Research Article
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Year 2023, , 523 - 533, 26.05.2023


Eskişehir/Küllüoba’da İlk Tunç Çağı I Dönemi’ne tarihlenen mezarlık alanında bir pithos mezar içerisinde bulunmuş olan taştan yapılmış ayak biçimli bir amulet damga, bu çalışmanın konusunu oluşturmaktadır. Damga yüzeyi üzerinde diken yapraklı bir bitki motifi bulunan bu amulet, yerleşmede idari ve bürokratik yapılanma ile ilgili herhangi bir verinin olmadığı, dolayısıyla kontrol ve denetim mekanizmasının henüz oluşmadığı İlk Tunç Çağı’nın başına tarihlenmektedir. Söz konusu amulet, Anadolu’da bulunan bu tip amuletler içerisinde şimdilik bilinen en erken örnek olması açısından önem taşımaktadır. Bu çalışmada amulet; formu, bezemesi, konteksti ve işlevi açısından ele alınmış olup hem göreli kronolojiye göre hem de mutlak tarihlendirme yöntemlerinin sonuçlarına göre tarihlendirilmiştir. Bununla birlikte Anadolu’daki benzer örneklerle karşılaştırılarak da konumlandırılmaya çalışılmıştır. Bu doğrultuda Levant, Mezopotamya, Anadolu, Ege Dünyası ve Mısır’da farklı zaman dilimlerine ait örnekler üzerinden kronoloji ve bölgelerarası iletişim ağları açısından da ele alınarak damga, mühür ve amulet olmak üzere farklı işlevlerle kullanılan bu nesnelerin kullanım amaçları, motifler ve birbirleri ile olan bağlantıları da değerlendirilmiştir. imdilik Anadolu’da bilinen en erken örneği oluşturan Küllüoba örneği Orta ve Batı Anadolu’nun özellikle Levant ve Kuzey Suriye bağlamında güney bölgeler ile ilişkileri bakımından önemli bir veri oluşturmaktadır.

Supporting Institution

Bilecik Şeyh Edebali Üniversitesi

Project Number



  • Alp, S. (1994). Konya Civarında Karahöyük Kazılarında Bulunan Silindir ve Damga Mühürleri. Türk Tarih Kurumu.
  • Aruz, J. (2008). Marks of Distinction: Seals and Cultural Exchange Between the Aegean and the Orient (Ca. 2600-1360 B.C.). In Corpus der Minoischen und Mykenischen Siegeln (Issue 7). von Zabern.
  • Atakuman, Ç. (2013). Deciphering Later Neolithic stamp seal imagery of Northern Mesopotamia. Documenta Praehistorica, XL, 1–18.
  • Atakuman, Ç. (2015). From Monuments to Miniatures: Emergence of Stamps andRelated Image-bearing Objects during the Neolithic. Cambridge Archaeological Journal, 25(4), 759–788.
  • Blegen, C. W. (1928). Zygouries: a prehistoric settlement in the valley of Cleonae. Harvard University Press. Boehmer, R. M., & Güterbock, H. G. (1987). Glyptik Aus Dem Stadtgebiet von Boğazköy - Grabungkampagnen 1931-1939, 1952-1978.
  • Bosanquet, R. C., & Dawkins, R. M. (1923). The Unpublished Objects from Palaikastro Excavations: 1902-1906. The British School at Athens. Supplementary Papers. No 1.
  • Branigan, K. (1970). Minoan Foot-Amulets and Their Near Eastern Counterparts. Studi Micenei Ed Egeo-Anatolici, 11, 7–23.
  • Caneva, I., & Köroğlu, K. (2010). Yumuktepe: A Journey Through Nine Thousand Years,. Ege Yayınları.
  • Çilingiroglu, Ç. (2009). Of Stamps, Loom Weights and Spindle Whorls: Contextual Evidence on the Function(s) of Neolithic Stamps from Ulucak, I˙zmir, Turkey. Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology, 22(1), 3–27.
  • Çınaroğlu, A., & Çelik, D. (2012). 2010 Yılı Alaca Höyük Kazısı. Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı 33 (3), 283–303.
  • Colazilli, A. (2012). Reproducing human limbs. Prosthesis, amulets and votive objects in Ancient Egypt. Res Antiquitatis: Journal of Ancient History, 3, 147–174.
  • Collon, D. (1990). Interpreting The Past- Near Eastern Seals. University of California Press.
  • Costello, S. K. (2011). Image, Memory and Ritual: Re-viewing the antecedents of writing. Cambridge Archaeological Journal, 21(2), 247–262.
  • Dede, G. (2014). Anadolu’da Bulunmuş Eski Tunç Çağı’na ait Damga ve Silindir Mühürler [Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi]. Ankara Universitesi.
  • Denham, S. (2013). The Meanings of late Neolithic Stamp Seals in North Mesopotamia. School of Arts, Languages and Cultures, the University of Manchester and The British Museum.
  • Duistermaat, K. (1996). The Seals and Sealings. In P. M. M. G. Akkermans (Ed.), Tell Sabi Abyad: the Late Neolithic Settlement (pp. 339–401). Nederlands Historisch-Archaeologisch Instituut.
  • Duistermaat, K. (2012). Which Came First, the Bureaucrat or the Seal? Some Thoughts on the Non-Administrative Origins of Seals in Neolithic Syria. In I. Regulski, K. Duistermaat, & P. Verkinderen (Eds.), Seals and Sealing Practices in the Near East, Developments in Administration and Magic from Prehistory to the Islamic Period (pp. 1–16). Orıentalıa Lovanıensıa Analecta 219, Uıtgeverıj Peeters En Departement Oosterse Studıes.
  • Dunand, M. (1937). Fouiilles de Byblos Tome I er 1926-1932.
  • Duru, R. (2006). Gedikli Karahöyük : Prof. Dr. U. Bahadır Alkım’ın yönetiminde 1964-1967 yıllarında yapılan kazıların sonuçları . Türk Tarih Kurumu Basımevi.
  • Duru, R. (2010). Gedikli Karahöyük II (Çömlekçilik ve Küçük Buluntular) Prof.Dr. Bahadır Alkım’ın Yönetiminde 1964-1967 Yıllarında Yapılan Kazıların Sonuçları. Türk Tarih Kurumu Basimevi.
  • Duru, R., & Umurtak, G. (2011). Excavations at Bademağacı in 2010. Anadolu Akdenizi Arkeoloji Haberleri, 9, 7–15.
  • Efe, T. (2003). Pottery Distribution Within the Bronze Age of Western Anatolia and its Implications upon Cultural, Political (and Ethnic?) Entities. In M. Özbaşaran, O. Tanındı, & A. Boratav (Eds.), Archaeological essays in honour of Homo Amatus: Güven Arsebük için Armağan Yazıları (pp. 87–104). Ege Yayınları.
  • Efe, T. (2007). The theories of the ‘Great Caravan Route’ between Cilicia and Troy: The Early Bronze Age III period in inland western Anatolia. Anatolian Studies, 57, 47–64.
  • Efe, T. (2020). Once Again on Early Bronze Age Trade and Trade Routes in Western Anatolia. In E. Blum, Stephan W. E., Efe, Turan., Kienlin, T L., Pernicka (Ed.), From Past to Present. Studies in Memory of Manfred O. Korfmann, Studıa Troıca Monographien 11 (pp. 121–133). Verlag Dr. Rudolf Habelt Gmbh Bonn.
  • Efe, T., & Ay-Efe, D. (2007). The Küllüoba Excavations and the Cultural/Political Development of Western Anatolia Before the Second Millennium B.C. In M. Doğan-Alparslan, M. Alparslan, & H. Peker (Eds.), Vita/Hayat Belkıs Dinçol ve Ali Dinçol’ a Armağan. Ege Yayınları.
  • Efe, T., & Ay-Efe, D. Ş. M. (2001). "Küllüoba : İç Kuzeybatı Anadolu’da bir İlk Tunç Çağı Kenti. 1996- 2000 Yılları Arasında Yapılan Kazı Çalışmalarının Genel Değerlendirmesi. TÜBA-AR, 4, 45–78.
  • Efe, T., & Fidan, E. (2008). Complex Two in the Early Bronze Age II Upper Town of Küllüoba near Eskişehir. Anatolica, 34, 67–102.
  • Efe, Turan ; Türkteki, M. (2011). Early Bronze Age Architecture in the Inland Western Anatolian Region. In P. Şahoğlu, Vasif ; Sotirakopoulou (Ed.), Across: the Cyclades and Western Anatolia during the 3rd Millennium BC (pp. 198–207). Kitap Yayınevi.
  • Goff, B. L. (1956). The Role of Amulets in Mesopotamian Ritual Texts. Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institute, 19, 1–39.
  • Goldman, H. (1956). Excavations at Gözlü Kule, Tarsus: From the Neolithic through the Bronze Age (Vol. 2). Princeton University Press.
  • Gülçur, S. (2012). The Chalcolihic Period in Central Anatolia Aksaray Niğde Region. Origini, XXIV, 213–227.
  • Koşay, H. Z. (1938). Alaca Höyük Hafriyatı: 1936 Daki Çalışmalara ve Keşiflere ait ilk Rapor. T.T.K. Yayınları.
  • Kulakoğlu, F., & Öztürk, G. (2015). New evidence for international trade in Bronze Age centralAnatolia: recently discovered bullae at Kültepe-Kanesh. Antiquity, 89(343), 1–4.
  • Massa, M., & Palmisano, A. (2018). Change and continuity in the long-distance exchange networks between western/central Anatolia, northern Levant and northern Mesopotamia, c.3200–1600 BCE. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 49(January), 65–87.
  • Massa, M., & Tuna, Y. (2019). A clay stopper from Boz Höyük (Afyon) in the context of the western and central Anatolian Early Bronze Age sealing practices. Anatolian Studies, 69, 59–75.
  • Mylonas, G. (1959). Aghios Kosmas : an early Bronze Age settlement and cemetery in Attica. Princeton University Press.
  • Nieuwenhuyse. (2007). Plain and Painted Pottery: The Rise of Late Neolithic Ceramic Styles on the Syrian and Northern Mesopotamian Plains. Brepols.
  • Nunn, A. (1999). Stamp Seals from the Collections of the Aleppo Museum, Syrian Arab Republic. BAR.
  • Omura, S. (1997). The Seals and Seal Impressions from Kaman-Kalehöyük: A Stamp Seal and Seal Impressions Dated in the Old Hittite. Anatolian Archaeological Studies , VI, 115–135.
  • Oppenheim, A. L. (1956). 6. The Interpretation of Dreams in the Ancient Near East With a Translation of an Assyrian Dream-Book. The American Philosophical Society.
  • Özdoğan, M. (2022). Bütüncül Bir Bakış Açısıyla İlk Tunç Çağı ya da Yerleşik Yaşamın Kurumsallaşması. In M. Işıklı, E. Fidan, A. Türker, & M. A. Yılmaz (Eds.), MÖ 3. Binyıl’da Anadolu (pp. 1–18).
  • Özgüç, N. (1968). Kaniş Karumu Ib Katı Mühürleri ve Mühür Baskıları: Vol. V/25. Türk Tarih Kurumu Yayınları.
  • Öztürk, G. (2019). Yeni Kazılar Işığında Mö. 3. Binyıl’ın Sonunda Ve Mö. 2. Binyıl’ın Başında Kültepe Mühür Ve Mühür Baskıları [Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi]. Ankara Universitesi.
  • Palumbi, G. (2009). The Red and Black: Social and Cultural Interaction between the Upper Euphrates and the Southern Caucasus Communities in the Fourth and Third Millennium BC. In Studi di Preistoria Orientale (Issue 2). Sapienza Universita’.
  • Rahmstorf, L. (2016). Emerging Economic Complexity in the Aegean and Western Anatolia during Earlier Third Millennium BC. In B. P. C. Molloy (Ed.), Of Odysseys and Oddities: Scales and modes of interaction between prehistoric Aegean societies and their neighbours (pp. 225–276). Oxbow.
  • Şahoğlu, V. (2005). The Anatolian Trade Network and the Izmir Region during the Early Bronze Age. Oxford Journal of Archaeology, 24(4), 339–360.
  • Schmidt, E. F. (1932). The Alishar Hüyük, volume I. In Oriental Institute Publications. University of Chicago Press.
  • Speiser, E. A. (1935). Excavations at Tepe Gawra I: Levels I-VIII. In Publications of the American Schools of Oriental Research. University of Pennsylvania Press.
  • Tezcan, B. (1958). Aksaray Çevresinden Derlenen Eserler. Belleten, 88(22), 517–526.
  • Tsuneki, A., & Hydar, J. (2011). Life and Death in the El-Kerkh Neolithic Cemetery. University of Tsukuba and DGAM Archaeological Mission to Tell el-Kerkh. (A. Tsuneki & J. Hydar, Eds.).
  • Türkcan, A. U. (2006). Some remarks on Çatalhöyük stamp seals. In I. Hodder (Ed.), Changing Materialities at Çatalhöyük: Reports from the 1995–99 Seasons (pp. 175–185). McDonald Institute.
  • Türkcan, A. U. (2007). Is it goddess or bear? The role of Catalhöyük animal seals in Neolithic symbolism. Documenta Praehistorica, 34, 257–266.
  • Türker, A. (2018). Suluca Karahöyük: Depas Amphikypellon ve Ayak Biçimli Damga Mühür Buluntuları Işığında Merkezi Kapadokya’da Bir Ticari Konteks. TÜBA-AR, 23, 53–65.
  • Türkteki, Murat; Sarı, Deniz; Şahin Fatma; Türkteki, Sinem, Tuna, Y. (2021). Anadolu’da Bir İlk Tunç Çağı Kenti: Küllüoba, Genel Değerlendirme ve 2020 Yılı Çalışmaları An Early Bronze Age City in Anatolia: Küllüoba, General Evaluation and 2020 Season Work. Lycus Journal, June(3), 105–128.
  • Umurtak, G. ,. (2009). A Study of three Numerical (!) Tablets and a Stamp Seal from the Early Bronze Age Settlement at Bademağacı Höyük. Adalya, XII, 1–10.
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  • Yıldırım, T., & İpek, Ö. (2011). 2009 Yılı Resuloğlu Eski Tunç Çağı Mezarlık Kazısı. Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı 32 (3), 348–357.

A Foot-Shaped Amulet Stamp Found in Küllüoba (Eskişehir)

Year 2023, , 523 - 533, 26.05.2023


The subject of this study is a foot-shaped amulet stamp made of stone found in a pithos tomb in the cemetery area dated to the Early Bronze Age I Period in Eskişehir/Küllüoba. This amulet, which has a thorn-leaved plant motif on the stamp surface, is dated to the beginning of the Early Bronze Age. There is no data on the administrative and bureaucratic stsystem in the settlement, so the control and control mechanism has not yet been formed. Aforementioned amulet stamp is important in terms of being the earliest known example of this type in Anatolia. In this study, the amulet has been discussed in terms of its form, decoration, context and function and has been dated both according to relative chronology and according to the results of absolute dating methods. In addition, it has been tried to be positioned by comparing it with similar examples in Anatolia. The intended use, motifs and interconnections of these objects, which are used with different functions such as stamps, seals and amulets, are also evaluated by considering the examples from different time periods in the Levant, Mesopotamia, Anatolia, Aegean World and Egypt in terms of chronology and interregional communication networks. The example of Küllüoba, which is the earliest known example in Anatolia so far, constitutes important data in terms of the relations of central and western Anatolia with the southern regions, especially in the context of the Levant and Northern Syria.

Project Number



  • Alp, S. (1994). Konya Civarında Karahöyük Kazılarında Bulunan Silindir ve Damga Mühürleri. Türk Tarih Kurumu.
  • Aruz, J. (2008). Marks of Distinction: Seals and Cultural Exchange Between the Aegean and the Orient (Ca. 2600-1360 B.C.). In Corpus der Minoischen und Mykenischen Siegeln (Issue 7). von Zabern.
  • Atakuman, Ç. (2013). Deciphering Later Neolithic stamp seal imagery of Northern Mesopotamia. Documenta Praehistorica, XL, 1–18.
  • Atakuman, Ç. (2015). From Monuments to Miniatures: Emergence of Stamps andRelated Image-bearing Objects during the Neolithic. Cambridge Archaeological Journal, 25(4), 759–788.
  • Blegen, C. W. (1928). Zygouries: a prehistoric settlement in the valley of Cleonae. Harvard University Press. Boehmer, R. M., & Güterbock, H. G. (1987). Glyptik Aus Dem Stadtgebiet von Boğazköy - Grabungkampagnen 1931-1939, 1952-1978.
  • Bosanquet, R. C., & Dawkins, R. M. (1923). The Unpublished Objects from Palaikastro Excavations: 1902-1906. The British School at Athens. Supplementary Papers. No 1.
  • Branigan, K. (1970). Minoan Foot-Amulets and Their Near Eastern Counterparts. Studi Micenei Ed Egeo-Anatolici, 11, 7–23.
  • Caneva, I., & Köroğlu, K. (2010). Yumuktepe: A Journey Through Nine Thousand Years,. Ege Yayınları.
  • Çilingiroglu, Ç. (2009). Of Stamps, Loom Weights and Spindle Whorls: Contextual Evidence on the Function(s) of Neolithic Stamps from Ulucak, I˙zmir, Turkey. Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology, 22(1), 3–27.
  • Çınaroğlu, A., & Çelik, D. (2012). 2010 Yılı Alaca Höyük Kazısı. Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı 33 (3), 283–303.
  • Colazilli, A. (2012). Reproducing human limbs. Prosthesis, amulets and votive objects in Ancient Egypt. Res Antiquitatis: Journal of Ancient History, 3, 147–174.
  • Collon, D. (1990). Interpreting The Past- Near Eastern Seals. University of California Press.
  • Costello, S. K. (2011). Image, Memory and Ritual: Re-viewing the antecedents of writing. Cambridge Archaeological Journal, 21(2), 247–262.
  • Dede, G. (2014). Anadolu’da Bulunmuş Eski Tunç Çağı’na ait Damga ve Silindir Mühürler [Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi]. Ankara Universitesi.
  • Denham, S. (2013). The Meanings of late Neolithic Stamp Seals in North Mesopotamia. School of Arts, Languages and Cultures, the University of Manchester and The British Museum.
  • Duistermaat, K. (1996). The Seals and Sealings. In P. M. M. G. Akkermans (Ed.), Tell Sabi Abyad: the Late Neolithic Settlement (pp. 339–401). Nederlands Historisch-Archaeologisch Instituut.
  • Duistermaat, K. (2012). Which Came First, the Bureaucrat or the Seal? Some Thoughts on the Non-Administrative Origins of Seals in Neolithic Syria. In I. Regulski, K. Duistermaat, & P. Verkinderen (Eds.), Seals and Sealing Practices in the Near East, Developments in Administration and Magic from Prehistory to the Islamic Period (pp. 1–16). Orıentalıa Lovanıensıa Analecta 219, Uıtgeverıj Peeters En Departement Oosterse Studıes.
  • Dunand, M. (1937). Fouiilles de Byblos Tome I er 1926-1932.
  • Duru, R. (2006). Gedikli Karahöyük : Prof. Dr. U. Bahadır Alkım’ın yönetiminde 1964-1967 yıllarında yapılan kazıların sonuçları . Türk Tarih Kurumu Basımevi.
  • Duru, R. (2010). Gedikli Karahöyük II (Çömlekçilik ve Küçük Buluntular) Prof.Dr. Bahadır Alkım’ın Yönetiminde 1964-1967 Yıllarında Yapılan Kazıların Sonuçları. Türk Tarih Kurumu Basimevi.
  • Duru, R., & Umurtak, G. (2011). Excavations at Bademağacı in 2010. Anadolu Akdenizi Arkeoloji Haberleri, 9, 7–15.
  • Efe, T. (2003). Pottery Distribution Within the Bronze Age of Western Anatolia and its Implications upon Cultural, Political (and Ethnic?) Entities. In M. Özbaşaran, O. Tanındı, & A. Boratav (Eds.), Archaeological essays in honour of Homo Amatus: Güven Arsebük için Armağan Yazıları (pp. 87–104). Ege Yayınları.
  • Efe, T. (2007). The theories of the ‘Great Caravan Route’ between Cilicia and Troy: The Early Bronze Age III period in inland western Anatolia. Anatolian Studies, 57, 47–64.
  • Efe, T. (2020). Once Again on Early Bronze Age Trade and Trade Routes in Western Anatolia. In E. Blum, Stephan W. E., Efe, Turan., Kienlin, T L., Pernicka (Ed.), From Past to Present. Studies in Memory of Manfred O. Korfmann, Studıa Troıca Monographien 11 (pp. 121–133). Verlag Dr. Rudolf Habelt Gmbh Bonn.
  • Efe, T., & Ay-Efe, D. (2007). The Küllüoba Excavations and the Cultural/Political Development of Western Anatolia Before the Second Millennium B.C. In M. Doğan-Alparslan, M. Alparslan, & H. Peker (Eds.), Vita/Hayat Belkıs Dinçol ve Ali Dinçol’ a Armağan. Ege Yayınları.
  • Efe, T., & Ay-Efe, D. Ş. M. (2001). "Küllüoba : İç Kuzeybatı Anadolu’da bir İlk Tunç Çağı Kenti. 1996- 2000 Yılları Arasında Yapılan Kazı Çalışmalarının Genel Değerlendirmesi. TÜBA-AR, 4, 45–78.
  • Efe, T., & Fidan, E. (2008). Complex Two in the Early Bronze Age II Upper Town of Küllüoba near Eskişehir. Anatolica, 34, 67–102.
  • Efe, Turan ; Türkteki, M. (2011). Early Bronze Age Architecture in the Inland Western Anatolian Region. In P. Şahoğlu, Vasif ; Sotirakopoulou (Ed.), Across: the Cyclades and Western Anatolia during the 3rd Millennium BC (pp. 198–207). Kitap Yayınevi.
  • Goff, B. L. (1956). The Role of Amulets in Mesopotamian Ritual Texts. Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institute, 19, 1–39.
  • Goldman, H. (1956). Excavations at Gözlü Kule, Tarsus: From the Neolithic through the Bronze Age (Vol. 2). Princeton University Press.
  • Gülçur, S. (2012). The Chalcolihic Period in Central Anatolia Aksaray Niğde Region. Origini, XXIV, 213–227.
  • Koşay, H. Z. (1938). Alaca Höyük Hafriyatı: 1936 Daki Çalışmalara ve Keşiflere ait ilk Rapor. T.T.K. Yayınları.
  • Kulakoğlu, F., & Öztürk, G. (2015). New evidence for international trade in Bronze Age centralAnatolia: recently discovered bullae at Kültepe-Kanesh. Antiquity, 89(343), 1–4.
  • Massa, M., & Palmisano, A. (2018). Change and continuity in the long-distance exchange networks between western/central Anatolia, northern Levant and northern Mesopotamia, c.3200–1600 BCE. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 49(January), 65–87.
  • Massa, M., & Tuna, Y. (2019). A clay stopper from Boz Höyük (Afyon) in the context of the western and central Anatolian Early Bronze Age sealing practices. Anatolian Studies, 69, 59–75.
  • Mylonas, G. (1959). Aghios Kosmas : an early Bronze Age settlement and cemetery in Attica. Princeton University Press.
  • Nieuwenhuyse. (2007). Plain and Painted Pottery: The Rise of Late Neolithic Ceramic Styles on the Syrian and Northern Mesopotamian Plains. Brepols.
  • Nunn, A. (1999). Stamp Seals from the Collections of the Aleppo Museum, Syrian Arab Republic. BAR.
  • Omura, S. (1997). The Seals and Seal Impressions from Kaman-Kalehöyük: A Stamp Seal and Seal Impressions Dated in the Old Hittite. Anatolian Archaeological Studies , VI, 115–135.
  • Oppenheim, A. L. (1956). 6. The Interpretation of Dreams in the Ancient Near East With a Translation of an Assyrian Dream-Book. The American Philosophical Society.
  • Özdoğan, M. (2022). Bütüncül Bir Bakış Açısıyla İlk Tunç Çağı ya da Yerleşik Yaşamın Kurumsallaşması. In M. Işıklı, E. Fidan, A. Türker, & M. A. Yılmaz (Eds.), MÖ 3. Binyıl’da Anadolu (pp. 1–18).
  • Özgüç, N. (1968). Kaniş Karumu Ib Katı Mühürleri ve Mühür Baskıları: Vol. V/25. Türk Tarih Kurumu Yayınları.
  • Öztürk, G. (2019). Yeni Kazılar Işığında Mö. 3. Binyıl’ın Sonunda Ve Mö. 2. Binyıl’ın Başında Kültepe Mühür Ve Mühür Baskıları [Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi]. Ankara Universitesi.
  • Palumbi, G. (2009). The Red and Black: Social and Cultural Interaction between the Upper Euphrates and the Southern Caucasus Communities in the Fourth and Third Millennium BC. In Studi di Preistoria Orientale (Issue 2). Sapienza Universita’.
  • Rahmstorf, L. (2016). Emerging Economic Complexity in the Aegean and Western Anatolia during Earlier Third Millennium BC. In B. P. C. Molloy (Ed.), Of Odysseys and Oddities: Scales and modes of interaction between prehistoric Aegean societies and their neighbours (pp. 225–276). Oxbow.
  • Şahoğlu, V. (2005). The Anatolian Trade Network and the Izmir Region during the Early Bronze Age. Oxford Journal of Archaeology, 24(4), 339–360.
  • Schmidt, E. F. (1932). The Alishar Hüyük, volume I. In Oriental Institute Publications. University of Chicago Press.
  • Speiser, E. A. (1935). Excavations at Tepe Gawra I: Levels I-VIII. In Publications of the American Schools of Oriental Research. University of Pennsylvania Press.
  • Tezcan, B. (1958). Aksaray Çevresinden Derlenen Eserler. Belleten, 88(22), 517–526.
  • Tsuneki, A., & Hydar, J. (2011). Life and Death in the El-Kerkh Neolithic Cemetery. University of Tsukuba and DGAM Archaeological Mission to Tell el-Kerkh. (A. Tsuneki & J. Hydar, Eds.).
  • Türkcan, A. U. (2006). Some remarks on Çatalhöyük stamp seals. In I. Hodder (Ed.), Changing Materialities at Çatalhöyük: Reports from the 1995–99 Seasons (pp. 175–185). McDonald Institute.
  • Türkcan, A. U. (2007). Is it goddess or bear? The role of Catalhöyük animal seals in Neolithic symbolism. Documenta Praehistorica, 34, 257–266.
  • Türker, A. (2018). Suluca Karahöyük: Depas Amphikypellon ve Ayak Biçimli Damga Mühür Buluntuları Işığında Merkezi Kapadokya’da Bir Ticari Konteks. TÜBA-AR, 23, 53–65.
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There are 57 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Archeology

Murat Türkteki 0000-0001-5584-3572

Project Number 2019-01.BŞEÜ.04-03
Publication Date May 26, 2023
Submission Date March 21, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Türkteki, M. (2023). ESKİŞEHİR KÜLLÜOBA’DA BULUNAN AYAK BİÇİMLİ BİR AMULET DAMGA. Firat University Journal of Social Sciences, 33(2), 523-533.