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Umut Odaklı Motivasyonel Görüşmenin Hemodiyaliz Tedavisi Alan Bireylerin Depresyon, Kaygı, Stres ve Umut Düzeylerine Etkisi: Randomize Kontrollü Bir Çalışma İçin Bir Uygulama Protokolü

Year 2024, , 251 - 262, 26.08.2024


Çalışma, umut odaklı motivasyonel görüşmenin hemodiyaliz tedavisi gören depresyon, anksiyete, stres ve umut üzerindeki etkisini incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bu çalışma, tek merkezli, tek kör, randomize kontrollü bir çalışmadır. SPIRIT'e uygun, randomize kontrollü çalışmayı bildirmek amaçlanmıştır. Çalışma evrenini XXX’de, tek bir merkeze tedavi için gelen 46 kişi oluşturacaktır. Çalışma Hemodiyaliz kliniğinde gerçekleştirilecektir. Araştırma verileri sosyodemografik veri formu, Depresyon, Anksiyete ve Stres Ölçeği, Sürekli Umut Ölçeği kullanılarak elde edilecektir. Araştırmada müdahale grubuna umut odaklı motivasyonel görüşmelerin haftada bir kez, 45-60 dakika sürerek, sekiz hafta boyunca yüz yüze görüşmelerle uygulanması planlanmış, kontrol grubuna ise herhangi bir müdahale yapılmamıştır. Çalışma kapsamında görüşme seanslarının değerlendirme sürecinde kullanılmak üzere hastalarla birlikte herkes için bir umut ağacı oluşturulacaktır. Umut ağacı aracılığıyla bireyin hedefler belirlemesi, bu hedeflere ulaşma yolundaki engelleri ve çözüm yollarını keşfetmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Sekiz haftanın sonunda müdahale ve kontrol gruplarına son test uygulanacaktır. Son test uygulamasının ardından birinci ayın sonunda izlem planlanmaktadır. Araştırmadan elde edilen sonuçların literatüre katkı sağlayacağı düşünülmektedir. Çalışma,'da Haziran 2021'de (XXX) kaydedilmiştir.


  • Abow, F. H., Razak, T. A., Abulkassim, R., Adnan, M., Rahi, A., Aziz, F., & Fadhil, A. M. (2023). Comparing the effectiveness of acceptance and commitment therapy and hope therapy on pain anxiety and self-acceptance in patients with leukemia. International Journal of Body, Mind & Culture. 10(1), 99-108.
  • Alidoust-Ghahfarokhi, F., & Kiyan-Ersi, F. (2016). Effectiveness of motivational interviewing on depression and hope on dialysis patients in Hajar Hospital of Shahrekord in 2013. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 8(4), 85-93.
  • Babur, S. (2019). The relationship between the spiritual orientations of hemodialysis patients and hoplessness levels. Turkish Dissertation. Ondokuz Mayıs University Institute of Health Sciences.
  • Chan, A.W., Tetzlaff, J.M., Gotzsche, P.C., Altman, D.G., Berlin J.A., Dickersin K., Schulz, K.F., Parulekar, R.W., Krleža-Jerić, K., Laupacis, A., & Moher D. (2013). SPIRIT 2013 explanation and elaboration: Guidance for protocols of clinical trials. BMJ, 346.
  • Chen, J., Xu, W., Cai, X., & Chen, C. (2023). Nursing model based on Snyder’s hope theory in emergency care of patients with acute myocardial infarction. American Journal of Translational Research, 15(7), 4770.
  • DeNora, T. (2021). Hope, Health and Wellbeing. In: hope. Palgrave macmillan, Cham. pp:51-73.
  • El Filali, A., Bentata, Y., Ada, N., & Oneib, B. (2017). Depression and anxiety disorders in chronic hemodialysis patients and their quality of life: A cross sectional study about 106 cases in the northeast of morocco. Saudi Journal of Kidney Diseases and Transplantation, 28(2), 341-348.
  • Haririan, H.R., Aghajanlo, A., & Ghafurifard, M. (2013). Evaluation of social support level among hemodialysis patients in the hospitals of Zanjan. Med Sci J Islamic Azad Univ Tehran Med Branch, 23, 74–80.
  • KhalediSardashti, F., Ghazavi, Z., Keshani, F., & Smaeilzadeh, M. (2018). Effect of hope therapy on the mood status of patients with diabetes. Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research, 23(4), 281-286.
  • Khoshkharam, N., & Golzari, M. (2011). Efficacy of hope therapy on the rate of increasing marital satisfaction and change in insecure attachment style in Married University students. Journal of Applied Psychology, 5,2(18), 84-96.
  • Kylma, J. (2005). Dynamics of hope in adults living with HIV/AIDS: a substantive theory. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 52, 620-630.
  • Moher, D., Hopewell, S., Schulz, K.F., Montor, V., Gotzche P.C., Devereaux, P.J., Elbourne D., Egger, M., & Altman, D.G. (2012). CONSORT 2010 explanation and elaboration: Updated guidelines for reporting parallel group randomised trials. International Journal of Surgery, 10 (1), 28-55.
  • Movahedi, M., Kariminejad, K., Babapour Kheirodin, J., & Movahedi, Y. (2015). The effectiveness of hope therapy base on groups to increase the components of self-esteem and psychological health in depressed people. Journal of Advances in Medical and Biomedical Research, 23(98), 132-144.
  • Mozooni, M., Heravi, M., Rejeh, N., Rahmani, M., & Sharif Nia, H. (2017). The effect of individual hope therapy program on reduction of depression in elderly patients with unstable angina hospitalized in cardiac care unit. Journal of Critical Care Nursing, 10(4),1-5.
  • Okanlı, A., & Karabulutlu, E.Y. (2011). The evaluation of illness perceptions in hemodialysis patients. Turkish article. Journal of Anatolia Nursing and Health Sciences, 14(4), 25-31.
  • Ottaviani, A.C., Souza, E.N., Drago, N.C., Mendiondo, M.S.Z., Pavarini, S.C.I., & Orlandi, F.S. (2014). Hope and spirituality among patients with chronic kidney disease undergoing hemodialysis: a correlational study. Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem, 22, 248-254.
  • Park, G.Y., & Yoo, E.K. (2016). A study on hope in hemodialysis patients. Advanced Science and Technology Letters, 128, 244-246.
  • Rahimipour, M., Shahgholian, N., & Yazdani, M. (2015). Effect of hope therapy on depression, anxiety and stress among the patients undergoing hemodialysis. Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research, 20(6), 694-699.
  • Ravaghi, H., Behzadifar, M., Mirghaed, M.T., Aryankhesal, A., Salemi, M., & Bragazzi, N.L. (2017). Prevalence of depression in hemodialysis patients in Iran. Iranian Journal of Kidney Diseases, 11(2), 90-98.
  • Samavi, S.A., Najarpourian, S., & Javdan, M. (2018). The effectiveness of group hope therapy in labor pain and mental health of pregnant women. Psychological Reports, 0(0), 1-11. 3294118798625
  • Sarıçam, H. (2018). The psychometric properties of Turkish version of Depression Anxiety Stress Scale-21 (DASS-21) in health control and clinical samples. Turkish artical. Journal of Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy and Research, 7(1).
  • Semaan, V., Noureddine, S., & Farhood, L. (2018). Prevalence of depression and anxiety in end-stage renal disease: A survey of patients undergoing hemodialysis. Applied Nursing Research, 43, 80-85.
  • Shekarabi-Ahari, G., Younesi, J., Borjali, A., & Ansari-Damavandi, S. (2012). The effectiveness of group hope therapy on hope and depression of mothers with children suffering from cancer in Tehran. Iranian Journal of Cancer Prevention, 5(4), 183-188.
  • T.C. Ministry of Health, General Directorate of Public Health. (2018). In: Irmak, H., Yardım, N., Temel, F., Keklik, K. Turkey kidney diseases prevention and control program action plan (2018-2023). (No: 1117. Pp. 15-18). Ministry of Health Publication.
  • Tao, Y., Zhuang, K., Liu, T., Li, H., & Feng, X. (2023). Effects of perceived stress, self-acceptance and social support on insomnia in hemodialysis patients: A cross-sectional study. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 111402.
  • Tahan, M., & Sabriyan, H. (2023). Effectiveness of acceptance and commitment therapy and hope therapy based on positive psychology in the promotion of psychological well-being and mental health in medical staff during the COVID-19 pandemic. Avicenna Journal of Neuro Psycho Physiology, 10(2), 41-49.
  • Tarhan, S., Bacanlı, H. (2015). Adaptation of dispositional hope scale into Turkish: validity and reliability study. Turkish article. The Journal of Happiness & Well-Being, 3(1), 1-14.
  • Taşkın Yılmaz, F., Sert, H., Karakoç Kumsar, A., Aygin, D., Sipahi, S., Genç, A.B. (2020). Valuation of hope, symptom control, and medıcation compliance/adherence in hemodialysis patients. Turkish article. AUHSJ,11(1), 35-43.
  • Werner, S. (2012). Subjective well-being, hope, and needs of individuals with serious mental illness. Psychiatry Research, 196(2-3), 214-219. Doi: 10.1016/j.psychres.2011.10.012
  • Winarsunu, T., Utami, L. A., Fasikhah, S. S., & Anwar, Z. (2023). Hope therapy: Can it treat hopelessness and internal locus of control on diabetes mellitus patients? Plos one, 18(6), e0286418.
  • Yousefi, A., Rafinia, P., & Sabahi, P. (2016). The effectiveness of hope therapy on quality of life in wives of veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 8:1(29), 1-10.

The Effect of Hope-Focused Motivational Interview on Depression, Anxiety, Stress, and Hope Levels of Individuals Receivig Hemodialysis Treatment: A Study Protocol for A Randomized Controlled Trial

Year 2024, , 251 - 262, 26.08.2024


The study aims to examine the effect of hope focused motivational interviewing on the depression, anxiety, stress and hope receiving hemodialysis. This study is a single- center, single- blind, prospective randomized controlled trial. It is aimed to report a randomized controlled trial fit for SPIRIT. The study population will consist of 46 individuals coming for treatment in a single center in XXX. The study will be carried out in the Hemodialysis clinic. Research data will be obtained by using sociodemographic data form, Depression Anxiety Stress Scale, Dispositional Hope Scale. In the study, it was planned to apply hope-focused motivational interviews to the intervention group once a week, lasting 45-60 minutes, face-to-face for eight weeks, while no intervention was planned for the control group. Within the scope of the study, a hope tree will be created for everyone together with the patients to be used in the evaluation process of the interview sessions. Through the hope tree, it is aimed for the individual to set goals, to discover the obstacles and solutions in reaching these goals. At the end of eight weeks, the final test will be applied to the experimental and control groups. Following the post-test application, follow-up is planned at the end of the first month. In this study, it was aimed to determine the effect of hope-focused motivational interviewing on depression, anxiety, stress, and hope levels of individuals with hemodialysis treatment. It is thought that the results obtained from the research will contribute to the literature. It was registered at in June 2021 (XXX).


  • Abow, F. H., Razak, T. A., Abulkassim, R., Adnan, M., Rahi, A., Aziz, F., & Fadhil, A. M. (2023). Comparing the effectiveness of acceptance and commitment therapy and hope therapy on pain anxiety and self-acceptance in patients with leukemia. International Journal of Body, Mind & Culture. 10(1), 99-108.
  • Alidoust-Ghahfarokhi, F., & Kiyan-Ersi, F. (2016). Effectiveness of motivational interviewing on depression and hope on dialysis patients in Hajar Hospital of Shahrekord in 2013. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 8(4), 85-93.
  • Babur, S. (2019). The relationship between the spiritual orientations of hemodialysis patients and hoplessness levels. Turkish Dissertation. Ondokuz Mayıs University Institute of Health Sciences.
  • Chan, A.W., Tetzlaff, J.M., Gotzsche, P.C., Altman, D.G., Berlin J.A., Dickersin K., Schulz, K.F., Parulekar, R.W., Krleža-Jerić, K., Laupacis, A., & Moher D. (2013). SPIRIT 2013 explanation and elaboration: Guidance for protocols of clinical trials. BMJ, 346.
  • Chen, J., Xu, W., Cai, X., & Chen, C. (2023). Nursing model based on Snyder’s hope theory in emergency care of patients with acute myocardial infarction. American Journal of Translational Research, 15(7), 4770.
  • DeNora, T. (2021). Hope, Health and Wellbeing. In: hope. Palgrave macmillan, Cham. pp:51-73.
  • El Filali, A., Bentata, Y., Ada, N., & Oneib, B. (2017). Depression and anxiety disorders in chronic hemodialysis patients and their quality of life: A cross sectional study about 106 cases in the northeast of morocco. Saudi Journal of Kidney Diseases and Transplantation, 28(2), 341-348.
  • Haririan, H.R., Aghajanlo, A., & Ghafurifard, M. (2013). Evaluation of social support level among hemodialysis patients in the hospitals of Zanjan. Med Sci J Islamic Azad Univ Tehran Med Branch, 23, 74–80.
  • KhalediSardashti, F., Ghazavi, Z., Keshani, F., & Smaeilzadeh, M. (2018). Effect of hope therapy on the mood status of patients with diabetes. Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research, 23(4), 281-286.
  • Khoshkharam, N., & Golzari, M. (2011). Efficacy of hope therapy on the rate of increasing marital satisfaction and change in insecure attachment style in Married University students. Journal of Applied Psychology, 5,2(18), 84-96.
  • Kylma, J. (2005). Dynamics of hope in adults living with HIV/AIDS: a substantive theory. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 52, 620-630.
  • Moher, D., Hopewell, S., Schulz, K.F., Montor, V., Gotzche P.C., Devereaux, P.J., Elbourne D., Egger, M., & Altman, D.G. (2012). CONSORT 2010 explanation and elaboration: Updated guidelines for reporting parallel group randomised trials. International Journal of Surgery, 10 (1), 28-55.
  • Movahedi, M., Kariminejad, K., Babapour Kheirodin, J., & Movahedi, Y. (2015). The effectiveness of hope therapy base on groups to increase the components of self-esteem and psychological health in depressed people. Journal of Advances in Medical and Biomedical Research, 23(98), 132-144.
  • Mozooni, M., Heravi, M., Rejeh, N., Rahmani, M., & Sharif Nia, H. (2017). The effect of individual hope therapy program on reduction of depression in elderly patients with unstable angina hospitalized in cardiac care unit. Journal of Critical Care Nursing, 10(4),1-5.
  • Okanlı, A., & Karabulutlu, E.Y. (2011). The evaluation of illness perceptions in hemodialysis patients. Turkish article. Journal of Anatolia Nursing and Health Sciences, 14(4), 25-31.
  • Ottaviani, A.C., Souza, E.N., Drago, N.C., Mendiondo, M.S.Z., Pavarini, S.C.I., & Orlandi, F.S. (2014). Hope and spirituality among patients with chronic kidney disease undergoing hemodialysis: a correlational study. Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem, 22, 248-254.
  • Park, G.Y., & Yoo, E.K. (2016). A study on hope in hemodialysis patients. Advanced Science and Technology Letters, 128, 244-246.
  • Rahimipour, M., Shahgholian, N., & Yazdani, M. (2015). Effect of hope therapy on depression, anxiety and stress among the patients undergoing hemodialysis. Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research, 20(6), 694-699.
  • Ravaghi, H., Behzadifar, M., Mirghaed, M.T., Aryankhesal, A., Salemi, M., & Bragazzi, N.L. (2017). Prevalence of depression in hemodialysis patients in Iran. Iranian Journal of Kidney Diseases, 11(2), 90-98.
  • Samavi, S.A., Najarpourian, S., & Javdan, M. (2018). The effectiveness of group hope therapy in labor pain and mental health of pregnant women. Psychological Reports, 0(0), 1-11. 3294118798625
  • Sarıçam, H. (2018). The psychometric properties of Turkish version of Depression Anxiety Stress Scale-21 (DASS-21) in health control and clinical samples. Turkish artical. Journal of Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy and Research, 7(1).
  • Semaan, V., Noureddine, S., & Farhood, L. (2018). Prevalence of depression and anxiety in end-stage renal disease: A survey of patients undergoing hemodialysis. Applied Nursing Research, 43, 80-85.
  • Shekarabi-Ahari, G., Younesi, J., Borjali, A., & Ansari-Damavandi, S. (2012). The effectiveness of group hope therapy on hope and depression of mothers with children suffering from cancer in Tehran. Iranian Journal of Cancer Prevention, 5(4), 183-188.
  • T.C. Ministry of Health, General Directorate of Public Health. (2018). In: Irmak, H., Yardım, N., Temel, F., Keklik, K. Turkey kidney diseases prevention and control program action plan (2018-2023). (No: 1117. Pp. 15-18). Ministry of Health Publication.
  • Tao, Y., Zhuang, K., Liu, T., Li, H., & Feng, X. (2023). Effects of perceived stress, self-acceptance and social support on insomnia in hemodialysis patients: A cross-sectional study. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 111402.
  • Tahan, M., & Sabriyan, H. (2023). Effectiveness of acceptance and commitment therapy and hope therapy based on positive psychology in the promotion of psychological well-being and mental health in medical staff during the COVID-19 pandemic. Avicenna Journal of Neuro Psycho Physiology, 10(2), 41-49.
  • Tarhan, S., Bacanlı, H. (2015). Adaptation of dispositional hope scale into Turkish: validity and reliability study. Turkish article. The Journal of Happiness & Well-Being, 3(1), 1-14.
  • Taşkın Yılmaz, F., Sert, H., Karakoç Kumsar, A., Aygin, D., Sipahi, S., Genç, A.B. (2020). Valuation of hope, symptom control, and medıcation compliance/adherence in hemodialysis patients. Turkish article. AUHSJ,11(1), 35-43.
  • Werner, S. (2012). Subjective well-being, hope, and needs of individuals with serious mental illness. Psychiatry Research, 196(2-3), 214-219. Doi: 10.1016/j.psychres.2011.10.012
  • Winarsunu, T., Utami, L. A., Fasikhah, S. S., & Anwar, Z. (2023). Hope therapy: Can it treat hopelessness and internal locus of control on diabetes mellitus patients? Plos one, 18(6), e0286418.
  • Yousefi, A., Rafinia, P., & Sabahi, P. (2016). The effectiveness of hope therapy on quality of life in wives of veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 8:1(29), 1-10.
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Nursing
Journal Section Research Articles

Şerife Bilge Duran 0000-0001-9343-8789

İlkay Keser 0000-0001-6595-4188

Publication Date August 26, 2024
Submission Date January 24, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Duran, Ş. B., & Keser, İ. (2024). The Effect of Hope-Focused Motivational Interview on Depression, Anxiety, Stress, and Hope Levels of Individuals Receivig Hemodialysis Treatment: A Study Protocol for A Randomized Controlled Trial. Fenerbahçe University Journal of Health Sciences, 4(2), 251-262.