF, C., BARRETT, T., NGANGNOU, A., GRILLET, C., LIBEAU, G., FLEMING, M., BLACK, D.N., DIALL·o, A: Development of a dual recombinant vaccine to protect small ruminants virus and capripoxvirus infections. J. Viral. Jan;77(2):1571-1577. (2003)
  • BIDJEH, K., DIGUIMBAYE, C., HENDRIKX, P., DEDET, V., TCHARI, D., NAISSINGAR, S.: Matemal immunity in young goats or sheep whose dams were vaccinated with anti - peste des petits ruminants vaccine. Agricultures. 8(3): 219. (1999)
  • CAUACY- HYMANN, E., BIDJEH, K., ANGBA, A., DOMONECH; J., DİALLO,A.: Protection of goats against rinderpest by vaccination with attenuated peste des petits ruminants. Res. Vet.Sci., 59: 106-109. (1995)
  • DARDIRI, A.H., De BOER, C.H., HAMDY, F.M. : Response of American goats and cattle peste des petits ruminants. Proc. 19th Ann. Met. Am. Assoc. Vet. Lab. Diag. 377-344. (1976)
  • DIALLO, A.: Rinderpest and peste des petits ruminants; constant threats to animal farming in many developing countries. Impact Sci. Society. 150: 179-192. (1988)
  • DIALLO,A.: Peste des petitis ruminants . www. indiaveterinaJycommunity. com. /featuredarticle. (2003a)
  • DIALLO,A.: Control ofpeste des petits rumi nants: classical and new generatian vaccines. Dev. Biol.( Basel). 114: 113-119. (2003b)
  • DIALLO, A., COLAS, F., COUASSY, E., GUERRE, L., THIRY, E., LIBEAU, G., DOMANECH, J., ANGBA, A., PASTORET, . P.P., LEFEVRE, P.C. : Peste des petits rumi- nants: Homologous vaccine trial, biochemical analysis of the virus, development of diagnostic tests. In: Resistance or .Tolarance of Animal to Disease and Veterinary Epidemiology and Diagnostic Methods. Edd. G.Uilenberg and R. Hamers. Published by CIRAD- EMVT. 107-111. (1992)
  • DIALLO, A., TAYLOR, W.P., LEFEVRE, P.C., PROVOST, A.: Attenuation d' une souch de virus de la peste des petits ruminants: candidant pour un vaccin homoloque vivant. Revue. Elev. Mad. Vet. Pays.Trop. 42 (3): 311-319. (1989)
  • GIBBS, E.P.J., TAYLOR, W.P., LAWMAN, M.J.P., BRYANT, J. : Classification of peste des petits ruminants virus as the fourth member of genus morbilliviriıs . Intervirology. ll: 268-274. (1979)
  • JONES, L., GIAVEDONI, L., SALIKI, J.T., BROWN, C., . MEBUS, C., YILMA, T.: Protection of goats against peste des petits ruminants with a vaccinia virus double recombinant expressing the F and H genes of rinderpest virus. Vaccine, 11(9) : 961-964. (1993)
  • LEFEVRE, P.J., DIALLO, A.: Peste des petits ruminants. Rev. Sci. Tech. Of!. Int. Epiz. 9(4): 951-965. (1990)
  • LIBEAU, G.,: Antigen capture ELISA for differential diagnosis of rinderpest and peste des petits ruminants. Report on the Third Meeting of TC Regional Coordination Project RAW/5/004. Amman, Jordan,june 22-26, 1997.(1997)
  • MARINER, J.C., HOUSE, J.A., MEBUS, C.A., SOLLOD, A., STEM,C. : Production of a thermostable vero- cell adapted rinderpest vaccine. J Tiss. Cult. Meth. 13: 253-256. (1991)
  • MARINER, J.C., HOUSE, J.A., MEBUS, C.A., VAN DEN ENDE, M.C.: The use of thermostable vero - cell adapted rinderpest vaccine as a heterogous vaccine against peste des petits ruminants. Res. Vet. Sci. 54: 212-216.(1993)
  • MARTRENCHAR, A., ZOYEM. N., DIAL LO, A. : Experimental study of a mixed vaccine against peste des petits ruminants and capripox infection in goats in northem Cameroon. Smail Ruminants Research, 26: 39-44. (1997)
  • MARTRENCHAR, A., · ZOYEM. N., NJOYA, A., NGO TAMAA.C., BOUCHEL, D., DIALLO, A.: A ıe stu y o an omo ogous vaccine against peste des petits ruminants in northern Cameroon. Small Ruminants Resea~-ch. 31(3). (1999)
  • MOUSTAFA, T.: Rinderpest and peste des petits ruminants- like disease in Al - Ain region of the United Arab Emirates. Rev. Sci. Tech. Off. Int. Epiz. ı2(3) : 857-863. (1993)
  • MURPHY, F.A., FAUQUET, C.M., BISH- OP, D.H.L., GHABRIAL, S.A., JARVIS, A.W., MAETELLI, G.P., MAYO, M.A., SUMMERS, M.D;: Paramyxoviridae. In: Virus Taxonomy · Classification and Nomenclature . Springer Verlag, Wien, Newyork, p. 268-274. (1995)
  • NANDA,Y.P., CHATTERJCE, A., PURO- HIT, A.K., DIALLO,A., INUI, K., SHARMA, R.N., LIBEAU, G., THEVASAGAYAM, J., BRÜNING, A., KITCHING, R.P., ANDER- SON, J., BARRETT,T., TAYLOR, W.P. : The isolation of peste des petits ruminants virus from Northem India. Vet. Mikrobiol. 51: 207-216. (1996)
  • ÖZKUL,A.,AKÇA,Y., ALKAN,F., BAR- RETT,T., KARAOGLU,T., DAGALP,S.B., ANDERSON,J., YEŞİLBAG,K., ÇOKÇALIŞKAN,C., GENCAY,A., BURGU,İ.: Prevalance,Distribution, and Host range of peste des petits ruminants virus, Turkey. Emerg. Inf Disease Jow~ 8(7). (2002)
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  • ROEDER, P.L., ABRAHAM, G., KENFE,G., BARRETT, T. : Peste des petits ruminants in Ethiopian goats. TT-op. Anim. Hlth. Prod. ı6: 69-73. (1994)
  • 39· ROMERO,C.H.,BARRETT,T., KITCHING, R.P., BOSTOCK,C., BLACK, D.N.: Protection of goats against peste des petits ruminants with recoinbinant capripoxviruses expressing the fussion and haemaggutinin protein genes of rinderpest virus. Vaccine ı3(1):36-40. (1995)
  • SCOTT,G.R. : Peste des petits ruminants (Goat plaque). In: Virus infectiöns of Ruminants. Edd: Z.Dinter, B., Morein, Elseveir Science Publisher, Amsterdam, Oxford, Newyork, Tokyo, chapter, 32-33p.: 341-361. (1990)
  • SHAILA, M.S., SHAMAKI, D., FORSYTH, M., DIALLO, A., GOATLEY,L. KITCHING, P., BARRETT, T.: Geographic dis tribution and epidemiology of peste des petits ruminants. Virus Res. 43: ı49-ı53. (1996)
  • TATAR, N., ALKAN, F.: Koyun ve keçilerde küçük ruminantların vebası ( peste des petits rumi nants) ve sığır vebası enfeksiyonlarının serolajik ve virolojik olarak araştırılması. Etlik Vet. Mikr. Derg. 10(2): 35-60.(1999)
  • TATAR, N., ERTÜRK, E., KABAKLI, ö., AKKOCA, N., İNÇOGLU, Ş., ÜLKER, U., DAKMAN, A.: Türkiye' de küçük ruminantların vebasının ( peste des petits ruminants) serolajik olarak prevalansının belirlenmesi. Etlik Vet. Mikr. Derg. 13(1) : 15-31. (2002)
  • TAYLOR, W.P. : Protection of goats against peste des petits nıminants with attenuated rinderpest vinıs. Res. Vet. Sci. 27: 321-324. (1979)
  • TAYLOR, W.P. : The distribution and epidemiology of peste des petits nıminants. In: Impact of diseases on Livestock Production in the Tropics. Edd: H.P. Reimann, M.J. Burridge, Elsevier, p:157-166. (1984)
  • 46. TAYLOR, W.P., ABAGUNDE, A. : The iso- lation of peste des petits nıminants virus from Nigerian sheep and goats. Res. Vet. Sci. 26:94-96. (1979)
  • VALLY,K.J.M., AHBA, K., SHAILA, M.S., LAKSHMI SITA, G. : Development of trans- genic plants of edible vaccine for peste des petits ruminants, an animal disease. In Vitro Cell. Dev. Biol.38: 1171. (2002)
  • WOSU,L.O.: Current status ofpeste des petits nıminants (PPR) disease in small ruminants- a revıew article. Stud. Res. Vet. Med. 2: 83-90. (1994)
  • YILMA, T., GIAVEDONI, L., SALIKI, J., BROWN, C., MEBUS,C., JONES, C. : Protection of goats against peste des petits nıminants by a vaccinia virus double recombinant expressing the F and H gen es of rinderpest vinıs. Procc.96th Ann. Meet. US Anim. Hlth. Assoc. Kentucky, October 31-November 6-(1992).

Detection the duration of immunity by PPR vaccine produced in Turkey

Yıl 2006, Cilt: 17 Sayı: 1-2, 13 - 22, 01.12.2006


This study was conducted to obtain enough
data on immunity period of PPR vaccine which
was produced in Turkey for the first time in sheep
and goats. Experimental and field studies· were
conducted in four different groups of sheep and
goat herds with the first four series (PPR 0277-1 ,
PPR 0277-2, PPR 0277-3, PPR 0277-4) ofhomologous
attenuated PPR vaccine produced in Etlik
Central Veterinary Control and Research Im;titute.
Immunity levels of vaccinated animals were
determined by Virus Neutralisation Test and by
In the first experimental study group; immunity
levels of 22 sheep and go ats (ll sheep and ll
goats) were studied which were vaccinated with
the first three series (PPR 0277-1, PPR 0277-2,
PPR 0277-3) of PPR vaccine at the experimental
animal un it of the Institute. Postvaccination sero-
prevalance was found a~ 1 00% in both species.
Protective antibody titers (> : 10) were determined
in all vaccinated animals at the end of the second
determined that animals which were suspected of
being infected were also vaccinated and within
these herds immunity levels were lower compared
to those of Although matemal immunity period of 16 kids
bom from vacinated goats in experimentalanimal
units were found between 4-7 months, the maternal
imrnunity period of 13 of these 16 goats were
found between 4-5 months. High antibody titres
detected in the firs! few days following birth were
decreased at the en d of the second month. The kids
which were bom from unvaccinated control goats
were found as seronegative throughout the study.
In this study, the immunity period following
PPR vaccine was found as longer than two years
in both species.


  • ABU ELZEIN,E.M.E.,_HASSANIEN, M.M., AL- AFALEQ, A.I., ABD ELHADI, M.A., HOUSAWI, F.M.T.: Isolation of peste des petits ruminants from goats in Saudi Arabia. Vet. Record. 127:309-310. (1990)
  • ABU ELZEIN, E.M.E., HOUSAWI, F.M.T., BASHARE EK, Y., GAMEEL,A.A., AL AFALEQ, A.I., ANDERSON, E.: Severe PPR infection in Gazelles kept serni-free range condi- tions. Jour. Vet. Med. 51(2): 68. (2004)
  • ADU,F.D., JOANNIS, T.E. : Serum-virus simultaneous method of immunisation against peste des petits ruminants. Trop. Anim. Health Prod. 16(2): 119-220. (1984)
  • ALÇIGIR, G., VURAL, S. A., TOPLU, N.: Türkiye'de kuzularda peste des petits ruminants virus enfeksiyonunun patomorfolojik ve immunohistolojik ilk tanımı. Ankara Üniv. Vet. Fak. Der. 43: 181-189.(1996)
  • AMJAD,H., ISLAM, Q., FORSYTH, M., BARRET, T., ROSSITER, P.B.: Peste des petits ruminants in goats in Pakistan. Vet. Record. 139: 118-119. (1996)
  • ANDERSON, E.C.: Morbillivirus infections in wildlife ( in relations to their population biology ) and disease control in domestic animals. Vet. Microbiol. 44: 319-332. (1995)
  • ANDERSON, J., Mc CAY, J.A., BUTCHER, R.N.: The use of monoclonal antibodies in competitive ELISA for the detection of antibodies to rinderpest and peste des petits ruminants viruses. In: The seromonitoring ofRinderpest Throughout Africa Phase One IAEA-TECDOC-623 p.: 43-53. (1991)
  • ANONiM.: Peste des petits ruminants. In; OIE Manual of Standarts Diagnostic Tesıs and Vaccines. 5th Ed. Chapter 2.1.5. (2004)
  • ATA, F.A., al SUMRY, H.S., KiNG, G.J., ISMAILI, S.I., ATA, A.A.: Duration immunity to peste des petits ruminants. Vet. Rec. Jun 3; 124(22): 590-591. (1989)
  • 10. AWA, D.N., NGAGNOU, A., TEFIANG, E., YAYA, D., NJOYA,A. : Post vaccination and colostral peste des petits ruminants antibody dynamics in research flocks of Kirdi goats and Foulbe sheep ofNorth Cameroon. Prev. Vet. Med. Nov. 15; 55(4): 265-271. (2002)
  • AWA, D.N., NJOYA,A., NGO TAMA, A.C.: Economics ofprophylaxis against peste des petits ruminants and gastrointestinal helminthiosis in small ruminants in North Cameroon. Trop. Anim. Health andProd. 32(6): 391-403. (2000)
  • BA, S.B., UDO, H.M~J., ZWART,D.: Impact of veterinary treatm en ts on go at mortality and offtake in a semi- arid area of Mali. Smail Ruminant. Resea~-ch. 19: 1-8.(1996)
  • BABA, S.S., TEFIANG, D.E.C., AWA, D.N., EL YUGUDA, A.D. : Profile of acquired and matemal immune respanses in small ruminants following vaccination with homologous peste des petits ruminants (PPR) vaccine (capripestovax). Proceedings of the I Oth international conference of the association of institutions for Tropical VeterinaJy Medicine. · Copenhagen. Denmark Poster 0-6. (200 1)
  • BARRETT, T., ROMERO, C.H., BARON, M.D., YAMANOUCHI, K., DIALLO,A., BOSTOCK, C.S., BLACK, D; : The malecular biology of rinderpest and peste des petits ruminants. Ann. Med. Vet. 137: 77-85.(1993)
  • BERHE, G., MINET, C., LE GOFF, C., BARRETT, T., NGANGNOU, A., GRILLET, C., LIBEAU, G., FLEMING, M., BLACK, D.N., DIALL·o, A: Development of a dual recombinant vaccine to protect small ruminants virus and capripoxvirus infections. J. Viral. Jan;77(2):1571-1577. (2003)
  • BIDJEH, K., DIGUIMBAYE, C., HENDRIKX, P., DEDET, V., TCHARI, D., NAISSINGAR, S.: Matemal immunity in young goats or sheep whose dams were vaccinated with anti - peste des petits ruminants vaccine. Agricultures. 8(3): 219. (1999)
  • CAUACY- HYMANN, E., BIDJEH, K., ANGBA, A., DOMONECH; J., DİALLO,A.: Protection of goats against rinderpest by vaccination with attenuated peste des petits ruminants. Res. Vet.Sci., 59: 106-109. (1995)
  • DARDIRI, A.H., De BOER, C.H., HAMDY, F.M. : Response of American goats and cattle peste des petits ruminants. Proc. 19th Ann. Met. Am. Assoc. Vet. Lab. Diag. 377-344. (1976)
  • DIALLO, A.: Rinderpest and peste des petits ruminants; constant threats to animal farming in many developing countries. Impact Sci. Society. 150: 179-192. (1988)
  • DIALLO,A.: Peste des petitis ruminants . www. indiaveterinaJycommunity. com. /featuredarticle. (2003a)
  • DIALLO,A.: Control ofpeste des petits rumi nants: classical and new generatian vaccines. Dev. Biol.( Basel). 114: 113-119. (2003b)
  • DIALLO, A., COLAS, F., COUASSY, E., GUERRE, L., THIRY, E., LIBEAU, G., DOMANECH, J., ANGBA, A., PASTORET, . P.P., LEFEVRE, P.C. : Peste des petits rumi- nants: Homologous vaccine trial, biochemical analysis of the virus, development of diagnostic tests. In: Resistance or .Tolarance of Animal to Disease and Veterinary Epidemiology and Diagnostic Methods. Edd. G.Uilenberg and R. Hamers. Published by CIRAD- EMVT. 107-111. (1992)
  • DIALLO, A., TAYLOR, W.P., LEFEVRE, P.C., PROVOST, A.: Attenuation d' une souch de virus de la peste des petits ruminants: candidant pour un vaccin homoloque vivant. Revue. Elev. Mad. Vet. Pays.Trop. 42 (3): 311-319. (1989)
  • GIBBS, E.P.J., TAYLOR, W.P., LAWMAN, M.J.P., BRYANT, J. : Classification of peste des petits ruminants virus as the fourth member of genus morbilliviriıs . Intervirology. ll: 268-274. (1979)
  • JONES, L., GIAVEDONI, L., SALIKI, J.T., BROWN, C., . MEBUS, C., YILMA, T.: Protection of goats against peste des petits ruminants with a vaccinia virus double recombinant expressing the F and H genes of rinderpest virus. Vaccine, 11(9) : 961-964. (1993)
  • LEFEVRE, P.J., DIALLO, A.: Peste des petits ruminants. Rev. Sci. Tech. Of!. Int. Epiz. 9(4): 951-965. (1990)
  • LIBEAU, G.,: Antigen capture ELISA for differential diagnosis of rinderpest and peste des petits ruminants. Report on the Third Meeting of TC Regional Coordination Project RAW/5/004. Amman, Jordan,june 22-26, 1997.(1997)
  • MARINER, J.C., HOUSE, J.A., MEBUS, C.A., SOLLOD, A., STEM,C. : Production of a thermostable vero- cell adapted rinderpest vaccine. J Tiss. Cult. Meth. 13: 253-256. (1991)
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Toplam 49 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Veteriner Cerrahi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Nigar Tatar Bu kişi benim

Özden Kabaklı Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2006
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Aralık 2006
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2006 Cilt: 17 Sayı: 1-2

Kaynak Göster

APA Tatar, N., & Kabaklı, Ö. (2006). Türkiye’de Üretilen Ppr Aşısının Bagışıklık Süresinin Tespiti. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 17(1-2), 13-22.