Research Article
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Year 2018, Volume: 13 Issue: 26, 241 - 266, 29.12.2018


Democratic regime in Athens, legislative, executive and judiciary are
also defined as the unbounded sovereignty of demos. As Aristotle puts,
democracy as a regime fed from liberty and no one rule, is day to day inspiration
through all its powerful and functioning aspects; but some unique aspects of
Athens' democracy have led to a number of problems that weaken and
destabilize it from the inside. In this study, the characteristic and reflections of
leitourgia, sykophantēs and ostrakismos practices, which have been largely
addressed in the context of history discipline and which have been partially
neglected, in general in terms of political philosophy, in particular democracy
debates, will be open to debate. The main point to be emphasized in this study,
how these practices undermine the democratic regime contrary to expectation
in time, it will be tried to be discussed modestly and kept light on the weak
venter of regime by nourishing the philosophical, literary and theatrical


  • Aristoph. Akh. (=Aristophanes, Akherneis): ARİSTOPHANES, Kömürcüler, Türkiye İş Bankası, (çev. S. Eyüboğlu-A. Erhat), İstanbul, 2016.
  • Aristoph. Eccl. (= Aristophanes, Ecclesiazusae): ARISTOPHANES, “Ecclesiazusae”, (trans. B. B. Rogers), Aristophanes III içinde, Loeb Classical Library, London, 1924.
  • Aristoph. Orn. (=Aristophanes, Ornithes): ARİSTOPHANES, Kuşlar, (çev. F. Akderin), Mitos Boyut, İstanbul, 2010.
  • Aristoph. Ran. (=Aristophanes, Ranae): ARİSTOPHANES, Kurbağalar, (çev. A. Selen), Mitos Boyut, İstanbul, 2011.
  • Aristoph. Sph. (=Aristophanes, Sphekes): ARİSTOPHANES, Eşek Arıları, Türkiye İş Bankası, (çev. S. Eyüboğlu-A. Erhat), İstanbul, 2016.
  • Aristoph. Plut. (=Aristophanes, Plutus): ARISTOPHANES, “The Plutus”, (trans. B. B. Rogers), Aristophanes III içinde, Loeb Classical Library, London, 1924.
  • Aristot. Ath. Pol. (=Aristoteles, Athenaion Politeia): ARISTOTLE, Constitution of Athens, (trans. T. J. Dymes), Seely and Co. Limited, London, 1891.
  • Aristot. Oec. (=Aristoteles, Oeconomica): ARİSTOTELES, Ekonomi, (çev. F. Akderin), Say, İstanbul, 2016.
  • Aristot. Pol. (=Aristoteles, Politica): ARİSTOTELES, Politika, (çev. F. Akderin), Say, İstanbul, 2015.
  • Dem. Ora. (=Demosthenes, Orations): DEMOSTHENES, Söylevler, (çev. C. Şentuna), Dost Kitapevi, Ankara, 2001.
  • Hdt. (=Herodotos, Historiae): Herodotus IV, Books VIII-IX. (Trans. A. D. Godley). The Loeb Classical Library, London, 1989.
  • Ksen. Anab. (=Ksenophon, Anabasis): KSENOPHON, Anabasis -On Binler’in Dönüşü-, (çev. A. Çokona), Türkiye İş Bankası, İstanbul, 2015.
  • Ksen. Hel. (=Ksenophon, Hellenica): KSENOPHON, Yunan Tarihi, (çev. S. Sinanoğlu), Türk Tarih Kurumu, Ankara, 1999.
  • Ksen. Cons. Ath. (=Ksenophon, Respublica Athenaion): KSENOPHON, Lasemonyalılar ve Atinalılar Cumhuriyetleri, (çev. H. Rifat), Vakit, İstanbul, 1935.
  • Ksen. Mem. (=Ksenophon, Memorabilia): KSENOPHON, Sokrates’ten Anılar, (çev. C. Şentuna), Atatürk Kültür, Dil ve Tarih Yüksek Kurumu, Türk Tarih Kurumu, Ankara, 1997.
  • Ksen. Sym. (=Ksenophon, Symposium): XENOPHON, Symposium & Apology, (trans. O. J. Todd), The Loeb Classical Library, London, 1997.
  • Pl. Grg. (=Platon, Gorgias):PLATO, Gorgias, (trans. W. Hamilton & C. E. Jones), Penguin Classics, London, 2004.
  • Plut. Alc. & Corio. (= Plutarkhos, Alkibiades & Coriolanus): PLUTARKHOS, Alkibiades & Coriolanus, (çev. M. Mete), İdea, İstanbul, 2011.
  • Plut. Arist. & Cato. (= Plutarkhos, Aristiedes & Cato Major): Plutarch’s Lives II. (Trans. B. Perrin). The Loeb Classical Library, London, 2008.
  • Plut. Demost. & Cic. (=Plutarkhos, Demosthenes & Çicero): PLUTARKHOS, Demosthenes & Çicero, (çev. İ. Çokona), Türkiye İş Bankası, İstanbul, 2017.
  • Plut. Per. & Fab. (= Plutarkhos, Perikles & Fabius): PLUTARKHOS, Perikles & Fabius, (çev. M. Mete), İdea, İstanbul 2011.
  • Plut. Sol. & Pop. (=Plutarkhos, Solon & Poplicola ): PLUTARKHOS, Solon & Poplicola (çev. M. Mete), İdea, İstanbul, 2005.
  • Thuk. (=Thukydides): THUKYDIDES, Peloponnesos Savaşları, (çev. F. Akderin), Belge, İstanbul, 2017.
  • CARTLEDGE, P., “Democracy, Origins of Contribution to a Debate”, Origins of Democracy in Ancient Greece içinde, University of California Press, Berkeley, 2007, ss. 155-169.
  • CHRIST, R., Matthew, “Liturgy Avodidanve and Antidosis in Classical Athens”, Transactions of the American Philosophical Association, 120, 1990, ss. 147-169.
  • CROIX, STE. G.E.M., Antik Yunan Dünyasında Sınıf Mücadelesi, (çev. Çağdaş Sümer), Yordam, İstanbul, 2013.
  • DAVIES, J. K., “Demosthenes on Liturgies: A Note”, The Journal of Hellenic Studies, Vol. 87, 1967, ss. 33-40.
  • DAVIES, J. K., “Society and Economy”, The Cambridge Ancient History, Vol.5 içinde, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1992, ss. 287-305.
  • DEMİR, Muzaffer, “Klasik Dönem Kent Devletinde Kamu Hizmetleri (Leitourgíai )”, Arkeoloji ve Sanat, İstanbul, 2001, ss. 45-62.
  • FINLEY, M. I., Democracy, Ancient and Modern, Chatto & Windus, London, 1973.
  • FORSDYKE, Sara, Exile, Ostracism, and Democracy: The Politics of Expulsion in Ancient Greece, Princeton University Press, New Jersey, 2005.
  • KNOX, B.M., “Athenian Religion and Literature”, The Cambridge Ancient History, Vol.5 içinde, ss. 268-286.
  • LOFBERG, J. O., “The Sycophant-Parasite”, Classical Philology, Vol. 15, No. 1920, ss. 61-72.
  • LOFBERG, J. O., Sycophancy in Athens, George Ranta Publishing, Wisconsin, 1917.
  • OBER, Josiah, “Ostrakismos”, Mass and Elite in Democratic Athens içinde, Princeton University Press, New Jersey, 1999, ss. 73-75.
  • OBER, Josiah, “I Besieged That Man”: Democracy’s Revolutionary Start”, Origins of Democracy in Ancient Greece içinde, University of California Press, Berkeley, 2007, ss. 83-104.
  • OBER, Josiah, Democracy and Knowledge, Princeton University Press, New Jersey, 2008.
  • OLSON, Dougles, “Dicaeopolis’ Motivations in Aristophanes’ Acharnians”, The Journal of Hellenic Studies, Vol. 111, 1991, ss. 200-203.
  • OSBORNE, Robin, Athens and Athenian Democracy, Cambridge University Press, New York, 2010.
  • RHODES, P. J., “The Athenian Revolution”, The Cambridge Ancient History, Vol.5 içinde, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1992, ss. 62-95.
  • RHODES, P. J., “Who Ran Democratic Athens?” Polis and Politics içinde, Museum Tusculanum Press, Copenhagen, 2000, ss. 465-477.
  • SCHMIDT, Manfred G., Demokrasi Kurmalarına Giriş, (çev. M. E. Köktaş), Vadi, Ankara, 2002.
  • SİNA, Ayşen, Atinalı Perikles Yaşamı ve Dönemi, Tiydem, Ankara, 2011.
  • SİNA, Ayşen, “Eski Yunan Yargı Sistemi: MÖ IV. Yüzyılda Atina’da Yargıçlar ve Mahkemeler”, TBB Dergisi, 123, 2016, ss. 419-450.
  • SMITH, Nicholas D., “Political Activity and Ideal Economics: Two Related Utopian Themes in Aristophanic Comedy”, Utopian Studies, Vol. 3, No. 1, 1992, ss. 84-94.
  • TOO, Yun Lee, A Commentary on Isocrates' Antidosis, Oxford University Press, New York. 2008.
  • TRACY, Stephen V., “Aristophanes and Old comedy, Caricature and Personel Attack”, Pericles: A sourcebook and Reader içinde, University of California Press, Califoria, 2009, ss. 96-108.


Year 2018, Volume: 13 Issue: 26, 241 - 266, 29.12.2018


Atina demokratik rejimi,
yasama, yürütme ve yargı da demos’un sınırlandırılmamış egemenliği olarak
tanımlanır. Aristoteles’in de ifade ettiği gibi, hiç kimsenin hükmetmediği,
özgürlükten beslenen bir rejim olarak demokrasi tüm güçlü ve işleyen yönleriyle
günümüze ilham kaynağı olsa da; Atina demokrasisinin kendine has bazı yönleri
onu içeriden zayıflatan ve istikrarsızlaştıran bir takım problemlerin de
doğmasına yol açabilmiştir. Bu çalışmada çoğunlukla tarih disiplini bağlamında ele
alınmış ve genelde politik felsefe, özelde de demokrasi tartışmaları söz konusu
olduğunda kısmen ihmal edilmiş olan leitourgíai, sykophántēs ve ostrakismós uygulamalarının özellikleri ve
yansımaları tartışılmaya açılacaktır. Çalışmada üzerinde durulacak temel nokta,
Atina’da yürürlükte olan bu uygulamaların zamanla beklentinin aksine nasıl
demokratik rejimin altını oyan uygulamalar halini aldığı; felsefi, edebi ve
teatral kaynaklardan da beslenerek mütevazı bir şekilde tartışılmaya ve rejimin
zayıf karnına ışık tutulmaya çalışılacaktır.


  • Aristoph. Akh. (=Aristophanes, Akherneis): ARİSTOPHANES, Kömürcüler, Türkiye İş Bankası, (çev. S. Eyüboğlu-A. Erhat), İstanbul, 2016.
  • Aristoph. Eccl. (= Aristophanes, Ecclesiazusae): ARISTOPHANES, “Ecclesiazusae”, (trans. B. B. Rogers), Aristophanes III içinde, Loeb Classical Library, London, 1924.
  • Aristoph. Orn. (=Aristophanes, Ornithes): ARİSTOPHANES, Kuşlar, (çev. F. Akderin), Mitos Boyut, İstanbul, 2010.
  • Aristoph. Ran. (=Aristophanes, Ranae): ARİSTOPHANES, Kurbağalar, (çev. A. Selen), Mitos Boyut, İstanbul, 2011.
  • Aristoph. Sph. (=Aristophanes, Sphekes): ARİSTOPHANES, Eşek Arıları, Türkiye İş Bankası, (çev. S. Eyüboğlu-A. Erhat), İstanbul, 2016.
  • Aristoph. Plut. (=Aristophanes, Plutus): ARISTOPHANES, “The Plutus”, (trans. B. B. Rogers), Aristophanes III içinde, Loeb Classical Library, London, 1924.
  • Aristot. Ath. Pol. (=Aristoteles, Athenaion Politeia): ARISTOTLE, Constitution of Athens, (trans. T. J. Dymes), Seely and Co. Limited, London, 1891.
  • Aristot. Oec. (=Aristoteles, Oeconomica): ARİSTOTELES, Ekonomi, (çev. F. Akderin), Say, İstanbul, 2016.
  • Aristot. Pol. (=Aristoteles, Politica): ARİSTOTELES, Politika, (çev. F. Akderin), Say, İstanbul, 2015.
  • Dem. Ora. (=Demosthenes, Orations): DEMOSTHENES, Söylevler, (çev. C. Şentuna), Dost Kitapevi, Ankara, 2001.
  • Hdt. (=Herodotos, Historiae): Herodotus IV, Books VIII-IX. (Trans. A. D. Godley). The Loeb Classical Library, London, 1989.
  • Ksen. Anab. (=Ksenophon, Anabasis): KSENOPHON, Anabasis -On Binler’in Dönüşü-, (çev. A. Çokona), Türkiye İş Bankası, İstanbul, 2015.
  • Ksen. Hel. (=Ksenophon, Hellenica): KSENOPHON, Yunan Tarihi, (çev. S. Sinanoğlu), Türk Tarih Kurumu, Ankara, 1999.
  • Ksen. Cons. Ath. (=Ksenophon, Respublica Athenaion): KSENOPHON, Lasemonyalılar ve Atinalılar Cumhuriyetleri, (çev. H. Rifat), Vakit, İstanbul, 1935.
  • Ksen. Mem. (=Ksenophon, Memorabilia): KSENOPHON, Sokrates’ten Anılar, (çev. C. Şentuna), Atatürk Kültür, Dil ve Tarih Yüksek Kurumu, Türk Tarih Kurumu, Ankara, 1997.
  • Ksen. Sym. (=Ksenophon, Symposium): XENOPHON, Symposium & Apology, (trans. O. J. Todd), The Loeb Classical Library, London, 1997.
  • Pl. Grg. (=Platon, Gorgias):PLATO, Gorgias, (trans. W. Hamilton & C. E. Jones), Penguin Classics, London, 2004.
  • Plut. Alc. & Corio. (= Plutarkhos, Alkibiades & Coriolanus): PLUTARKHOS, Alkibiades & Coriolanus, (çev. M. Mete), İdea, İstanbul, 2011.
  • Plut. Arist. & Cato. (= Plutarkhos, Aristiedes & Cato Major): Plutarch’s Lives II. (Trans. B. Perrin). The Loeb Classical Library, London, 2008.
  • Plut. Demost. & Cic. (=Plutarkhos, Demosthenes & Çicero): PLUTARKHOS, Demosthenes & Çicero, (çev. İ. Çokona), Türkiye İş Bankası, İstanbul, 2017.
  • Plut. Per. & Fab. (= Plutarkhos, Perikles & Fabius): PLUTARKHOS, Perikles & Fabius, (çev. M. Mete), İdea, İstanbul 2011.
  • Plut. Sol. & Pop. (=Plutarkhos, Solon & Poplicola ): PLUTARKHOS, Solon & Poplicola (çev. M. Mete), İdea, İstanbul, 2005.
  • Thuk. (=Thukydides): THUKYDIDES, Peloponnesos Savaşları, (çev. F. Akderin), Belge, İstanbul, 2017.
  • CARTLEDGE, P., “Democracy, Origins of Contribution to a Debate”, Origins of Democracy in Ancient Greece içinde, University of California Press, Berkeley, 2007, ss. 155-169.
  • CHRIST, R., Matthew, “Liturgy Avodidanve and Antidosis in Classical Athens”, Transactions of the American Philosophical Association, 120, 1990, ss. 147-169.
  • CROIX, STE. G.E.M., Antik Yunan Dünyasında Sınıf Mücadelesi, (çev. Çağdaş Sümer), Yordam, İstanbul, 2013.
  • DAVIES, J. K., “Demosthenes on Liturgies: A Note”, The Journal of Hellenic Studies, Vol. 87, 1967, ss. 33-40.
  • DAVIES, J. K., “Society and Economy”, The Cambridge Ancient History, Vol.5 içinde, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1992, ss. 287-305.
  • DEMİR, Muzaffer, “Klasik Dönem Kent Devletinde Kamu Hizmetleri (Leitourgíai )”, Arkeoloji ve Sanat, İstanbul, 2001, ss. 45-62.
  • FINLEY, M. I., Democracy, Ancient and Modern, Chatto & Windus, London, 1973.
  • FORSDYKE, Sara, Exile, Ostracism, and Democracy: The Politics of Expulsion in Ancient Greece, Princeton University Press, New Jersey, 2005.
  • KNOX, B.M., “Athenian Religion and Literature”, The Cambridge Ancient History, Vol.5 içinde, ss. 268-286.
  • LOFBERG, J. O., “The Sycophant-Parasite”, Classical Philology, Vol. 15, No. 1920, ss. 61-72.
  • LOFBERG, J. O., Sycophancy in Athens, George Ranta Publishing, Wisconsin, 1917.
  • OBER, Josiah, “Ostrakismos”, Mass and Elite in Democratic Athens içinde, Princeton University Press, New Jersey, 1999, ss. 73-75.
  • OBER, Josiah, “I Besieged That Man”: Democracy’s Revolutionary Start”, Origins of Democracy in Ancient Greece içinde, University of California Press, Berkeley, 2007, ss. 83-104.
  • OBER, Josiah, Democracy and Knowledge, Princeton University Press, New Jersey, 2008.
  • OLSON, Dougles, “Dicaeopolis’ Motivations in Aristophanes’ Acharnians”, The Journal of Hellenic Studies, Vol. 111, 1991, ss. 200-203.
  • OSBORNE, Robin, Athens and Athenian Democracy, Cambridge University Press, New York, 2010.
  • RHODES, P. J., “The Athenian Revolution”, The Cambridge Ancient History, Vol.5 içinde, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1992, ss. 62-95.
  • RHODES, P. J., “Who Ran Democratic Athens?” Polis and Politics içinde, Museum Tusculanum Press, Copenhagen, 2000, ss. 465-477.
  • SCHMIDT, Manfred G., Demokrasi Kurmalarına Giriş, (çev. M. E. Köktaş), Vadi, Ankara, 2002.
  • SİNA, Ayşen, Atinalı Perikles Yaşamı ve Dönemi, Tiydem, Ankara, 2011.
  • SİNA, Ayşen, “Eski Yunan Yargı Sistemi: MÖ IV. Yüzyılda Atina’da Yargıçlar ve Mahkemeler”, TBB Dergisi, 123, 2016, ss. 419-450.
  • SMITH, Nicholas D., “Political Activity and Ideal Economics: Two Related Utopian Themes in Aristophanic Comedy”, Utopian Studies, Vol. 3, No. 1, 1992, ss. 84-94.
  • TOO, Yun Lee, A Commentary on Isocrates' Antidosis, Oxford University Press, New York. 2008.
  • TRACY, Stephen V., “Aristophanes and Old comedy, Caricature and Personel Attack”, Pericles: A sourcebook and Reader içinde, University of California Press, Califoria, 2009, ss. 96-108.
There are 47 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Philosophy
Journal Section Articles

Deniz Kundakçı

Publication Date December 29, 2018
Submission Date September 27, 2018
Acceptance Date December 29, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 13 Issue: 26


Chicago Kundakçı, Deniz. “ATİNA DEMOKRASİSİ’NİN ZAYIF KARNI: LEITOURGÍAI, SYKOPHÁNTĒS VE OSTRAKISMÓS UYGULAMALARI”. FLSF Felsefe Ve Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 13, no. 26 (December 2018): 241-66.

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