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Examination of Fatigue, Sleep, and Grip Strength in Office Workers with Pain Problems: A Controlled Study

Year 2024, , 230 - 240, 26.08.2024


The aim of this study is to investigate fatigue, sleep and grip strength, which may primarily affect the work health of office workers with pain issues, within the scope of a controlled study design. Individuals aged between 18 and 65 working in an office environment were included in the study. Pain severity, fatigue, and sleep problem severity were assessed using a visual analog scale, pain threshold was measured using an Algometer, and grip strength was measured with a Jamar Hand Dynamometer. A total of 89 participants were included in the study, 46 of whom had pain. It was found that office workers with pain had lower pain thresholds, experienced more fatigue and sleep problems, and had lower grip strength compared to those without pain (p<0.05). However, no significant difference was found in sleep durations (p>0.05). The pain issues experienced by employees may hinder their productivity in the workplace. Therefore, we believe that identifying potential musculoskeletal problems and risk factors, as well as determining preventive interventions for these problems, is important.


  • Akpınar, T., Çakmakkaya, B. Y., & Batur, N. (2018). Ofis çalışanlarının sağlığının korunmasında çözüm önerisi olarak ergonomi bilimi. Balkan ve yakın doğu sosyal bilimler dergisi, 4(2), 76-98.
  • Ando, H., Ikegami, K., Sugano, R., Nozawa, H., Michii, S., Shirasaka, T., Kondo, M., Imoto, H., Shima, A., & Kawatsu, Y. (2019). Relationships between chronic musculoskeletal pain and working hours and sleeping hours: a cross-sectional study. Journal of UOEH, 41(1), 25-33.
  • Azevedo, E., Manzano, G. M., Silva, A., Martins, R., Andersen, M. L., & Tufik, S. (2011). The effects of total and REM sleep deprivation on laser-evoked potential threshold and pain perception. Pain, 152(9), 2052-2058.
  • Begum, M. R., & Hossain, M. A. (2019). Validity and reliability of visual analogue scale (VAS) for pain measurement. Journal of Medical Case Reports and Reviews, 2(11).
  • Bingöl, I., Y M, M., Bingöl, Y., & T, D. (2021). The Effect of Mobile Application Supported Exercise Program on Pain, Quality of Life and Work Performance in Healthy Office Workers Sağlıklı Ofis Çalışanlarında Mobil Uygulama Destekli Egzersiz Programının Ağrı, Yaşam Kalitesi ve İş Performansına Etkisi. Archives of Health Science and Research, 8(1).
  • Bohannon, R. W., Peolsson, A., Massy-Westropp, N., Desrosiers, J., & Bear-Lehman, J. (2006). Reference values for adult grip strength measured with a Jamar dynamometer: a descriptive meta-analysis. Physiotherapy, 92(1), 11-15.
  • Bontrup, C., Taylor, W. R., Fliesser, M., Visscher, R., Green, T., Wippert, P.-M., & Zemp, R. (2019). Low back pain and its relationship with sitting behaviour among sedentary office workers. Applied ergonomics, 81, 102894.
  • Bos, E., Krol, B., Van Der Star, A., & Groothoff, J. (2006). The effects of occupational interventions on reduction of musculoskeletal symptoms in the nursing profession. Ergonomics, 49(7), 706-723.
  • Boubekri, M., Lee, J., MacNaughton, P., Woo, M., Schuyler, L., Tinianov, B., & Satish, U. (2020). The impact of optimized daylight and views on the sleep duration and cognitive performance of office workers. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(9), 3219.
  • Bültmann, U., Kant, I., Kasl, S. V., Beurskens, A. J., & van den Brandt, P. A. (2002). Fatigue and psychological distress in the working population: psychometrics, prevalence, and correlates. Journal of psychosomatic research, 52(6), 445-452.
  • Cho, C.-Y., Hwang, Y.-S., & Cherng, R.-J. (2012). Musculoskeletal symptoms and associated risk factors among office workers with high workload computer use. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological therapeutics, 35(7), 534-540.
  • Côté, P., van der Velde, G., Cassidy, J. D., Carroll, L. J., Hogg-Johnson, S., Holm, L. W., Carragee, E. J., Haldeman, S., Nordin, M., & Hurwitz, E. L. (2008). The burden and determinants of neck pain in workers: results of the Bone and Joint Decade 2000–2010 Task Force on Neck Pain and Its Associated Disorders. Spine, 33(4S), S60-S74.
  • Doğan, N. (2012). Mesleklere göre el fonksiyonlarının değerlendirilmesi İstanbul Bilim Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü.].
  • Edwards, R. R., Almeida, D. M., Klick, B., Haythornthwaite, J. A., & Smith, M. T. (2008). Duration of sleep contributes to next-day pain report in the general population. Pain®, 137(1), 202-207.
  • Ekici, G., Unal, E., Akbayrak, T., Vardar-Yagli, N., Yakut, Y., & Karabulut, E. (2017). Effects of active/passive interventions on pain, anxiety, and quality of life in women with fibromyalgia: randomized controlled pilot trial. Women & health, 57(1), 88-107.
  • Evcik, D., & Kızılay, B. (2001). Geriatrik hastalarda el kavrama gücü ve günlük yaşam aktivitelerindeki yetersizlik düzeyi ile ilişkisi. Geriatri, 4(1), 11-14.
  • Fess, E. (1981). Clinical assessment recommendations. American society of hand therapists, 6-8.
  • Fryer, G., & Hodgson, L. (2005). The effect of manual pressure release on myofascial trigger points in the upper trapezius muscle. Journal of Bodywork and movement therapies, 9(4), 248-255.
  • Gergin, K. (2020). Masa başı çalışan yetişkinlerin kahve ve besin tüketimlerinin uyku kalitelerine olan etkilerinin değerlendirilmesi İstanbul Medipol Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü].
  • Harman, K., Keating, E., Mayes, S., Walsh, J., & MacCallum, S. (2014). Insomnia in clients with chronic, work-related musculoskeletal pain in a work recovery rehabilitation program. Work, 48(2), 185-192.
  • Hirshkowitz, M., Whiton, K., Albert, S. M., Alessi, C., Bruni, O., DonCarlos, L., Hazen, N., Herman, J., Hillard, P. J. A., & Katz, E. S. (2015). National Sleep Foundation’s updated sleep duration recommendations. Sleep health, 1(4), 233-243.
  • Huysmans, M. A., IJmker, S., Blatter, B. M., Knol, D. L., van Mechelen, W., Bongers, P. M., & van der Beek, A. J. (2012). The relative contribution of work exposure, leisure time exposure, and individual characteristics in the onset of arm–wrist–hand and neck–shoulder symptoms among office workers. International archives of occupational and environmental health, 85, 651-666.
  • Janssen, N., Kant, I., Swaen, G., Janssen, P., & Schröer, C. (2003). Fatigue as a predictor of sickness absence: results from the Maastricht cohort study on fatigue at work. Occupational and environmental medicine, 60(suppl 1), i71-i76.
  • Janwantanakul, P., Pensri, P., Moolkay, P., & Jiamjarasrangsi, W. (2011). Development of a risk score for low back pain in office workers-a cross-sectional study. BMC musculoskeletal disorders, 12, 1-8.
  • Josty, I., Tyler, M., Shewell, P., & Roberts, A. (1997). Grip and pinch strength variations in different types of workers. Journal of Hand Surgery, 22(2), 266-269.
  • Kim, B. I., Yoon, S. Y., Kim, J. S., Woo, K. H., Cho, S. Y., Lee, H., & An, J. M. . (2018). Factors related with quality on sleep of daytime workers. Annals of occupational and environmental medicine(30), 1-9.
  • Kocamaz, D. (2014). Subakromiyal sıkışma sendromu olan bireylerde aktivite performansının ağrı, ruhsal durum ve yaşam memnuniyeti ile ilişkisi. [Basılmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi]. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü.
  • Kocur, P., Wilski, M., Lewandowski, J., & Łochyński, D. (2019). Female office workers with moderate neck pain have increased anterior positioning of the cervical spine and stiffness of upper trapezius myofascial tissue in sitting posture. Pm&r, 11(5), 476-482.
  • Korpinen, L., Pääkkönen, R., & Gobba, F. (2012). White-collar workers’ self-reported physical symptoms associated with using computers. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, 18(2), 137-147.
  • Kowalska, M., & Bugajska, J. (2009). Health problems among computer workers. Medycyna Pracy, 60(4), 321-325.
  • Küçük, F., Ö, S. D., Şenol, H., & Özkeskin, M. (2018). Ofis çalışanlarında çalışma postürü, kas iskelet sistemi rahatsızlıkları, bel ağrısına bağlı özürlülük düzeyi ve sağlıkla ilgili yaşam kalitesinin incelenmesi. Ergoterapi ve Rehabilitasyon Dergisi, 6(2), 135-144.
  • Mehta, J., Tilak, M., Sundrasekaran, A. R., Chalageri, P. H., & Yadav, B. (2019). Effect of taping on pain, grip strength, and function in deskbound workers with lateral epicondylalgia. World J Phys Med Rehabil, 1(2), 1007.
  • Milette, K., Razykov, I., Pope, J., Hudson, M., Motivala, S. J., Baron, M., & Thombs, B. D. (2011). Clinical correlates of sleep problems in systemic sclerosis: the prominent role of pain. Rheumatology, 50(5), 921-925.
  • Mouatt, B., & Kamper, S. J. (2019). Common challenges in managing neck and upper limb pain in office workers. Australian journal of general practice, 48(11), 746-750.
  • Nguyen, T. M., Nguyen, V. H., & Kim, J. H. (2021). Physical exercise and health-related quality of life in office workers: a systematic review and meta-analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(7), 3791.
  • Okan, F. (2023). The Relationship of Musculoskeletal System Disorders with Sleep Quality among Office Workers. Genel Tıp Dergisi, 33(3), 316-321.
  • Özcan, E., & Kesiktaş, N. (2007). Mesleki kas iskelet hastalıklarından korunma ve ergonomi. İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği Dergisi, 34(7), 6-9.
  • Öztürk, Ç. P., & Başkurt, F. (2022). Uyku ve ağrı. Atik, D. (Eds.) Sağlık Bilimleri Alanında Yeni Trendler IV. (pp.171-186). Duvar Yayınları.
  • Prasartwuth, O., Taylor, J., & Gandevia, S. (2005). Maximal force, voluntary activation and muscle soreness after eccentric damage to human elbow flexor muscles. The Journal of physiology, 567(1), 337-348.
  • Rostamzadeh, S., Saremi, M., & Tabatabaei, S. (2019). Normative hand grip strength and prediction models for Iranian office employees. Work, 62(2), 233-241.
  • Schneider, E., Irastorza, X., & Copsey, S. (2010). European Risk Observatory Report: OSH in Figures: Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders in the EU: Facts and Figures. European Agency for Safety and Health at work (EU-OSHA).
  • Sirge, T., Ereline, J., Kums, T., Gapeyeva, H., & Pääsuke, M. (2014). Musculoskeletal symptoms, and perceived fatigue and work characteristics in supermarket cashiers. Agronomy Research, 12 (3), 915-924.
  • Smith, M. T., Edwards, R. R., McCann, U. D., & Haythornthwaite, J. A. (2007). The effects of sleep deprivation on pain inhibition and spontaneous pain in women. Sleep, 30(4), 494-505.
  • Spyropoulos, P., Papathanasiou, G., Georgoudis, G., Chronopoulos, E., Koutis, H., & Koumoutsou, F. (2007). Prevalence of low back pain in Greek public office workers. Pain physician, 10(5), 651.
  • Sundstrup, E., Jakobsen, M. D., Brandt, M., Jay, K., Aagaard, P., & Andersen, L. L. (2016). Strength training improves fatigue resistance and self-rated health in workers with chronic pain: a randomized controlled trial. BioMed research international, 2016.
  • Tseng, B. Y., Gajewski, B. J., & Kluding, P. M. (2010). Reliability, responsiveness, and validity of the visual analog fatigue scale to measure exertion fatigue in people with chronic stroke: a preliminary study. Stroke research and treatment, 2010(1), 412964.
  • Van Amelsvoort, L., Kant, I., Beurskens, A., Schröer, C., & Swaen, G. (2002). Fatigue as a predictor of work disability. Occupational and environmental medicine, 59(10), 712-713.
  • Wewers, M. E., & Lowe, N. K. (1990). A critical review of visual analogue scales in the measurement of clinical phenomena. Research in nursing & health, 13(4), 227-236.
  • Wolfe, F. (1990). Fibromyalgia. Rheumatic Disease Clinics of North America, 16(3), 681-698.

Ağrı Sorunu Olan Ofis Çalışanlarında Yorgunluk, Uyku ve Kavrama Kuvvetinin İncelenmesi: Kontrollü Çalışma

Year 2024, , 230 - 240, 26.08.2024


Bu çalışmanın amacı, ağrı sorunu olan ofis çalışanlarının iş sağlığını etkileyebilecek yorgunluk, uyku ve kavrama kuvvetinin kontrollü bir çalışma dizaynı kapsamında incelenmesidir. Çalışmaya, 18 ile 65 yaş arasında ofis ortamında çalışan bireyler dahil edilmiştir. Bireylerde ağrı sorunu şiddeti, yorgunluk, ve uyku sorunu şiddeti görsel analog skala ile, ağrı eşiği Algometre ile ve kavrama kuvveti ise Jamar El Dinamometresi ile değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışmaya, 46’sı ağrılı toplamda 89 kişi dahil edilmiştir. Ağrısı olan ofis çalışanlarının ağrısı olmayan bireyler ile karşılaştırıldığında, ağrı eşiklerinin daha düşük olduğu, daha fazla yorgunluk ve uyku sorunu yaşadıkları ve kavrama kuvvetlerinin daha düşük olduğu bulunmuştur (p<0,05). Ancak, uyku süreleri arasında anlamlı bir fark bulunamamıştır (p>0,05). Çalışanlarda yaşanan ağrı sorunu, bireylerin iş yerlerinde verimliliklerini engelleyebilir. Bu nedenle, olası kas-iskelet sistemi problemlerinin ve risk faktörlerinin tespit edilmesi ve bu problemlere yönelik koruyucu girişimlerin belirlenmesinin önemli olduğu düşünülmektedir.


  • Akpınar, T., Çakmakkaya, B. Y., & Batur, N. (2018). Ofis çalışanlarının sağlığının korunmasında çözüm önerisi olarak ergonomi bilimi. Balkan ve yakın doğu sosyal bilimler dergisi, 4(2), 76-98.
  • Ando, H., Ikegami, K., Sugano, R., Nozawa, H., Michii, S., Shirasaka, T., Kondo, M., Imoto, H., Shima, A., & Kawatsu, Y. (2019). Relationships between chronic musculoskeletal pain and working hours and sleeping hours: a cross-sectional study. Journal of UOEH, 41(1), 25-33.
  • Azevedo, E., Manzano, G. M., Silva, A., Martins, R., Andersen, M. L., & Tufik, S. (2011). The effects of total and REM sleep deprivation on laser-evoked potential threshold and pain perception. Pain, 152(9), 2052-2058.
  • Begum, M. R., & Hossain, M. A. (2019). Validity and reliability of visual analogue scale (VAS) for pain measurement. Journal of Medical Case Reports and Reviews, 2(11).
  • Bingöl, I., Y M, M., Bingöl, Y., & T, D. (2021). The Effect of Mobile Application Supported Exercise Program on Pain, Quality of Life and Work Performance in Healthy Office Workers Sağlıklı Ofis Çalışanlarında Mobil Uygulama Destekli Egzersiz Programının Ağrı, Yaşam Kalitesi ve İş Performansına Etkisi. Archives of Health Science and Research, 8(1).
  • Bohannon, R. W., Peolsson, A., Massy-Westropp, N., Desrosiers, J., & Bear-Lehman, J. (2006). Reference values for adult grip strength measured with a Jamar dynamometer: a descriptive meta-analysis. Physiotherapy, 92(1), 11-15.
  • Bontrup, C., Taylor, W. R., Fliesser, M., Visscher, R., Green, T., Wippert, P.-M., & Zemp, R. (2019). Low back pain and its relationship with sitting behaviour among sedentary office workers. Applied ergonomics, 81, 102894.
  • Bos, E., Krol, B., Van Der Star, A., & Groothoff, J. (2006). The effects of occupational interventions on reduction of musculoskeletal symptoms in the nursing profession. Ergonomics, 49(7), 706-723.
  • Boubekri, M., Lee, J., MacNaughton, P., Woo, M., Schuyler, L., Tinianov, B., & Satish, U. (2020). The impact of optimized daylight and views on the sleep duration and cognitive performance of office workers. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(9), 3219.
  • Bültmann, U., Kant, I., Kasl, S. V., Beurskens, A. J., & van den Brandt, P. A. (2002). Fatigue and psychological distress in the working population: psychometrics, prevalence, and correlates. Journal of psychosomatic research, 52(6), 445-452.
  • Cho, C.-Y., Hwang, Y.-S., & Cherng, R.-J. (2012). Musculoskeletal symptoms and associated risk factors among office workers with high workload computer use. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological therapeutics, 35(7), 534-540.
  • Côté, P., van der Velde, G., Cassidy, J. D., Carroll, L. J., Hogg-Johnson, S., Holm, L. W., Carragee, E. J., Haldeman, S., Nordin, M., & Hurwitz, E. L. (2008). The burden and determinants of neck pain in workers: results of the Bone and Joint Decade 2000–2010 Task Force on Neck Pain and Its Associated Disorders. Spine, 33(4S), S60-S74.
  • Doğan, N. (2012). Mesleklere göre el fonksiyonlarının değerlendirilmesi İstanbul Bilim Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü.].
  • Edwards, R. R., Almeida, D. M., Klick, B., Haythornthwaite, J. A., & Smith, M. T. (2008). Duration of sleep contributes to next-day pain report in the general population. Pain®, 137(1), 202-207.
  • Ekici, G., Unal, E., Akbayrak, T., Vardar-Yagli, N., Yakut, Y., & Karabulut, E. (2017). Effects of active/passive interventions on pain, anxiety, and quality of life in women with fibromyalgia: randomized controlled pilot trial. Women & health, 57(1), 88-107.
  • Evcik, D., & Kızılay, B. (2001). Geriatrik hastalarda el kavrama gücü ve günlük yaşam aktivitelerindeki yetersizlik düzeyi ile ilişkisi. Geriatri, 4(1), 11-14.
  • Fess, E. (1981). Clinical assessment recommendations. American society of hand therapists, 6-8.
  • Fryer, G., & Hodgson, L. (2005). The effect of manual pressure release on myofascial trigger points in the upper trapezius muscle. Journal of Bodywork and movement therapies, 9(4), 248-255.
  • Gergin, K. (2020). Masa başı çalışan yetişkinlerin kahve ve besin tüketimlerinin uyku kalitelerine olan etkilerinin değerlendirilmesi İstanbul Medipol Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü].
  • Harman, K., Keating, E., Mayes, S., Walsh, J., & MacCallum, S. (2014). Insomnia in clients with chronic, work-related musculoskeletal pain in a work recovery rehabilitation program. Work, 48(2), 185-192.
  • Hirshkowitz, M., Whiton, K., Albert, S. M., Alessi, C., Bruni, O., DonCarlos, L., Hazen, N., Herman, J., Hillard, P. J. A., & Katz, E. S. (2015). National Sleep Foundation’s updated sleep duration recommendations. Sleep health, 1(4), 233-243.
  • Huysmans, M. A., IJmker, S., Blatter, B. M., Knol, D. L., van Mechelen, W., Bongers, P. M., & van der Beek, A. J. (2012). The relative contribution of work exposure, leisure time exposure, and individual characteristics in the onset of arm–wrist–hand and neck–shoulder symptoms among office workers. International archives of occupational and environmental health, 85, 651-666.
  • Janssen, N., Kant, I., Swaen, G., Janssen, P., & Schröer, C. (2003). Fatigue as a predictor of sickness absence: results from the Maastricht cohort study on fatigue at work. Occupational and environmental medicine, 60(suppl 1), i71-i76.
  • Janwantanakul, P., Pensri, P., Moolkay, P., & Jiamjarasrangsi, W. (2011). Development of a risk score for low back pain in office workers-a cross-sectional study. BMC musculoskeletal disorders, 12, 1-8.
  • Josty, I., Tyler, M., Shewell, P., & Roberts, A. (1997). Grip and pinch strength variations in different types of workers. Journal of Hand Surgery, 22(2), 266-269.
  • Kim, B. I., Yoon, S. Y., Kim, J. S., Woo, K. H., Cho, S. Y., Lee, H., & An, J. M. . (2018). Factors related with quality on sleep of daytime workers. Annals of occupational and environmental medicine(30), 1-9.
  • Kocamaz, D. (2014). Subakromiyal sıkışma sendromu olan bireylerde aktivite performansının ağrı, ruhsal durum ve yaşam memnuniyeti ile ilişkisi. [Basılmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi]. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü.
  • Kocur, P., Wilski, M., Lewandowski, J., & Łochyński, D. (2019). Female office workers with moderate neck pain have increased anterior positioning of the cervical spine and stiffness of upper trapezius myofascial tissue in sitting posture. Pm&r, 11(5), 476-482.
  • Korpinen, L., Pääkkönen, R., & Gobba, F. (2012). White-collar workers’ self-reported physical symptoms associated with using computers. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, 18(2), 137-147.
  • Kowalska, M., & Bugajska, J. (2009). Health problems among computer workers. Medycyna Pracy, 60(4), 321-325.
  • Küçük, F., Ö, S. D., Şenol, H., & Özkeskin, M. (2018). Ofis çalışanlarında çalışma postürü, kas iskelet sistemi rahatsızlıkları, bel ağrısına bağlı özürlülük düzeyi ve sağlıkla ilgili yaşam kalitesinin incelenmesi. Ergoterapi ve Rehabilitasyon Dergisi, 6(2), 135-144.
  • Mehta, J., Tilak, M., Sundrasekaran, A. R., Chalageri, P. H., & Yadav, B. (2019). Effect of taping on pain, grip strength, and function in deskbound workers with lateral epicondylalgia. World J Phys Med Rehabil, 1(2), 1007.
  • Milette, K., Razykov, I., Pope, J., Hudson, M., Motivala, S. J., Baron, M., & Thombs, B. D. (2011). Clinical correlates of sleep problems in systemic sclerosis: the prominent role of pain. Rheumatology, 50(5), 921-925.
  • Mouatt, B., & Kamper, S. J. (2019). Common challenges in managing neck and upper limb pain in office workers. Australian journal of general practice, 48(11), 746-750.
  • Nguyen, T. M., Nguyen, V. H., & Kim, J. H. (2021). Physical exercise and health-related quality of life in office workers: a systematic review and meta-analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(7), 3791.
  • Okan, F. (2023). The Relationship of Musculoskeletal System Disorders with Sleep Quality among Office Workers. Genel Tıp Dergisi, 33(3), 316-321.
  • Özcan, E., & Kesiktaş, N. (2007). Mesleki kas iskelet hastalıklarından korunma ve ergonomi. İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği Dergisi, 34(7), 6-9.
  • Öztürk, Ç. P., & Başkurt, F. (2022). Uyku ve ağrı. Atik, D. (Eds.) Sağlık Bilimleri Alanında Yeni Trendler IV. (pp.171-186). Duvar Yayınları.
  • Prasartwuth, O., Taylor, J., & Gandevia, S. (2005). Maximal force, voluntary activation and muscle soreness after eccentric damage to human elbow flexor muscles. The Journal of physiology, 567(1), 337-348.
  • Rostamzadeh, S., Saremi, M., & Tabatabaei, S. (2019). Normative hand grip strength and prediction models for Iranian office employees. Work, 62(2), 233-241.
  • Schneider, E., Irastorza, X., & Copsey, S. (2010). European Risk Observatory Report: OSH in Figures: Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders in the EU: Facts and Figures. European Agency for Safety and Health at work (EU-OSHA).
  • Sirge, T., Ereline, J., Kums, T., Gapeyeva, H., & Pääsuke, M. (2014). Musculoskeletal symptoms, and perceived fatigue and work characteristics in supermarket cashiers. Agronomy Research, 12 (3), 915-924.
  • Smith, M. T., Edwards, R. R., McCann, U. D., & Haythornthwaite, J. A. (2007). The effects of sleep deprivation on pain inhibition and spontaneous pain in women. Sleep, 30(4), 494-505.
  • Spyropoulos, P., Papathanasiou, G., Georgoudis, G., Chronopoulos, E., Koutis, H., & Koumoutsou, F. (2007). Prevalence of low back pain in Greek public office workers. Pain physician, 10(5), 651.
  • Sundstrup, E., Jakobsen, M. D., Brandt, M., Jay, K., Aagaard, P., & Andersen, L. L. (2016). Strength training improves fatigue resistance and self-rated health in workers with chronic pain: a randomized controlled trial. BioMed research international, 2016.
  • Tseng, B. Y., Gajewski, B. J., & Kluding, P. M. (2010). Reliability, responsiveness, and validity of the visual analog fatigue scale to measure exertion fatigue in people with chronic stroke: a preliminary study. Stroke research and treatment, 2010(1), 412964.
  • Van Amelsvoort, L., Kant, I., Beurskens, A., Schröer, C., & Swaen, G. (2002). Fatigue as a predictor of work disability. Occupational and environmental medicine, 59(10), 712-713.
  • Wewers, M. E., & Lowe, N. K. (1990). A critical review of visual analogue scales in the measurement of clinical phenomena. Research in nursing & health, 13(4), 227-236.
  • Wolfe, F. (1990). Fibromyalgia. Rheumatic Disease Clinics of North America, 16(3), 681-698.
There are 49 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Rehabilitation
Journal Section Research Articles

Ayşenur Baysal Yiğit 0000-0002-7555-314X

Gamze Ekici 0000-0002-7423-178X

Publication Date August 26, 2024
Submission Date May 21, 2024
Acceptance Date August 6, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Baysal Yiğit, A., & Ekici, G. (2024). Ağrı Sorunu Olan Ofis Çalışanlarında Yorgunluk, Uyku ve Kavrama Kuvvetinin İncelenmesi: Kontrollü Çalışma. Fenerbahçe University Journal of Health Sciences, 4(2), 230-240.