Serum samples taken from 250 sheep and 250 cattle in Bursa were investigated
for anti-bluetongue virus antibodies by Agar Gel Precipitation
Test (AGPT). Precipitating antibodies to Bluetongue Virus were determined
in ı 8 (3 .6%) of tested 500 sera. The infection ratios w ere fo und to be 6% for
sheep and 1.2% for cattle. It was determined that the infection ratio increased
with age.
Anonim 1971: Koyun Hastalıkları, Mavi dil, Pendik Vet Ko nt Ens
Yayınları, No: 3, Hilal Matbaacılık, İstanbul.
Arita GMM, Gatti MSV, Germano PML and Pestana-De-Castro
AF 1992: Comparison of indirect immunofluorescence with agar gel immunodiffusion
for the diagnosis of Bluetongue Virus Infection. Brazilian J
Med Biol Res, 25,503-508.
Aytuğ, CN, Alaçam E, Özkoç Ü, Yalçın BC, Türker H, Gökçen
H 1990: Mavi Dil Hastalığı, Koyun-Keçi Hastalıkları ve Yetiştiriciliği,
TÜM-VET Hayvancılık Hizmetleri Yayını No: 2, İstanbul 181-183, 1990.
Barratt-Boyes SM, Maclachan NJ 1995: Pathogenesis of Bluetongue
virus infection of catte, JAVMA, 206 (9), 1322-1329.
Ertürk A 1994: Çeşitli serumlarda (koyun, keçi, sığır) mavi dil antikorlarının
agar-jel presipitasyon testi ile araştırılması, Etlik Vet Mikrob
Derg 7 (5), 1-19.
Flanagan M, Dashort ME, Ward MP, Morris CM 1995: Antibodies
to Bluetongue and related Orbiviruses in sheep and goats in Bluetongue
virus-endemic areas of northern and central Queensland, Aust Vet J 72 (1),
Fulton RW, Burge LJ, Cummins JM 1989: Neutralizing antibody
respanses to Bluetongue and Epizootic Hemoragic Disease Virus serotypes
in beef cattle, Am J Vet Res, 50 (5), 651-654.
Fulton RW, Nicholson SS, Paerson NJ, Potter MT, Archbald
LF, Pearson JE, Joehim MM 1982: Bluetongue infections in Louisiana
cattle, Am J Vet Res, 43 (5) , 887-891 .
Girgin H ve Yonguç AD 1988: Türkiye'deki koyunların mavi dil
hastalığının serolojik, etiyolajik ve patolojik durumu üzerinde araştırmalar,
Etlik Vet Mikrob Derg 6 (3) , 13-24.
Hourrigan JL, Klingsporn AL 1975: Epizootilogy of Bluetongue:
The situation in the United States of America, Aust Vet J, 51, 203-208.
Hugh-Jones ME, Taylor WP, Jones F, Luther G, Miller J,
Karns P, Hoyt P 1989: Serological observations on the epidemiology of
Bluetongue infections in Louisiana catte, Preventive Vet Med 7, 11-18.
Öztürk F, Yavru S ve Eröz S 1990: Koyunlarda Mavi Dil Enfeksiyonu
üzerinde seroepizoolojik araştırmalar. SÜ Vet Fak Derg 6(1), 37-40.
Sadler EC, Vitt DJ 1992: Survey of cattle in Tashmania for antibody
to Bluetongue virus, Aust Vet J 69(10), 262.
Saini SS, Sharma JK, Maitt NK, Kwatra MS 1992: Seroprevalence
of previpitating antibodies to Bluetongue virus among domestic ruminants
of Punjab State, İndian J. Anim. Sci., 62(5), 416-417 .
Seliers R 1990: Orbiviruses, Tobley and Wilson's "Principles of
Bacteriology, Virology and Immunity, Virology", Vol4, Viroiogy , 8th ed.,
Collier LH, Timbury MC, Butler and Tanner Ltd., London 620-621 .
S to tt JL, Blanchard-Channell M, Osburn BI, Rieman HP,
Obeso RC 1989: Serologic and virologic evidence of Bluetongue virus infection
in cattle and sheep in Mexico, Am .J. Vet. Res ., 50 (3), 335-340, 1989.
Tan ya VN, Gibbs EPJ 1991: Bluetongue, "Disease of Sheep",
2nd ed ., Martin W .B. and Aıtken I.D., Blackwell Scientific Publications,
Edinburg, 348-351.
Uhaa IJ, Riemann HP, Thurmond MC, Franti CE 1990: A seroepidemiological
study on Bluetongue Virus in dairy cattle in the central
valley of California Vet Res Comm, 14, 99-112.
Uhaa IJ, Riemann HP, Thurmond MC, Franti CE 1990: A
cross-sectional study of Bluetongue virus and Mycoplasma bovis infections
in dairy cattle: I. The association between a positive antibody response and
production efficiency, Vet Res Comm, 14,461-470.
Ward MP 1994: Climatic factors associated with the prevalence
of Bluetongue virus infection of cattle heards in Queensland, Australia, Vet
Rec, 134,407-410.
Ward MP 1994: The epidemiology ofbluetongue virus in Australia-
A review, Aust. Vet. J., 71(1), 3-7.
Ward MP, Carpenter TE, Osburo BI 1994: Host factors affecting
seroprevalence virus infections of cattle Am. J.Vet.Res., 55 (7), 916-920.
W ard MP, Flanagan M, Baldock FC 1995: Infection of cattle in
Queensland with Bluetongue viruses: 1. prevalence of antibodies, Aus Vet J,
72 (5), 182-186.
Yonguç AD, Taylor WP, Csontos L, Worrall E 1982: Bluetongue
in Westem Turkey Vet.Rec., lll, 144-146.
Bursa'da Sığır ve Koyunlarda Mavi Dil İnfeksiyonunun Seroprevalansı
Bursa'da 250 koyun ve 250 sığırdan alınan serum örnekleri anti-mavi
dil virus antikorları yönünden Agar Jel Presipitasyon Testi (AGPT) ile incelendi.
Test edilen 500 serumun ı8 (%3.6)'inde mavi dil virüsüne karşı presipitan
antikorlar saptandı. infeksiyon oranları koyunlarda % 6 ve sığırlarda %
1 .2 olarak bulundu. infeksiyon oranının yaş ile birlikte arttığı saptandı.
Anonim 1971: Koyun Hastalıkları, Mavi dil, Pendik Vet Ko nt Ens
Yayınları, No: 3, Hilal Matbaacılık, İstanbul.
Arita GMM, Gatti MSV, Germano PML and Pestana-De-Castro
AF 1992: Comparison of indirect immunofluorescence with agar gel immunodiffusion
for the diagnosis of Bluetongue Virus Infection. Brazilian J
Med Biol Res, 25,503-508.
Aytuğ, CN, Alaçam E, Özkoç Ü, Yalçın BC, Türker H, Gökçen
H 1990: Mavi Dil Hastalığı, Koyun-Keçi Hastalıkları ve Yetiştiriciliği,
TÜM-VET Hayvancılık Hizmetleri Yayını No: 2, İstanbul 181-183, 1990.
Barratt-Boyes SM, Maclachan NJ 1995: Pathogenesis of Bluetongue
virus infection of catte, JAVMA, 206 (9), 1322-1329.
Ertürk A 1994: Çeşitli serumlarda (koyun, keçi, sığır) mavi dil antikorlarının
agar-jel presipitasyon testi ile araştırılması, Etlik Vet Mikrob
Derg 7 (5), 1-19.
Flanagan M, Dashort ME, Ward MP, Morris CM 1995: Antibodies
to Bluetongue and related Orbiviruses in sheep and goats in Bluetongue
virus-endemic areas of northern and central Queensland, Aust Vet J 72 (1),
Fulton RW, Burge LJ, Cummins JM 1989: Neutralizing antibody
respanses to Bluetongue and Epizootic Hemoragic Disease Virus serotypes
in beef cattle, Am J Vet Res, 50 (5), 651-654.
Fulton RW, Nicholson SS, Paerson NJ, Potter MT, Archbald
LF, Pearson JE, Joehim MM 1982: Bluetongue infections in Louisiana
cattle, Am J Vet Res, 43 (5) , 887-891 .
Girgin H ve Yonguç AD 1988: Türkiye'deki koyunların mavi dil
hastalığının serolojik, etiyolajik ve patolojik durumu üzerinde araştırmalar,
Etlik Vet Mikrob Derg 6 (3) , 13-24.
Hourrigan JL, Klingsporn AL 1975: Epizootilogy of Bluetongue:
The situation in the United States of America, Aust Vet J, 51, 203-208.
Hugh-Jones ME, Taylor WP, Jones F, Luther G, Miller J,
Karns P, Hoyt P 1989: Serological observations on the epidemiology of
Bluetongue infections in Louisiana catte, Preventive Vet Med 7, 11-18.
Öztürk F, Yavru S ve Eröz S 1990: Koyunlarda Mavi Dil Enfeksiyonu
üzerinde seroepizoolojik araştırmalar. SÜ Vet Fak Derg 6(1), 37-40.
Sadler EC, Vitt DJ 1992: Survey of cattle in Tashmania for antibody
to Bluetongue virus, Aust Vet J 69(10), 262.
Saini SS, Sharma JK, Maitt NK, Kwatra MS 1992: Seroprevalence
of previpitating antibodies to Bluetongue virus among domestic ruminants
of Punjab State, İndian J. Anim. Sci., 62(5), 416-417 .
Seliers R 1990: Orbiviruses, Tobley and Wilson's "Principles of
Bacteriology, Virology and Immunity, Virology", Vol4, Viroiogy , 8th ed.,
Collier LH, Timbury MC, Butler and Tanner Ltd., London 620-621 .
S to tt JL, Blanchard-Channell M, Osburn BI, Rieman HP,
Obeso RC 1989: Serologic and virologic evidence of Bluetongue virus infection
in cattle and sheep in Mexico, Am .J. Vet. Res ., 50 (3), 335-340, 1989.
Tan ya VN, Gibbs EPJ 1991: Bluetongue, "Disease of Sheep",
2nd ed ., Martin W .B. and Aıtken I.D., Blackwell Scientific Publications,
Edinburg, 348-351.
Uhaa IJ, Riemann HP, Thurmond MC, Franti CE 1990: A seroepidemiological
study on Bluetongue Virus in dairy cattle in the central
valley of California Vet Res Comm, 14, 99-112.
Uhaa IJ, Riemann HP, Thurmond MC, Franti CE 1990: A
cross-sectional study of Bluetongue virus and Mycoplasma bovis infections
in dairy cattle: I. The association between a positive antibody response and
production efficiency, Vet Res Comm, 14,461-470.
Ward MP 1994: Climatic factors associated with the prevalence
of Bluetongue virus infection of cattle heards in Queensland, Australia, Vet
Rec, 134,407-410.
Ward MP 1994: The epidemiology ofbluetongue virus in Australia-
A review, Aust. Vet. J., 71(1), 3-7.
Ward MP, Carpenter TE, Osburo BI 1994: Host factors affecting
seroprevalence virus infections of cattle Am. J.Vet.Res., 55 (7), 916-920.
W ard MP, Flanagan M, Baldock FC 1995: Infection of cattle in
Queensland with Bluetongue viruses: 1. prevalence of antibodies, Aus Vet J,
72 (5), 182-186.
Yonguç AD, Taylor WP, Csontos L, Worrall E 1982: Bluetongue
in Westem Turkey Vet.Rec., lll, 144-146.
Ülgen, M., Akçora, A., & Kocabıyık, L. (2022). Bursa’da Sığır ve Koyunlarda Mavi Dil İnfeksiyonunun Seroprevalansı. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 9(2), 47-54.