Research Article
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Introspective (Reflexive) Thinking Styles on Achievement Goal Orientations: A Case Study of Undergraduate Students

Year 2018, Volume: 28 Issue: 2, 199 - 210, 31.07.2018


thinking is defined as “self-attentiveness motivated by perceived threats,
losses, or injustices to the self ” (Trapnell and Campbell, 1999:297) while
reflexive thinking can be defined as the subject’s attitude that is about
self-observation and analysis (Çiftçi, 2017). The aim of this study is to
investigate the effects of ruminative and reflexive thinking styles of the target group under observation on their
achievement goal orientations. Additionally, in the study investigates whether
the ruminative and reflexive thinking styles and achievement goal orientations of the students
differ depending on achievement variables (grade point average and graduation
expectancy). The sample of the study consists of 3rd grade and 4th-grade
students who are in daytime and evening education and study at business
department of the faculty of economics and administrative sciences at a state
university in 2017/2018 spring term (N=171). In the study, the participants
completed the rumination-reflection questionnaire (Trapnell and Campbell, 1999)
and the achievement goal questionnaire (Elliot and McGregor, 2001).  The achievements of the students were determined
by two variables as self-reported grade point average level and graduation
expectancy. As a result of the exploratory factor analyses of the items in the
rumination-reflection questionnaire, it was determined that the questionnaire
consisted of two factors as self-focused introspective thinking (reflection)
and self-focused repetitive negative thinking (rumination), just as they were
in the original study  (Trapnell and
Campbell, 1999). Furthermore, as a result of the factor analysis conducted for
the items of the achievement goal questionnaire, 4 factors were acquired
(performance-approach, mastery-avoidance, mastery-approach and
performance-avoidance), just as the original study (Elliot and McGregor, 2001).
As a result of the multiple linear regression analyses, it was determined that the
self-focused introspective thinking factor (reflection)
had separate effects on performance-approach and mastery-approach factors.
According to the independent samples t-test results, it was determined that the
ruminative and reflexive thinking styles of the participants did not differ
depending on the achievement variables. However, the achievement goal
orientations (performance-approach and mastery-approach) of the participants
were determined to differ depending on achievement variables. 


  • Bjornebekk, Gunnar, Diseth, Age, Ulriksen, Robin (2013). Achievement Motives, Self-Efficacy, Achievement Goals, and Academic Achievement at Multiple Stages of Education:A Longitudinal Analysis. Psychological Reports:Human Resources &Marketing, 112, 3:771-787
  • Buluş, Mustafa (2011). Öğretmen Adaylarında Bireysel Farklılıklar Perspektifinden Amaç Yönelimleri, Denetim Odağı ve Akademik Başarı. Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Bilimleri, 11 (2):529-546
  • Burhanoğlu, Sabri (2016). Ruminasyon (Rumination) Kavramı Nedir? (01.03.2018)
  • Chatzisarantis, Nikos L.D., Bing, Qi, Xin, Cui, Kawabata, Masato, Koch, Severine, Rooney, Rosanna, Hagger, Martin S. (2016). Comparing Effectiveness of Additive, Interactive and Quadratic Models in Detecting Combined Effects of Achievement Goals on Academic Attainment. Learning and Individual Differences, 50: 203-209
  • Chen, Wei-Wen (2015). The Relations Between Perceived Parenting Styles and Academic Achievement in Hong Kong: The Mediating Role of Students’ Goal Orientations. Learning and Individual Differences, 37: 48-54
  • Cox, Rebecca C., Cole, David A., Kramer, Eliza L., Olatunji, Bunmi O. (2018). Prospective Associations Between Sleep Disturbance and Repetitive Negative Thinking:The Mediating Roles of Focusing and Shifting Attentional Control. Behavior Therapy, 49: 21-31
  • Çiftçi, Bestami (2017). Düşünme Biçimleri-Siz Hangilerini Kullanıyorsunuz? 7.Sayı, (elektronik dergi) (01.03.2018)
  • Daniels, Lia M., Haynes, Tara L., Stupnisky, Robert H., Perry, Raymond P., Newall, Nancy E., Pekrun, Reinhard (2008). Individual Differences in Achievement Goals:A Longitudinal Study of Cognitive, Emotional, and Achievement Outcomes. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 33: 584-608
  • Daniels, Lia M., Perry, Raymond P., Stupnisky, Robert H., Stewart, Tara L., Newall, Nancy E.G., Clifton, Rodney A. (2014). The Longitudinal Effects of Achievement Goals and Perceived Control on University Student Achievement. Eur J. Psychol.Educ. 29: 175-194
  • Darnon, Celine, Butera, Fabrizio, Mugny, Gabriel, Hulleman, Chris S. (2009). “Too Comlex for Me!” Why Do Performance-Approach and Performance-Avoidance Goals Predict Exam Performance? European Journal of Psychology of Education, Vol.XXIV, No.4: 423-434
  • DaSilveira, Amanda, DeSouza, Mariane L. and Gomes, William B. (2015). Self-Consciousness Concept and Assessment in Self-Report Measures. Frontiers in Psychology (, Volume 6: 1-11
  • Diaconu-Gherasim, Loredana R. and Mairean, Cornelia (2016). Perception of Parenting Styles and Academic Achievement: The Mediating Role of Goal Orientations. Learning and Individual Differences, 49: 378-385
  • Diseth, Age (2011). Self-Efficacy, Goal Orientations and Learning Strategies as Mediators Between Preceding and Subsequent Academic Achievement. Learning and Individual Differences, 21: 191-195
  • Elliot, Andrew J. and McGregor, Holly A. (2001). A 2 X 2 Achievement Goal Framework. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol.80, No.3: 501-519
  • Fenollar, Pedro, Roman, Sergio and Cuestas, Pedro J. (2007). University Students’ Academic Performance:An Integrative Conceptual Framework and Empirical Analysis. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 77: 873-891
  • Güney, Salih (2011). Örgütsel Davranış. 1. Basım, Ankara: Nobel Yayın Dağıtım
  • Hoyer, Jürgen, Gloster, Andrew T., Herzberg, Philipp Yorck (2009). Is Worry Different from Rumination? Yes, It is More Predictive of Psychopathology! GMS Psycho-Social-Medicine, Vol.6: 1-9
  • Keune, Philipp M., Bostanov, Vladimir, Kotchoubey, Boris, Hautzinger, Martin (2012). Mindfulness Versus Rumination and Behavioral Inhibition: A Perspective From Research on Frontal Brain Asymmetry. Personality and Individual Differences, 53: 323-328
  • Kiken, Laura G. and Shook, Natalie J. (2014). Does Mindfulness Attenuate Thoughts Emphasizing Negativity, But not Positivity? Journal of Research in Personality, 53: 22-30
  • King, Ronnel B. (2015). Examining The Dimensional Structure and Nomological Network of Achievement Goals in the Philippines. Journal of Adolescence, 44: 214-218
  • Koçel, Tamer (2014). İşletme Yöneticiliği. 15.Baskı, İstanbul: Beta Basım A.Ş.
  • Lee, Eunju J. (2016). Endorsement of Achievement Goals Across Secondary School Years: Applying A State-Trait Framework. Journal of Research in Personality, 64: 21-33
  • Liu, Qing-Qi, Zhou, Zong-Kui, Yang, Xiu-Juan, Kong, Fan-Chang, Sun, Xiao-Jun, Fan, Cui-Ying (2018). Mindfulness and Sleep Quality in Adolescents:Analysis of Rumination as a Mediator and Self-Control as a Moderator. Personality and Individual Differences, 122: 171-176
  • Özkalp, Enver ve Kırel, Çiğdem (2010). Örgütsel Davranış. 4.Baskı, Bursa: Ekin Basım Yayın Dağıtım
  • Rahmani, Parisa (2011). The Relationship Between Self-Esteem, Achievement Goals and Academic Achievement Among The Primary School Students. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 29: 803-808
  • Roso-Bas, Fatima, Jimenez, Antonia Pades and Garcia-Buades, Esther (2016). Emotional Variables, Dropout and Academic Performance in Spanish Nursing Students. Nurse Education Today, 37: 53-58
  • Rusk, Natalie, Tamir, Maya, Rothbaum, Fred (2011). Performance and Learning Goals for Emotion Regulation. Motiv.Emot., 35: 444-460
  • Schoofs, Hanne, Hermans, Dirk and Raes, Filip (2010). Brooding and Reflection as Subtypes of Rumination:Evidence from Confirmatory Factor Analysis in Nonclinical Samples Using The Dutch Ruminative Response Scale. J. Psychopathol. Behav. Assess., 32: 609-617
  • Schut, Diana M. and Boelen, Paul A. (2017). The Relative Importance of Rumination, Experiential Avoidance and Mindfulness as Predictors of Depressive Symptoms. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 6: 8-12
  • Sutton, Anna (2016). Measuring the Effects of Self-Awareness: Construction of the Self-Awareness Outcomes Questionnaire. Europe’s Journal of Psychology, Vol. 12 (4): 645-658
  • Şimşek, M. Şerif, Akgemci, Tahir ve Çelik, Adnan (2011). Davranış Bilimlerine Giriş ve Örgütlerde Davranış. 7.Baskı, Ankara: Gazi Kitabevi
  • Thomsen, Dorthe Kirkegaard, Tonnesvang, Jan, Schnieber, Anette, Olesen, Martin Hammershoj (2011). Do People Ruminate Because They haven’t Digested their Goals? The Relations of Rumination and Reflection to Goal Internalization and Ambivalence. Motiv.Emot., 35: 105-117
  • Trapnell, Paul D. and Campbell, Jennifer D. (1999). Private Self-Consciousness and the Five-Factor Model of Personality: Distinguishing Rumination from Reflection. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol.76, No.2: 284-304
  • Van Boekel, Martin and Martin, Joan M. (2014). Examining the Relation Between Academic Rumination and Achievement Goal Orientation. Individual Differences Research, Vol.12, No.4-A:153-169
  • Yamakoshi, Shohei and Tsuchiya, Hironobu (2016). The Effects of Trait Rumination and Reflection on Mental Health among Japanese University Athletes. Psychology, 7: 533-540


Year 2018, Volume: 28 Issue: 2, 199 - 210, 31.07.2018


Refleksif düşünme, kendini gözlem ve analiz konusu alan öznenin tutumu
olarak tanımlanabilirken (Çiftçi, 2017),
ruminatif düşünme, “kendine dair algılanan
tehditler, kayıplar, ya da haksızlıklarla güdülenen kendine yönelik dikkat”
olarak tanımlanır (Trapnell ve Campbell, 1999:297). Bu çalışmanın amacı,
incelenen hedef grubun ruminatif ve refleksif düşünme tarzlarının başarı hedef
yönelimleri üzerindeki etkilerini incelemektir. Ayrıca çalışmada öğrencilerin
ruminatif ve refleksif düşünme tarzlarının ve başarı hedef yönelimlerinin
başarı değişkenlerine (genel not ortalaması ve mezuniyet beklentisi) göre farklılık
gösterip göstermediği araştırılmıştır. Çalışmanın örneklemini bir kamu
üniversitesinin iktisadi ve idari bilimler fakültesi işletme bölümünde
2017/2018 bahar yarıyılı itibariyle öğrenim gören 3. ve 4.sınıf normal ve
ikinci öğretim öğrencileri oluşturmaktadır (N=171). Çalışmada katılımcılar kendine
odaklı tekrarlı olumsuz düşünme-kendine odaklı iç gözlemsel düşünme anketine (Trapnell
ve Campbell, 1999) ve başarı hedef anketine (Elliot ve McGregor, 2001) cevap
vermişlerdir. Öğrencilerin başarıları ise kendilerinin belirttikleri genel not
ortalaması düzeyi ve mezuniyet beklentisi şeklinde iki değişkenle ölçülmüştür. Kendine
odaklı tekrarlı olumsuz düşünme-kendine odaklı iç gözlemsel düşünme anketi
kalemlerinin keşfedici faktör analizleri sonucunda, orijinal makaledeki
(Trapnell ve Campbell, 1999) gibi, anketin kendine odaklı iç gözlemsel düşünme
(refleksiyon) ve kendine odaklı tekrarlı olumsuz düşünme (ruminasyon) şeklinde
iki faktörden oluştuğu belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca başarı hedef anketi kalemlerinin
faktör analizi sonucunda ise orijinal çalışmadaki (Elliot ve McGregor, 2001)
gibi 4 faktör elde edilmiştir (performans yaklaşma, öğrenme-kaçınma,
öğrenme-yaklaşma, performans-kaçınma). Çok değişkenli regresyon analizleri
sonucunda ise, kendine odaklı iç gözlemsel düşünme faktörünün (refleksiyon),
performans-yaklaşma ve öğrenme-yaklaşma faktörleri üzerinde ayrı ayrı etkiye
sahip olduğu belirlenmiştir. Bağımsız örneklemler t testi sonuçlarına göre ise
katılımcıların ruminatif ve refleksif düşünme tarzlarının başarı değişkenlerine
göre farklılık göstermediği belirlenmiştir. Ancak başarı hedef yönelimlerinin
(performans-yaklaşma ve öğrenme-yaklaşma) ise başarı değişkenlerine göre
farklılık gösterdiği tespit edilmiştir.   


  • Bjornebekk, Gunnar, Diseth, Age, Ulriksen, Robin (2013). Achievement Motives, Self-Efficacy, Achievement Goals, and Academic Achievement at Multiple Stages of Education:A Longitudinal Analysis. Psychological Reports:Human Resources &Marketing, 112, 3:771-787
  • Buluş, Mustafa (2011). Öğretmen Adaylarında Bireysel Farklılıklar Perspektifinden Amaç Yönelimleri, Denetim Odağı ve Akademik Başarı. Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Bilimleri, 11 (2):529-546
  • Burhanoğlu, Sabri (2016). Ruminasyon (Rumination) Kavramı Nedir? (01.03.2018)
  • Chatzisarantis, Nikos L.D., Bing, Qi, Xin, Cui, Kawabata, Masato, Koch, Severine, Rooney, Rosanna, Hagger, Martin S. (2016). Comparing Effectiveness of Additive, Interactive and Quadratic Models in Detecting Combined Effects of Achievement Goals on Academic Attainment. Learning and Individual Differences, 50: 203-209
  • Chen, Wei-Wen (2015). The Relations Between Perceived Parenting Styles and Academic Achievement in Hong Kong: The Mediating Role of Students’ Goal Orientations. Learning and Individual Differences, 37: 48-54
  • Cox, Rebecca C., Cole, David A., Kramer, Eliza L., Olatunji, Bunmi O. (2018). Prospective Associations Between Sleep Disturbance and Repetitive Negative Thinking:The Mediating Roles of Focusing and Shifting Attentional Control. Behavior Therapy, 49: 21-31
  • Çiftçi, Bestami (2017). Düşünme Biçimleri-Siz Hangilerini Kullanıyorsunuz? 7.Sayı, (elektronik dergi) (01.03.2018)
  • Daniels, Lia M., Haynes, Tara L., Stupnisky, Robert H., Perry, Raymond P., Newall, Nancy E., Pekrun, Reinhard (2008). Individual Differences in Achievement Goals:A Longitudinal Study of Cognitive, Emotional, and Achievement Outcomes. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 33: 584-608
  • Daniels, Lia M., Perry, Raymond P., Stupnisky, Robert H., Stewart, Tara L., Newall, Nancy E.G., Clifton, Rodney A. (2014). The Longitudinal Effects of Achievement Goals and Perceived Control on University Student Achievement. Eur J. Psychol.Educ. 29: 175-194
  • Darnon, Celine, Butera, Fabrizio, Mugny, Gabriel, Hulleman, Chris S. (2009). “Too Comlex for Me!” Why Do Performance-Approach and Performance-Avoidance Goals Predict Exam Performance? European Journal of Psychology of Education, Vol.XXIV, No.4: 423-434
  • DaSilveira, Amanda, DeSouza, Mariane L. and Gomes, William B. (2015). Self-Consciousness Concept and Assessment in Self-Report Measures. Frontiers in Psychology (, Volume 6: 1-11
  • Diaconu-Gherasim, Loredana R. and Mairean, Cornelia (2016). Perception of Parenting Styles and Academic Achievement: The Mediating Role of Goal Orientations. Learning and Individual Differences, 49: 378-385
  • Diseth, Age (2011). Self-Efficacy, Goal Orientations and Learning Strategies as Mediators Between Preceding and Subsequent Academic Achievement. Learning and Individual Differences, 21: 191-195
  • Elliot, Andrew J. and McGregor, Holly A. (2001). A 2 X 2 Achievement Goal Framework. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol.80, No.3: 501-519
  • Fenollar, Pedro, Roman, Sergio and Cuestas, Pedro J. (2007). University Students’ Academic Performance:An Integrative Conceptual Framework and Empirical Analysis. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 77: 873-891
  • Güney, Salih (2011). Örgütsel Davranış. 1. Basım, Ankara: Nobel Yayın Dağıtım
  • Hoyer, Jürgen, Gloster, Andrew T., Herzberg, Philipp Yorck (2009). Is Worry Different from Rumination? Yes, It is More Predictive of Psychopathology! GMS Psycho-Social-Medicine, Vol.6: 1-9
  • Keune, Philipp M., Bostanov, Vladimir, Kotchoubey, Boris, Hautzinger, Martin (2012). Mindfulness Versus Rumination and Behavioral Inhibition: A Perspective From Research on Frontal Brain Asymmetry. Personality and Individual Differences, 53: 323-328
  • Kiken, Laura G. and Shook, Natalie J. (2014). Does Mindfulness Attenuate Thoughts Emphasizing Negativity, But not Positivity? Journal of Research in Personality, 53: 22-30
  • King, Ronnel B. (2015). Examining The Dimensional Structure and Nomological Network of Achievement Goals in the Philippines. Journal of Adolescence, 44: 214-218
  • Koçel, Tamer (2014). İşletme Yöneticiliği. 15.Baskı, İstanbul: Beta Basım A.Ş.
  • Lee, Eunju J. (2016). Endorsement of Achievement Goals Across Secondary School Years: Applying A State-Trait Framework. Journal of Research in Personality, 64: 21-33
  • Liu, Qing-Qi, Zhou, Zong-Kui, Yang, Xiu-Juan, Kong, Fan-Chang, Sun, Xiao-Jun, Fan, Cui-Ying (2018). Mindfulness and Sleep Quality in Adolescents:Analysis of Rumination as a Mediator and Self-Control as a Moderator. Personality and Individual Differences, 122: 171-176
  • Özkalp, Enver ve Kırel, Çiğdem (2010). Örgütsel Davranış. 4.Baskı, Bursa: Ekin Basım Yayın Dağıtım
  • Rahmani, Parisa (2011). The Relationship Between Self-Esteem, Achievement Goals and Academic Achievement Among The Primary School Students. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 29: 803-808
  • Roso-Bas, Fatima, Jimenez, Antonia Pades and Garcia-Buades, Esther (2016). Emotional Variables, Dropout and Academic Performance in Spanish Nursing Students. Nurse Education Today, 37: 53-58
  • Rusk, Natalie, Tamir, Maya, Rothbaum, Fred (2011). Performance and Learning Goals for Emotion Regulation. Motiv.Emot., 35: 444-460
  • Schoofs, Hanne, Hermans, Dirk and Raes, Filip (2010). Brooding and Reflection as Subtypes of Rumination:Evidence from Confirmatory Factor Analysis in Nonclinical Samples Using The Dutch Ruminative Response Scale. J. Psychopathol. Behav. Assess., 32: 609-617
  • Schut, Diana M. and Boelen, Paul A. (2017). The Relative Importance of Rumination, Experiential Avoidance and Mindfulness as Predictors of Depressive Symptoms. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 6: 8-12
  • Sutton, Anna (2016). Measuring the Effects of Self-Awareness: Construction of the Self-Awareness Outcomes Questionnaire. Europe’s Journal of Psychology, Vol. 12 (4): 645-658
  • Şimşek, M. Şerif, Akgemci, Tahir ve Çelik, Adnan (2011). Davranış Bilimlerine Giriş ve Örgütlerde Davranış. 7.Baskı, Ankara: Gazi Kitabevi
  • Thomsen, Dorthe Kirkegaard, Tonnesvang, Jan, Schnieber, Anette, Olesen, Martin Hammershoj (2011). Do People Ruminate Because They haven’t Digested their Goals? The Relations of Rumination and Reflection to Goal Internalization and Ambivalence. Motiv.Emot., 35: 105-117
  • Trapnell, Paul D. and Campbell, Jennifer D. (1999). Private Self-Consciousness and the Five-Factor Model of Personality: Distinguishing Rumination from Reflection. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol.76, No.2: 284-304
  • Van Boekel, Martin and Martin, Joan M. (2014). Examining the Relation Between Academic Rumination and Achievement Goal Orientation. Individual Differences Research, Vol.12, No.4-A:153-169
  • Yamakoshi, Shohei and Tsuchiya, Hironobu (2016). The Effects of Trait Rumination and Reflection on Mental Health among Japanese University Athletes. Psychology, 7: 533-540
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Issue

Esma Ülkü Kaya

Publication Date July 31, 2018
Submission Date March 22, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 28 Issue: 2
