Year 2001,
Volume: 1 Issue: 33, 83 - 90, 15.07.2001
Metin Coşar
- -Nietzsche, W.F., İyinin ve Kötünün Ötesinde (İKÖ), Türkçesi: Ahmet İmam, Ara
Yay. 1990
- -Nietzsche, W.F., On Truth and Lies in a Nonmoral Sense (Ahlakdışı Anlamda
Hakikat ve Yalan Üzerine, HY), Selection from Nietzsche's Notebooks of the Early
1870's içinde, Edited and Translated by Daniel Breazeale, New Jersey, 1990
- -Nietzsche, W.F., The Will To Power (Gücü İsteme, GÎ), Translated by W.
Kaufmann and R J. Hollingdale, Vingate Books, New York, 1968
- -Nietzsche, W.F., Ecce Homo (İşte İnsan, Ü), (Basic Writings of Nietzsche'nin
içinde), Translated by W. Kaufmann The Modern Library, 1992
- -Nietzsche, W.F., The Philosopher (Filozof, F), Selection from Nietzsche's
Notebooks of the Early 1870's içinde, Edited and Translated by Daniel Breazeale, New
Jersey, 1990
- -Nietzsche, W.F., Human, All-Too-Human (İnsanca Pek İnsanca, İPİ), The Portable
Nietzsche'nin içinde, Edited and Translated by W. Kaufmann, The Viking Press, 1960
Year 2001,
Volume: 1 Issue: 33, 83 - 90, 15.07.2001
Metin Coşar
- -Nietzsche, W.F., İyinin ve Kötünün Ötesinde (İKÖ), Türkçesi: Ahmet İmam, Ara
Yay. 1990
- -Nietzsche, W.F., On Truth and Lies in a Nonmoral Sense (Ahlakdışı Anlamda
Hakikat ve Yalan Üzerine, HY), Selection from Nietzsche's Notebooks of the Early
1870's içinde, Edited and Translated by Daniel Breazeale, New Jersey, 1990
- -Nietzsche, W.F., The Will To Power (Gücü İsteme, GÎ), Translated by W.
Kaufmann and R J. Hollingdale, Vingate Books, New York, 1968
- -Nietzsche, W.F., Ecce Homo (İşte İnsan, Ü), (Basic Writings of Nietzsche'nin
içinde), Translated by W. Kaufmann The Modern Library, 1992
- -Nietzsche, W.F., The Philosopher (Filozof, F), Selection from Nietzsche's
Notebooks of the Early 1870's içinde, Edited and Translated by Daniel Breazeale, New
Jersey, 1990
- -Nietzsche, W.F., Human, All-Too-Human (İnsanca Pek İnsanca, İPİ), The Portable
Nietzsche'nin içinde, Edited and Translated by W. Kaufmann, The Viking Press, 1960
There are 6 citations in total.