Sağlık Personelinin Mutlulukları Üzerine Bir Alan Araştırması: Aile Sağlığı Merkezlerinde Bir Uygulama
Year 2016,
Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 71 - 84, 01.12.2016
Zeki Yüksekbilgili
Gülbeniz Akduman
sağlığı merkezlerinde her geçen gün artan hasta sayısı, yeni kuşakların değişen
iş anlayışları ve deneyim eksikliği nedeni ile çalışanların iş yükleri ve
mutsuzlukları paralel olarak artış göstermektedir. Aile sağlığı merkezinde yeni
bir kişinin işe başlaması, gerekli oryantasyon sonucunda işe adapte olması ve
beklenen performansa ulaşması uzun zaman almaktadır. Birinci basamak sağlık
hizmetinin verildiği, günlük hasta yoğunluğunun doktor başına ortalama 350-400
olduğu Aile sağlığı merkezlerinde hasta memnuniyeti ancak işlerine gönülden
bağlı ve yüksek performans gösteren çalışanlarla ulaşabilir. Bu da ancak özel
ve iş yaşamında mutlu olan kişilerle sağlanabilir. Bu araştırmada Aile sağlığı
merkezi performansında ve başarısında önemli bir yere sahip olan çalışanların
mutluluğunun, işle ilgili mutlulukları ile ilişkisi incelenecektir. Bu
çalışmada amaç; Aile sağlığı merkezlerinde çalışan sağlık personelinin bireysel
mutluluk ve işyerinde mutluluklarının demografik faktörlere göre farklarını
belirlemektir. Araştırma anketi, “Oxford Mutluluk Envanteri (OHI)” ve “İşe
İlişkin Duyuşsal İyilik Algısı (JAWS)” ölçeklerinde belirlenmiş sorulardan
- Algın, K., Şahin, İ., Top, M. (2004). Türkiye’de Aile Hekimlerinin Mesleki Sorunları ve Çözüm Önerileri. Hacettepe Sağlık İdaresi Dergisi, 7 (3), 249-275.
- Alves, P. C., Neves, V.F., Coleta, M.F.D., Oliveira, A.F. (2012). Evaluation of Well-being at Work Among Nursing Professionals at a University Hospital. Latino-Am. Enfermagem, 20 (4), 701-709.
- Aral, V. (2012). Mutluluk ve Toplumun Esenliği, Legal Yayıncılık, İstanbul.
- Argyle, M., Martin. M. ve Crossland, J. (1989). Happiness As a Function of Personality and Social Encounters. In J. P. Forgas & J. M. Innes (Eds.), Recent Advances in Social Psychology: An international perspective, New York: Elsevier North-Holland, 189- 203.
- Aytaç, S., Bayram, N., Bilgel, N. ve Kuşdil, M. E. (2004). İşe İlişkin Duyuşsal İyilik Algısı Ölçeğinin Job Related Affective Well-Being - JAWS Türkçe Versiyonunun Güvenilirlik Çalışması, Marmara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi: Öneri, 6 (22), 1-7.
- Bakker, A. B., Demerouti, E. (2013). La Teoria de Demandas y Recursos Laborales. Revista de Psicologia del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones, 29, 107-115.
- Bakker, A.B., Schaufeli, W.B., Leiter, M.P., Taris, T. W. (2008). Work Engagement: An Emerging Concept in Occupational Health Psychology. Work & Stress, 22 (3), 187- 200.
- Baysal, A. C. (1993). Çalışma Yaşamında İnsan. Avcıol Basım, İstanbul.
- Buciuniene, I., Blazeviciene, A., Bliudziute, E. (2005). Health Care Reform and Job Satisfaction of Primary Health Care Physicians in Lithuania. BMC Fam Pract, 6 (1), 10.
- Callaway, R. J. (2009). Confirmatory Factor Analyses of Two Social Desirability Scales and The Investigation of Their Contribution To Measures of Well-Being. Unpublished Master Thesis. The University of British Columbia. Okanagan.
- Cifre, E. Vera, M., Rodriguez-Sanchez, A., & Pastor, C. (2013). Job-person Fit and Well- being From a Gender Perspective. Revista de Psicologia del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones, 29, 161-168.
- Çötok, N. A., Doğan, T. ve Sapmaz, F. (2013). Öz-Eleştiri ve Mutluluk. Kastamonu Eğitim Dergisi, 21(1), 391- 400.
- Daniels, K., Brough, P., Guppy, A., Peters-Bean, K.M., Weatherstone L. (1997). A Note on a Modification to Warr’s Measures of Affective Well-being at Work. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 70, 129-138.
- Diener, E. (1984). Subjective Well-being. Psychological Bulletin, 95, 542-545.
- Diener, E. (2000). Subjective Well-being: The Science of Happieness and a Proposal for a National Index. American Psychologist, 55, 34-43.
- Doğan, T. ve Çötok, N. A. (2011). Oxford Mutluluk Ölçeği Kısa Formunun Türkçe Uyarlaması: Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik Çalışması. Türk Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Dergisi, 4 (36), 165-172.
- Doğan, T. ve Sapmaz, F. (2012). Mutluluk ve Yaşam Doyumunun Yordayıcısı Olarak İyimserlik. Mersin Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 8 (3), 391-400.
- Easterlin, R.A. (2003). Explaining Happieness. PNAS, 100 (19), 11176-11183.
- Fordyce, M.W. (1983). A Program to Increase Happiness: Further Studies. Journal of Counselling Psychology, 30 (4), 483-489.
- Fraser, J. M. (1971). Psychology, General- Industrial- Social. Pitman Publishing, London.
- Garrosa, E., Carmona, L., Ladstatter, F., Blanco, L.M., & Cooper-Thomas, H.D. (2013). The Relationships Between Family-Work İnteraction, Job-Related Exhaustion, Detachment, And Meaning in Life: A day-level study of emotional well-being. Revista de Psicologia del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones, 29, 169-177.
- Goldsmith, K., Cho, E.K., Dhar, R. (2012). Journal of Marketing Research, 49 (12), 872-881.
- Grebner, S., Semmer, N.K., Lo Faso, L., Gut, S., Kalin, W., Elfering A. (2003). Working Conditions, Well-being and Job-related Attitudes Among Call Center Agents. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 12 (4), 341-365.
- Harris, C. ve Daniels, K. (2005). Daily Affect and Daily Beliefs. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 10, 415-428.
- Harris, C. ve Daniels, K. (2007). The Role Of Appraisal – Related Beliefs İn Psychological Well-Being And Physical Symptom Reporting. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 16, 407-431.
- Hefferon, K ve Boniwell, I. (2014). Pozitif Psikoloji, Kuram, Araştırma ve Uygulamalar. Çeviri Editörü: Tayfun Doğan, Nobel Yayınları, Ankara.
- Hills, P. ve Argyle, M. (2001). The Oxford Happiness Questionnaire: A Compact Scale for The Measurement of Psychological Well-being, Personality and Individual Differences, 33 (7), 1073-1082.
- Johns, G. (1996). Organizational Behavior: Understanding and Managing Life at Work. 4th Edition, Harper Collins College Publishers, New York.
- Katwyk Wan P.T., Fox S., Spector P.E. ve Kelloway, K. (2000). Using The Job-Related Affective Well-Being Scale (JAWS) to Investigate Affective Responses to Work Stressors. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 5 (2), 219-230.
- Keyes, C. L. M. (2005). Mental Illness and /or Mental Health? Investigating Axioms of the Complete State Model of Health. Journal of Consulting Clinical Psychology, 3, 539- 548.
- Lazuras, L., Rodafinos, A., Matsiggos, G., Stamatoulakis, A. (2009).Perceived Occupational Stress, Affective and Physical Well-being Among Telecommunication Employees in Greece, Social Sciences & Medicine, 68 (2009), 1075-1081.
- Maiorova, T., Stevens, F., Van der Zee, J., Boode, B., Scherpbier, A. (2008). Shortage in General Practice Despite the Feminisationof the Medical Workforce: A Seeming Paradox? A Cohort Study. BMC Health Serv Res, 17 (8), 262.
- Quinores, Ö., Van den Broeck, A., De Wirte, H. (2013). Do Job Resources Affect Work Engagement Via Psychological Empowerment? A Mediation Analysis. Revista De Psicologia Del Trabajo Y De Las Organizaciones. 29, 127-134.
- Russel, J.A. (1980). A Circumplex Model of Affect. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 39 (6), 1161-1178.
- Sanz-Vergel, A., Rodriguez-Munoz, A. (2013). The Spillover And Crossover Of Daily Work Enjoyment And Well–Being: A Diary Study Among Working Copules. Revista De Psicologia Del Trabajo Y De Las Organizaciones. 29, 179-185.
- Sdorow, M., L. (1993). Psychology. Brown& Benchmark Publishers, United States of America.
- Simbula, S., Guglielmi, D. (2013). I Am Engaged, I Feel Good, And I Go The Extra- mile:Reciprocal Relationships Between Work Engagement And Consequences. Revista de Psicologia del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones. 29, 117-125.
- Staw, B. M. , Sutton, R. I., Pelled, L. H. (1994). Employee Positive Emotion and Favorable Outcomes at The Workplace. Organizational Science, 15 (1), 51-71.
- Tarhan, N., Gümüşel, O., Sayım, A. (2014). Pozitif Psikoloji, Çoklu Zeka Uygulamaları. 4. Baskı, Timaş Yayınları, İstanbul.
- TDK Yeni Tarama Sözlüğü (1983). Ankara: Türk Dil Kurumu Yayınları.
- Uğurlu, M., Eğici, M. T., Yıldırım, O., Örnek, M., Üstü, Y. (2012). Aile Hekimliği Uygulamasında Güncel Problemler ve Çözüm Yolları-2. Ankara Medical Journal, 12 (1), 4-10.
- Watson, D. ve Clark, L.A. (1992). On Traits and Temparement: General and Specific Factors of Emotional Experience and Their Relation to the Five – Factor Model. Journal of Personality, 60, 441-476.
- Warr, P. (2013). Fuentes de Felicidad e İnfelicidad En El Trabajo: Una Perspectiva Combinada. Revista De Psicologia Del Trabajo Y De Las Organizaciones. 29, 99-106.
- Wilson, W. R. (1967). Correlates Of Avowed Happiness. Psychological Bulletin, 67 (4), 294- 306.
- Wright, T. A., Cropanzano, R. (2004). The Role of Psychological Well-being on Job Performance. Organizational Dynamics, 33, 338-351.
- Wright, T. A., Larwood, L, Denney, p. j. (2002). The Different Faces of Happiness- Unhappiness in Organizational Research: Emotional Exhaustion, Positive Affecticity and Psychological Well-being as Correlates of Job Performance. Journal of Business&Management, 8, 109-126.
- Wright, T. A., Staw, B. M. (1999). Affect and Favorable Work Outcomes: Two Longitudinal Tests of The Happy- Productive Worker Thesis. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 20 (1), 1-23.
- Wright, T. A., Bonett, D. G., Sweeney, D. A. (1993). Mental Health and Worker Performance: Results of a Longitudinal Field Study. Journal of Occupational Psychology, 66 (4), 277-284.
- Xanthopoulou, D., Bakker, a. b. (2014). A Diary Study on The Happy Worker: How Job Resources Relate to Positive Emotions and Personal Resources. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 21 (4), 489- 517.
- Yıkılkan, H., Aypak, C., Görpelioğlu, S. (2012). Aile Hekimliği Uzmanı Olmak İçin Öğrencilerin Motivasyonları ve Aile Hekimi Uzmanlarının İş Doyumları: Literatür Taraması. Turkish Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care (TJFMPC). 6 (2),36-41.
- Yüksekbilgili, Z. (2013). Türk Tipi Y Kuşağı, Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 12 (45), 342-353.
Year 2016,
Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 71 - 84, 01.12.2016
Zeki Yüksekbilgili
Gülbeniz Akduman
- Algın, K., Şahin, İ., Top, M. (2004). Türkiye’de Aile Hekimlerinin Mesleki Sorunları ve Çözüm Önerileri. Hacettepe Sağlık İdaresi Dergisi, 7 (3), 249-275.
- Alves, P. C., Neves, V.F., Coleta, M.F.D., Oliveira, A.F. (2012). Evaluation of Well-being at Work Among Nursing Professionals at a University Hospital. Latino-Am. Enfermagem, 20 (4), 701-709.
- Aral, V. (2012). Mutluluk ve Toplumun Esenliği, Legal Yayıncılık, İstanbul.
- Argyle, M., Martin. M. ve Crossland, J. (1989). Happiness As a Function of Personality and Social Encounters. In J. P. Forgas & J. M. Innes (Eds.), Recent Advances in Social Psychology: An international perspective, New York: Elsevier North-Holland, 189- 203.
- Aytaç, S., Bayram, N., Bilgel, N. ve Kuşdil, M. E. (2004). İşe İlişkin Duyuşsal İyilik Algısı Ölçeğinin Job Related Affective Well-Being - JAWS Türkçe Versiyonunun Güvenilirlik Çalışması, Marmara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi: Öneri, 6 (22), 1-7.
- Bakker, A. B., Demerouti, E. (2013). La Teoria de Demandas y Recursos Laborales. Revista de Psicologia del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones, 29, 107-115.
- Bakker, A.B., Schaufeli, W.B., Leiter, M.P., Taris, T. W. (2008). Work Engagement: An Emerging Concept in Occupational Health Psychology. Work & Stress, 22 (3), 187- 200.
- Baysal, A. C. (1993). Çalışma Yaşamında İnsan. Avcıol Basım, İstanbul.
- Buciuniene, I., Blazeviciene, A., Bliudziute, E. (2005). Health Care Reform and Job Satisfaction of Primary Health Care Physicians in Lithuania. BMC Fam Pract, 6 (1), 10.
- Callaway, R. J. (2009). Confirmatory Factor Analyses of Two Social Desirability Scales and The Investigation of Their Contribution To Measures of Well-Being. Unpublished Master Thesis. The University of British Columbia. Okanagan.
- Cifre, E. Vera, M., Rodriguez-Sanchez, A., & Pastor, C. (2013). Job-person Fit and Well- being From a Gender Perspective. Revista de Psicologia del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones, 29, 161-168.
- Çötok, N. A., Doğan, T. ve Sapmaz, F. (2013). Öz-Eleştiri ve Mutluluk. Kastamonu Eğitim Dergisi, 21(1), 391- 400.
- Daniels, K., Brough, P., Guppy, A., Peters-Bean, K.M., Weatherstone L. (1997). A Note on a Modification to Warr’s Measures of Affective Well-being at Work. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 70, 129-138.
- Diener, E. (1984). Subjective Well-being. Psychological Bulletin, 95, 542-545.
- Diener, E. (2000). Subjective Well-being: The Science of Happieness and a Proposal for a National Index. American Psychologist, 55, 34-43.
- Doğan, T. ve Çötok, N. A. (2011). Oxford Mutluluk Ölçeği Kısa Formunun Türkçe Uyarlaması: Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik Çalışması. Türk Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Dergisi, 4 (36), 165-172.
- Doğan, T. ve Sapmaz, F. (2012). Mutluluk ve Yaşam Doyumunun Yordayıcısı Olarak İyimserlik. Mersin Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 8 (3), 391-400.
- Easterlin, R.A. (2003). Explaining Happieness. PNAS, 100 (19), 11176-11183.
- Fordyce, M.W. (1983). A Program to Increase Happiness: Further Studies. Journal of Counselling Psychology, 30 (4), 483-489.
- Fraser, J. M. (1971). Psychology, General- Industrial- Social. Pitman Publishing, London.
- Garrosa, E., Carmona, L., Ladstatter, F., Blanco, L.M., & Cooper-Thomas, H.D. (2013). The Relationships Between Family-Work İnteraction, Job-Related Exhaustion, Detachment, And Meaning in Life: A day-level study of emotional well-being. Revista de Psicologia del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones, 29, 169-177.
- Goldsmith, K., Cho, E.K., Dhar, R. (2012). Journal of Marketing Research, 49 (12), 872-881.
- Grebner, S., Semmer, N.K., Lo Faso, L., Gut, S., Kalin, W., Elfering A. (2003). Working Conditions, Well-being and Job-related Attitudes Among Call Center Agents. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 12 (4), 341-365.
- Harris, C. ve Daniels, K. (2005). Daily Affect and Daily Beliefs. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 10, 415-428.
- Harris, C. ve Daniels, K. (2007). The Role Of Appraisal – Related Beliefs İn Psychological Well-Being And Physical Symptom Reporting. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 16, 407-431.
- Hefferon, K ve Boniwell, I. (2014). Pozitif Psikoloji, Kuram, Araştırma ve Uygulamalar. Çeviri Editörü: Tayfun Doğan, Nobel Yayınları, Ankara.
- Hills, P. ve Argyle, M. (2001). The Oxford Happiness Questionnaire: A Compact Scale for The Measurement of Psychological Well-being, Personality and Individual Differences, 33 (7), 1073-1082.
- Johns, G. (1996). Organizational Behavior: Understanding and Managing Life at Work. 4th Edition, Harper Collins College Publishers, New York.
- Katwyk Wan P.T., Fox S., Spector P.E. ve Kelloway, K. (2000). Using The Job-Related Affective Well-Being Scale (JAWS) to Investigate Affective Responses to Work Stressors. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 5 (2), 219-230.
- Keyes, C. L. M. (2005). Mental Illness and /or Mental Health? Investigating Axioms of the Complete State Model of Health. Journal of Consulting Clinical Psychology, 3, 539- 548.
- Lazuras, L., Rodafinos, A., Matsiggos, G., Stamatoulakis, A. (2009).Perceived Occupational Stress, Affective and Physical Well-being Among Telecommunication Employees in Greece, Social Sciences & Medicine, 68 (2009), 1075-1081.
- Maiorova, T., Stevens, F., Van der Zee, J., Boode, B., Scherpbier, A. (2008). Shortage in General Practice Despite the Feminisationof the Medical Workforce: A Seeming Paradox? A Cohort Study. BMC Health Serv Res, 17 (8), 262.
- Quinores, Ö., Van den Broeck, A., De Wirte, H. (2013). Do Job Resources Affect Work Engagement Via Psychological Empowerment? A Mediation Analysis. Revista De Psicologia Del Trabajo Y De Las Organizaciones. 29, 127-134.
- Russel, J.A. (1980). A Circumplex Model of Affect. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 39 (6), 1161-1178.
- Sanz-Vergel, A., Rodriguez-Munoz, A. (2013). The Spillover And Crossover Of Daily Work Enjoyment And Well–Being: A Diary Study Among Working Copules. Revista De Psicologia Del Trabajo Y De Las Organizaciones. 29, 179-185.
- Sdorow, M., L. (1993). Psychology. Brown& Benchmark Publishers, United States of America.
- Simbula, S., Guglielmi, D. (2013). I Am Engaged, I Feel Good, And I Go The Extra- mile:Reciprocal Relationships Between Work Engagement And Consequences. Revista de Psicologia del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones. 29, 117-125.
- Staw, B. M. , Sutton, R. I., Pelled, L. H. (1994). Employee Positive Emotion and Favorable Outcomes at The Workplace. Organizational Science, 15 (1), 51-71.
- Tarhan, N., Gümüşel, O., Sayım, A. (2014). Pozitif Psikoloji, Çoklu Zeka Uygulamaları. 4. Baskı, Timaş Yayınları, İstanbul.
- TDK Yeni Tarama Sözlüğü (1983). Ankara: Türk Dil Kurumu Yayınları.
- Uğurlu, M., Eğici, M. T., Yıldırım, O., Örnek, M., Üstü, Y. (2012). Aile Hekimliği Uygulamasında Güncel Problemler ve Çözüm Yolları-2. Ankara Medical Journal, 12 (1), 4-10.
- Watson, D. ve Clark, L.A. (1992). On Traits and Temparement: General and Specific Factors of Emotional Experience and Their Relation to the Five – Factor Model. Journal of Personality, 60, 441-476.
- Warr, P. (2013). Fuentes de Felicidad e İnfelicidad En El Trabajo: Una Perspectiva Combinada. Revista De Psicologia Del Trabajo Y De Las Organizaciones. 29, 99-106.
- Wilson, W. R. (1967). Correlates Of Avowed Happiness. Psychological Bulletin, 67 (4), 294- 306.
- Wright, T. A., Cropanzano, R. (2004). The Role of Psychological Well-being on Job Performance. Organizational Dynamics, 33, 338-351.
- Wright, T. A., Larwood, L, Denney, p. j. (2002). The Different Faces of Happiness- Unhappiness in Organizational Research: Emotional Exhaustion, Positive Affecticity and Psychological Well-being as Correlates of Job Performance. Journal of Business&Management, 8, 109-126.
- Wright, T. A., Staw, B. M. (1999). Affect and Favorable Work Outcomes: Two Longitudinal Tests of The Happy- Productive Worker Thesis. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 20 (1), 1-23.
- Wright, T. A., Bonett, D. G., Sweeney, D. A. (1993). Mental Health and Worker Performance: Results of a Longitudinal Field Study. Journal of Occupational Psychology, 66 (4), 277-284.
- Xanthopoulou, D., Bakker, a. b. (2014). A Diary Study on The Happy Worker: How Job Resources Relate to Positive Emotions and Personal Resources. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 21 (4), 489- 517.
- Yıkılkan, H., Aypak, C., Görpelioğlu, S. (2012). Aile Hekimliği Uzmanı Olmak İçin Öğrencilerin Motivasyonları ve Aile Hekimi Uzmanlarının İş Doyumları: Literatür Taraması. Turkish Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care (TJFMPC). 6 (2),36-41.
- Yüksekbilgili, Z. (2013). Türk Tipi Y Kuşağı, Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 12 (45), 342-353.