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Egalitaryanizmin İki Yüzü: William Wordsworth ve Percy Bysshe Shelley

Year 2023, Volume: 29 Issue: 113, 271 - 286, 01.02.2023


Egalitaryanizm, herkesin eşit doğduğu varsayımından yola çıkarak tüm insanlığın eşit haklara ve muameleye sahip olması gerektiğini öne süren sosyal ve politik bir
felsefedir. Felsefenin geçmişi Antik Yunan’da stoacılığa dayanmakla birlikte, eşitlikçi felsefe 1776 Amerikan Bağımsızlık Bildirgesi ve 1789-1815 Fransız Devrimi ile doruk noktasına ulaşmıştır. Eşitlik, kardeşlik ve özgürlük gibi eşitlikçi kavramların yanı sıra İngiltere’deki sanayi devrimi ve siyasi değişimlerin de etkisiyle İngiliz siyasi düşünürler, aydınlar ve edebiyatçılar bu kavramlar üzerine kafa yormaya başlamışlardır. Özellikle romantik şairler sadece devrimlerden değil, aynı zamanda William Godwin, Thomas Paine ve Mary Wollstonecraft gibi diğer İngiliz aydınlarının devrimci fikirlerinden de etkilenerek, çağdaş İngiliz toplumunun maruz kaldığı adaletsizlik ve eşitsizlik konusunda derin endişelerini dile getirmişlerdir. Ancak, “kimin eşitliği?” ve “neyin eşitliği?” gibi soruları merkeze alan egalitaryanizm teorisi dönemin sosyo-politik gelişmelerinin şekillendirdiği çeşitli tartışmaları da beraberinde getirmiştir. Bu bakımdan,ç ıkış noktaları eşitlikçi bir dünya ve daha adil bir sistem hayali olsa da romantik şairlerin eşitlikçilik anlayışları, yaşadıkları dönemin sosyo-politik koşulları nedeniyle birbirinden ayrılmaktadır. İki farklı kuşak romantik şairleri olan Wordsworth ve Shelley’nin eşitlik kavramına yaklaşımlarındaki farklılıktan yola çıkan bu çalışma,
Wordsworth’ün eşitlikçi kaygılarının eşitsizliği bireyin doğal yeteneklerine veya sorumluluğuna bağlayan “şans egalitaryanizmine” dayandığını Shelley’nin ise politik egalitaryanizm üzerinde durarak “hakların eşitliği”ni eşitlikçi bir sistem inşa etmenin ön koşulu olarak gördüğünü ileri sürmektedir. Bu bağlamda, bu çalışma, Wordsworth’ün Goody Blake and Harry Gill, Percy Bysshe Shelley’nin ise A Song: Men of England, eserlerindeki eşitlik kavramının izini sürerek, iki romantik yazarın eşitlikçi bakış açısındaki farklılıkları açığa çıkarmaktadır. Böylelikle, çalışma “eşitlikçi” idealleri paylaşsalar da Wordsworth’ün öncelikle ‘şans›a dayandırdığı eşitsizlik sorununu ortaya çıkarmakla yetindiğini, Shelley’nin ise yirmi
yıl içerisinde yaşanan siyasi olayların etkisi ile bu sorunun üstesinden gelmek için siyasi çözümler sunduğunu göstermeyi amaçlamaktadır.


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  • Arneson, R. J. (1989). Equality and equal opportunity for welfare. Philosophical Studies: An International Journal for Philosophy in the Analytic Tradition, 56.1 77–93. stable/4320032
  • Arneson, R. J. (2013). Egalitarianism (E. N. Zalta, Ed.) The Stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy,
  • Arneson, R. J. (1999). Equality of opportunity for welfare defended and recanted. Journal of Political Philosophy, 7 488-497.
  • Brown, H. B. (1991). Egalitarianism and the generation of inequality. Oxford
  • University. Casaliggi, C. (2016). Romanticism: A literary and cultural history. Routledge. Declaration of the rights of man and of the citizen. Yale Law School Lilian Goldman Law Library. Retrieved March 12, 2022, from
  • Declaration of independence: A transcription. America’s Founding Documents. Retrieved March 12, 2022, from
  • Dworkin, R. (1981). What is equality? Part 2: Equality of resources. Philosophy & Public Affairs, 10.4 283–345.
  • Gibson C. D., Raybal, T. & Olivas, M. (2008). Egalitarianism (Kolb, W., R., Ed.) Encyclopaedia of Business Ethics and Society (pp.661-664). Sage Publications.
  • Godwin, W. (1793). An enquiry concerning political justice and its influence on general virtue and happiness. Printed for G.G.J. and J. Robinson.
  • Hirose, I. (2015). Egalitarianism. Routledge.
  • Hobsbawm, E. (1996). The age of revolutions 1789-1898.Vintage Books, Knight, C. (2013). Philosophy compass. John Wiley and Sons.
  • Mason, M. (Ed.) (2007). Goody Blake and Harry Gill. Lyrical Ballads (p.103) 2nd Ed. Routledge.
  • O’Neill, M. (1989). Percy Bysshe Shelley: A literary life. Macmillan.
  • Paine. T. (1945). Rights of men (P. S. Foner, Ed.) The complete writings of Thomas Paine: Collected and edited (pp. 243-345). The Citadel Press.
  • Scrivener, H., M. (1982). Radical Shelley: The philosophical anarchism and utopian thought of Percy Bysshe Shelley. Princeton University.
  • Smith, A. (2004). Adam Smith’s selected philosophical writings. (J. R. Otteson, Ed.) Imprint Academy.
  • Sun, E. (2011). Poetry, conversation, community: Annus Mirabilis 1797-1798”. In (C. Mahoney, Ed.) ACompanion to Romantic Poetry (pp. 302-319.) Wiley- Blackwell.
  • Storey, M. (2000). The problem of poetry in the romantic period. Macmillan. Shelley, P. B. (1920). Aphilosophical view of reform. Oxford University
  • Press.
  • Shelley, P. B. (2007). A song: Men of England. In (Catherina M, Ed.) Wildly Romantic: The English romantic poets: The mad, the bad, and the dangerous (pp.107-108). Andronik Henry Holt and Company.
  • White, H. (1982). Relative means and ends in Shelley’s social-political thought. Studies in English literature, 1500-1900. 22.4 613–631.
  • Wordsworth, W. (2012). Preface to lyrical ballads (S. Greenblatt, Ed.) The Norton Anthology English Literature (pp. 292-304), 9the ed. Vol D. Norton & Company.
  • Wordsworth, W. Goody Blake and Harry Gill (S. Greenblatt, Ed.) (272) The Norton Anthology English Literature (pp. 292-304), 9the ed. Vol D. Norton & Company

Two Sides of Egalitarianism: William Wordsworth and Percy Bysshe Shelley

Year 2023, Volume: 29 Issue: 113, 271 - 286, 01.02.2023


Egalitarianism is a social and political philosophy propounding that all mankind should have equal rights and treatment on the premise that everyone is born equal. Although the philosophy dates back to Stoicism in Ancient Greece, it reached its apogee with the American Declaration of Independence (1776) and the French Revolution (1789). Impelled by the egalitarian concepts of equality, fraternity, and liberty as well as the revolutionary ideas of English intellectuals such as William Godwin and Mary Wollstonecraft, English romantic poets expressed a deep concern for injustice and inequality in English society. Although their starting point is the same, the romantic poets’ notion of egalitarianism diverges from each other due to socio-political conditions of their era. This paper outlines two sides of egalitarianism in specific works from two different generations romantic poets, Wordsworth and Shelley, to show that Wordsworth’s egalitarian concern is based on luck egalitarianism that attributes inequality to an individual’s either natural endowments or responsibility; whereas, Shelley adopts political egalitarianism regarding “equality of rights” as a prerequisite to building an egalitarian system. Thus, the paper aims to reveal that Wordsworth primarily detects the problem of inequality by attributing it to ‘luck’, whereas, Shelley due to the heat of current politics offers political solutions to this problem twenty years later.


  • Afolayan A. (2016) Egalitarianism. In: (ten Have H., Eds) Encyclopaedia of Global Bioethics (1067- 1079). Springer, Cham.
  • Arneson, R. J. (1989). Equality and equal opportunity for welfare. Philosophical Studies: An International Journal for Philosophy in the Analytic Tradition, 56.1 77–93. stable/4320032
  • Arneson, R. J. (2013). Egalitarianism (E. N. Zalta, Ed.) The Stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy,
  • Arneson, R. J. (1999). Equality of opportunity for welfare defended and recanted. Journal of Political Philosophy, 7 488-497.
  • Brown, H. B. (1991). Egalitarianism and the generation of inequality. Oxford
  • University. Casaliggi, C. (2016). Romanticism: A literary and cultural history. Routledge. Declaration of the rights of man and of the citizen. Yale Law School Lilian Goldman Law Library. Retrieved March 12, 2022, from
  • Declaration of independence: A transcription. America’s Founding Documents. Retrieved March 12, 2022, from
  • Dworkin, R. (1981). What is equality? Part 2: Equality of resources. Philosophy & Public Affairs, 10.4 283–345.
  • Gibson C. D., Raybal, T. & Olivas, M. (2008). Egalitarianism (Kolb, W., R., Ed.) Encyclopaedia of Business Ethics and Society (pp.661-664). Sage Publications.
  • Godwin, W. (1793). An enquiry concerning political justice and its influence on general virtue and happiness. Printed for G.G.J. and J. Robinson.
  • Hirose, I. (2015). Egalitarianism. Routledge.
  • Hobsbawm, E. (1996). The age of revolutions 1789-1898.Vintage Books, Knight, C. (2013). Philosophy compass. John Wiley and Sons.
  • Mason, M. (Ed.) (2007). Goody Blake and Harry Gill. Lyrical Ballads (p.103) 2nd Ed. Routledge.
  • O’Neill, M. (1989). Percy Bysshe Shelley: A literary life. Macmillan.
  • Paine. T. (1945). Rights of men (P. S. Foner, Ed.) The complete writings of Thomas Paine: Collected and edited (pp. 243-345). The Citadel Press.
  • Scrivener, H., M. (1982). Radical Shelley: The philosophical anarchism and utopian thought of Percy Bysshe Shelley. Princeton University.
  • Smith, A. (2004). Adam Smith’s selected philosophical writings. (J. R. Otteson, Ed.) Imprint Academy.
  • Sun, E. (2011). Poetry, conversation, community: Annus Mirabilis 1797-1798”. In (C. Mahoney, Ed.) ACompanion to Romantic Poetry (pp. 302-319.) Wiley- Blackwell.
  • Storey, M. (2000). The problem of poetry in the romantic period. Macmillan. Shelley, P. B. (1920). Aphilosophical view of reform. Oxford University
  • Press.
  • Shelley, P. B. (2007). A song: Men of England. In (Catherina M, Ed.) Wildly Romantic: The English romantic poets: The mad, the bad, and the dangerous (pp.107-108). Andronik Henry Holt and Company.
  • White, H. (1982). Relative means and ends in Shelley’s social-political thought. Studies in English literature, 1500-1900. 22.4 613–631.
  • Wordsworth, W. (2012). Preface to lyrical ballads (S. Greenblatt, Ed.) The Norton Anthology English Literature (pp. 292-304), 9the ed. Vol D. Norton & Company.
  • Wordsworth, W. Goody Blake and Harry Gill (S. Greenblatt, Ed.) (272) The Norton Anthology English Literature (pp. 292-304), 9the ed. Vol D. Norton & Company
There are 24 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Turkish Folklore
Journal Section Article

Seçil Varal This is me 0000-0002-3776-769X

Publication Date February 1, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 29 Issue: 113


APA Varal, S. (2023). Two Sides of Egalitarianism: William Wordsworth and Percy Bysshe Shelley. Folklor/Edebiyat, 29(113), 271-286.

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