[1] American Petroleum Institute, Green Mark. (2016). Energy From Arctic, Alaska Critical to U.S. Security, https://www.api.org/news-policy-and-issues/blog/2016/10/12/energy-from-arctic-alaska-critical-to-us, Accessed at 15.02.2024
[2] Bering Strait. https://www.freeworldmaps.net/ocean/bering-strait/map.html, Accessed at 25.01.2024.
[3]Bloomberg, Arming the Arctic, 13.02.2024 https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2023-03-13/nato-russia-are-flexing-their-military-power-in-the-arctic?embedded-checkout=true, Accessed at 01.02.2024.
[4]Canada-Denmark/Greenland Hans Island Boundary Agreed, (https://www.thearcticinstitute.org/legal-implications-2022-canada-denmark-greenland-agreement-hans-island-tartupaluk-inuit-peoples-greenland-nunavut/, Accessed at 08.02.2024.
[5] CBC News, (2013). Military's Arctic training facility opens in Resolute, https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/north/military-s-arctic-training-facility-opens-in-resolute-1.1411838 , Accessed at 24.03.2024.
[6] Center for Polar Observation and Modelling Data Portal, Arctic Sea Ice Thickness Maps, Accessed at 12.02.2024, http://www.cpom.ucl.ac.uk/csopr/seaice.php?lat=72.90&lon=183.81&thk_period=28&season=Autumn&year=2011&imonth=12&basin_selected=12&ts_area_or_point=point&select_thk_vol=select_thk, Accessed at 12.22.2023.
[7]CSIS, Geopolitics and Neglected Arctic Spaces, https://www.csis.org/analysis/geopolitics-and-neglected-arctic-spaces, Accessed at 12.12.2023.
[8] D.R. Blidberg, Corell R.W. & Westneat A.S. (1981). Probable Ice Thickness of The Arctic Ocean, 5, 159-169. https://www.bothonce.com/10.1016/0378-3839(81)90013-2,
[9] Ekaterina K. (2019). The Geopolitics of a Changing Arctic. Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, The Geopolitics of a Changing Arctic | SIPRI, Accessed at 02.12.2023.
[10] Fedorova, O. M. (2011). Krusenstern’s Circumnavigation (1803-06): Makar I. Ratmanov’s Diaries and Russian Accounts of the Marquesas. The Journal of Pacific History. 46 (3), 381–392. http://www.jstor.org/stable/41343857
[11] Frank J. (2021). Dixon Entry Border Claims Between the United States and Canada (https://bigthink.com/strange-maps/us-canada-disputes/, Accessed at 22.12.2023.
[12] Global Affairs Canada. Canada-Denmark/Greenland Hans Island boundary agreed, https://www.canada.ca/en/global-affairs/news/2022/06/boundary-dispute.html, Accessed at 12.11.2023.
[13] Government of Canada. (2022). Press release: Canada and the Kingdom of Denmark, together with Greenland, reach historic agreement on long-standing boundary disputes, Global Affairs Canada, 14 June, https://www.canada.ca/en/global-affairs/news/2022/06/canada-and-the-kingdom-of-denmark-together-with-greenland-reach-historic-agreement-on-long-standing-boundary-disputes.html, Accessed at 18.12.2023.
[14] Government.no. Agreed Minutes on the Delimitation of the Continental Shelf beyond 200 Nautical Miles between the Faroe Islands, Iceland and Norway in the Southern Part of the Banana Hole of the Northeast Atlantic, https://www.regjeringen.no/en/dokumenter/Agreed-Minutes/id446839/, Accessed at 22.01.2024
[15] Güçyetmez, F. (2021). Yeni Hegemonya Alanı: Arktika. Ağrı İbrahim Çeçen Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 7(1), 153-177. https://doi.org/10.31463/aicusbed.888275
[16] Güçyetmez, F. (2023). The Impact of NATO Enlargement on Russian Security in the Baltic and Arctic. MANAS Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 12(4), 1564-1578. https://doi.org/10.33206/mjss.1267796
[17] Ieda, G. (2015). Natural Gas in Canada: What Are the Options Going Forward?, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies.
[18] Jacobs, F. (2021). U.S. vs. Canada: Five Modern-Day Territorial Disputes, https://bigthink.com/strange-maps/us-canada-disputes/, Accessed at 02.12.2023.
[19] Kinah, A. (2010). Where is the Beaufort Sea boundary between the U.S. and Canada?, Arctic Economics: Where is the Beaufort Sea boundary between the U.S. and Canada? (typepad.com), Accessed at 01.02.2024.
[20] Kříž, Z. and Chrášťanský, F. (2011). Perception of the situation in the Arctic by key actors and the possibily of conflict escalation. Obrana a strategie (Defence & Strategy) 11(1), 5-21.
[21] Mazour, A. G. (1945). The Russian - American and Anglo-Russian Conventions, 1824-1825: An Interpretation. Pacific Historical Review, 14(3), 303–310. https://doi.org/10.2307/3635893.
[22] Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, Kingdom of Denmark Strategy for the Arctic 2011-2020. http://library.arcticportal.org/1890/1/DENMARK.pdf, Accessed at 12.01.2024.
[23] Moe A. (2013). “Norway and Russia: Neighbours with Strong Interests in the Arctic”, Hooman Peimani (Ed.), Energy Security and Geopolitics in the Arctic, Singapore: World Scientific Publishing.
[24] National Archives, 1867, https://www.archives.gov/milestone-documents/check-for-the-purchase-of-alaska#:~:text=With%20this%20check%2C%20the%20United,the%20deal%20for%20the%20Americans, Accessed at 12.12.2023.
[25] Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. (2007). The Norwegian Government's Strategy for the High North.
[26] Østhagen A. (2022). For Norway, The Risk of Conflict in the Arctic Has Increased, https://www.thearcticinstitute.org/norway-risk-conflict-arctic-increased/, Accessed at 17.02.2024
[27] Østhagen A. (2023). Five Misconceptions in Arctic Security and Geopolitics, https://www.thearcticinstitute.org/five-misconceptions-arctic-security-geopolitics/, Accessed at 19.02.2024.
[28] Pond, E. (1990). After the Wall: American Policy Toward Germany. New York: Priority Press Publications.
[29] Raikov, Y.A. (2022). Russia and the United States in the Arctic: from Competition to Confrontation. 92 (2), 148-154 https://doi.org/10.1134/S101933162208010X
[30] Schönfeldt, K. (2017). The Arctic in International Law and Policy, Hart Publishing, https://ebin.pub/the-arctic-in-international-law-and-policy-9781509915767-9781509915781-9781509915774.html, Accessed at 26.02.2024.
[31] Ted L. M. (2009). Canada’s Ocean Jurisdiction in the Arctic: An Overview of Maritime Boundary Issues,” in Thawing Ice- Cold War, ed. Rob Huebert (Winnipeg, Canada: University of Manitoba.
[32] The White House. (2023). National Strategy for the Arctic Region, https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/National-Strategy-for-the-Arctic-Region.pdf, Accessed at 15.02.2024
[33] Tsiouvalas, A. & Enyew, L.E. (2023). The Legal Implications of the 2022 Canada-Denmark/Greenland Agreement on Hans Island (Tartupaluk) for the Inuit Peoples of Greenland and Nunavut, https://www.thearcticinstitute.org/legal-implications-2022-canada-denmark-greenland-agreement-hans-island-tartupaluk-inuit-peoples-greenland-nunavut/, Accessed at 14.02.2024.
[34] Vázquez G. (2022). High North, Low Tension: Norway´s Challenge in the Arctic with Russia and China, https://www.unav.edu/web/global-affairs/norway%C2%B4s-challenge-in-the-arctic-with-russia-and-china, Accessed at 12.12.2023.
[35] Weber, J. (2020). Handbook on Geopolitics and Security in the Arctic. The High North Between Cooperation and Confrontation, Springer Publisher. https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-030-45005-2.
[36] Wilfrid, G. (2011). For Whom, from What? Canada’s Arctic Policy and the Narrowing of Human Security. International Journal 67 (1), 219-240. http://www.jstor.org/stable/23265975.
Geopolitical Problems of NATO Members in the Arctic Circle
With the acceptance of climate change as a security threat, more than one security risk may emerge in the same region. The Arctic is one of the geographies where climate change is felt the most and the security environment is gradually decreasing. Security concerns in the Arctic have resulted in NATO reaching the Russian border. While this situation is perceived as insecurity by Russia, it also means the end of NATO's Northern expansion.
With the Northern enlargement, four of the five Arctic countries became NATO members. However, the increase in the number of members in the Arctic does not mean that there will be no problems in this region. The disputed borders in the Arctic are very important for fisheries and important energy routes. For this reason, there are also problems that NATO member Arctic countries dispute among themselves. This study will analyse the geopolitical and geographical disputes among NATO members in the Arctic. Could the debates of the NATO quartet in the Arctic turn into a hot war in the future? The answer to the question will be searched.
[1] American Petroleum Institute, Green Mark. (2016). Energy From Arctic, Alaska Critical to U.S. Security, https://www.api.org/news-policy-and-issues/blog/2016/10/12/energy-from-arctic-alaska-critical-to-us, Accessed at 15.02.2024
[2] Bering Strait. https://www.freeworldmaps.net/ocean/bering-strait/map.html, Accessed at 25.01.2024.
[3]Bloomberg, Arming the Arctic, 13.02.2024 https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2023-03-13/nato-russia-are-flexing-their-military-power-in-the-arctic?embedded-checkout=true, Accessed at 01.02.2024.
[4]Canada-Denmark/Greenland Hans Island Boundary Agreed, (https://www.thearcticinstitute.org/legal-implications-2022-canada-denmark-greenland-agreement-hans-island-tartupaluk-inuit-peoples-greenland-nunavut/, Accessed at 08.02.2024.
[5] CBC News, (2013). Military's Arctic training facility opens in Resolute, https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/north/military-s-arctic-training-facility-opens-in-resolute-1.1411838 , Accessed at 24.03.2024.
[6] Center for Polar Observation and Modelling Data Portal, Arctic Sea Ice Thickness Maps, Accessed at 12.02.2024, http://www.cpom.ucl.ac.uk/csopr/seaice.php?lat=72.90&lon=183.81&thk_period=28&season=Autumn&year=2011&imonth=12&basin_selected=12&ts_area_or_point=point&select_thk_vol=select_thk, Accessed at 12.22.2023.
[7]CSIS, Geopolitics and Neglected Arctic Spaces, https://www.csis.org/analysis/geopolitics-and-neglected-arctic-spaces, Accessed at 12.12.2023.
[8] D.R. Blidberg, Corell R.W. & Westneat A.S. (1981). Probable Ice Thickness of The Arctic Ocean, 5, 159-169. https://www.bothonce.com/10.1016/0378-3839(81)90013-2,
[9] Ekaterina K. (2019). The Geopolitics of a Changing Arctic. Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, The Geopolitics of a Changing Arctic | SIPRI, Accessed at 02.12.2023.
[10] Fedorova, O. M. (2011). Krusenstern’s Circumnavigation (1803-06): Makar I. Ratmanov’s Diaries and Russian Accounts of the Marquesas. The Journal of Pacific History. 46 (3), 381–392. http://www.jstor.org/stable/41343857
[11] Frank J. (2021). Dixon Entry Border Claims Between the United States and Canada (https://bigthink.com/strange-maps/us-canada-disputes/, Accessed at 22.12.2023.
[12] Global Affairs Canada. Canada-Denmark/Greenland Hans Island boundary agreed, https://www.canada.ca/en/global-affairs/news/2022/06/boundary-dispute.html, Accessed at 12.11.2023.
[13] Government of Canada. (2022). Press release: Canada and the Kingdom of Denmark, together with Greenland, reach historic agreement on long-standing boundary disputes, Global Affairs Canada, 14 June, https://www.canada.ca/en/global-affairs/news/2022/06/canada-and-the-kingdom-of-denmark-together-with-greenland-reach-historic-agreement-on-long-standing-boundary-disputes.html, Accessed at 18.12.2023.
[14] Government.no. Agreed Minutes on the Delimitation of the Continental Shelf beyond 200 Nautical Miles between the Faroe Islands, Iceland and Norway in the Southern Part of the Banana Hole of the Northeast Atlantic, https://www.regjeringen.no/en/dokumenter/Agreed-Minutes/id446839/, Accessed at 22.01.2024
[15] Güçyetmez, F. (2021). Yeni Hegemonya Alanı: Arktika. Ağrı İbrahim Çeçen Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 7(1), 153-177. https://doi.org/10.31463/aicusbed.888275
[16] Güçyetmez, F. (2023). The Impact of NATO Enlargement on Russian Security in the Baltic and Arctic. MANAS Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 12(4), 1564-1578. https://doi.org/10.33206/mjss.1267796
[17] Ieda, G. (2015). Natural Gas in Canada: What Are the Options Going Forward?, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies.
[18] Jacobs, F. (2021). U.S. vs. Canada: Five Modern-Day Territorial Disputes, https://bigthink.com/strange-maps/us-canada-disputes/, Accessed at 02.12.2023.
[19] Kinah, A. (2010). Where is the Beaufort Sea boundary between the U.S. and Canada?, Arctic Economics: Where is the Beaufort Sea boundary between the U.S. and Canada? (typepad.com), Accessed at 01.02.2024.
[20] Kříž, Z. and Chrášťanský, F. (2011). Perception of the situation in the Arctic by key actors and the possibily of conflict escalation. Obrana a strategie (Defence & Strategy) 11(1), 5-21.
[21] Mazour, A. G. (1945). The Russian - American and Anglo-Russian Conventions, 1824-1825: An Interpretation. Pacific Historical Review, 14(3), 303–310. https://doi.org/10.2307/3635893.
[22] Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, Kingdom of Denmark Strategy for the Arctic 2011-2020. http://library.arcticportal.org/1890/1/DENMARK.pdf, Accessed at 12.01.2024.
[23] Moe A. (2013). “Norway and Russia: Neighbours with Strong Interests in the Arctic”, Hooman Peimani (Ed.), Energy Security and Geopolitics in the Arctic, Singapore: World Scientific Publishing.
[24] National Archives, 1867, https://www.archives.gov/milestone-documents/check-for-the-purchase-of-alaska#:~:text=With%20this%20check%2C%20the%20United,the%20deal%20for%20the%20Americans, Accessed at 12.12.2023.
[25] Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. (2007). The Norwegian Government's Strategy for the High North.
[26] Østhagen A. (2022). For Norway, The Risk of Conflict in the Arctic Has Increased, https://www.thearcticinstitute.org/norway-risk-conflict-arctic-increased/, Accessed at 17.02.2024
[27] Østhagen A. (2023). Five Misconceptions in Arctic Security and Geopolitics, https://www.thearcticinstitute.org/five-misconceptions-arctic-security-geopolitics/, Accessed at 19.02.2024.
[28] Pond, E. (1990). After the Wall: American Policy Toward Germany. New York: Priority Press Publications.
[29] Raikov, Y.A. (2022). Russia and the United States in the Arctic: from Competition to Confrontation. 92 (2), 148-154 https://doi.org/10.1134/S101933162208010X
[30] Schönfeldt, K. (2017). The Arctic in International Law and Policy, Hart Publishing, https://ebin.pub/the-arctic-in-international-law-and-policy-9781509915767-9781509915781-9781509915774.html, Accessed at 26.02.2024.
[31] Ted L. M. (2009). Canada’s Ocean Jurisdiction in the Arctic: An Overview of Maritime Boundary Issues,” in Thawing Ice- Cold War, ed. Rob Huebert (Winnipeg, Canada: University of Manitoba.
[32] The White House. (2023). National Strategy for the Arctic Region, https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/National-Strategy-for-the-Arctic-Region.pdf, Accessed at 15.02.2024
[33] Tsiouvalas, A. & Enyew, L.E. (2023). The Legal Implications of the 2022 Canada-Denmark/Greenland Agreement on Hans Island (Tartupaluk) for the Inuit Peoples of Greenland and Nunavut, https://www.thearcticinstitute.org/legal-implications-2022-canada-denmark-greenland-agreement-hans-island-tartupaluk-inuit-peoples-greenland-nunavut/, Accessed at 14.02.2024.
[34] Vázquez G. (2022). High North, Low Tension: Norway´s Challenge in the Arctic with Russia and China, https://www.unav.edu/web/global-affairs/norway%C2%B4s-challenge-in-the-arctic-with-russia-and-china, Accessed at 12.12.2023.
[35] Weber, J. (2020). Handbook on Geopolitics and Security in the Arctic. The High North Between Cooperation and Confrontation, Springer Publisher. https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-030-45005-2.
[36] Wilfrid, G. (2011). For Whom, from What? Canada’s Arctic Policy and the Narrowing of Human Security. International Journal 67 (1), 219-240. http://www.jstor.org/stable/23265975.
Toplam 36 adet kaynakça vardır.
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Avrupa ve Bölge Çalışmaları, Savunma Çalışmaları, Uluslararası Kurumlar, Uluslararası Siyaset