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1966 Depremlerinin Göç ve Toplumsal Değişim Üzerindeki Etkisi: Varto (Türkiye) Örneği

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 30 Sayı: 120 Ek, 1183 - 1208, 15.12.2024


Bu makale, 1946 ve 1966 Varto (Türkiye) depremlerinin göç ve toplumsal
değişim üzerindeki etkilerini, özellikle İstanbul ve Almanya’ya yönelik göçlere
odaklanarak incelemektedir. Afet sosyolojisi ile göç sosyolojisinin kesişim
noktasında yer alan bu makale, yeni kültürel bağlamlara uyum sağlama sürecinin
göçmenlerin toplumsal ve kültürel hayatlarını, evlilik yapılarını, aile ilişkileri ve
toplumsal cinsiyet dinamiklerini nasıl etkilediğini ele almakta; bu süreçte
Almancı kimliğinin ortaya çıkışını ve “ev” ile “memleket”in göçmenler için
önemini vurgulamaktadır. Makale, ayrıca İstanbul’a yönelik iç göçleri ele alırken;
mahalleler, hemşehri ilişkileri ve köy derneklerinin “tampon mekanizmalar”
olarak önemine değinmekte ve göç bağlamında aşiret yapılarının yeniden
canlanmasına yol açan etkilerini incelemektedir. Makale birinci elden, kişisel
anlatılara dayanan görüşmelerden yola çıkarak, depremlerin neden olduğu ani
travma ve kayıpları vurgulamakta; felaketin uzun vadeli toplumsal ve psikolojik
etkileri konusunda sınırlı olan bilimsel araştırmaları da eleştirmektedir. Deprem
sonrası ortaya çıkan “zorunlu göç” ile ilgili sosyal sorunlar, yatılı okullardaki
barınma olanakları da makalenin bir başka önemli boyutudur. Bu okullar, her ne
kadar Varto dışında eğitim fırsatları sunarak toplumsal ilerlemeye katkıda
bulunsa da, aynı zamanda aileleri çocuklarından ayırarak aile yapıları üzerinde
derin etkiler yaratmıştır. Son olarak, makale (1946 ve) 1966 depremlerinin
ardından Varto’daki geleneksel mimariyi incelemekte; bu mimari değişimlerin
yalnızca deprem sonrası bir yansıma değil, aynı zamanda iç ve ulusötesi göçe bir
yanıt olarak geliştiğini de öne sürmektedir. Burada, yeni malzemelerin ve inşaat
tekniklerinin kullanımı, modern unsurların entegrasyonu ve buna bağlı olarak
gündelik pratiklerdeki değişimlere odaklanıyorum.


  • Ambraseys, N.N. (1997). The little-known earthquakes of 1866 and 1916 in Anatolia (Türkiye), Journal of Seismology 1(3), 289–299.
  • Ambrseys, N.N. & A. Zátopek (1968). The Varto Üstükran (Anatolia) Earthquake of 19 August 1966: A Summary of a Field Report, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 58(1): 47–102.
  • Assmann, J. (2018). Das kulturelle Gedächtnis Schrift, Erinnerung und politische Identität in frühen Hochkulturen (Cultural memory: Writing, remembrance, and political identity in early civilizations) C.H Beck.
  • Belasen, A.R. & Polachek, S.W. (2013). Natural disasters and migration. Constant, A. F. & Zimmermann, K. F. (Eds.) In International Handbook on the Economics of Migration. Edward Elgar, pp. 309–330.
  • Clausen, L. (1985). Offene Fragen der Seuchensoziologie (Open questions in sociology of epidemics), Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie. Sonderheft Aspekte sozialer Konstitution von Medizin (Austrian Journal of Sociology. Special Issue: Aspects of the Social Constitution of Medicine), 10(3/4), 241–249.
  • Chumky, T, Basu, K. Onitsuka, K & Satoshi Hoshino (2022). The current research landscape of disaster-induced migration: A systematic review and bibliometric analysis, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 74, 102931.
  • Dombrowsky, W.R. (1989). Katastrophe und Katastrophenschutz. Deutscher Universitäts-Verlag.
  • Dombrowsky, W.R. (1995). Zum Teufel mit dem Bindestrich. Zur Begründung der Katastrophen(-) Soziologie in Deutschland durch Lars Clausen (To Hell with the Hyphen: On the Establishment of Disaster(-) Sociology in Germany by Lars Clausen). In W. R. Dombrowsky & U. Pasero (Eds.) Wissenschaft, Literatur, Katastrophe. Westdeutscher Verlag, pp:108–122.
  • Dombrowsky, W.R. (1987). Critical Theory in Sociological Disaster Research. In R. R. Dynes, B. de Marchi & C. Pelanda (eds.), Sociology of Disasters. Contribution of Sociology to Disaster Research, Franco Angeli, pp: 331–356.
  • DİE (Devlet İstatistik Enstitüsü). (1995). Türkiye nüfusu, 1923-1994: Demografi yapısı ve gelişimi, 21. yüzyıl ortasına kadar projeksiyonlar (Population of Türkiye, 1923-1994: Demographic structure and development, projections until the mid-twenty-first century) (Publication No. 1839). DİE.
  • Duque, M.C. (2024). Climate change in Bangladesh shapes internal migration and movement to India. Accessed at: (Online on 4 September 2024; Accessed on 2 October 2024).
  • Faist, T. (2020). Annäherungen an eine Soziologie der Migration (Annäherungen an eine Soziologie der Migration). In T. Faist (Ed.). Soziologie der Migration: Eine systematische Einführung (Sociology of migration: a systematic introduction) (vol. 2) Walter de Gruyter, pp: 3–35.
  • Faist, T. (Ed.). (2020). Soziologie der Migration: Eine systematische Einführung (Sociology of migration: a systematic Introduction) (vol. 2). Walter de Gruyter.
  • Fuchs, C.W. (1886). Statistik der Erdbeben von 1865–1885. Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe. Abt. 1, Mineralogie, Botanik, Zoologie, Geologie und Paläontologie (Proceedings of the Imperial Academy of Sciences. Mathematical and Natural Sciences Division. Section 1, Mineralogy, Botany, Zoology, Geology, and Palaeontology), 92, 215–625.
  • Gedik, E., Birkalan-Gedik, H. & Madera, A. (2020). Alevism in Turkey and in Transnational Space: Negotiated Identities between Religion, Culture and Law. Stato, Chiese e pluralismo confessionale.
  • Gedik, E. (2019). Varto Alevileri: Etnisite, din ve kültür. E. Çağlayan (Ed.) In Burası Muş’tur”: Tarih, Toplum, Kültür ve Edebiyat, Pınar Publishing, pp: 219–248.
  • Gedik, E. (2018). Rekonstruktion des Alevitentums im transnationalen Raum zwischen ethnischen und sprachlichen Grenzen: Das Beispiel Varto (Reconstruction of Alevism in transnational space between ethnic and linguistic borders: The example of Varto). Transmission processes of religious knowledge and ritual practice in Alevism between innovation and reconstruction, Peter Lang, pp: 247–286.
  • Gedik, E. (2011). Migrant organizations in Turkey and Germany: Local, transnational and global contexts of Kurdish-Alevis from Varto, Türkiye. Urban Anthropology and Studies of Cultural Systems and World Economic Development, Anthropological Studies on Türkiye, 40(1/2), 151 204.
  • Gedik, E. (2010). Almanya’da öteki olmak öteki kalmak (To be the other, to remain the other in Germany), folklor/edebiyat 16(62), 41–68.
  • Gedik, E. (2009). Yoksulluğun çeşitlendirilmesi/cinsiyetlendirilmesi: İlişkiler, dayanışma ve stratejiler (Diversification/Gendering of Poverty: Relationships, Solidarity, and Strategies). Paper presented at the IIIrd National Anthropology Congress at the Panel: Toplumsal Cinsiyetin Kesişimleri (Intersections of Gender). Istanbul.
  • Gedik, E. (2008). Sozialer, kultureller, ökonomischer und linguistischer Wandel im Rahmen der transnationalen und der Binnenmigration: Soziale Netze am Beispiel von Varto. J.W. Goethe Universität. Frankfurt am Main.
  • Herring, A. (2013). Sociology of Disaster. In Bobrowsky, P.T. (eds.). Encyclopedia of Natural Hazards. Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series, Springer, pp: 926–936.
  • Ingham, V, Islam, M. R. & Hicks, J. (2019). Adaptive flood mobilities in Bangladesh, Mobilities, 14 (2), 158–172,
  • Joos, V. Munro, M. & Ribó, J. (2023). The Power of the Story Writing Disasters in Haiti and the Circum-Caribbean. In The Power of the Story Writing Disasters in Haiti and the Circum Caribbean (Joos, V. Munro, M. & Ribó, J. eds.), Berghahn, pp: 1–26.
  • Kocadağ, B. (2001). Varto ve Yöresinin Yatırları. Karacaahmet Sultan, 63, 42–45.
  • Kotschy, K. G. T. (1860). Dr. Theodor Kotschys neue Reise nach Klein-Asien. 3. Abschnitt: Reise von Trapezunt über Erzerum, den Bimgöll und Musch nach dem Wan-See Erforschung der unbekannten Gegenden im Süden dieses Sees und Rückreise nach Erzerum, 27. Juli bis 25. Okt. 1859. Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, pp: 68–77.
  • Koçyiğit, A. (2005) 03.12-14 Kızılçubuk (Karlıova-Bingöl Depremleri. (Mw 5.7-5.8), 2. http://eerc. Accessed on 14 August 2007).
  • Muş İl Yıllığı. 1967. Bingöl Printing House.
  • Schmidt, K. (2020). Formen und Kategorisierungen von Migration. In T. Faist (Ed.) Soziologie der Migration: Eine systematische Einführung (Vol. 2,), Walter de Gruyter. pp: 55–72.
  • Taşman, C. E. (1946). Varto ve Van depremleri, M.T.A. Mecmuası, 2(36), 287–291.
  • Newspapers: Dünya, August 24, 1966.
  • Hürriyet, August 24, 1966.
  • Interviews: Arslan, Ş. (29 January 2012). Mörfelden - Walldorf, Germany.
  • Arslan, Ş. (17 March 2007). Mörfelden - Walldorf, Germany.
  • Aras, E. (3 June 2007). Gazi Mahallesi - Istanbul, Türkiye.
  • Duyan, D. (10 August 2004). Raqasa (İçmeler) - Varto, Türkiye.
  • Gedik, A. (27 Oktober 2007). Mainz - Kostheim, Germany.
  • Gedik, C. (17 May 2006). Mersin, Türkiye.
  • Gedik, M. (5 May 2006). Mersin, Türkiye.
  • Gündüz, B. (3 March 2007). Ümraniye - Istanbul, Türkiye.
  • Işık, A.E. (31 July 2005). 31 July 2005, Raqasa (İçmeler) Varto, Türkiye.
  • Işık, M. (3 June 2007). Gazi Mahallesi - Istanbul, Türkiye.
  • Işıkbaş, M. (19 August 2005). Raqasa (İçmeler) - Varto, Türkiye.
  • Işıkbaş, P. (19 August 2005). Raqasa (İçmeler) - Varto, Türkiye.
  • Özkan, A. R. (28 January 2007), Ümraniye - Istanbul, Türkiye.
  • Tolay, R. (3 May 2003). Mainz-Kostheim, Germany.
  • Ülkü, H. (28 January 2007), Ümraniye - Istanbul, Türkiye.
  • Y. D. (4 August 2004). Varto, Türkiye.

The Impact of the 1966 Earthquakes on Migration and Social Change: A Case Study of Varto (Türkiye)

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 30 Sayı: 120 Ek, 1183 - 1208, 15.12.2024


This article examines the impact of the 1946 and 1966 Varto (Türkiye) earthquakes
on migration and social change, with a particular focus on migration to Istanbul
and Germany. Located at the intersection of sociology of disaster and sociology of
migration, it explores how adaptation to new cultural contexts affected migrants’
social and cultural lives, particularly their marriage patterns, family structures, and
gender dynamics, in part giving way to the emergence of the Almancı identity and
the role and the importance of “home” and “homeland” for these migrants. The
article also addresses internal migration to Istanbul, emphasising the significance
of neighbourhoods, hemşehri relationships, and village associations as “buffer
mechanisms,” which also caused to the revival of tribal structures within the context
of migration. Drawing on the first-hand, personal accounts, I highlight the immediate
trauma and loss caused by the earthquakes, reviewing the limited scientific research
on the long-term social and psychological impacts of the disaster. I examine the
social issues arising from “forced migration” after the earthquake, including state
support and accommodation in boarding schools. Although these schools provided
educational opportunities outside Varto, which facilitated social advancement,
they also separated families from their children, profoundly influencing family
structures. Finally, the article analyses the traditional architecture in Varto after
the (1946 and) 1966 earthquakes, which developed not only as a post-earthquake
reflection but also as a response to internal and transnational migration. Here, the
focus is on the use of new materials and construction techniques, the integration of
modern elements, and the associated shifts in local daily practices.

Etik Beyan

Research and publication ethics statement: This article is drawn from the field research conducted for my doctoral dissertation (mostly between 2004-2007) that was published in German in 2008 in Germany. The article uses my further fieldwork research on the topic that took place between 2008 and 2012, which helped to expand and re-frame my findings in the light of contemporary theoretical insights. In its current form, the article has not been published elsewhere and has not been submitted for publication as a journal article or book chapter in any other journal or publisher. Authors’ contributions: The article is single-authored. Ethics committee approval: Since the research was conducted before 2020 (mainly between 2004 and 2007), ethical committee approval is not required. Financial support: Research grants from DAAD, Goethe University, and TÜBİTAK were received for my doctoral research. Conflict of interest: There are no conflicts of interest related to this study.


  • Ambraseys, N.N. (1997). The little-known earthquakes of 1866 and 1916 in Anatolia (Türkiye), Journal of Seismology 1(3), 289–299.
  • Ambrseys, N.N. & A. Zátopek (1968). The Varto Üstükran (Anatolia) Earthquake of 19 August 1966: A Summary of a Field Report, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 58(1): 47–102.
  • Assmann, J. (2018). Das kulturelle Gedächtnis Schrift, Erinnerung und politische Identität in frühen Hochkulturen (Cultural memory: Writing, remembrance, and political identity in early civilizations) C.H Beck.
  • Belasen, A.R. & Polachek, S.W. (2013). Natural disasters and migration. Constant, A. F. & Zimmermann, K. F. (Eds.) In International Handbook on the Economics of Migration. Edward Elgar, pp. 309–330.
  • Clausen, L. (1985). Offene Fragen der Seuchensoziologie (Open questions in sociology of epidemics), Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie. Sonderheft Aspekte sozialer Konstitution von Medizin (Austrian Journal of Sociology. Special Issue: Aspects of the Social Constitution of Medicine), 10(3/4), 241–249.
  • Chumky, T, Basu, K. Onitsuka, K & Satoshi Hoshino (2022). The current research landscape of disaster-induced migration: A systematic review and bibliometric analysis, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 74, 102931.
  • Dombrowsky, W.R. (1989). Katastrophe und Katastrophenschutz. Deutscher Universitäts-Verlag.
  • Dombrowsky, W.R. (1995). Zum Teufel mit dem Bindestrich. Zur Begründung der Katastrophen(-) Soziologie in Deutschland durch Lars Clausen (To Hell with the Hyphen: On the Establishment of Disaster(-) Sociology in Germany by Lars Clausen). In W. R. Dombrowsky & U. Pasero (Eds.) Wissenschaft, Literatur, Katastrophe. Westdeutscher Verlag, pp:108–122.
  • Dombrowsky, W.R. (1987). Critical Theory in Sociological Disaster Research. In R. R. Dynes, B. de Marchi & C. Pelanda (eds.), Sociology of Disasters. Contribution of Sociology to Disaster Research, Franco Angeli, pp: 331–356.
  • DİE (Devlet İstatistik Enstitüsü). (1995). Türkiye nüfusu, 1923-1994: Demografi yapısı ve gelişimi, 21. yüzyıl ortasına kadar projeksiyonlar (Population of Türkiye, 1923-1994: Demographic structure and development, projections until the mid-twenty-first century) (Publication No. 1839). DİE.
  • Duque, M.C. (2024). Climate change in Bangladesh shapes internal migration and movement to India. Accessed at: (Online on 4 September 2024; Accessed on 2 October 2024).
  • Faist, T. (2020). Annäherungen an eine Soziologie der Migration (Annäherungen an eine Soziologie der Migration). In T. Faist (Ed.). Soziologie der Migration: Eine systematische Einführung (Sociology of migration: a systematic introduction) (vol. 2) Walter de Gruyter, pp: 3–35.
  • Faist, T. (Ed.). (2020). Soziologie der Migration: Eine systematische Einführung (Sociology of migration: a systematic Introduction) (vol. 2). Walter de Gruyter.
  • Fuchs, C.W. (1886). Statistik der Erdbeben von 1865–1885. Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe. Abt. 1, Mineralogie, Botanik, Zoologie, Geologie und Paläontologie (Proceedings of the Imperial Academy of Sciences. Mathematical and Natural Sciences Division. Section 1, Mineralogy, Botany, Zoology, Geology, and Palaeontology), 92, 215–625.
  • Gedik, E., Birkalan-Gedik, H. & Madera, A. (2020). Alevism in Turkey and in Transnational Space: Negotiated Identities between Religion, Culture and Law. Stato, Chiese e pluralismo confessionale.
  • Gedik, E. (2019). Varto Alevileri: Etnisite, din ve kültür. E. Çağlayan (Ed.) In Burası Muş’tur”: Tarih, Toplum, Kültür ve Edebiyat, Pınar Publishing, pp: 219–248.
  • Gedik, E. (2018). Rekonstruktion des Alevitentums im transnationalen Raum zwischen ethnischen und sprachlichen Grenzen: Das Beispiel Varto (Reconstruction of Alevism in transnational space between ethnic and linguistic borders: The example of Varto). Transmission processes of religious knowledge and ritual practice in Alevism between innovation and reconstruction, Peter Lang, pp: 247–286.
  • Gedik, E. (2011). Migrant organizations in Turkey and Germany: Local, transnational and global contexts of Kurdish-Alevis from Varto, Türkiye. Urban Anthropology and Studies of Cultural Systems and World Economic Development, Anthropological Studies on Türkiye, 40(1/2), 151 204.
  • Gedik, E. (2010). Almanya’da öteki olmak öteki kalmak (To be the other, to remain the other in Germany), folklor/edebiyat 16(62), 41–68.
  • Gedik, E. (2009). Yoksulluğun çeşitlendirilmesi/cinsiyetlendirilmesi: İlişkiler, dayanışma ve stratejiler (Diversification/Gendering of Poverty: Relationships, Solidarity, and Strategies). Paper presented at the IIIrd National Anthropology Congress at the Panel: Toplumsal Cinsiyetin Kesişimleri (Intersections of Gender). Istanbul.
  • Gedik, E. (2008). Sozialer, kultureller, ökonomischer und linguistischer Wandel im Rahmen der transnationalen und der Binnenmigration: Soziale Netze am Beispiel von Varto. J.W. Goethe Universität. Frankfurt am Main.
  • Herring, A. (2013). Sociology of Disaster. In Bobrowsky, P.T. (eds.). Encyclopedia of Natural Hazards. Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series, Springer, pp: 926–936.
  • Ingham, V, Islam, M. R. & Hicks, J. (2019). Adaptive flood mobilities in Bangladesh, Mobilities, 14 (2), 158–172,
  • Joos, V. Munro, M. & Ribó, J. (2023). The Power of the Story Writing Disasters in Haiti and the Circum-Caribbean. In The Power of the Story Writing Disasters in Haiti and the Circum Caribbean (Joos, V. Munro, M. & Ribó, J. eds.), Berghahn, pp: 1–26.
  • Kocadağ, B. (2001). Varto ve Yöresinin Yatırları. Karacaahmet Sultan, 63, 42–45.
  • Kotschy, K. G. T. (1860). Dr. Theodor Kotschys neue Reise nach Klein-Asien. 3. Abschnitt: Reise von Trapezunt über Erzerum, den Bimgöll und Musch nach dem Wan-See Erforschung der unbekannten Gegenden im Süden dieses Sees und Rückreise nach Erzerum, 27. Juli bis 25. Okt. 1859. Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, pp: 68–77.
  • Koçyiğit, A. (2005) 03.12-14 Kızılçubuk (Karlıova-Bingöl Depremleri. (Mw 5.7-5.8), 2. http://eerc. Accessed on 14 August 2007).
  • Muş İl Yıllığı. 1967. Bingöl Printing House.
  • Schmidt, K. (2020). Formen und Kategorisierungen von Migration. In T. Faist (Ed.) Soziologie der Migration: Eine systematische Einführung (Vol. 2,), Walter de Gruyter. pp: 55–72.
  • Taşman, C. E. (1946). Varto ve Van depremleri, M.T.A. Mecmuası, 2(36), 287–291.
  • Newspapers: Dünya, August 24, 1966.
  • Hürriyet, August 24, 1966.
  • Interviews: Arslan, Ş. (29 January 2012). Mörfelden - Walldorf, Germany.
  • Arslan, Ş. (17 March 2007). Mörfelden - Walldorf, Germany.
  • Aras, E. (3 June 2007). Gazi Mahallesi - Istanbul, Türkiye.
  • Duyan, D. (10 August 2004). Raqasa (İçmeler) - Varto, Türkiye.
  • Gedik, A. (27 Oktober 2007). Mainz - Kostheim, Germany.
  • Gedik, C. (17 May 2006). Mersin, Türkiye.
  • Gedik, M. (5 May 2006). Mersin, Türkiye.
  • Gündüz, B. (3 March 2007). Ümraniye - Istanbul, Türkiye.
  • Işık, A.E. (31 July 2005). 31 July 2005, Raqasa (İçmeler) Varto, Türkiye.
  • Işık, M. (3 June 2007). Gazi Mahallesi - Istanbul, Türkiye.
  • Işıkbaş, M. (19 August 2005). Raqasa (İçmeler) - Varto, Türkiye.
  • Işıkbaş, P. (19 August 2005). Raqasa (İçmeler) - Varto, Türkiye.
  • Özkan, A. R. (28 January 2007), Ümraniye - Istanbul, Türkiye.
  • Tolay, R. (3 May 2003). Mainz-Kostheim, Germany.
  • Ülkü, H. (28 January 2007), Ümraniye - Istanbul, Türkiye.
  • Y. D. (4 August 2004). Varto, Türkiye.
Toplam 48 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Sosyal Antropoloji
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri - Research Articles

Erdogan Gedik 0009-0008-2356-7698

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 30 Haziran 2024
Kabul Tarihi 8 Aralık 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 30 Sayı: 120 Ek

Kaynak Göster

APA Gedik, E. (2024). The Impact of the 1966 Earthquakes on Migration and Social Change: A Case Study of Varto (Türkiye). Folklor/Edebiyat, 30(120 Ek), 1183-1208.

Derginin yayım dili Türkçe ve İngilizce’dir, ayrıca Türkçe de olsa tüm basılan makalelerin başlık, öz ve anahtar sözcükleri İngilizce olarak da makalede bulunur. Hakemlerden onay almış Türkçe makaleler için 750-1000 sözcükten oluşan genişletilmiş özet (extended summary) gereklidir. Elektronik çeviriler kabul edilmez.
Dergi TR-Dizin, Web of Science (ESCI), DOAJ ile diğer pek çok dizin tarafından taranmaktadır. Scimagoe quartile değeri: Q2 'dir:

TR DIZIN 2020 Etik Kriterleri kapsamında, dergimize 2020 yılından itibaren etik kurul izni gerektiren çalışmalar için makalenin yöntem bölümünde ilgili Etik Kurul Onayı ile ilgili bilgilere (kurul-tarih-sayı) yer verilmesi gerekecektir. Bu nedenle dergimize makale gönderecek olan yazarlarımızın ilgili kriteri göz önünde bulundurarak makalelerini düzenlemeleri önemle rica olunur.

Alan Editörleri/ Field Editörs

Prof.Dr. Hande Birkalan-Gedik (JohannWolfgang-Goethe İ
Prof.Dr. Ali Yakıcı (Gazi Ü
Prof.Dr. Aynur Koçak (Yıldız Teknik Ü
Prof.Dr. Işıl Altun ( (Regensburg Üniversitesi/Kocaeli Üniversitesi-İ
Prof.Dr. Abdullah Uçman (Mimar Sinan Güzel Sanatlar Üniversitesi -emekli-29 MayısÜ
Prof. Dr. Ramazan Korkmaz (Ardahan Üniversitesi-emekli-Kafkasya Üniversiteler Birliği -KÜNİ
Prof.Dr. Emel Kefeli (Marmara Üniversitesi-emekli-İstanbul 29 Mayıs Üniversitesi-ayseemelkefeli

Prof.Dr. Zekiye Antakyalıoğlu ( İstanbul Aydın Ü
Prof.Dr. Hanife Aliefendioğlu (Doğu Akdeniz Ü
Prof. Dr. Şebnem Pala Güzel (Başkent Ü
Prof.Dr. Derya Atamtürk Duyar (İstanbul Ü
Prof.Dr. Meryem Bulut (Ankara Ü
Prof.Dr. Nurettin Demir (Hacettepe Ü
Prof. Dr. Aysu Erden (Maltepe Ü
Prof.Dr. Sema Aslan Demir (Hacettepe Ü