İşletmelerin kurulum sürecinde ihtiyaç duyulan fonun temini, girişimciler için önemli bir sınırlılık oluşturmaktadır. Bu soruna alteratif bir çözüm olarak ortaya çıkan ve yakın gelecekte önemli bir fonlama sistemi olma potansiyeline sahip kitlesel fonlama, bu araştırmanın konusunu oluşturmuştur. Araştırmada hem sosyal hem de ekonomik girişimlerin fonlanması için yeni bir yöntem olan kitlesel fonlamanın başarısında, sosyal sermayenin etkileri incelenmiştir. Doktora tezinden türetilen bu araştırmada kitlesel fonlamada başarılı bir fonlamaya ulaşılabilmesi için gerekli hususların aydınlatılması amaçlanmıştır. Bu çalışma yazında konuyla ilgili nitel ağırlıkta olan sonuçların, nicel olarak test edilmesi temeline dayanmaktadır. Bu kapsamda Türkiye’de girişimi için ihtiyaç duyduğu fonu toplamak amacıyla proje yayınlamış ödül ve bağış bazlı 251 kitlesel fonlama proje sahibine anket uygulanmıştır. Hedef fonuna ulaşabilen projeler başarılı, ulaşamayanlar ise başarısız olarak kodlanmıştır. Çevrimiçi bir girişim fonlaması süreci olan kitlesel fonlama, sosyal sermayenin yine çevrimiçi boyutuna odaklanan çevrimiçi sosyal sermaye kapsamında ele alınmıştır. Gelecekte başarılı projelere ulaşmak için gerekliliklerin ortaya konulması amacıyla araştırma modeli, sinyal teorisi çerçevesinde incelenmiştir. Bağımsız değişken olarak ele alınan çevrimiçi sosyal sermayenin aracı ve dayanışmacı boyutlarının, başarıyı yordadığı sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Ayrıca cinsiyet ve eğitim durumunun da kitlesel fonlama başarısı üzerinde etkili olduğu görülmüştür.
Acar Güvendir, Meltem, and Yeşim Özer Özkan. 2015. “Türkiye’deki Eğitim Alanında Yayımlanan Bilimsel Dergilerde Ölçek Geliştirme ve Uyarlama Konulu Makalelerin İncelenmesi.”
Agrawal, Ajay, Christian Catalini, and Avi Goldfarb. 2015. “Crowdfunding: Geography, Social Networks, and the Timing of Investment Decisions.” Journal of Economics & Management Strategy 24(2):253–74.
Beugre, Constant D. 2014. “The Legitimacy of Crowdfunding: An Institutional Theory Perspective.” Pp. 1–28 in Academy of management proceedings. Vol. 2014. Academy of Management Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510.
Borst, Irma, Christine Moser, and Julie Ferguson. 2018. “From Friendfunding to Crowdfunding: Relevance of Relationships, Social Media, and Platform Activities to Crowdfunding Performance.” New Media & Society 20(4):1396–1414.
Bradford, C. Steven. 2012. “Crowdfunding and the Federal Securities Laws.” Columbia Business Law Review 1.
Brislin, Richard W. 1986. “The Wording and Translation of Research Instruments.” Cross-Cultural Research and Methodology Series 8.
Burke, Moira, Cameron Marlow, and Thomas Lento. 2010. “Social Network Activity and Social Well-Being.” Pp. 1909–12 in Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on human factors in computing systems.
Busenitz, Lowell W., James O. Fiet, and Douglas D. Moesel. 2005. “Signaling in Venture Capitalist—New Venture Team Funding Decisions: Does It Indicate Long–Term Venture Outcomes?” Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 29(1):1–12.
Çapık, Cantürk, Sebahat Gözüm, and Seçil Aksayan. 2018. “Kültürlerarası Ölçek Uyarlama Aşamaları, Dil ve Kültür Uyarlaması: Güncellenmiş Rehber.” Florence Nightingale Hemşirelik Dergisi 26(3):199–210.
Centola, Damon, and Michael Macy. 2007. “Complex Contagions and the Weakness of Long Ties.” American Journal of Sociology 113(3):702–34.
Chan, C. S. Richard, and Annaleena Parhankangas. 2017. “Crowdfunding Innovative Ideas: How Incremental and Radical Innovativeness Influence Funding Outcomes.” Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 41(2):237–63.
Contino, Richard M. 2002. The Complete Equipment-Leasing Handbook: A Deal Maker’s Guide with Forms, Checklists and Worksheets. Amacom.
Coster, Wendy Jane, and Marisa Cotta Mancini. 2015. “Recommendations for Translation and Cross-Cultural Adaptation of Instruments for Occupational Therapy Research and Practice.” Revista de Terapia Ocupacional Da Universidade de São Paulo 26(1):50–57.
Crosetto, Paolo, and Tobias Regner. 2014. Crowdfunding: Determinants of Success and Funding Dynamics. Jena Economic Research Papers.
Çubukçu, Ceren. 2017. “Kitlesel Fonlama: Türkiye’deki Kitlesel Fonlama Platformları Üzerinden Bir Değerlendirme.” Girişimcilik ve İnovasyon Yönetimi Dergisi 6(2):155–72.
Davidson, Roei, and Nathaniel Poor. 2015. “The Barriers Facing Artists’ Use of Crowdfunding Platforms: Personality, Emotional Labor, and Going to the Well One Too Many Times.” New Media & Society 17(2):289–307.
Dursun, İbrahim Taha. 2013. “Örgüt Kültürü ve Strateji Ilişkisi: Hofstede’nin Boyutları Açısından Bir Değerlendirme.” Siyaset, Ekonomi ve Yönetim Araştırmaları Dergisi 1(4).
Ellison, Nicole B., Charles Steinfield, and Cliff Lampe. 2007. “The Benefits of Facebook ‘Friends:’ Social Capital and College Students’ Use of Online Social Network Sites.” Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 12(4):1143–68.
Granovetter, Mark S. 1973. “The Strength of Weak Ties.” The American Journal of Sociology 78(16):347–67.
Hall, Elisabeth O. C., Margaret E. Wilson, and Joanne A. Frankenfield. 2003. “Translation and Restandardization of an Instrument: The Early Infant Temperament Questionnaire.” Journal of Advanced Nursing 42(2):159–68.
Haythornthwaite, Caroline. 2002. “Strong, Weak, and Latent Ties and the Impact of New Media.” The Information Society 18(5):385–401.
Hemer, Joachim. 2011. A Snapshot on Crowdfunding. Arbeitspapiere Unternehmen und Region.
Historydaily. 2020. “Historydaily.Org.” Retrieved March 2, 2020 (https://historydaily.org/how-1885-crowdsourcing-saved-the-statue-of-liberty).
Hofstede, Geert. 1984. Culture’s Consequences: International Differences in Work-Related Values. Vol. 5. sage.
Hörisch, Jacob. 2015. “Crowdfunding for Environmental Ventures: An Empirical Analysis of the Influence of Environmental Orientation on the Success of Crowdfunding Initiatives.” Journal of Cleaner Production 107:636–45.
Kickstarter. 2019. “Kickstarter.” Retrieved December 19, 2020 (https://www.kickstarter.com).
Kim, Chelsea, and Cuihua Shen. 2020. “Connecting Activities on Social Network Sites and Life Satisfaction: A Comparison of Older and Younger Users.” Computers in Human Behavior 105:106222.
Ko, Sang-Min, Bo-Hwan Hwang, and Yong-Gu Ji. 2010. “A Study on Social Network Service and Online Social Capital: Focusing on a Korean and Chinese Case.” The Journal of Society for E-Business Studies 15(1):103–18.
Kobayashi, Tetsuro, Ken’ichi Ikeda, and Kakuko Miyata. 2006. “Social Capital Online: Collective Use of the Internet and Reciprocity as Lubricants of Democracy.” Information, Community & Society 9(5):582–611.
Lehner, Othmar M., Elisabeth Grabmann, and Carina Ennsgraber. 2015. “Entrepreneurial Implications of Crowdfunding as Alternative Funding Source for Innovations.” Venture Capital 17(1–2):171–89.
Leone, Daniele, and Francesco Schiavone. 2019. “Innovation and Knowledge Sharing in Crowdfunding: How Social Dynamics Affect Project Success.” Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 31(7):803–16.
Lin, Yan, Wai Fong Boh, and Kim Huat Goh. 2014. “How Different Are Crowdfunders? Examining Archetypes of Crowdfunders and Their Choice of Projects.” P. 13309 in Academy of Management Proceedings. Vol. 2014. Academy of Management Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510.
Manago, Adriana M., Tamara Taylor, and Patricia M. Greenfield. 2012. “Me and My 400 Friends: The Anatomy of College Students’ Facebook Networks, Their Communication Patterns, and Well-Being.” Developmental Psychology 48(2):369.
Mitra, Devashis. 2012. “The Role of Crowdfunding in Entrepreneurial Finance.” Delhi Business Review 13(2):67–72.
Moisseyev, Alexey. 2013. “Effect of Social Media on Crowdfunding Project Results.”
Moore, Kelly, and James C. McElroy. 2012. “The Influence of Personality on Facebook Usage, Wall Postings, and Regret.” Computers in Human Behavior 28(1):267–74.
Norris, Pippa. 2002. “The Bridging and Bonding Role of Online Communities.”
Nugroho, Iwan. 2020. “Fostering Online Social Capital during the COVID-19 Pandemic and New Normal.” Journal of Socioeconomics and Development 3(2):74–78.
Öncül, Mehmet Sadık, Mehmet Deniz, and Ali Rıza İnce. 2016. “Hofstede’nin Örgüt Kültürü Modelinin Potansiyel Girişimcilerin Yetiştiği Çevresel Özellikler Kapsamında Değerlendirilmesi.” Akademik Yaklaşımlar Dergisi 7(1):255–69.
Onur, M. N., and Ö. Değirmenci. 2015. “Crowdfunding-Kitle Fonlaması.” TC Başbakanlık Hazine Müsteşarlığı Çalışma Raporları (2015–7):1–18.
Pulitzer. 2020. “Pulitzer.” Retrieved April 25, 2020 (https://www.pulitzer.org/page/biography-joseph-pulitzer).
Rogers, Everett M. 1995. “Diffusion of Innovations: Modifications of a Model for Telecommunications.” Pp. 25–38 in Die diffusion von innovationen in der telekommunikation. Springer.
Scott Wilson. 2020. “Fast Company.” Retrieved February 12, 2020 (https://www.fastcompany.com/1662743/scott-wilsons-ipod-nano-watch-breaks-kickstarter-records-raises-nearly-1-million).
Selcen, SARI. 2015. “Bağlamın Etkisinde Şekillenen Örgütler Arası Bağların Finansal Performans Üzerindeki Etkileri: Türkiye’deki İşletme Grupları Örneği.” Uluslararası Ekonomi ve Yenilik Dergisi 1(1):55–72.
Skoric, Marko M., Deborah Ying, and Ying Ng. 2009. “Bowling Online, Not Alone: Online Social Capital and Political Participation in Singapore.” Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 14(2):414–33.
Spence, Michael. 1978. “Job Market Signaling.” Pp. 281–306 in Uncertainty in economics. Elsevier.
SPK. 2019. “Sermaye Piyasası Kurulu.” Retrieved December 27, 2019 (https://www.spk.gov.tr/Sayfa/Dosya/1292).
Steinberg, Scott, and Rusel DeMaria. 2012. “The Crowdfunding Bible: How to Raise Money for Any Startup, Video Game or Project.”
T.C. Resmi Gazete. 2019. Paya Dayalı Kitle Fonlaması Tebliği. Türkiye, Türkiye: T.C. Resmi Gazete.
Tan, Wee-Kheng, Yung-Jen Hsiao, Shu-Fen Tseng, and Chien-Lung Chan. 2018. “Smartphone Application Personality and Its Relationship to Personalities of Smartphone Users and Social Capital Accrued through Use of Smartphone Social Applications.” Telematics and Informatics 35(1):255–66.
Tong, S., and Joseph B. Walther. 2011. “Relational Maintenance and CMC.” Computer-Mediated Communication in Personal Relationships 53:98–118.
Wellman, Barry, Janet Salaff, Dimitrina Dimitrova, Laura Garton, Milena Gulia, and Caroline Haythornthwaite. 1996. “Computer Networks as Social Networks: Collaborative Work, Telework, and Virtual Community.” Annual Review of Sociology 22(1):213–38.
WHO, World Health Organization. 2017. “Management of Substance Abuse: Process of Translation and Adaptation of Instruments.” 2013-02-09)[2018-01-02]. Http://Www. Who. Int/Substance Abuse/Research Tools/Translation/En. Retrieved March 30, 2020 (https://www.who.int/substance_abuse/research_tools/translation/en/).
Williams, Dmitri. 2006. “On and off the’Net: Scales for Social Capital in an Online Era.” Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 11(2):593–628.
Williams, Dmitri. 2007. “The Impact of Time Online: Social Capital and Cyberbalkanization.” CyberPsychology & Behavior 10(3):398–406.
Yozgat, Uğur, and Dilek Güngörmez. 2015. “The Mediating Role of Social Integration on the Effect of Proactive Socialization Tactics Applied by Newcomers on Their Organizational Commitment.” Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 207:462–71.
Zheng, Haichao, Dahui Li, Jing Wu, and Yun Xu. 2014. “The Role of Multidimensional Social Capital in Crowdfunding: A Comparative Study in China and US.” Information & Management 51(4):488–96.
The provision of funds needed in the establishment process of businesses creates an important limitation for entrepreneurs. Crowdfunding, which emerged as an alternative solution to this problem and has the potential to become an important funding system in the near future, has been the subject of this study. In the research, the effects of social capital on the success of crowdfunding, which is a new method for funding both social and economic enterprises, were examined. In this study derived from the doctoral thesis, it is aimed to illuminate the necessary issues in order to achieve successful funding in crowdfunding. This study is based on the quantitative testing of qualitatively weighted results on the subject. In this context, a questionnaire was applied to 251 award and donation-based crowdfunding project owners who have published projects in Turkey to collect the funds they need for their initiative. Projects that could reach the target fund were coded as successful and those that could not, as unsuccessful. Crowdfunding, an online venture funding process, is considered within the scope of online social capital, which also focuses on the online dimension of social capital. In order to reveal the requirements to reach successful projects in the future, the research model has been examined within the framework of signal theory. It was concluded that the mediator and solidarity dimensions of online social capital, which is considered as an independent variable, predict success. In addition, it has been observed that gender and educational status have an effect on crowdfunding success.
Acar Güvendir, Meltem, and Yeşim Özer Özkan. 2015. “Türkiye’deki Eğitim Alanında Yayımlanan Bilimsel Dergilerde Ölçek Geliştirme ve Uyarlama Konulu Makalelerin İncelenmesi.”
Agrawal, Ajay, Christian Catalini, and Avi Goldfarb. 2015. “Crowdfunding: Geography, Social Networks, and the Timing of Investment Decisions.” Journal of Economics & Management Strategy 24(2):253–74.
Beugre, Constant D. 2014. “The Legitimacy of Crowdfunding: An Institutional Theory Perspective.” Pp. 1–28 in Academy of management proceedings. Vol. 2014. Academy of Management Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510.
Borst, Irma, Christine Moser, and Julie Ferguson. 2018. “From Friendfunding to Crowdfunding: Relevance of Relationships, Social Media, and Platform Activities to Crowdfunding Performance.” New Media & Society 20(4):1396–1414.
Bradford, C. Steven. 2012. “Crowdfunding and the Federal Securities Laws.” Columbia Business Law Review 1.
Brislin, Richard W. 1986. “The Wording and Translation of Research Instruments.” Cross-Cultural Research and Methodology Series 8.
Burke, Moira, Cameron Marlow, and Thomas Lento. 2010. “Social Network Activity and Social Well-Being.” Pp. 1909–12 in Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on human factors in computing systems.
Busenitz, Lowell W., James O. Fiet, and Douglas D. Moesel. 2005. “Signaling in Venture Capitalist—New Venture Team Funding Decisions: Does It Indicate Long–Term Venture Outcomes?” Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 29(1):1–12.
Çapık, Cantürk, Sebahat Gözüm, and Seçil Aksayan. 2018. “Kültürlerarası Ölçek Uyarlama Aşamaları, Dil ve Kültür Uyarlaması: Güncellenmiş Rehber.” Florence Nightingale Hemşirelik Dergisi 26(3):199–210.
Centola, Damon, and Michael Macy. 2007. “Complex Contagions and the Weakness of Long Ties.” American Journal of Sociology 113(3):702–34.
Chan, C. S. Richard, and Annaleena Parhankangas. 2017. “Crowdfunding Innovative Ideas: How Incremental and Radical Innovativeness Influence Funding Outcomes.” Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 41(2):237–63.
Contino, Richard M. 2002. The Complete Equipment-Leasing Handbook: A Deal Maker’s Guide with Forms, Checklists and Worksheets. Amacom.
Coster, Wendy Jane, and Marisa Cotta Mancini. 2015. “Recommendations for Translation and Cross-Cultural Adaptation of Instruments for Occupational Therapy Research and Practice.” Revista de Terapia Ocupacional Da Universidade de São Paulo 26(1):50–57.
Crosetto, Paolo, and Tobias Regner. 2014. Crowdfunding: Determinants of Success and Funding Dynamics. Jena Economic Research Papers.
Çubukçu, Ceren. 2017. “Kitlesel Fonlama: Türkiye’deki Kitlesel Fonlama Platformları Üzerinden Bir Değerlendirme.” Girişimcilik ve İnovasyon Yönetimi Dergisi 6(2):155–72.
Davidson, Roei, and Nathaniel Poor. 2015. “The Barriers Facing Artists’ Use of Crowdfunding Platforms: Personality, Emotional Labor, and Going to the Well One Too Many Times.” New Media & Society 17(2):289–307.
Dursun, İbrahim Taha. 2013. “Örgüt Kültürü ve Strateji Ilişkisi: Hofstede’nin Boyutları Açısından Bir Değerlendirme.” Siyaset, Ekonomi ve Yönetim Araştırmaları Dergisi 1(4).
Ellison, Nicole B., Charles Steinfield, and Cliff Lampe. 2007. “The Benefits of Facebook ‘Friends:’ Social Capital and College Students’ Use of Online Social Network Sites.” Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 12(4):1143–68.
Granovetter, Mark S. 1973. “The Strength of Weak Ties.” The American Journal of Sociology 78(16):347–67.
Hall, Elisabeth O. C., Margaret E. Wilson, and Joanne A. Frankenfield. 2003. “Translation and Restandardization of an Instrument: The Early Infant Temperament Questionnaire.” Journal of Advanced Nursing 42(2):159–68.
Haythornthwaite, Caroline. 2002. “Strong, Weak, and Latent Ties and the Impact of New Media.” The Information Society 18(5):385–401.
Hemer, Joachim. 2011. A Snapshot on Crowdfunding. Arbeitspapiere Unternehmen und Region.
Historydaily. 2020. “Historydaily.Org.” Retrieved March 2, 2020 (https://historydaily.org/how-1885-crowdsourcing-saved-the-statue-of-liberty).
Hofstede, Geert. 1984. Culture’s Consequences: International Differences in Work-Related Values. Vol. 5. sage.
Hörisch, Jacob. 2015. “Crowdfunding for Environmental Ventures: An Empirical Analysis of the Influence of Environmental Orientation on the Success of Crowdfunding Initiatives.” Journal of Cleaner Production 107:636–45.
Kickstarter. 2019. “Kickstarter.” Retrieved December 19, 2020 (https://www.kickstarter.com).
Kim, Chelsea, and Cuihua Shen. 2020. “Connecting Activities on Social Network Sites and Life Satisfaction: A Comparison of Older and Younger Users.” Computers in Human Behavior 105:106222.
Ko, Sang-Min, Bo-Hwan Hwang, and Yong-Gu Ji. 2010. “A Study on Social Network Service and Online Social Capital: Focusing on a Korean and Chinese Case.” The Journal of Society for E-Business Studies 15(1):103–18.
Kobayashi, Tetsuro, Ken’ichi Ikeda, and Kakuko Miyata. 2006. “Social Capital Online: Collective Use of the Internet and Reciprocity as Lubricants of Democracy.” Information, Community & Society 9(5):582–611.
Lehner, Othmar M., Elisabeth Grabmann, and Carina Ennsgraber. 2015. “Entrepreneurial Implications of Crowdfunding as Alternative Funding Source for Innovations.” Venture Capital 17(1–2):171–89.
Leone, Daniele, and Francesco Schiavone. 2019. “Innovation and Knowledge Sharing in Crowdfunding: How Social Dynamics Affect Project Success.” Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 31(7):803–16.
Lin, Yan, Wai Fong Boh, and Kim Huat Goh. 2014. “How Different Are Crowdfunders? Examining Archetypes of Crowdfunders and Their Choice of Projects.” P. 13309 in Academy of Management Proceedings. Vol. 2014. Academy of Management Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510.
Manago, Adriana M., Tamara Taylor, and Patricia M. Greenfield. 2012. “Me and My 400 Friends: The Anatomy of College Students’ Facebook Networks, Their Communication Patterns, and Well-Being.” Developmental Psychology 48(2):369.
Mitra, Devashis. 2012. “The Role of Crowdfunding in Entrepreneurial Finance.” Delhi Business Review 13(2):67–72.
Moisseyev, Alexey. 2013. “Effect of Social Media on Crowdfunding Project Results.”
Moore, Kelly, and James C. McElroy. 2012. “The Influence of Personality on Facebook Usage, Wall Postings, and Regret.” Computers in Human Behavior 28(1):267–74.
Norris, Pippa. 2002. “The Bridging and Bonding Role of Online Communities.”
Nugroho, Iwan. 2020. “Fostering Online Social Capital during the COVID-19 Pandemic and New Normal.” Journal of Socioeconomics and Development 3(2):74–78.
Öncül, Mehmet Sadık, Mehmet Deniz, and Ali Rıza İnce. 2016. “Hofstede’nin Örgüt Kültürü Modelinin Potansiyel Girişimcilerin Yetiştiği Çevresel Özellikler Kapsamında Değerlendirilmesi.” Akademik Yaklaşımlar Dergisi 7(1):255–69.
Onur, M. N., and Ö. Değirmenci. 2015. “Crowdfunding-Kitle Fonlaması.” TC Başbakanlık Hazine Müsteşarlığı Çalışma Raporları (2015–7):1–18.
Pulitzer. 2020. “Pulitzer.” Retrieved April 25, 2020 (https://www.pulitzer.org/page/biography-joseph-pulitzer).
Rogers, Everett M. 1995. “Diffusion of Innovations: Modifications of a Model for Telecommunications.” Pp. 25–38 in Die diffusion von innovationen in der telekommunikation. Springer.
Scott Wilson. 2020. “Fast Company.” Retrieved February 12, 2020 (https://www.fastcompany.com/1662743/scott-wilsons-ipod-nano-watch-breaks-kickstarter-records-raises-nearly-1-million).
Selcen, SARI. 2015. “Bağlamın Etkisinde Şekillenen Örgütler Arası Bağların Finansal Performans Üzerindeki Etkileri: Türkiye’deki İşletme Grupları Örneği.” Uluslararası Ekonomi ve Yenilik Dergisi 1(1):55–72.
Skoric, Marko M., Deborah Ying, and Ying Ng. 2009. “Bowling Online, Not Alone: Online Social Capital and Political Participation in Singapore.” Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 14(2):414–33.
Spence, Michael. 1978. “Job Market Signaling.” Pp. 281–306 in Uncertainty in economics. Elsevier.
SPK. 2019. “Sermaye Piyasası Kurulu.” Retrieved December 27, 2019 (https://www.spk.gov.tr/Sayfa/Dosya/1292).
Steinberg, Scott, and Rusel DeMaria. 2012. “The Crowdfunding Bible: How to Raise Money for Any Startup, Video Game or Project.”
T.C. Resmi Gazete. 2019. Paya Dayalı Kitle Fonlaması Tebliği. Türkiye, Türkiye: T.C. Resmi Gazete.
Tan, Wee-Kheng, Yung-Jen Hsiao, Shu-Fen Tseng, and Chien-Lung Chan. 2018. “Smartphone Application Personality and Its Relationship to Personalities of Smartphone Users and Social Capital Accrued through Use of Smartphone Social Applications.” Telematics and Informatics 35(1):255–66.
Tong, S., and Joseph B. Walther. 2011. “Relational Maintenance and CMC.” Computer-Mediated Communication in Personal Relationships 53:98–118.
Wellman, Barry, Janet Salaff, Dimitrina Dimitrova, Laura Garton, Milena Gulia, and Caroline Haythornthwaite. 1996. “Computer Networks as Social Networks: Collaborative Work, Telework, and Virtual Community.” Annual Review of Sociology 22(1):213–38.
WHO, World Health Organization. 2017. “Management of Substance Abuse: Process of Translation and Adaptation of Instruments.” 2013-02-09)[2018-01-02]. Http://Www. Who. Int/Substance Abuse/Research Tools/Translation/En. Retrieved March 30, 2020 (https://www.who.int/substance_abuse/research_tools/translation/en/).
Williams, Dmitri. 2006. “On and off the’Net: Scales for Social Capital in an Online Era.” Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 11(2):593–628.
Williams, Dmitri. 2007. “The Impact of Time Online: Social Capital and Cyberbalkanization.” CyberPsychology & Behavior 10(3):398–406.
Yozgat, Uğur, and Dilek Güngörmez. 2015. “The Mediating Role of Social Integration on the Effect of Proactive Socialization Tactics Applied by Newcomers on Their Organizational Commitment.” Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 207:462–71.
Zheng, Haichao, Dahui Li, Jing Wu, and Yun Xu. 2014. “The Role of Multidimensional Social Capital in Crowdfunding: A Comparative Study in China and US.” Information & Management 51(4):488–96.
Mumcu, A. Y., & Ataman Berk, G. (2021). GİRİŞİM FONLAMASINDA SOSYAL SERMAYENİN ÇEVRİMİÇİ ROLÜ: KİTLESEL FONLAMA ÜZERİNE BİR ARAŞTIRMA. Finans Ekonomi Ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 6(2), 359-372. https://doi.org/10.29106/fesa.931075