Research Article
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Year 2021, Issue: 31, 413 - 433, 12.05.2021


Environmentalism has developed in reaction to the extensive production regime emerged after the Industrial Revolution and following the 1992 Kyoto Protocol and 2015 Paris Agreement, it has become one of the key topics in the political debates and geo-power relations due to the extensive exploitation of resources and the anticipated global climate change disaster. However, although the fear which the environmentalism consciousness is founded on has scientific basis and, similar to the Cold War Era, the neglect of the problem has the potential to lead to a human made catastrophe, some political and economic circles exploit the ecologic problem for their agendas in order to increase profits and manufacture consent. This phenomenon especially in green advertising and green marketing debates is coined as “greenwashing” in literature. This article aims to initiate a debate about how the collective consciousness of environmentalism is transformed in greenwashing like other public relations spins exploiting the fear through sociopsychological processes and how it is used to manufacture consent.


  • Abu Arqoub, Omar Ahmad, Bahire Efe Özad, and Adeola Abdulateef Elega. ‘The Engineering of Consent: A State-of-the-Art Review’. Public Relations Review 45, no. 5 (1 December 2019): 101830.
  • Akşemsetti̇noğlu, Gökhan. ‘Avrupa Parlamentosu Seçimlerinde 40 Yıl: 1979 – 2019’. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 21, no. 1 (3 July 2020): 163–85.
  • Bernays, Edward L. ‘The Engineering of Consent’. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 1947.
  • Boga, Ayper, and Seçil Binokay. ‘Gıda Katkı Maddelerinin İnsan Sağlığına Etkileri.’ Archives Medical Review Journal 19 (1 January 2010): 141–58.
  • Bowler, Catherine, and Peter Brimblecombe. ‘Control of Air Pollution in Manchester Prior to the Public Health Act, 1875’. Environment and History 6, no. 1 (2000): 71–98.
  • Breakenridge, Deirdre K. PR 2.0: New Media, New Tools, New Audiences. FT Press, 2008.
  • Brimblecombe, Peter. ‘The Clean Air Act after 50 Years’. Weather 61, no. 11 (2006): 311–14.
  • Buttel, Frederick H, and William L. Flinn. ‘The Structure of Support for the Environmental Movement, 1968-1970’. Rural Sociology 39, no. 1 (1974): 56–69.
  • Carson, Rachel. Silent Spring. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2002.
  • Chomsky, Noam. Media Control: The Spectacular Achievements of Propaganda. Seven Stories Press, 2011.
  • Davis, DL. ‘A Look Back at the London Smog of 1952 and the Half Century Since’. Environmental Health Perspectives 110, no. 12 (December 2002): A734–35.
  • Doğan, Seyhun, and Mutlu Tüzer. ‘Küresel İklim Değişikliği ve Potansiyel Etkileri’. C.Ü. İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi 12, no. 1 (2011): 21–34.
  • Duhaime, Jean. ‘Le conflit comme socialisation selon G. Simmel’, May 2001.
  • Fletcher, Robert. ‘Capitalizing on Chaos: Climate Change and Disaster Capitalism’. In The Atmosphere Business, Ephemera: Theory and Politics in Organization, 97–112. ephemera theory & politics in organization, 2012.
  • Furedi, Frank. How Fear Works: Culture of Fear in the Twenty-First Century. London: Bloomsbury Continuum, 2018.
  • Furlow, Nancy E. ‘Greenwashing in the New Millennium’. Journal of Applied Business and Economics 10, no. 6 (2010): 22–25.
  • Grinker, R. R., and J. P. Siegel. N Under Stress. Philadelphia: Blakiston, 1945.
  • Guérin, Daniel, and Noam Chomsky. Anarchism: From Theory to Practice. Translated by Mary Klopper. New York: Monthly Review Press, 1970.
  • Hamblin, R. L. ‘Group Integration during a Crisis’. Human Relations 11, no. 1 (1958): 67–76.
  • Hayward, P. ‘The Real Deal? Hotels Grapple with Green Washing’. Lodging Magazine, ubat 2009.
  • Herman, Edward S., and Noam Chomsky. Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media. Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, 2011.
  • Janis, I. L. ‘Group Identification Under Conditions of External Danger’. The British Journal of Medical Psychology 36 (1963): 227–38.
  • Janis, Irving Lester. Air War and Emotional Stress: Psychological Studies of Bombing and Civilian Defense. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1951.
  • Kahle, Lynn R., and Eda Gurel-Atay. Communicating Sustainability for the Green Economy. Routledge, 2015.
  • Klein, Naomi. The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism. 1st edition. Picador, 2008.
  • ———. This Changes Everything: Capitalism Vs. The Climate. Simon and Schuster, 2014.
  • Lang, K., and G. E. Kurt. ‘Collective Responses to the Threat of Disaster’. In George H. Grossner, Henry Wechsler and Milton Greenblatt (Eds.) The Threat of Impending Disaster: Contributions to the Psychology of Stress. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1964.
  • Linke, Uli, and Danielle Taana Smith, eds. Cultures of Fear: A Critical Reader. First Edition. London ; New York: Pluto Press, 2009.
  • Luke, Timothy W. ‘On Environmentality: Geo-Power and Eco-Knowledge in the Discourses of Contemporary Environmentalism’. Cultural Critique, no. 31 (1995): 57–81.
  • Luke, Timothy W. ‘The (Un)Wise (Ab)Use of Nature: Environmentalism as Globalized Consumerism’. Alternatives: Global, Local, Political 23, no. 2 (1998): 175–212.
  • Markham, David, Anshuman Khare, and Terry Beckman. ‘Greenwashing: A Proposal to Restrict Its Stread’. Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management 16, no. 4 (2014): 1–16.
  • Masco, Joseph. The Theater of Operations: National Security Affect from the Cold War to the War on Terror. Duke University Press, 2014.
  • Menon, Ajay, and Anil Menon. ‘Enviropreneurial Marketing Strategy: The Emergence of Corporate Environmentalism as Market Strategy’. Journal of Marketing 61, no. 1 (1997): 51–67.
  • Morag-Levine, Noga. ‘Is Precautionary Regulation a Civil Law Instrument? Lessons from the History of the Alkali Act’. Journal of Environmental Law 23, no. 1 (2011): 1–43.
  • Murphree, Vanessa. ‘Edward Bernays’s 1929 “Torches of Freedom” March: Myths and Historical Significance’. American Journalism 32, no. 3 (3 July 2015): 258–81.
  • Özel, Aybike Pelenk. ‘Çevresel aktivizm, halkla ilişkiler ve yeşil aklama üzerine kuramsal bir bakış’, 2015.
  • Panth, Bhola D. ‘AIR POLLUTION’. Current Science 32, no. 5 (1963): 203–5.
  • Platt, Harold L. Shock Cities: The Environmental Transformation and Reform of Manchester and Chicago. University of Chicago Press, 2005. Ritchie, Hannah, and Max Roser. ‘CO₂ and Greenhouse Gas Emissions’. Our World in Data, 11 May 2017.
  • Schlesinger, Stephen, and Stephen Kinzer. Bitter Fruit: The Story of the American Coup in Guatemala, Revised and Expanded. Harvard University Press, 2005.
  • Schmideberg, M. ‘Some Observations on Individual Eactions to Air Raids’. Journal of Psycho-Analysis 23 (1942): 146–75. Simmel, Georg. Le Conflit. Paris: Circé, 1995.
  • Simmel, Georg. Philosophie de La Modernité. Paris: Payot, 2004.
  • Stein, Arthur A. ‘Conflict and Cohesion: A Review of the Literature’. The Journal of Conflict Resolution 20, no. 1 (1976): 143–72.
  • Strumpfer, D. J. W. ‘Fear and Affiliation during a Disaster’. Journal of Social Psychology 82, no. 2 (1970): 263–68.
  • Welsh, David F. ‘Environmental Marketing and Federal Preemption of State Law: Eliminating the Gray behind the Green’. California Law Review 81 (1993): 991.
  • Wolfenstein, Martha. Disaster a Psychological Essay. 1st edition. Free Press, 1957.
  • Zinkhan, George M., and Les Carlson. ‘Green Advertising and the Reluctant Consumer’. Journal of Advertising 24, no. 2 (1 June 1995): 1–6.


Year 2021, Issue: 31, 413 - 433, 12.05.2021


Çevrecilik, Sanayi Devrimi sonrası süreçte ortaya çıkan yoğun üretim rejiminin yarattığı ekolojik sorunlara tepki olarak gelişti ve bugün kaynakların tüketimi ve küresel iklim değişikliği felaketi beklentisiyle özellikle 1992 Kyoto Protokolü ve 2015 Paris Anlaşması sonrasında siyasal tartışmalarda ve küresel iktidar ilişkilerinde en önemli gündem maddeleri arasında yerini aldı. Ancak, her ne kadar çevrecilik bilincinin dayandığı korku, bilimsel temellere dayanıyor ve önlem alınmamasının Soğuk Savaş dönemindekine benzer, insan eliyle üretilmiş bir felaketle sonuçlanması ihtimali de olsa kimi politik ve ekonomik aktörler çevrecilik sorununu başka ajandalar için rıza üretiminde kullanmaktalar. Bu olgu, özellikle reklamcılık ve yeşil pazarlama alanında literatüre yeşil aklama (greenwashing) olarak girdi. Bu makale, çevreciliğin ortak bilincinin halkla ilişkiler propagandalarında olduğu gibi ortak korkunun kullanılması yoluyla sosyo-psikolojik süreçlerde nasıl yeşil aklamaya dönüştürüldüğü ve bu yolla nasıl rıza üretiminde kullanıldığı konusunda bir tartışma başlatmayı amaçlamaktadır.


  • Abu Arqoub, Omar Ahmad, Bahire Efe Özad, and Adeola Abdulateef Elega. ‘The Engineering of Consent: A State-of-the-Art Review’. Public Relations Review 45, no. 5 (1 December 2019): 101830.
  • Akşemsetti̇noğlu, Gökhan. ‘Avrupa Parlamentosu Seçimlerinde 40 Yıl: 1979 – 2019’. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 21, no. 1 (3 July 2020): 163–85.
  • Bernays, Edward L. ‘The Engineering of Consent’. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 1947.
  • Boga, Ayper, and Seçil Binokay. ‘Gıda Katkı Maddelerinin İnsan Sağlığına Etkileri.’ Archives Medical Review Journal 19 (1 January 2010): 141–58.
  • Bowler, Catherine, and Peter Brimblecombe. ‘Control of Air Pollution in Manchester Prior to the Public Health Act, 1875’. Environment and History 6, no. 1 (2000): 71–98.
  • Breakenridge, Deirdre K. PR 2.0: New Media, New Tools, New Audiences. FT Press, 2008.
  • Brimblecombe, Peter. ‘The Clean Air Act after 50 Years’. Weather 61, no. 11 (2006): 311–14.
  • Buttel, Frederick H, and William L. Flinn. ‘The Structure of Support for the Environmental Movement, 1968-1970’. Rural Sociology 39, no. 1 (1974): 56–69.
  • Carson, Rachel. Silent Spring. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2002.
  • Chomsky, Noam. Media Control: The Spectacular Achievements of Propaganda. Seven Stories Press, 2011.
  • Davis, DL. ‘A Look Back at the London Smog of 1952 and the Half Century Since’. Environmental Health Perspectives 110, no. 12 (December 2002): A734–35.
  • Doğan, Seyhun, and Mutlu Tüzer. ‘Küresel İklim Değişikliği ve Potansiyel Etkileri’. C.Ü. İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi 12, no. 1 (2011): 21–34.
  • Duhaime, Jean. ‘Le conflit comme socialisation selon G. Simmel’, May 2001.
  • Fletcher, Robert. ‘Capitalizing on Chaos: Climate Change and Disaster Capitalism’. In The Atmosphere Business, Ephemera: Theory and Politics in Organization, 97–112. ephemera theory & politics in organization, 2012.
  • Furedi, Frank. How Fear Works: Culture of Fear in the Twenty-First Century. London: Bloomsbury Continuum, 2018.
  • Furlow, Nancy E. ‘Greenwashing in the New Millennium’. Journal of Applied Business and Economics 10, no. 6 (2010): 22–25.
  • Grinker, R. R., and J. P. Siegel. N Under Stress. Philadelphia: Blakiston, 1945.
  • Guérin, Daniel, and Noam Chomsky. Anarchism: From Theory to Practice. Translated by Mary Klopper. New York: Monthly Review Press, 1970.
  • Hamblin, R. L. ‘Group Integration during a Crisis’. Human Relations 11, no. 1 (1958): 67–76.
  • Hayward, P. ‘The Real Deal? Hotels Grapple with Green Washing’. Lodging Magazine, ubat 2009.
  • Herman, Edward S., and Noam Chomsky. Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media. Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, 2011.
  • Janis, I. L. ‘Group Identification Under Conditions of External Danger’. The British Journal of Medical Psychology 36 (1963): 227–38.
  • Janis, Irving Lester. Air War and Emotional Stress: Psychological Studies of Bombing and Civilian Defense. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1951.
  • Kahle, Lynn R., and Eda Gurel-Atay. Communicating Sustainability for the Green Economy. Routledge, 2015.
  • Klein, Naomi. The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism. 1st edition. Picador, 2008.
  • ———. This Changes Everything: Capitalism Vs. The Climate. Simon and Schuster, 2014.
  • Lang, K., and G. E. Kurt. ‘Collective Responses to the Threat of Disaster’. In George H. Grossner, Henry Wechsler and Milton Greenblatt (Eds.) The Threat of Impending Disaster: Contributions to the Psychology of Stress. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1964.
  • Linke, Uli, and Danielle Taana Smith, eds. Cultures of Fear: A Critical Reader. First Edition. London ; New York: Pluto Press, 2009.
  • Luke, Timothy W. ‘On Environmentality: Geo-Power and Eco-Knowledge in the Discourses of Contemporary Environmentalism’. Cultural Critique, no. 31 (1995): 57–81.
  • Luke, Timothy W. ‘The (Un)Wise (Ab)Use of Nature: Environmentalism as Globalized Consumerism’. Alternatives: Global, Local, Political 23, no. 2 (1998): 175–212.
  • Markham, David, Anshuman Khare, and Terry Beckman. ‘Greenwashing: A Proposal to Restrict Its Stread’. Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management 16, no. 4 (2014): 1–16.
  • Masco, Joseph. The Theater of Operations: National Security Affect from the Cold War to the War on Terror. Duke University Press, 2014.
  • Menon, Ajay, and Anil Menon. ‘Enviropreneurial Marketing Strategy: The Emergence of Corporate Environmentalism as Market Strategy’. Journal of Marketing 61, no. 1 (1997): 51–67.
  • Morag-Levine, Noga. ‘Is Precautionary Regulation a Civil Law Instrument? Lessons from the History of the Alkali Act’. Journal of Environmental Law 23, no. 1 (2011): 1–43.
  • Murphree, Vanessa. ‘Edward Bernays’s 1929 “Torches of Freedom” March: Myths and Historical Significance’. American Journalism 32, no. 3 (3 July 2015): 258–81.
  • Özel, Aybike Pelenk. ‘Çevresel aktivizm, halkla ilişkiler ve yeşil aklama üzerine kuramsal bir bakış’, 2015.
  • Panth, Bhola D. ‘AIR POLLUTION’. Current Science 32, no. 5 (1963): 203–5.
  • Platt, Harold L. Shock Cities: The Environmental Transformation and Reform of Manchester and Chicago. University of Chicago Press, 2005. Ritchie, Hannah, and Max Roser. ‘CO₂ and Greenhouse Gas Emissions’. Our World in Data, 11 May 2017.
  • Schlesinger, Stephen, and Stephen Kinzer. Bitter Fruit: The Story of the American Coup in Guatemala, Revised and Expanded. Harvard University Press, 2005.
  • Schmideberg, M. ‘Some Observations on Individual Eactions to Air Raids’. Journal of Psycho-Analysis 23 (1942): 146–75. Simmel, Georg. Le Conflit. Paris: Circé, 1995.
  • Simmel, Georg. Philosophie de La Modernité. Paris: Payot, 2004.
  • Stein, Arthur A. ‘Conflict and Cohesion: A Review of the Literature’. The Journal of Conflict Resolution 20, no. 1 (1976): 143–72.
  • Strumpfer, D. J. W. ‘Fear and Affiliation during a Disaster’. Journal of Social Psychology 82, no. 2 (1970): 263–68.
  • Welsh, David F. ‘Environmental Marketing and Federal Preemption of State Law: Eliminating the Gray behind the Green’. California Law Review 81 (1993): 991.
  • Wolfenstein, Martha. Disaster a Psychological Essay. 1st edition. Free Press, 1957.
  • Zinkhan, George M., and Les Carlson. ‘Green Advertising and the Reluctant Consumer’. Journal of Advertising 24, no. 2 (1 June 1995): 1–6.
There are 46 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Ömer Ersin Kahraman

Publication Date May 12, 2021
Submission Date February 4, 2021
Acceptance Date April 1, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Issue: 31


Chicago Kahraman, Ömer Ersin. “YEŞİL AKLAMA, BİR RIZA MÜHENDİSLİĞİ ÖRNEĞİ”. FLSF Felsefe Ve Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, no. 31 (May 2021): 413-33.

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