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Year 2016, Issue: 22, 99 - 118, 01.09.2016


Foucault’s interest in classical political economy cannot be understood as part of the typical studies of the history of economic ideas presenting economic thoughts chronologically around their scientific structures, arguments and methods. Instead, Foucault aims to show how classical political economy played a major and critical role in the formation of modern power and governmental rationality and apparatuses after the 1750s. Foucault’s comprehensive and unconventional historical analysis of power and government promises to understand classical political economy as part of the problem of politics in the past and present. This paper reveals that Foucault’s history and analytics of power and government has also strong potential to innovatively approach the long-debated and thorny issues in the history of economic thought such as The Adam Smith Problem and open up new ways to interpret the place of key figures and theories in liberal governmentality such as Ricardo’s political economy


  • AGAMBEN, A., “For a Theory of Destituent Power”, Critical Legal Thinking, 2013. March 5 2015 Accessed.
  • DEAN, M., “The Malthus Effect: Population and the Liberal Government of Life”, Economy and Society, 44 (1), p. 18-39, 2015.
  • FOLKERS, A. “Daring the Truth: Foucault, Parrhesia and the Genealogy of Critique”, Theory, Culture & Society, 33 (1), p. 3-28, 2016.
  • FOUCAULT, M., The Archaeology of Knowledge and The Discourse on Language, New York, Pantheon Books, 1972.
  • FOUCAULT, M., Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison, New York: Vintage Books, 1995.
  • FOUCAULT, M., “On the Ways of Writing History”, in J. D. Faubion (ed.) The Essential Works of Foucault. Volume II: Aesthetics, Method and Epistemology, New York: The New Press, p. 279-295, 1998.
  • FOUCAULT, M., The Order of Things, London: Routledge, 2002.
  • FOUCAULT, M., Security, Territory, Population, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007.
  • FOUCAULT, M., The Birth of Biopolitics, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008.
  • FOUCAULT, M., The Government of Self and Others, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010.
  • GÜRKAN, C., “Adam Smith’in Police Kavramı” [Adam Smith’s Concept of Police], Felsefe ve Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi [Journal of Philosopy and Social Sciences], 16, p. 149-174, 2013.
  • KANT, I., Critique of Pure Reason, Boston & New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1965.
  • KANT, I., “What is Enlightenment?”, Kant Selections, N.J: Prentice-Hall, p. 462-467, 1998.
  • LEMKE, T., Foucault, Governmentality, and Critique, Boulder, CO/London, Paradigm Publishers, 2012.
  • MARX, K., Economic Works 1861-1863, MECW Vol. 30, London: Lawrance & Wishart, 2010.
  • RICARDO, D., On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation, in P. Sraffa (ed.) The Works and Correspondence of David Ricardo, Volume I, Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 2004.
  • SMITH, A., Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, New York: The Modern Library, 1994.
  • SMITH, A., Lectures on Jurisprudence, Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 1982.
  • SMITH, A., The Theory of Moral Sentiments, Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 1984.
  • TELLMANN, U., “Catastrophic Populations and the Fear of the Future: Malthus and the Genealogy of Liberal Economy”, Theory, Society & Culture, 30 (2), p. 135-155, 2013.

Foucault’nun İktidar ve Yönetim Analitiğinde Klasik Politik İktisat Eleştirisi

Year 2016, Issue: 22, 99 - 118, 01.09.2016


Foucault’nun klasik politik iktisada ilgisi iktisadi düşünceleri teorilerin bilimsel yapıları, argümanları ve yöntemleri bağlamında kronolojik biçimde açıklayan tipik iktisadi düşünceler tarihi araştırmalarının bir parçası olarak anlaşılamaz. Bunu yerine, Foucault 1750’lerden sonra klasik politik iktisadın modern iktidar ve yönetimsel rasyonalitesinin ve araçlarının oluşumunda nasıl esaslı ve kritik bir rol oynadığını göstermeyi amaçlamıştır. Foucault’nun iktidar ve yönetim üzerine kapsamlı ve sıra dışı tarihsel analizi klasik politik iktisadı şimdi ve geçmişte siyasetin bir parçası olarak anlaşılmasına olanak tanıyor. Bu yazı ayrıca Foucault’nun iktidar ve yönetim analitiğinin ve tarihinin Adam Smith Problemi gibi iktisadi düşünce tarihinde uzunca tartışma konusu olmuş zorlu konulara farklı bir şekilde yaklaşılması yolunda ve David Ricardo’nun politik iktisadı gibi liberal yönetimsellik için önemli isimleri ve teorileri yorumlamada yeni yollar açma potansiyeli olduğunu gösteriyor


  • AGAMBEN, A., “For a Theory of Destituent Power”, Critical Legal Thinking, 2013. March 5 2015 Accessed.
  • DEAN, M., “The Malthus Effect: Population and the Liberal Government of Life”, Economy and Society, 44 (1), p. 18-39, 2015.
  • FOLKERS, A. “Daring the Truth: Foucault, Parrhesia and the Genealogy of Critique”, Theory, Culture & Society, 33 (1), p. 3-28, 2016.
  • FOUCAULT, M., The Archaeology of Knowledge and The Discourse on Language, New York, Pantheon Books, 1972.
  • FOUCAULT, M., Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison, New York: Vintage Books, 1995.
  • FOUCAULT, M., “On the Ways of Writing History”, in J. D. Faubion (ed.) The Essential Works of Foucault. Volume II: Aesthetics, Method and Epistemology, New York: The New Press, p. 279-295, 1998.
  • FOUCAULT, M., The Order of Things, London: Routledge, 2002.
  • FOUCAULT, M., Security, Territory, Population, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007.
  • FOUCAULT, M., The Birth of Biopolitics, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008.
  • FOUCAULT, M., The Government of Self and Others, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010.
  • GÜRKAN, C., “Adam Smith’in Police Kavramı” [Adam Smith’s Concept of Police], Felsefe ve Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi [Journal of Philosopy and Social Sciences], 16, p. 149-174, 2013.
  • KANT, I., Critique of Pure Reason, Boston & New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1965.
  • KANT, I., “What is Enlightenment?”, Kant Selections, N.J: Prentice-Hall, p. 462-467, 1998.
  • LEMKE, T., Foucault, Governmentality, and Critique, Boulder, CO/London, Paradigm Publishers, 2012.
  • MARX, K., Economic Works 1861-1863, MECW Vol. 30, London: Lawrance & Wishart, 2010.
  • RICARDO, D., On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation, in P. Sraffa (ed.) The Works and Correspondence of David Ricardo, Volume I, Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 2004.
  • SMITH, A., Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, New York: The Modern Library, 1994.
  • SMITH, A., Lectures on Jurisprudence, Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 1982.
  • SMITH, A., The Theory of Moral Sentiments, Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 1984.
  • TELLMANN, U., “Catastrophic Populations and the Fear of the Future: Malthus and the Genealogy of Liberal Economy”, Theory, Society & Culture, 30 (2), p. 135-155, 2013.
There are 20 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Ceyhun Gürkan This is me

Publication Date September 1, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Issue: 22


Chicago Gürkan, Ceyhun. “THE CRITIQUE OF CLASSICAL POLITICAL ECONOMY IN FOUCAULT’S ANALYTICS OF POWER AND GOVERNMENT”. FLSF Felsefe Ve Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, no. 22 (September 2016): 99-118.

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