Research Article
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Year 2008, Volume: 13 Issue: 2, 0 - 0, 30.12.2008


In the Islamic terminology Islam, Judaism and Christianity are named with
"The Celestial Religions". In these religions the belief in angeis is a comman subject
of the faith. There are many passages that build the angelic beliefs intheir sacred texts.
Exist of the Angels and their natures, types, dasses and names are discussed in oftheir
angelogies. The Major angels announced their names have been seen in every one of
them. There are same similar creeds and knowledges about these angels among these
religions. But alsa there are same different and contrary creeds among them. The
Muslirns believe in that Gabriel, Michael, Saraphiel, Azrael are four rnajor angels.
Qgbriel and Michael mentioned with these narnes in The Koran and Taralı and The
Bibles. Azrael is not mentionedin the sacred books with this name. He is mentioned as
"The Angel ofDeath" only. Alsa Seraphiel isn't mentionedin the sacred books. But he
talked about himse!f in the jew's apokrative books and Prophet Muhammed's hadiths.
The beliefs of religions about their works or duties and characteristics sametimes are
smilar and samtimes are different. When we compare Islarn's angelic creeds with the
other' s, we can say that Judaism and Christianity have got same opposite beliefs. Alsa
we can say that there are same Marks demonstrate the Judaic effects on same of
Muslim's angelic accepts. From the Kalamic perspective applying to Korarı is
necessary for distinguishing between right and \vrong beliefs about the major angels.


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  • Aydın, Ali Arslan, İslam İnançları ve Felsefesi, Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı Yayınları, Ankara, ty ..
  • Aydemir, Abdullah (v.141111991), Tefsirdeİsrailiyyat, Ankara, 1979.
  • Bağçeci Muhittin, Ayet ve Hadislerde Peygamberlik ve Peygamberler, Niibüvvet ve Risa!et, Türdav Yayınları, İstanbul, 1977.
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  • Bunson, Matthew, Angels A to Z : A Wlıo's fVlıo of the HeavenZv Host, Three Rivers Press, ISBN 0-517-88537-9.
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  • Davidson, Gustav (v. 1971), A Dictionaıy of Angels, Newyork, 1968.
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The Four Major Angles in The Heavenly Religions (Gabriel, Michael, Saraphiel, Azrael)

Year 2008, Volume: 13 Issue: 2, 0 - 0, 30.12.2008



  • Abdulvehhab, Abmed, el-Valıy ve'l-Melaike fi'l-Yelıudiyye ve'l-Mesi!ıiyye ve'l-İslam, ·· Kahire, 1979.
  • Alfısi, Ebü's-Sena_ Şehabeddin Mahmud b. Abdullah (v. 1270/1854), Rulıü'l-lvfeani fi Ttefsiri'l-Kur'ani'l-Azim ve's-Seb 'i'l-Mesani, Daru İhyai't-Turasi'f-Arab!, Beyrut, ty ..
  • Amidi, Ebü'l-Hasan Seyfeddin Ali b. Muhammed b. Salim (v. 63!11233), el-İhkam fi Usuli'd-Din, Ta' lik: Abdurrezzak Afifı, Riyad, 1424/2003.
  • Asım Erendi (v. 1820), el-Okyanusü'l-Basit fi Terelimeti Kamusi'l-Mulıit (Kamus Tercümesi), Cemal Efendi Matbaası İstanbul, h.1304.
  • Askalan!, Ebü'l-Fazl Şehabeddin Ahmed İbn Hacer el-Askalani (v. 852/1449), Fethü'IBari bi-Şerlıi Salıilıi'l-Bulıari, Kahire, 1978.
  • Aydın, Ali Arslan, İslam İnançları ve Felsefesi, Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı Yayınları, Ankara, ty ..
  • Aydemir, Abdullah (v.141111991), Tefsirdeİsrailiyyat, Ankara, 1979.
  • Bağçeci Muhittin, Ayet ve Hadislerde Peygamberlik ve Peygamberler, Niibüvvet ve Risa!et, Türdav Yayınları, İstanbul, 1977.
  • Barrett, Francis, The Magus or .Celestial Intelligencer, London, 1801; Reprint, New Hyde Park, N.Y.: University Books, 1967: http://ww\v.sacredtexts. com/grim/magusi (24/1 1/2008)
  • Bunson, Matthew, Angels A to Z : A Wlıo's fVlıo of the HeavenZv Host, Three Rivers Press, ISBN 0-517-88537-9.
  • Buhar!, Ebfı Abdullah Muhammed b. İsmail (v. 256/870), Camiü's-Salıilı, Çağrı Yayınları, İstanbul, 1981.
  • Cebeci, Lütfullah, "İsrafıl", DİA, İstanbul, 2001.
  • Davidson, Gustav (v. 1971), A Dictionaıy of Angels, Newyork, 1968.
  • Darimi, Ebfı Muhammed Abdullah b. Abdurrahman b. Faz! (v. 255/868), Siinen-i Diirimi, Daru İhyai's-Sünne, y.y., t.y ..
  • Ebfı Davud, Süleyman b. Eş'as b. İshak el-Ezdi Ebfı Davud es-Sicistani (v. 275/889), Kitiibü 's-Sünen, Kahire, 1369/1950.
  • Encyclope.dia Judaica, Jerusselem, 1978. Enoch, The Book of Enoclı, Trans.: George H. Schodde, .Andover, 1882. Down.: http://www.hermetics.orglpdf/enoch .pdf (26/ 12/2008)
There are 16 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Religious Studies
Journal Section Araştırma Makaleleri

Murat Serdar This is me

Publication Date December 30, 2008
Submission Date September 7, 2008
Published in Issue Year 2008 Volume: 13 Issue: 2


ISNAD Serdar, Murat. “SEMAVi DiNLERDE DÖRT BÜYÜK MELEK (CEBRAiL, MiKAiL, ISRAFiL, AZRAiL)”. Fırat Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 13/2 (December 2008).

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