
Front Life Sci RT is aimed to publish at least three issues in one year.

Publications submitted to the journal can be written in English.

Journal volumes were published in September (30) and December (30) for first publication year.

Journal volumes will be published in three times (30th of April, August and December) for each publication year.

The "Front Life Sci RT" adopts a fast and effective time management approach by ensuring the validity and reliability of the studies published in the journal. Therefore, the acceptance period of the research article/s sent to the journal is planned as 45 days on average. This time may change according to the return time of the reviewers and the responsible author who will make the necessary corrections.

Short title of the journal: Front Life Sci RT

Front Life Sci RT submission systems and publication workflows support the ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) identifier, which is an ID that uniquely attaches your identity to your research work, such as your articles and datasets. The result; no more confusion because another researcher has the same or a similar name.

All authors need to send their ORCID iDs so that the process of evaluation and publishing of the manuscripts can continue in accordance with our publishing policy. Authors can visit https://orcid.org/ to get a unique 16-digit ORCID iD number.

Last Update Time: 1/22/25, 8:28:20 AM

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Frontiers in Life Sciences and Related Technologies is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.