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Year 2013, Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 93 - 112, 01.06.2013


Sosyal, ekonomik, politik ve teknolojik iyileşmeler toplumların sahip oldukları kültürün mevcut yapısını değişime uğratmıştır. Sözkonusu unsurlardan ötürü farklı zaman dilimlerinde doğan kuşakların davranışlarında farklılaşmalar ortaya çıkmıştır. Kuşakların zaman içerisinde farklılaşan özellikleri bir örgüt bünyesinde çalışmaya başladıklarında da kendisini hissettirmektedir. Kuşaklararası farklılıklar, çalışanların birbirlerini anlayamamalarını ve olaylara değişik perspektiflerden bakmalarını gündeme getirmektedir. Sözkonusu farklılaşan davranışlar, iş süreçlerine yansıdığında çalışanlarda istenilen etkinlik ve verimlilik kriterlerine ulaşabilmeyi engelleyebilmektedir. Bu bağlamda yönetim kademelerinin kuşaklararasında yaşanan farklılıkları iyi yönetmesi önemli bir gerekliliktir. Kuşaklararasında yaşanan farklılıkların yönetim kademeleri tarafından iyi yönetilmesi örgütlerde istenen etkinlik ve verimlilik kriterlerine ulaşabilmede ve mevcut işgücünün istenilen performans düzeyine ulaşabilmesinde önem teşkil etmektedir.


  • Baltaş, A. (2009) İnsana ve İşe Değer Katan Yeni İnsan Kaynakları, Remzi Kitabevi, (Ed. Necla Feroğlu), Birinci Basım, Nisan, İstanbul
  • Bourne, B.B. (2009) Phenomenologıcal Study Of Response To Organizational Change: Baby Boomers, Generation X, And Generation Y, (Unpublished PhD Thesis), University Of Phoenix
  • Brown, D. (2003) “Ways Dietitians of Different Generations Can Work Together”, Journal Of The American Dietetic Association, Volume: 103, Issue: 11
  • Chen, H. (2010) “Advertising And Generational Identity: A Theoretical Model”, American Academy of Advertising Conference Proceedings, 132-140.
  • Crumpacker, M., Crumpacker, J.M., (2007) “Succession Planning and Generational Stereotypes: Should HR Consider Age-Based Values and Attitudes a Relevant Factor or a Passing Fad?”, Public Personnel Management, Volume: 36, Issue: 4
  • Çoban, F., Milenyum Kuşağı Neleri Değiştirecek? Capital Dergisi, Haziran, 2006. , Erişim Tarihi: 10.04.2012
  • Dash, M.K. (2010) “Comparative Empirical Analysis Of Occupational and Motivational Differences Of Different Generations In Indian Workforce”, International Journal Of Business Research, Volume: 10, Issue: 6
  • Duvendack, C.M. (2010) Correlaton of Work-Life Balance Decisions of Different Generations of Physicians, (Unpublished PhD Thesis), Capella University, April
  • Gönen, E.D. (2011) “Geleceğin İş Dünyası Nasıl Olacak?”, Platin Aylık Ekonomi Dergisi, Yıl: 13, Ağustos.
  • Haeberle, K., Herzberg J., Hobby T., (2009) “Leading the Multigenerational Work Force”, Healthcare Executive, Volume: 24, Issue: 5
  • Jordan, T. H. (2010) “The Diversity Opportunities of Today - It’s Generational”, Profiles in Diversity Journal, Volume: 12, Issue: 1, Ocak, Şubat
  • Keleş, H. N. (2011) “Y Kuşağı Çalışanlarının Motivasyon Profillerinin Belirlenmesine Yönelik Bir Araştırma”, Organizasyon ve Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi, Cilt: 3, Sayı: 2
  • Krywulak, T., Roberts M., (2009) “Winning the Generation Wars: Making the Most of Generational Similarities and Differences in the Workplace”, The Conference Board of Canada, Report November 1-76, Canada
  • Kyles, D. (2005) “Managing Your Multigenerational Workforce”, Strategic Finance, Volume: 87, , Issue: 6
  • Lamm, E., Meeks, M. D., (2009) “Workplace Fun: The Moderating Effects Of Generational Differences”, Employee Relations, Volume: 31, Issue: 6
  • Lancaster, L., Stillman D., (2002) “Clashing Generations”, Futurist, Volume: 36, Issue: 2
  • Matthews, V. (2008) “Generation Y”, Personnal Today, Eylül, 48-51.
  • Montana, P. J., Petit F. (2008) “Motivating Generation X And Y On The Job And. Preparing Z, Global Journal Of Business Research, Volume: 2, Issue: 2
  • Patalano, C. (2008) “A Study Of The Relationship Between Generational Group Identification and Organizational Commitment: Generation X vs. Generation Y”, (Unpublished PhD Thesis), H. Wayne Huizenga School of Business & Entrepreneurship Nova Southeastern University,.
  • Reeves, T.C., Oh, E. (2008) “Generational Differences, in Handbook of Research On Educational Communications And Technology, Editörler: J.Michael Spector, M.David Merrill, Jeroen Van Merrienboer, Marcy P.Driscoll, 3th ed., Taylor&Francis Group, New York..
  • Salahuddin, M.M. (2010) “Generational Differences Impact On Leadership Style and. Organizational Success”, Journal of Diversity Management, Volume: 5, Issue: 2
  • Seçkin Büyük, S. (2005) “Biz Kuşağı Geliyor”, Capital Aylık İş ve Ekonomi Dergisi, Yıl: 13, Sayı: 10, Ekim.
  • Senbir, H. (2004) “ Z Son İnsan Mı?”, “O” Kitaplar, 1. Baskı, Nisan, İstanbul.
  • Spitznas, T. J. (1998) “Generation X: Why So Glum?”, Fairfield County Business Journal, Volume: 37, Issue: 50
  • Tsui, B., Hughes L. Q. (2001) “Generatıon Next”, Advertising Age, Volume: 72, Issue: 3
  • Tufur, M. (2011) “Türkiye’nin Y Kuşağı”, MediaCat Özel Eki, Mayıs
  • Twenge, J. M. (2009) Ben Nesli, Kaknüs Yayınları: 415, (Çev. Esra Öztürk), 1. Basım, İstanbul.
  • Walker, W. D., (2006) “Generational Leadership: A Study Of The Leadership Styles of Different Generatıons of Entrepreneurs and The Resulting Organizational Outcomes”, (Unpublished PhD Thesis), Capella University
  • Washburn, E. T. R. (2000) “The Five Generations”, Physician Executive, Volume: 26, Issue: 1
  • Welter, V. (2004) “Analysis Of The Characteristics Of Generation X’ers And Baby Boomers In Multigenerational Teaching Staffs In Michigan”, (Unpublished PhD Thesis), Central Michigan University,.
  • Williams, S. (2010) “Welcome To Generation Z”, B&T Magazine, Cilt: 60, Sayı: 2731
  • Yelkikalan, N; Altın E. (2010) “Farklı Kuşakların Yönetimi”, Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi, Cilt: 8, Sayı: 2
  • Zaporzan, D. (2010) “Four Generations, One Workplace: Watch Us Work”, CMA Management, Volume: 84, Issue: 6, Ekim
  • Zemke, R., Raines C., Filipczak B., (2000) Generations at Work: Managing the Clash of Veterans, Boomers, Xers, Nexters in Your Workplace, Publisher: AMACOM Books İnternet Kaynakları
  • Mengi, Z. İş Başarısında Kuşak Farkı
  •, Erişim Tarihi: 10.05.2012
  • Rock, M. R, “ The Wounded Healer, Generation Gaps in the New Workplace Gen-Xers and Boomers Working Together”,1999. http://www.canadaone. com/ezine/sept99/corporate_learning2.html, Erişim Tarihi: 21.01.2011
  • Türk Dil Kurumu; Büyük Türkçe Sözlük,, Erişim Tarihi: 08.04.2012
  • Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu, “İstatistik Göstergeler Statistical Indicators” 1923- 2010,;jsessionid=80y4PkhLRQfSDsy2mGd hW3LjxcJRmq80v7pQt1pHfLv5m6ZnJGHm -1356610973, Erişim Tarihi: 02.01. 2012
  • “İstatistiklerle Kadın, 2011”,, Erişim Tarihi: 02.01. 2012


Year 2013, Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 93 - 112, 01.06.2013


Social, economic, politic and technologic recoveries caused changes in present structures of the culture of the societies. Behaviors of the generations born in different periods of time has been differentiated due to respective facts along with it. Differing characteristics of generations in social structure also made itself evident during the generations’ performances in organizations. Intergenerational differences cause the employees not to understand each others and have different perspectives. Differing behaviors can prevent workers to access the criteria of effectiveness and efficiency. In this context, intergenerational differences need to be managed better by top management. A good management of intergenerational differences is important to achieve the desired efficiency and effectiveness criteria and to reach the desired performance level of the existing workforce in organizations


  • Baltaş, A. (2009) İnsana ve İşe Değer Katan Yeni İnsan Kaynakları, Remzi Kitabevi, (Ed. Necla Feroğlu), Birinci Basım, Nisan, İstanbul
  • Bourne, B.B. (2009) Phenomenologıcal Study Of Response To Organizational Change: Baby Boomers, Generation X, And Generation Y, (Unpublished PhD Thesis), University Of Phoenix
  • Brown, D. (2003) “Ways Dietitians of Different Generations Can Work Together”, Journal Of The American Dietetic Association, Volume: 103, Issue: 11
  • Chen, H. (2010) “Advertising And Generational Identity: A Theoretical Model”, American Academy of Advertising Conference Proceedings, 132-140.
  • Crumpacker, M., Crumpacker, J.M., (2007) “Succession Planning and Generational Stereotypes: Should HR Consider Age-Based Values and Attitudes a Relevant Factor or a Passing Fad?”, Public Personnel Management, Volume: 36, Issue: 4
  • Çoban, F., Milenyum Kuşağı Neleri Değiştirecek? Capital Dergisi, Haziran, 2006. , Erişim Tarihi: 10.04.2012
  • Dash, M.K. (2010) “Comparative Empirical Analysis Of Occupational and Motivational Differences Of Different Generations In Indian Workforce”, International Journal Of Business Research, Volume: 10, Issue: 6
  • Duvendack, C.M. (2010) Correlaton of Work-Life Balance Decisions of Different Generations of Physicians, (Unpublished PhD Thesis), Capella University, April
  • Gönen, E.D. (2011) “Geleceğin İş Dünyası Nasıl Olacak?”, Platin Aylık Ekonomi Dergisi, Yıl: 13, Ağustos.
  • Haeberle, K., Herzberg J., Hobby T., (2009) “Leading the Multigenerational Work Force”, Healthcare Executive, Volume: 24, Issue: 5
  • Jordan, T. H. (2010) “The Diversity Opportunities of Today - It’s Generational”, Profiles in Diversity Journal, Volume: 12, Issue: 1, Ocak, Şubat
  • Keleş, H. N. (2011) “Y Kuşağı Çalışanlarının Motivasyon Profillerinin Belirlenmesine Yönelik Bir Araştırma”, Organizasyon ve Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi, Cilt: 3, Sayı: 2
  • Krywulak, T., Roberts M., (2009) “Winning the Generation Wars: Making the Most of Generational Similarities and Differences in the Workplace”, The Conference Board of Canada, Report November 1-76, Canada
  • Kyles, D. (2005) “Managing Your Multigenerational Workforce”, Strategic Finance, Volume: 87, , Issue: 6
  • Lamm, E., Meeks, M. D., (2009) “Workplace Fun: The Moderating Effects Of Generational Differences”, Employee Relations, Volume: 31, Issue: 6
  • Lancaster, L., Stillman D., (2002) “Clashing Generations”, Futurist, Volume: 36, Issue: 2
  • Matthews, V. (2008) “Generation Y”, Personnal Today, Eylül, 48-51.
  • Montana, P. J., Petit F. (2008) “Motivating Generation X And Y On The Job And. Preparing Z, Global Journal Of Business Research, Volume: 2, Issue: 2
  • Patalano, C. (2008) “A Study Of The Relationship Between Generational Group Identification and Organizational Commitment: Generation X vs. Generation Y”, (Unpublished PhD Thesis), H. Wayne Huizenga School of Business & Entrepreneurship Nova Southeastern University,.
  • Reeves, T.C., Oh, E. (2008) “Generational Differences, in Handbook of Research On Educational Communications And Technology, Editörler: J.Michael Spector, M.David Merrill, Jeroen Van Merrienboer, Marcy P.Driscoll, 3th ed., Taylor&Francis Group, New York..
  • Salahuddin, M.M. (2010) “Generational Differences Impact On Leadership Style and. Organizational Success”, Journal of Diversity Management, Volume: 5, Issue: 2
  • Seçkin Büyük, S. (2005) “Biz Kuşağı Geliyor”, Capital Aylık İş ve Ekonomi Dergisi, Yıl: 13, Sayı: 10, Ekim.
  • Senbir, H. (2004) “ Z Son İnsan Mı?”, “O” Kitaplar, 1. Baskı, Nisan, İstanbul.
  • Spitznas, T. J. (1998) “Generation X: Why So Glum?”, Fairfield County Business Journal, Volume: 37, Issue: 50
  • Tsui, B., Hughes L. Q. (2001) “Generatıon Next”, Advertising Age, Volume: 72, Issue: 3
  • Tufur, M. (2011) “Türkiye’nin Y Kuşağı”, MediaCat Özel Eki, Mayıs
  • Twenge, J. M. (2009) Ben Nesli, Kaknüs Yayınları: 415, (Çev. Esra Öztürk), 1. Basım, İstanbul.
  • Walker, W. D., (2006) “Generational Leadership: A Study Of The Leadership Styles of Different Generatıons of Entrepreneurs and The Resulting Organizational Outcomes”, (Unpublished PhD Thesis), Capella University
  • Washburn, E. T. R. (2000) “The Five Generations”, Physician Executive, Volume: 26, Issue: 1
  • Welter, V. (2004) “Analysis Of The Characteristics Of Generation X’ers And Baby Boomers In Multigenerational Teaching Staffs In Michigan”, (Unpublished PhD Thesis), Central Michigan University,.
  • Williams, S. (2010) “Welcome To Generation Z”, B&T Magazine, Cilt: 60, Sayı: 2731
  • Yelkikalan, N; Altın E. (2010) “Farklı Kuşakların Yönetimi”, Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi, Cilt: 8, Sayı: 2
  • Zaporzan, D. (2010) “Four Generations, One Workplace: Watch Us Work”, CMA Management, Volume: 84, Issue: 6, Ekim
  • Zemke, R., Raines C., Filipczak B., (2000) Generations at Work: Managing the Clash of Veterans, Boomers, Xers, Nexters in Your Workplace, Publisher: AMACOM Books İnternet Kaynakları
  • Mengi, Z. İş Başarısında Kuşak Farkı
  •, Erişim Tarihi: 10.05.2012
  • Rock, M. R, “ The Wounded Healer, Generation Gaps in the New Workplace Gen-Xers and Boomers Working Together”,1999. http://www.canadaone. com/ezine/sept99/corporate_learning2.html, Erişim Tarihi: 21.01.2011
  • Türk Dil Kurumu; Büyük Türkçe Sözlük,, Erişim Tarihi: 08.04.2012
  • Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu, “İstatistik Göstergeler Statistical Indicators” 1923- 2010,;jsessionid=80y4PkhLRQfSDsy2mGd hW3LjxcJRmq80v7pQt1pHfLv5m6ZnJGHm -1356610973, Erişim Tarihi: 02.01. 2012
  • “İstatistiklerle Kadın, 2011”,, Erişim Tarihi: 02.01. 2012
There are 40 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Sena Erden Ayhün This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013 Volume: 2 Issue: 1


APA Erden Ayhün, S. (2013). KUŞAKLAR ARASINDAKİ FARKLILIKLAR VE ÖRGÜTSEL YANSIMALARI. Ekonomi Ve Yönetim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2(1), 93-112.