Research Article
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Year 2022, Issue: 76, 188 - 210, 13.12.2022


Ibn Arabi’s philosophy has been addressed by some scholars as a source of Islamic feminism because of his revolutionary ideas and practices concerning women. In his ontology, he consecrates femininity by putting the feminine Essence (dhât) at the top of his existential hierarchy. Frithjof Schuon, who reads Ibn Arabi’s philosophy very critically, refers to the feminine aspect of God with the concept of “Eternal Feminine”. At the first sight, both thinkers seem to have very egalitarian perspectives in terms of gender relations. However, are their ontologies really pro-feminine? This paper discusses the two Sufis’ understandings of femininity, masculinity, and “God’s femininity” in detail with a critical method. I argue that by adopting the ancient “active man-passive woman” discourse Ibn Arabi and Schuon construct their ontologies on the feminine-masculine dichotomy and establish a hierarchy to the detriment of femininity. In dichotomies they elaborated to explain their metaphysics -such as “active-passive”, “total-part”, “superior-inferior”, and “essence-accident”-, they attribute all the favorable sides to the masculinity while attributing the unfavorable sides to the femininity. Moreover, Ibn Arabi puts men in the place of God in their relation to women while Schuon regards men as the image of God’s totality, not women. Therefore, even though they have some discourses consecrating femininity, their ontologies are quite pro-masculine since they sustain the actual androcentric approach to sex.


  • Allen, P. (1987). “Plato, Aristotle, and the Concept of Woman in Early Jewish Philosophy”, Florilegium 9, pp. 89-111.
  • Chodkiewicz, M. (1994). “Female sainthood in Islam”, Sufi: A Journal of Sufism. Issue 21. pp. 12-19. London: Khaniqahi Nimatullahi Publications.
  • Cutsinger, J. (2006). “Glossary of Foreign Terms and Phrases”, Sufism Veil and Quintessence: A New Translation with Selected Letters, Schuon, F. Indiana: World Wisdom.
  • Çavuş, C. (2020). “Femininity in Sufism: Ontology of Sex According to Ibn Arabi”, Prehistoryadan Günümüze Kadın, ed. M. Hakman, Ankara: Bilgin Kültür Sanat Yayınları.
  • Çavuş, C. (2021a). “Femininity in Religions: A Comparative Analysis”, Contemporary Issues in Philosophy: From Science to Gender, eds. H.N. Erkızan, Berna Şimşek, Bursa: Sentez Publishing.
  • Çavuş, C. (2021b). İbn Arabi ve Schuon: Tasavvufî Metafizik ve Ezeli Hikmet. İstanbul: İnsan Yayınları.
  • Geoffroy, E. (2016). “The Eternal Feminine in Sufism: Readings of Ibn Arabi and Emir Abd el-Kader”, trans. Edin Q. Lohja, Religions: A Scholarly Journal, pp. 56-63.
  • Harvey, V. A. (1964). A Handbook of Theological Terms, New York: Macmillan.
  • Ibn Arabi, (1911). Al-Futûhât al-makkiyya. Cairo: Dâr Sâdir.
  • Ibn Arabi, (2009). Fütûhât-ı Mekkiyye. Trans. Ekrem Demirli. V. 2. Istanbul: Litera.
  • Ibn Arabi, (2010). The Ringstones of Wisdom (Fusûs al-hikam). Trans. Caner Dagli, Chicago: Great Books of the Islamic World.
  • Ibn Arabi, (2011). Fütûhât-ı Mekkiyye. Trans. Ekrem Demirli. V. 16. Istanbul: Litera.
  • Ibn Arabi, (2013). Fütûhât-ı Mekkiyye. Trans. Ekrem Demirli. V. 4. Istanbul: Litera.
  • Ibn Arabi, (2013). Fütûhât-ı Mekkiyye. Trans. Ekrem Demirli. V. 9. Istanbul: Litera.
  • Ibn Arabi, (2014). Fütûhât-ı Mekkiyye. Trans. Ekrem Demirli. V. 5. Istanbul: Litera.
  • Ibn Arabi, (2014). Fütûhât-ı Mekkiyye. Trans. Ekrem Demirli. V. 18. Istanbul: Litera.
  • Ibn Arabi, (2015). Fütûhât-ı Mekkiyye. Trans. Ekrem Demirli. V. 7. Istanbul: Litera.
  • Ibn Arabi, (2015). Fütûhât-ı Mekkiyye. Trans. Ekrem Demirli. V. 12. Istanbul: Litera.
  • Ibn Arabi, (2015). Fütûhât-ı Mekkiyye. Trans. Ekrem Demirli. V. 14. Istanbul: Litera.
  • Murata, S. (1992). The Tao of Islam: A sourcebook on gender relations in Islamic thought. New York: State University of New York Press.
  • Nasr, S. H. (1987). “The Male and Female in Islamic Perspective”, Traditional Islam in the Modern World, pp. 47–58. London: KPI.
  • Schuon, F. (1970). Dimensions of Islam. Trans. Peter N. Townsend. London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd.
  • Schuon, F. (1972). Understanding Islam. Trans. D. M. Matheson. Baltimore: Penguin Books.
  • Schuon, F. (1981a). Esoterism as Principle and as Way. London: Perennial Books.
  • Schuon, F. (1981b). Sufism, Veil and Quintessence. Indiana: World Wisdom Books.
  • Schuon, F. (1982a). Castes and Races. London: Perennial Books.
  • Schuon, F. (1982b). From the Divine to the Human. Trans. Gustavo Polit and Deborah Lambert. Indiana: World Wisdom Books.
  • Schuon, F. (1984). Logic and Transcendence. Trans. Peter N. Townsend. London: Perennial Books.
  • Schuon, F. (1986). Survey of Metaphysics and Esoterism. Trans. Gustavo Polit. Indiana: World Wisdom Books.
  • Schuon, F. (1990a). Gnosis Divine Wisdom. Trans. G. E. H. Palmer. Middlesex: Perennial Books.
  • Schuon, F. (1990b). To Have a Center. Indiana: World Wisdom Books.
  • Schuon, F. (1991). Roots of the Human Condition. Indiana: World Wisdom Books.
  • Schuon, F. (1994). In the Face of the Absolute. Indiana: World Wisdom Books.
  • Schuon, F. (2002). Form and Substance in Religions. Trans. Mark Perry. Indiana: World Wisdom Books.
  • Shaikh, Sadiyya (2012). Sufi Narratives of Intimacy: Ibn ‘Arabi, Gender and Sexuality. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press.
  • Takeshita, M. (1987). “Ibn Arabî’s Theory of the Perfect Man and its Place in the History of Islamic Thought”. Studia Culturae Islamicae, 32. Tokyo: Institute for the study of Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies.
  • (accessed on 24.04.2022)
  • (accessed on 24.04.2022)

İbn Arabi Ve Frithjof Schuon’un Androsantrik Ontolojisi

Year 2022, Issue: 76, 188 - 210, 13.12.2022


Kadınlarla ilgili devrimsel fikir ve uygulamaları sebebiyle İbn Arabi’nin felsefesi bazı araştırmacılar tarafından İslamî feminizm için bir kaynak olarak görülmektedir. Nitekim o ontolojisinde, varlık hiyerarşisinin en üst seviyesine dişi olan Zât’ı koyarak dişiliği kutsamaktadır. İbn Arabi’yi eleştirel bir okumaya tabi tutan Frithjof Schuon ise Tanrı’nın dişil yönüne “Ebedi Dişi” kavramı ile işaret etmektedir. İlk bakışta bu iki düşünürün cinsiyet ilişkilerine yaklaşımı eşitlikçi gibi görünmektedir. Fakat onların ontolojileri gerçekten de dişilik lehtarı mıdır? Bu çalışmada iki düşünürün erillik, dişilik ve “Tanrı’nın dişiliği” anlayışları eleştirel bir yöntem ile detaylı bir biçimde tartışılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada İbn Arabi ve Schuon’un, kadim “aktif erkek-pasif kadın” söylemini benimseyerek, ontolojilerini dişil-eril ikiliği üzerine kurduğu ve dişilik aleyhine bir hiyerarşi ürettiği iddia edilmektedir. Metafizik doktrinlerini açıklamak için kullandıkları “aktif-pasif”, “bütün-parça”, üstün-aşağı”, “asıl-ilinek” karşıtlıklarındaki olumlu sıfatları erilliğe atfederken, olumsuz sıfatları dişiliğe atfettikleri görülmektedir. Bununla beraber İbn Arabi erkeği kadınla ilişkisinde Tanrı yerine koymakta, Schuon ise sadece erkeği Tanrı’nın bütünselliğinin sureti olarak görmektedir. Bu nedenle, her ne kadar dişiliği kutsayan söylemleri olsa da mevcut eril-merkezli cinsiyet yaklaşımlarını devam ettirmeleri sebebiyle İbn Arabi ve Schuon’un ontolojileri oldukça eril lehtarıdır.


  • Allen, P. (1987). “Plato, Aristotle, and the Concept of Woman in Early Jewish Philosophy”, Florilegium 9, pp. 89-111.
  • Chodkiewicz, M. (1994). “Female sainthood in Islam”, Sufi: A Journal of Sufism. Issue 21. pp. 12-19. London: Khaniqahi Nimatullahi Publications.
  • Cutsinger, J. (2006). “Glossary of Foreign Terms and Phrases”, Sufism Veil and Quintessence: A New Translation with Selected Letters, Schuon, F. Indiana: World Wisdom.
  • Çavuş, C. (2020). “Femininity in Sufism: Ontology of Sex According to Ibn Arabi”, Prehistoryadan Günümüze Kadın, ed. M. Hakman, Ankara: Bilgin Kültür Sanat Yayınları.
  • Çavuş, C. (2021a). “Femininity in Religions: A Comparative Analysis”, Contemporary Issues in Philosophy: From Science to Gender, eds. H.N. Erkızan, Berna Şimşek, Bursa: Sentez Publishing.
  • Çavuş, C. (2021b). İbn Arabi ve Schuon: Tasavvufî Metafizik ve Ezeli Hikmet. İstanbul: İnsan Yayınları.
  • Geoffroy, E. (2016). “The Eternal Feminine in Sufism: Readings of Ibn Arabi and Emir Abd el-Kader”, trans. Edin Q. Lohja, Religions: A Scholarly Journal, pp. 56-63.
  • Harvey, V. A. (1964). A Handbook of Theological Terms, New York: Macmillan.
  • Ibn Arabi, (1911). Al-Futûhât al-makkiyya. Cairo: Dâr Sâdir.
  • Ibn Arabi, (2009). Fütûhât-ı Mekkiyye. Trans. Ekrem Demirli. V. 2. Istanbul: Litera.
  • Ibn Arabi, (2010). The Ringstones of Wisdom (Fusûs al-hikam). Trans. Caner Dagli, Chicago: Great Books of the Islamic World.
  • Ibn Arabi, (2011). Fütûhât-ı Mekkiyye. Trans. Ekrem Demirli. V. 16. Istanbul: Litera.
  • Ibn Arabi, (2013). Fütûhât-ı Mekkiyye. Trans. Ekrem Demirli. V. 4. Istanbul: Litera.
  • Ibn Arabi, (2013). Fütûhât-ı Mekkiyye. Trans. Ekrem Demirli. V. 9. Istanbul: Litera.
  • Ibn Arabi, (2014). Fütûhât-ı Mekkiyye. Trans. Ekrem Demirli. V. 5. Istanbul: Litera.
  • Ibn Arabi, (2014). Fütûhât-ı Mekkiyye. Trans. Ekrem Demirli. V. 18. Istanbul: Litera.
  • Ibn Arabi, (2015). Fütûhât-ı Mekkiyye. Trans. Ekrem Demirli. V. 7. Istanbul: Litera.
  • Ibn Arabi, (2015). Fütûhât-ı Mekkiyye. Trans. Ekrem Demirli. V. 12. Istanbul: Litera.
  • Ibn Arabi, (2015). Fütûhât-ı Mekkiyye. Trans. Ekrem Demirli. V. 14. Istanbul: Litera.
  • Murata, S. (1992). The Tao of Islam: A sourcebook on gender relations in Islamic thought. New York: State University of New York Press.
  • Nasr, S. H. (1987). “The Male and Female in Islamic Perspective”, Traditional Islam in the Modern World, pp. 47–58. London: KPI.
  • Schuon, F. (1970). Dimensions of Islam. Trans. Peter N. Townsend. London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd.
  • Schuon, F. (1972). Understanding Islam. Trans. D. M. Matheson. Baltimore: Penguin Books.
  • Schuon, F. (1981a). Esoterism as Principle and as Way. London: Perennial Books.
  • Schuon, F. (1981b). Sufism, Veil and Quintessence. Indiana: World Wisdom Books.
  • Schuon, F. (1982a). Castes and Races. London: Perennial Books.
  • Schuon, F. (1982b). From the Divine to the Human. Trans. Gustavo Polit and Deborah Lambert. Indiana: World Wisdom Books.
  • Schuon, F. (1984). Logic and Transcendence. Trans. Peter N. Townsend. London: Perennial Books.
  • Schuon, F. (1986). Survey of Metaphysics and Esoterism. Trans. Gustavo Polit. Indiana: World Wisdom Books.
  • Schuon, F. (1990a). Gnosis Divine Wisdom. Trans. G. E. H. Palmer. Middlesex: Perennial Books.
  • Schuon, F. (1990b). To Have a Center. Indiana: World Wisdom Books.
  • Schuon, F. (1991). Roots of the Human Condition. Indiana: World Wisdom Books.
  • Schuon, F. (1994). In the Face of the Absolute. Indiana: World Wisdom Books.
  • Schuon, F. (2002). Form and Substance in Religions. Trans. Mark Perry. Indiana: World Wisdom Books.
  • Shaikh, Sadiyya (2012). Sufi Narratives of Intimacy: Ibn ‘Arabi, Gender and Sexuality. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press.
  • Takeshita, M. (1987). “Ibn Arabî’s Theory of the Perfect Man and its Place in the History of Islamic Thought”. Studia Culturae Islamicae, 32. Tokyo: Institute for the study of Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies.
  • (accessed on 24.04.2022)
  • (accessed on 24.04.2022)
There are 38 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Philosophy
Journal Section Research Articles

Cennet Ceren Cavus 0000-0002-6042-4273

Publication Date December 13, 2022
Submission Date June 2, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Issue: 76


APA Cavus, C. C. (2022). IBN ARABI AND FRITHJOF SCHUON’S ANDROCENTRIC ONTOLOGY. Felsefe Dünyası, 2(76), 188-210.