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Köpek Gençlik Hastalığı Virusunun Prevalansı ve Seroepidemiyolojisi

Year 2007, Volume: 18 Issue: 1-2, 5 - 10, 01.12.2007


Çalışmada, Köpek Gençlik Hastalığı ön tanısı olan 157 adet hayvandan alınan nazal, konjunktival ve rektal sürüntü, gaita, lökosit ve organ numuneleri Köpek Gençlik Hastalığı virus nükleik asit varlığı yönünden Reverz Transkriptaz Polimeraz Zincir Reaksiyonu ile test edildi. Testler sonucunda 51 hayvanda Köpek Gençlik Hastalığı virusu tespit edildi. Bu hayvanlara ait farklı klinik örnekler pozitiflik yönünden değerlendirildi. Ayrıca pozitiflik tespit edilen 47 olguya ait kan serum örnekleri IgM ve IgG varlığı yönünden incelendi. Değerlendirmeler sonucunda klinik örneklerde en yüksek pozitiflik oranının nazal sürüntü örneklerinde olduğu saptandı. Serolojik değerlendirmeler sonucunda hayvanların genelinin akut enfeksiyon döneminde olduğu belirlendi. Aşılandığı bildirilen 21 olguda ise enfeksiyonun geliştiği tespit edildi.


  • Abraham, G., Banerjee, A.K. (1976). Sequential transcription of the genes of vesicular stomatitis virus. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 73: 1504-1508.
  • Amude, A.,M., Alfieri, A.A., Alfieri, A.F. (2006). Antemortem diagnosis of CDV infections by RT-PCR in distemper dogs with neurological deficits without the typical clinical presentation. Vet. Resch. Comm., 30: 679-687.
  • Appel, M.J.G., Summers B.A. (1995). Pathogenicity of morbilliviruses for terrestrial carnivores. Vet. Microbiol., 44: 187-191.
  • Appel, M.J.G., Summers, B.A. (1999). Canine distemper: Current Status. Recent Advances in Canine İnfectious Diseases. Erişim:[]
  • Chappuis, G, (1995). Control of canine distemper. Vet. Microbiol., 44: 351-358.
  • Cho, H.S., Park, N.Y. (2005). Detection of Canine Distemper Virus in Blood Samples by Reverse Transcription Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification. J. Vet. Med. B. 52, 410-413.
  • Chomczynski, P., Sacchi, N. (1987). Singlestep method of RNA isolation by acid guanidinium thiocyanate-phenol-chloroform extraction. Ann. Biochem. 162: 156-159.
  • Haas, L., Martens, W., Greiser-Wilke, I., Mamaev, L., Butina, T., Maack, D., Barrett, T. (1997). Analysis of hemagglutinin gene of current wild-type canine distemper virus isolates from Germany. Virus Res., 48: 165-171.
  • HO, C., Babiuk, L., (1979). Immune machanisms against canine distemper. II role of antibody in antigene modulation and prevention of intercellular and extracelular spraed of canine distemper virus. Immunology, 38: 765-771.
  • Kim, D., Jeoung, Y., Ahn, J., Lee, H., Pak, S., Kwon, H. (2006). Comparision of tissue and fluid samples for the early detection of canine distemper virus in experimentally infected dogs. J. Vet. Med. Sci., 68 (8): 877-879.
  • Lan, N.T., Yamaguchi, R., Furuya, Y., Inomata, A., Ngamkala, S., Naganobu, K., Kai, K., Mochizuki, M., Uchida, K., Tateyama, S. (2005c). Pathogenesis and phylogenetic analysis of canine distemper virus strain 007Lm, a new isolate in dogs. Vet. Microbiol., 110:197-207.
  • Mochizuki, M., Hashimoto, M., Hagiwara, S., Yoshida,Y., Ishiguro, S. (1999). Genotypes of canine distemper virus determined by analysis of the hemagglutinin gene of recentisolates from dogs in Japan. J. Clin. Microbiol., 37: 2936-29423.
  • Mochizuki, M., Motoyoshi, M. Maeda, K., Kai, K. (2002). Complement mediated neutralization of canine distemper virus in vitro: Cross-reaction betweenn vaccine Onderstepoort and field KDK-1 strains with different hemagglutinin gene characteristics. Clinical and diagnostic laboratory immunology, 9: 921-924.
  • Özkul, A., Sancak, A., Güngör, E., Burgu, İ. (2004). Determination and phylogenetic analysis of canine distemper virus in dogs with nervous symptoms in Turkey. Acta Veterinaria Hungarica, 52 (1): 125-132.
  • Sidhu, M., Husar, V., Cook, S.D., Dowling, P.C., Udem, S.A. (1993). Canine distemper terminal and intergenic non-protein coding nucleotide sequences: Completion of the entire CDV genome sequence. Virol., 193:, 66-72.
  • von Messling, V., Harder, T., Moennig, V., Rautenberg, P., Nolte, I., Haas, L. (1999).Rapide and sensitive detection og IgM and IgG antibodies against canine distemper virus by a new recombinant nucleocapsid prote-in based ELISA. J. Clin. Microbiol., 37: 1049-1056.
  • von Messling, V., Zimmer, G., Herler, G., Haas, l., Cattaneo, R. (2001). The Hemagglutinin of canine distemper virus determines tropsim and cytopathogenicity . J. Virol. 75: 6418-6427.
  • Whelan, S.P.J., Barr, N.J., Wertz, W.G. (2004). Transcription and replication of nonsegmented negative-strand RNA viruses. Biology of Negative- Strand RNA Viruses: The Power of Reverse Genetics. Springer-Verlag (Newyork). Kawaoka, Y. s: 63-111.

Canine Distemper Virus Prevalence and Seroepidemiology

Year 2007, Volume: 18 Issue: 1-2, 5 - 10, 01.12.2007


Nasal, conjunktival and rectal swabs, feces, leucocyte and organ samples were obtained from 157 animals clinically suspected Canine Distemper infected. Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction were performed for the detection of viral nucleic acid. According to the test 51 cases were found positive. The positivity rates among different clinical samples were exemined. Besides, existence of IgM and IgG in sera samples from CDV positive 47 cases were evaluated. It was found that, among clinical samples collected form CDV positive cases nasal swabs had higher viral nucleic acid detection rates than other specimens. Results obtained by ELISA IgM showed that most cases are at the acute phase. Twenty-one cases, known to be vaccinated, were found positive.


  • Abraham, G., Banerjee, A.K. (1976). Sequential transcription of the genes of vesicular stomatitis virus. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 73: 1504-1508.
  • Amude, A.,M., Alfieri, A.A., Alfieri, A.F. (2006). Antemortem diagnosis of CDV infections by RT-PCR in distemper dogs with neurological deficits without the typical clinical presentation. Vet. Resch. Comm., 30: 679-687.
  • Appel, M.J.G., Summers B.A. (1995). Pathogenicity of morbilliviruses for terrestrial carnivores. Vet. Microbiol., 44: 187-191.
  • Appel, M.J.G., Summers, B.A. (1999). Canine distemper: Current Status. Recent Advances in Canine İnfectious Diseases. Erişim:[]
  • Chappuis, G, (1995). Control of canine distemper. Vet. Microbiol., 44: 351-358.
  • Cho, H.S., Park, N.Y. (2005). Detection of Canine Distemper Virus in Blood Samples by Reverse Transcription Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification. J. Vet. Med. B. 52, 410-413.
  • Chomczynski, P., Sacchi, N. (1987). Singlestep method of RNA isolation by acid guanidinium thiocyanate-phenol-chloroform extraction. Ann. Biochem. 162: 156-159.
  • Haas, L., Martens, W., Greiser-Wilke, I., Mamaev, L., Butina, T., Maack, D., Barrett, T. (1997). Analysis of hemagglutinin gene of current wild-type canine distemper virus isolates from Germany. Virus Res., 48: 165-171.
  • HO, C., Babiuk, L., (1979). Immune machanisms against canine distemper. II role of antibody in antigene modulation and prevention of intercellular and extracelular spraed of canine distemper virus. Immunology, 38: 765-771.
  • Kim, D., Jeoung, Y., Ahn, J., Lee, H., Pak, S., Kwon, H. (2006). Comparision of tissue and fluid samples for the early detection of canine distemper virus in experimentally infected dogs. J. Vet. Med. Sci., 68 (8): 877-879.
  • Lan, N.T., Yamaguchi, R., Furuya, Y., Inomata, A., Ngamkala, S., Naganobu, K., Kai, K., Mochizuki, M., Uchida, K., Tateyama, S. (2005c). Pathogenesis and phylogenetic analysis of canine distemper virus strain 007Lm, a new isolate in dogs. Vet. Microbiol., 110:197-207.
  • Mochizuki, M., Hashimoto, M., Hagiwara, S., Yoshida,Y., Ishiguro, S. (1999). Genotypes of canine distemper virus determined by analysis of the hemagglutinin gene of recentisolates from dogs in Japan. J. Clin. Microbiol., 37: 2936-29423.
  • Mochizuki, M., Motoyoshi, M. Maeda, K., Kai, K. (2002). Complement mediated neutralization of canine distemper virus in vitro: Cross-reaction betweenn vaccine Onderstepoort and field KDK-1 strains with different hemagglutinin gene characteristics. Clinical and diagnostic laboratory immunology, 9: 921-924.
  • Özkul, A., Sancak, A., Güngör, E., Burgu, İ. (2004). Determination and phylogenetic analysis of canine distemper virus in dogs with nervous symptoms in Turkey. Acta Veterinaria Hungarica, 52 (1): 125-132.
  • Sidhu, M., Husar, V., Cook, S.D., Dowling, P.C., Udem, S.A. (1993). Canine distemper terminal and intergenic non-protein coding nucleotide sequences: Completion of the entire CDV genome sequence. Virol., 193:, 66-72.
  • von Messling, V., Harder, T., Moennig, V., Rautenberg, P., Nolte, I., Haas, L. (1999).Rapide and sensitive detection og IgM and IgG antibodies against canine distemper virus by a new recombinant nucleocapsid prote-in based ELISA. J. Clin. Microbiol., 37: 1049-1056.
  • von Messling, V., Zimmer, G., Herler, G., Haas, l., Cattaneo, R. (2001). The Hemagglutinin of canine distemper virus determines tropsim and cytopathogenicity . J. Virol. 75: 6418-6427.
  • Whelan, S.P.J., Barr, N.J., Wertz, W.G. (2004). Transcription and replication of nonsegmented negative-strand RNA viruses. Biology of Negative- Strand RNA Viruses: The Power of Reverse Genetics. Springer-Verlag (Newyork). Kawaoka, Y. s: 63-111.
There are 18 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Veterinary Surgery
Journal Section Original Article

Elvin Çalışkan This is me

İbrahim Burgu This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2007
Submission Date December 1, 2007
Published in Issue Year 2007 Volume: 18 Issue: 1-2


APA Çalışkan, E., & Burgu, İ. (2007). Köpek Gençlik Hastalığı Virusunun Prevalansı ve Seroepidemiyolojisi. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 18(1-2), 5-10.
