Peer-Review Precess

• The Philosophy World publishes academic articles, book reviews and translations.
• The Philosophy World is an academic journal in which spelling and plagiarism control, pre-evaluation, double blind peer-review, proofreading and editing processes are operated.

1. The Spelling and Plagiarism Check
In the Spelling and Plagiarism check, it is checked whether the manuscript complies with the journal's spelling rules. Plagiarism is scanned through the İ program, and manuscripts with a similarity report below 20% are passed to the pre-evaluation stage.

2. The Pre-evaluation
The Editorial Board evaluates submitted manuscripts prior to double blind peer-review and determines whether they are suitable for the submission. The Editorial Board evaluates the reviewers suggestion for the manuscript.
The pre-evaluation process is approximately 15 days. This period can be extended if necessary.

3. The Peer-Review
All manuscripts are subject to double blind peer-review. The article is sent to two different reviewers by section editors.
The reviewing process is approximately 30 days. This period can be extended if necessary.
If two of the reviewers report "unpublishable", the article is rejected by the Editorial Board.
If two of the reviewers report "publishable", the article is moved to the editing process after the approval of the Editorial Board.
If one of the reviewers reports "can be published" and the other reports "unpublished", the article is sent to a third reviewer. If the third reviewer’s evaluation is negative, the article is rejected; If it is positive, it is moved to the editing process after the evaluation and approval of the Editorial Board.
If the reviewers have revision suggestions, the reviewers form and the evaluation reports, if any, are sent to the author via the system and the author is asked to fulfill them.
If the reviewers report that the article will be published after the revision suggestions are fulfilled, the article is sent to the author for final checks and corrections.
The Editorial Board has the authority to reject an article that does not consider the Reviewers reports or the recommendations of the Editorial Board and does not provide any justification.

4. The Redaction Process
The article, which is corrected after the reviewer reports, is subjected to the editing process by the Editorial Board.
The completed manuscripts are sent to the authors for finalization.

5. The Editing and The Proof-Reading Process
In the editing process,
• the proof-reading is done,
• the typesetting of the articles is done,
• Metadata, submission date and acceptance date
• Author institution, e-mail information, ORCID numbers are edited and prepared for publication.
The Editorial Board is authorized for article ordering.

Reviews of books and other works are pre-evaluated by the Editorial Board. If deemed suitable, it is sent to one or two reviewers.
If the reviewers report that it will be published after the revision suggestions are fulfilled, the article is sent to the author for final checks and corrections.
Subsequently, it is subjected to the correction and editing process and made ready for publication.

The Philosophy World only publishes translations of articles that are deemed to make a significant contribution to the field upon the review of the Editorial Board. The Editorial Board is entitled to reject other translating articles.
Translated articles are sent to two reviewers. The reviewers evaluate the article in terms of the accuracy of the translation, its relation to philosophy, grammar and its contribution to the field.
If the reviewers report that the article will be published after the revision suggestions are fulfilled, the article is sent to the author for final checks and corrections.
Subsequently, it is subjected to the correction and editing process and made ready for publication.

Please follow the steps listed below in order to review an article sent through the system:
1. Log into the “Manuscript Handling System” by entering your username and password.
2. Click “Reviewer” on the upper menu.
3. Click “Articles” (“Submissions”) on the reviewer page.
4. You will now see the title and status of the article you have been requested to review. Click the magnifier icon found under “Show” on the left-hand side.
5. On the new page that appears, you will find information concerning the article and its English and Turkish abstracts. At the bottom, there is a question as to whether or not you accept to review the article. Click “I would like to review the article” in the green-shaded area to accept.
6. Once you accept to make a review, you can download the Article file. You can also review the article by using the evaluation form that will appear on the same page.
7. While filling in the form, if you click “Save” without completing your evaluation, you can return to the form later to complete the remaining sections.
8. Once you fill in the whole form and your evaluation is complete, click “Save and Finish”.

Last Update Time: 12/23/24, 11:09:59 AM