Kanatlı sektöründe önemli ekonomik kayıplara neden olan Newcastle hastalığının (ND) klinik seyri virusun patojenitesi
ile doğrudan ilgilidir. Velojenik suşlar önemli klinik bulgular ve yüksek mortaliteye sebep olurken, mezojenik ve lentojenik suşların
meydana getirdiği hastalık nispeten daha hafif seyirli olmaktadır. Ayrıca virusun patojenitesini belirlemek epidemiyolojik açıdan da
büyük önem arz etmektedir. Bu çalışmada 2007 yılında Etlik Merkez Veteriner Kontrol ve Araştırma Enstitüsünde izole ve identifiye
edilen toplam 39 adet ND virusunun patojenitesi belirlendi. Virus izolasyon ve identifikasyonunda RT-PCR, Spesifik patojen free
(SPF) embriyolu tavuk yumurtasına ekim, Hemaglutinasyon inhibisyon (HI) testi uygulandı. ND virusunun patotiplendirilmesinde
Intracerebral Pathogenicity Index (ICPI) yöntemi kullanıldı.
Köy tavuklarından izole edilen 28 ND virusunun tamamı velojenik olarak belirlendi. Evcil güvercinlerden izole edilen 4 adet
ND virusunun 3’ünün mesojenik, 1’inin lentojenik olduğu tespit edildi. Yabani güvercinlerden izole edilen 5 adet NDV suşunun
2’sinin velojenik, 3’ünün ise mezojenik, yabani kumrulardan izole edilen 2 adet ND virusunun ise mezojenik olduğu tespit edildi.
Yabani güvercinlerden velojenik suşların izole edilmesi ülkemizde virusun sirkulasyonunda yabani kuşların önemine dikkat çekmektedir.
Akan M, Keskin O, İlhan Z, Dakman A, Kökçü L, (1999).
Newcastle Hastalığına Karşı Aşılama Denemeleri. Ankara
Üniv Vet Fak Derg. 46 (2-3), 242-248
Aldous EW, Fuller CM, Mynn JK and Alexander D.J.
(2004). A molecular epidemiological investigation of the
variant avian paramyxovirus type 1 virus (PPMV-1)
responsible for the 1978 to present panzootic in pigeons.
Avian Pathol 32 (2), 258-269.
Aldous EW, Mynn JK, Banks J, Alexander DJ, (2003). A
molecular epidemiological study of avian paramyxovirus
type 1 (Newcastle disease virus) isolates by phylogenetic
analysis of a partial nucleotide sequence of the fusion
protein gene. Avian Pathol 32, 239-257.
Aldous EW, Alexander DJ, (2001). Detection and
differentiation of Newcastle disease virus (avian
paramyxovirus type 1). Avian Pathol., 30, 117-128.
Alexander DJ, (2003). Newcastle Disease, Other Avian
Paramyxoviruses, and Pneumovirus İnfections. Saif Y.M.eds. Disease of Poultry. 11th Edition Iowa State
Press. p.63-87
Allan WH, Lancaster JE, Toth B, (1978). Newcastle
disease vaccines. FAO
Anonim, (1986). Avian Paramyxovirus Type 1(NDV)
İnfection in Pigeons and Spread to Domestic Poultry in
Great Britain. MAFF,CVL Report
Anonim, (2008). Newcastle disease in OIE Manual of
Standard’s for Diagnostic tests and vaccines. 576-589.
Anonim, (1992). Introducing Community measures for the
control of Newcastle disease in Councıl Dırectıve
Barut T, (2005). Kanatlı hayvanlarda Newcastle hastalığı
viruslarının reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain
reaction (RT-PCR) ile teşhisi ve moleküler
karakterizasyonu. Doktora Tezi, AÜ Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü,
Çöven F, Çarlı T, (1997). Gumboro salgınlarında
Reovirus, Adenovirus ve Newcastle hastalığı virus izolasyonu.
Pendik Vet Kont Araşt Enst Yayını 2, 153-161.
Çöven F, Ruth Manvell, Orhan G, Çöven N, Genç A,
(2004). Yumurtacı ve broyler sürülerde görülen
Newcastle Hastalığı olgularından Avian
Paramyxovirusların izolasyonu ve identifikasyonu.
VI.Ulusal Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Kongresi. Kongre Özet
Kitabı , 222.
Gohm DS, Thur B, Hofmann MA, (2000). Detection of
Newcastle virus in organs and feaces of experimentally
infected chikens using RT-PCR. Avian Pathol. 29, 143-
Jordan FT, (1996). Poultry Disease. Fourth edition. WB
Saunders Company Ltd. London, p.469-483.
Kaleta EF, Alexander DJ, Russel PH, (1985). The first
isolation of the avian PMV-1 virıus responsible fort he
current panzootic in pigeons. Avian Pathol 553-557.
Meulemans G, van den Berg TP, Decaesstecker M,
Boschmans M, (2002). Evolution of pigeon Newcastle
disease virus strains. Avian Pathol 31, 515-519.
Öncel T, Alexander DJ, Manvell RJ, Türe O, (1997).
Characterization of Newcastle Diseases Viruses isolated
from chickens and pigeons in the South Marmara region
of Turkey. Avian Path 26, 129-137.
Özdemir İ, (1992). Current new-castle disease situation in
Turkey. Workshop On Avian Paramyxovirus.
Proceedings. Rauuschholzhausen, July, 27-29;109-116.
Wilde J, Eiden J, Yolken R, (1990). Removal of inhibitory
substances from human fecal specimens for detection of
group A Rotaviruses by reverse transcriptase and p.c.r. J.
Clin Microbiol 28,1300-1307.
Pathotyping of the Newcastle Disease Virus Strains Isolated From the Domestic and Wild Birds
The clinical symptoms of the Newcastle disease (ND) that cause considerable losses in poultry sector are directly
related to the pathogenity of the virus. When the velogenic strains cause severe clinical findings and higher mortality, disease caused
by mesogenic and the lentogenic strains is relatively in a moderate mode. Also, determination of the pathogenity of the virus
represents a great importance for the epidemiological meaning. In this study the pathogenity of the 39 ND viruses isolated and identified
in Etlik Central Veterinary Control and Research Institute in 2007 was determined. For the isolation and identification of the virus,
reverse transcription- polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), inoculation of the samples into the Specific Pathogen Free (SPF)
embryonated eggs, and haemagglutination inhibition (HI) test were performed. The Intracerebral Pathogenity Index (ICPI) test were
used for the pathotyping of the ND viruses.
All of the 28 ND viruses isolated from the backyard poultry were determined as velogenic. Three of the four ND viruses isolated
from the domestic pigeons were found be mesogenic, and the remaining one was lentogenic. Two of the five ND strains isolated
from the wild pigeons were determined as velogenic, and three of the five were determined as mesogenic. The virus isolated
from the two doves was found to be mesogenic. The isolation of the velogenic strains from the wild pigeons shows the importance of
the wild birds for the circulation of the ND viruses in Tukey.
Akan M, Keskin O, İlhan Z, Dakman A, Kökçü L, (1999).
Newcastle Hastalığına Karşı Aşılama Denemeleri. Ankara
Üniv Vet Fak Derg. 46 (2-3), 242-248
Aldous EW, Fuller CM, Mynn JK and Alexander D.J.
(2004). A molecular epidemiological investigation of the
variant avian paramyxovirus type 1 virus (PPMV-1)
responsible for the 1978 to present panzootic in pigeons.
Avian Pathol 32 (2), 258-269.
Aldous EW, Mynn JK, Banks J, Alexander DJ, (2003). A
molecular epidemiological study of avian paramyxovirus
type 1 (Newcastle disease virus) isolates by phylogenetic
analysis of a partial nucleotide sequence of the fusion
protein gene. Avian Pathol 32, 239-257.
Aldous EW, Alexander DJ, (2001). Detection and
differentiation of Newcastle disease virus (avian
paramyxovirus type 1). Avian Pathol., 30, 117-128.
Alexander DJ, (2003). Newcastle Disease, Other Avian
Paramyxoviruses, and Pneumovirus İnfections. Saif Y.M.eds. Disease of Poultry. 11th Edition Iowa State
Press. p.63-87
Allan WH, Lancaster JE, Toth B, (1978). Newcastle
disease vaccines. FAO
Anonim, (1986). Avian Paramyxovirus Type 1(NDV)
İnfection in Pigeons and Spread to Domestic Poultry in
Great Britain. MAFF,CVL Report
Anonim, (2008). Newcastle disease in OIE Manual of
Standard’s for Diagnostic tests and vaccines. 576-589.
Anonim, (1992). Introducing Community measures for the
control of Newcastle disease in Councıl Dırectıve
Barut T, (2005). Kanatlı hayvanlarda Newcastle hastalığı
viruslarının reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain
reaction (RT-PCR) ile teşhisi ve moleküler
karakterizasyonu. Doktora Tezi, AÜ Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü,
Çöven F, Çarlı T, (1997). Gumboro salgınlarında
Reovirus, Adenovirus ve Newcastle hastalığı virus izolasyonu.
Pendik Vet Kont Araşt Enst Yayını 2, 153-161.
Çöven F, Ruth Manvell, Orhan G, Çöven N, Genç A,
(2004). Yumurtacı ve broyler sürülerde görülen
Newcastle Hastalığı olgularından Avian
Paramyxovirusların izolasyonu ve identifikasyonu.
VI.Ulusal Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Kongresi. Kongre Özet
Kitabı , 222.
Gohm DS, Thur B, Hofmann MA, (2000). Detection of
Newcastle virus in organs and feaces of experimentally
infected chikens using RT-PCR. Avian Pathol. 29, 143-
Jordan FT, (1996). Poultry Disease. Fourth edition. WB
Saunders Company Ltd. London, p.469-483.
Kaleta EF, Alexander DJ, Russel PH, (1985). The first
isolation of the avian PMV-1 virıus responsible fort he
current panzootic in pigeons. Avian Pathol 553-557.
Meulemans G, van den Berg TP, Decaesstecker M,
Boschmans M, (2002). Evolution of pigeon Newcastle
disease virus strains. Avian Pathol 31, 515-519.
Öncel T, Alexander DJ, Manvell RJ, Türe O, (1997).
Characterization of Newcastle Diseases Viruses isolated
from chickens and pigeons in the South Marmara region
of Turkey. Avian Path 26, 129-137.
Özdemir İ, (1992). Current new-castle disease situation in
Turkey. Workshop On Avian Paramyxovirus.
Proceedings. Rauuschholzhausen, July, 27-29;109-116.
Wilde J, Eiden J, Yolken R, (1990). Removal of inhibitory
substances from human fecal specimens for detection of
group A Rotaviruses by reverse transcriptase and p.c.r. J.
Clin Microbiol 28,1300-1307.
Dagman, A., Güleç, M., Günaydın, E., Coşar, M. (2008). Evcil ve Yabani Kanatlılardan İzole Edilen Newcastle Hastalığı Viruslarının Patotiplendirilmesi. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 19(1), 19-26.