Research Article
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Year 2025, Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 17 - 29, 24.03.2025



  • Acuna E, Rodriguez C, (2004). The Treatment of Missing Values and Its Effect on Classifier Accuracy. In: Classification, Clustering, and Data Mining Applications, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 639-647.
  • Agresti, A., (2019). An Introduction to Categorical Data Analysis, 3rd ed. Wiley pp 156-190.
  • Akin, M., Eyduran, E. & Reed, B.M. (2017). Use of RSM and CHAID data mining algorithm for predicting mineral nutrition of hazelnut. Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult 128, 303–316.
  • Allen-Collinson, J., (2009) A marked man: A case of female-perpetrated intimate partner abuse, International Journal of Men’s Health, 8 (1): 22-40.
  • Alp, S. & Öz, E.,(2019). Classification Methods and R Applications in Machine Learning, Nobel, Ankara, 140-175.
  • Aydav, P.S.S., Minz, S., (2020). Granulation-based self-training for the semi-supervised classification of remote-sensing images. Granul. Comput. 5, 309–327
  • Bajpai, A. (2018). Child rights in India: Law, policy, and practice. Oxford University Press.
  • Bowlby, J. (1984). Violence in the family as a disorder of the attachment and caregiving systems. American journal of psychoanalysis, 44(1), 9.
  • Castro, F., Vellido, A., Nebot, À., Mugica, F. (2007). Applying Data Mining Techniques to e-Learning Problems. In:
  • Jain, L.C., Tedman, R.A., Tedman, D.K. (eds) Evolution of Teaching and Learning Paradigms in Intelligent Environment. Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol 62. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. pp 183-221
  • Chadaga, K., Prabhu, S., Sampathila, N. et al. (2024). An Explainable Framework to Predict Child Sexual Abuse Awareness in People Using Supervised Machine Learning Models. J. technol. behav. sci. 9, 346–362.
  • Chapman, P., Clinton, J., Kerber, R., Khabaza, T., Reinartz, T., Shearer, C., & Wirth, R. (2000). CRISP-DM 1.0: Step-by-step data mining guide. SPSS inc, 9, 13.
  • Chen, M.S., Han, J., Yu, P., (1996). "Data mining: an overview from a database perspective", IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, vol. 8, no. 6, pp. 866-83.
  • Cheng, G., Chen, Q. & Zhang, R. (2021). Prediction of phosphorylation sites based on granular support vector machine. Granul. Comput. 6, 107–117.
  • Dumitrescu, E., Hué, S., Hurlin, C., & Tokpavi, S. (2022). Machine learning for credit scoring: Improving logistic regression with non-linear decision-tree effects. European Journal of Operational Research, 297(3), 1178-1192.
  • Fan, MH., Chen, MY. & Liao, EC., (2021). A deep learning approach for financial market prediction: utilization of Google trends and keywords. Granul. Comput. 6, 207–216.
  • Fouché, G., Langit, L. (2011). Introduction to Data Mining. In: Foundations of SQL Server 2008 R2 Business Intelligence. Apress, Berkeley, CA. pp 369-402
  • Huysmans, J., Dejaeger, K., Mues, C., Vanthienen, J., & Baesens, B. (2011). An empirical evaluation of the comprehensibility of decision table, tree and rule based predictive models. Decision Support Systems, 51(1), 141-154.
  • Kass, G. (1980). An Exploratory Tecnique For İnvestigating Large Quantaties Of Categorical Data. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society., 29, 119-127.
  • Kassin, S. M., & Gudjonsson, G. H. (2004). The psychology of confessions: A review of the literature and issues. Psychological science in the public interest, 5(2), 33-67.
  • Kruttschnitt, C., Kalsbeek, W. D., & House, C. C. (Eds.). (2014). Estimating the incidence of rape and sexual assault (pp. 48109-1382). Washington, DC: National Academies Press.
  • Lippard ETC, Nemeroff CB. (2020 Jan). The Devastating Clinical Consequences of Child Abuse and Neglect: Increased Disease Vulnerability and Poor Treatment Response in Mood Disorders. Am J Psychiatry. 1;177(1):20-36.
  • Liu, H., Cocea, M. (2019). Granular computing-based approach of rule learning for binary classification. Granul. Comput. 4, 275–283.
  • Maharana, K., Mondal, S., Nemade, B., (2022). A review: Data pre-processing and data augmentation techniques, Global Transitions Proceedings, Volume 3, Issue 1, June 2022, Pages 91-99
  • Mathews, B., & Collin-Vézina, D. (2019). Child Sexual Abuse: Toward a Conceptual Model and Definition. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 20(2), 131-148.
  • Nguyen-Thihong, D., Vo-Van, T. (2024). Classifying for interval and applying for image based on the extracted texture feature. Granul. Comput. 9, 29
  • Noble, W. (2006). What is a support vector machine?. Nat Biotechnol 24, 1565–1567.
  • Paine, M. L., & Hansen, D. J. (2002). Factors influencing children to self-disclose sexual abuse. Clinical psychology review, 22(2), 271-295.
  • Pant, M., Kumar, S. (2022). Fuzzy time series forecasting based on hesitant fuzzy sets, particle swarm optimization and support vector machine-based hybrid method. Granul. Comput. 7, 861–879.
  • Raschka, S., Patterson, J., Nolet, C. (2020). Machine Learning in Python: Main Developments and Technology Trends in Data Science, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence. Information , 11, 193.
  • Rybak, N., Hassall, M. (2022). Machine Learning–Enhanced Decision-Making. In: Hussain, C.M., Di Sia, P. (eds) Handbook of Smart Materials, Technologies, and Devices. Springer, Cham.
  • Tso, B. ve Mather P. M., (2009). Classification Methods For Remotely Sensed Data, Second Editon, Taylor & Francis Group, United States of America
  • Vapnik, V.(1963). Pattern recognition using generalized portrait method. Autom. Remote. Control. 24, 774–780 Walker-Descartes, I., Hopgood, G., Condado, L. V., & Legano, L. (2021). Sexual violence against children. Pediatric Clinics, 68(2), 427-436.
  • Wang, X., Ding, W., Liu, H. et al. (2020). Shape recognition through multi-level fusion of features and classifiers. Granul. Comput. 5, 437–448 World Health Organization 2002. World Report On Violence And Health: Summary. Geneva
  • Yücesoy, E., Egrioglu, E. & Bas, E. (2023). A new intuitionistic fuzzy time series method based on the bagging of decision trees and principal component analysis. Granul. Comput. 8, 1925–1935
  • Zalcberg, S. (2017). The place of culture and religion in patterns of disclosure and reporting sexual abuse of males: A case study of ultra orthodox male victims. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 26(5), 590-607.

A Resarch on the Factors Affecting the Outcomes of Child Abuse Cases Using Machine Learning Methods

Year 2025, Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 17 - 29, 24.03.2025


Modern information technology makes it possible to collect and store scientific and social research data. Some statistical methods can provide quite reliable results when the necessary assumptions are met in uncovering existing or hidden relationships between data. However, since data collected from real life often do not meet these assumptions, data mining methods that require fewer assumptions and can be applied to flexible and complex data sets have been developed for prediction. The use of machine learning methods, which include data mining techniques, to process data and produce meaningful information has become widespread in recent years. In this study, techniques such as the CHAID algorithm, an application of decision trees, and support vector machines, were compared with the logistic regression analysis method. The study’s sample consists of data from 61 child abuse cases in which the UCIM Saadet Öğretmen Association Struggling Child Abuse requested participation. The dependent variable of the study is whether the defendant received a sentence at the end of the trial, while the independent variables are five variables identified by leveraging expert (lawyer) opinions. As a result, it was found that the CHAID algorithm and support vector machines provided more accurate classification.


  • Acuna E, Rodriguez C, (2004). The Treatment of Missing Values and Its Effect on Classifier Accuracy. In: Classification, Clustering, and Data Mining Applications, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 639-647.
  • Agresti, A., (2019). An Introduction to Categorical Data Analysis, 3rd ed. Wiley pp 156-190.
  • Akin, M., Eyduran, E. & Reed, B.M. (2017). Use of RSM and CHAID data mining algorithm for predicting mineral nutrition of hazelnut. Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult 128, 303–316.
  • Allen-Collinson, J., (2009) A marked man: A case of female-perpetrated intimate partner abuse, International Journal of Men’s Health, 8 (1): 22-40.
  • Alp, S. & Öz, E.,(2019). Classification Methods and R Applications in Machine Learning, Nobel, Ankara, 140-175.
  • Aydav, P.S.S., Minz, S., (2020). Granulation-based self-training for the semi-supervised classification of remote-sensing images. Granul. Comput. 5, 309–327
  • Bajpai, A. (2018). Child rights in India: Law, policy, and practice. Oxford University Press.
  • Bowlby, J. (1984). Violence in the family as a disorder of the attachment and caregiving systems. American journal of psychoanalysis, 44(1), 9.
  • Castro, F., Vellido, A., Nebot, À., Mugica, F. (2007). Applying Data Mining Techniques to e-Learning Problems. In:
  • Jain, L.C., Tedman, R.A., Tedman, D.K. (eds) Evolution of Teaching and Learning Paradigms in Intelligent Environment. Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol 62. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. pp 183-221
  • Chadaga, K., Prabhu, S., Sampathila, N. et al. (2024). An Explainable Framework to Predict Child Sexual Abuse Awareness in People Using Supervised Machine Learning Models. J. technol. behav. sci. 9, 346–362.
  • Chapman, P., Clinton, J., Kerber, R., Khabaza, T., Reinartz, T., Shearer, C., & Wirth, R. (2000). CRISP-DM 1.0: Step-by-step data mining guide. SPSS inc, 9, 13.
  • Chen, M.S., Han, J., Yu, P., (1996). "Data mining: an overview from a database perspective", IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, vol. 8, no. 6, pp. 866-83.
  • Cheng, G., Chen, Q. & Zhang, R. (2021). Prediction of phosphorylation sites based on granular support vector machine. Granul. Comput. 6, 107–117.
  • Dumitrescu, E., Hué, S., Hurlin, C., & Tokpavi, S. (2022). Machine learning for credit scoring: Improving logistic regression with non-linear decision-tree effects. European Journal of Operational Research, 297(3), 1178-1192.
  • Fan, MH., Chen, MY. & Liao, EC., (2021). A deep learning approach for financial market prediction: utilization of Google trends and keywords. Granul. Comput. 6, 207–216.
  • Fouché, G., Langit, L. (2011). Introduction to Data Mining. In: Foundations of SQL Server 2008 R2 Business Intelligence. Apress, Berkeley, CA. pp 369-402
  • Huysmans, J., Dejaeger, K., Mues, C., Vanthienen, J., & Baesens, B. (2011). An empirical evaluation of the comprehensibility of decision table, tree and rule based predictive models. Decision Support Systems, 51(1), 141-154.
  • Kass, G. (1980). An Exploratory Tecnique For İnvestigating Large Quantaties Of Categorical Data. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society., 29, 119-127.
  • Kassin, S. M., & Gudjonsson, G. H. (2004). The psychology of confessions: A review of the literature and issues. Psychological science in the public interest, 5(2), 33-67.
  • Kruttschnitt, C., Kalsbeek, W. D., & House, C. C. (Eds.). (2014). Estimating the incidence of rape and sexual assault (pp. 48109-1382). Washington, DC: National Academies Press.
  • Lippard ETC, Nemeroff CB. (2020 Jan). The Devastating Clinical Consequences of Child Abuse and Neglect: Increased Disease Vulnerability and Poor Treatment Response in Mood Disorders. Am J Psychiatry. 1;177(1):20-36.
  • Liu, H., Cocea, M. (2019). Granular computing-based approach of rule learning for binary classification. Granul. Comput. 4, 275–283.
  • Maharana, K., Mondal, S., Nemade, B., (2022). A review: Data pre-processing and data augmentation techniques, Global Transitions Proceedings, Volume 3, Issue 1, June 2022, Pages 91-99
  • Mathews, B., & Collin-Vézina, D. (2019). Child Sexual Abuse: Toward a Conceptual Model and Definition. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 20(2), 131-148.
  • Nguyen-Thihong, D., Vo-Van, T. (2024). Classifying for interval and applying for image based on the extracted texture feature. Granul. Comput. 9, 29
  • Noble, W. (2006). What is a support vector machine?. Nat Biotechnol 24, 1565–1567.
  • Paine, M. L., & Hansen, D. J. (2002). Factors influencing children to self-disclose sexual abuse. Clinical psychology review, 22(2), 271-295.
  • Pant, M., Kumar, S. (2022). Fuzzy time series forecasting based on hesitant fuzzy sets, particle swarm optimization and support vector machine-based hybrid method. Granul. Comput. 7, 861–879.
  • Raschka, S., Patterson, J., Nolet, C. (2020). Machine Learning in Python: Main Developments and Technology Trends in Data Science, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence. Information , 11, 193.
  • Rybak, N., Hassall, M. (2022). Machine Learning–Enhanced Decision-Making. In: Hussain, C.M., Di Sia, P. (eds) Handbook of Smart Materials, Technologies, and Devices. Springer, Cham.
  • Tso, B. ve Mather P. M., (2009). Classification Methods For Remotely Sensed Data, Second Editon, Taylor & Francis Group, United States of America
  • Vapnik, V.(1963). Pattern recognition using generalized portrait method. Autom. Remote. Control. 24, 774–780 Walker-Descartes, I., Hopgood, G., Condado, L. V., & Legano, L. (2021). Sexual violence against children. Pediatric Clinics, 68(2), 427-436.
  • Wang, X., Ding, W., Liu, H. et al. (2020). Shape recognition through multi-level fusion of features and classifiers. Granul. Comput. 5, 437–448 World Health Organization 2002. World Report On Violence And Health: Summary. Geneva
  • Yücesoy, E., Egrioglu, E. & Bas, E. (2023). A new intuitionistic fuzzy time series method based on the bagging of decision trees and principal component analysis. Granul. Comput. 8, 1925–1935
  • Zalcberg, S. (2017). The place of culture and religion in patterns of disclosure and reporting sexual abuse of males: A case study of ultra orthodox male victims. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 26(5), 590-607.
There are 36 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Machine Learning (Other), Statistical Analysis, Statistical Data Science
Journal Section Articles

Saime Şule Aksakal 0000-0002-1810-1040

Erol Eğrioğlu 0000-0003-4301-4149

Publication Date March 24, 2025
Submission Date March 22, 2025
Acceptance Date March 24, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 9 Issue: 1


APA Aksakal, S. Ş., & Eğrioğlu, E. (2025). A Resarch on the Factors Affecting the Outcomes of Child Abuse Cases Using Machine Learning Methods. Turkish Journal of Forecasting, 9(1), 17-29.
AMA Aksakal SŞ, Eğrioğlu E. A Resarch on the Factors Affecting the Outcomes of Child Abuse Cases Using Machine Learning Methods. TJF. March 2025;9(1):17-29. doi:10.34110/forecasting.1662920
Chicago Aksakal, Saime Şule, and Erol Eğrioğlu. “A Resarch on the Factors Affecting the Outcomes of Child Abuse Cases Using Machine Learning Methods”. Turkish Journal of Forecasting 9, no. 1 (March 2025): 17-29.
EndNote Aksakal SŞ, Eğrioğlu E (March 1, 2025) A Resarch on the Factors Affecting the Outcomes of Child Abuse Cases Using Machine Learning Methods. Turkish Journal of Forecasting 9 1 17–29.
IEEE S. Ş. Aksakal and E. Eğrioğlu, “A Resarch on the Factors Affecting the Outcomes of Child Abuse Cases Using Machine Learning Methods”, TJF, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 17–29, 2025, doi: 10.34110/forecasting.1662920.
ISNAD Aksakal, Saime Şule - Eğrioğlu, Erol. “A Resarch on the Factors Affecting the Outcomes of Child Abuse Cases Using Machine Learning Methods”. Turkish Journal of Forecasting 9/1 (March 2025), 17-29.
JAMA Aksakal SŞ, Eğrioğlu E. A Resarch on the Factors Affecting the Outcomes of Child Abuse Cases Using Machine Learning Methods. TJF. 2025;9:17–29.
MLA Aksakal, Saime Şule and Erol Eğrioğlu. “A Resarch on the Factors Affecting the Outcomes of Child Abuse Cases Using Machine Learning Methods”. Turkish Journal of Forecasting, vol. 9, no. 1, 2025, pp. 17-29, doi:10.34110/forecasting.1662920.
Vancouver Aksakal SŞ, Eğrioğlu E. A Resarch on the Factors Affecting the Outcomes of Child Abuse Cases Using Machine Learning Methods. TJF. 2025;9(1):17-29.


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