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Causes of land degradation and rehabilitation efforts of rangelands in Turkey

Year 2018, Volume: 68 Issue: 2, 106 - 113, 20.07.2018


DOI: 10.26650/forestist.2018.396995

Turkey, which is located in an ecological
transition zone between subhumid Southern Europe and the arid Middle East, has
a long history of land use and civilization. Pressure from expanding human
populations, intensified animal production, and transhumant movements in
particular, are leading to the complete denudation of many areas of central
Turkey (Central Anatolia), with soil erosion emerging as the primary concern. A
mountainous topography and semiarid climatic conditions exacerbate the threat
of soil erosion and have limited the success of efforts to restore degraded
lands. Although afforestation efforts have increased, rangeland areas dominated
by shrub and grass species have decreased. Remnant rangeland areas continue to
experience overgrazing and severe losses in productivity. Forest remmants and
archeological studies indicate that, due to human use, Central Anatolia has
lost its original native vegetation, including pine and oak species, and has
assumed anthropogenic steppe characteristics. For this reason, the restoration
emphasis has been on tree species, without any consideration for shrub or grass
species that could help to stabilize soils in denuded and degraded landscapes.
In this article, we discuss the socioeconomic and environmental limitations of
the natural revegetation of rangeland areas, and the need for restoration
efforts with a focus on shrub and grass species in areas vulnerable to high
rates of soil erosion.


  • Acatay, A., Gülen, İ., Baş, R., 1978. Relationship between Goat and Forests in Turkey (Türkiye’de Kıl Keçi ve Orman İlişkileri). TÜBİTAK Tarım ve Ormancılık Araştırma Grubu. TÜBİTAK Yayınları No.: 382. Ankara-Turkey (in Turkish).
  • Alper, H.Ç., Kırca, S., Rotherham, I.D., İnce, A., 2010. Restoration and Rehabilitation of Deforested and Degraded Forest Landscapes in Turkey. Ministry of Environment and Forestry, General Directorate of Afforestation and Erosion Control. Ankara, Turkey.
  • Anonymous, 2015a. The challenges of the rangelands in Turkey. Final report of the G2G project: Sustainable rangeland management in Turkey, 2008 and 2009. Government to Government project G2G07/tr/9/3 Turkey- Netherlands. EVD International business and cooperation. Available from:, p.:58 (Accessed: 24 December 2015).
  • Anonymous, 2015b. Kumulların stabilizasyonu ve ağaçlandırılması. Tanımlar ve Türkiyenin önemli kumul alanları. Available from: (Accessed: 26 November 2015). Aytuğ, B., 1970. Arkeolojik araştırmaların ışığı altında İç Anadolu stebi. İstanbul Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi Seri A, 120(1): 127-143.
  • Balcı, A.N. and Uzunsoy, O., 1980. Major problems and improvement works in watershed management in Turkey. İstanbul University publication no: 2772, Faculty of Forestry publication no: 291.
  • Boydak, M.and Çalışkan, S., 2015. Afforestation in arid and semi-arid regions. Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs, General Directorate of Combating Desertification and Erosion. Ankara, ISBN: 978-605-4610-84-6.
  • Brice, W.C., 1968. The history of land use in Anatolia. In: Proceedings of The Conference on Forestry, İstanbul University Publications No: 1352/126, pp.13-21.
  • Cornelius, D.R., 1962. Grazing problems in Turkey. Journal of Range Management 15(5): 257-259.
  • Ekim, T., Koyuncu, M., Vural, M., Duman, H., Aytaç, Z., Adıgüzel, N., 2000. Red data book of Turkish plants. Turkish Association for the Conservation of Nature. Barışcan Ofset. Ankara, ISBN: 976-93611-0-8.
  • Fırıncıoğlu, H.K., Seefeldt, S.S., Şahin, B., 2007. The effects of long-term grazing exclosures on range plants in the Central Anatolian region of Turkey. Environmental Management 39: 326-337.
  • Fırıncıoğlu, H.K., Seefeldt, S.S., Şahin, B., Vural, M. 2009. Assessment of grazing effect on sheep fescue (Festuca valesiaca) dominated steppe rangelands, in the semi-arid Central Anatolian region of Turkey. Journal of Arid Environments 73: 1149-1157.
  • Fırıncıoğlu, H.K., Adıgüzel, N., Bani, B., Şahin, B., 2010. Assesment of grazing effect on two sub-shrubs (Astragalus schottianus and Thymus sipyleus) dominated mountain Bozoğlan grasslands in the semi-arid Central-Southern Anatolian region of Turkey. Arid Land Research and Management 24: 282-300.
  • General Directorate of Combating Desertification and Erosion (GDCDE), 2015. Works for combating desertification and erosion in Turkey (Türkiye çölleşme ve erozyonla mücadele faaliyetleri, in Turkish). Available from: (Accessed: 26 October 2015).
  • General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works (GDSHW), 2015. Land and water resources. Available from: (Accessed: 19 October 2015).
  • Gökbulak, F., 1999. Vegetation diversity on a heavily grazed rangeland. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry İstanbul University, Series A, 49(1): 111-119.
  • Gülersoy, A.E., Gümüş, N., Sönmez, M.E., Gündüzoğlu, G., 2015. Relations between the land use and land capability classification in Küçük Menderes River Basin. Journal of Environmental Biology 36: 17-26.
  • Karagöz, A., 2006. Country pasture / Forage resource profiles, Turkey. Available from: (Accessed: 2 November 2015).
  • Koc, A., Schacht, W.H., Erkovan, I., 2015. The history and current direction of rangeland management in Turkey. Rangelands 37(1): 39-46. Mevzuatı Geliştirme ve Yayın Genel Müdürlüğü (MGYGM), 2015a. Forest Law (Orman Kanunu). Mevzuat Bilgi Sistemi, e-mevzuat. Available from: (Accessed: 12 November 2015).
  • Mevzuatı Geliştirme ve Yayın Genel Müdürlüğü (MGYGM), 2015b. Environment law (Çevre Kanunu). Mevzuat Bilgi Sistemi, e-mevzuat. Available from: (Accessed: 12 November 2015).
  • Mevzuatı Geliştirme ve Yayın Genel Müdürlüğü (MGYGM), 2015c. National park law (Milli Parklar Kanunu). Mevzuat Bilgi Sistemi, e-mevzuat. Available from: (Accessed: 15 November 2015).
  • Mevzuatı Geliştirme ve Yayın Genel Müdürlüğü (MGYGM), 2015d. Mining Law (Maden Kanunu). Mevzuat Bilgi Sistemi, e-mevzuat. Available from: (Accessed: 18 November 2015).
  • Mevzuatı Geliştirme ve Yayın Genel Müdürlüğü (MGYGM), 2015e. Pasture Law (Mera Kanunu). Mevzuat Bilgi Sistemi, e-mevzuat. Available from: (Accessed: 18 November 2015).
  • Mevzuatı Geliştirme ve Yayın Genel Müdürlüğü (MGYGM), 2015f. Soil Conservation and Land Use Law (Toprak koruma ve Arazi Kullanımı Kanunu). Mevzuat Bilgi Sistemi, e-mevzuat. Available from: (Accessed: 21 November 2015).
  • Mevzuatı Geliştirme ve Yayın Genel Müdürlüğü (MGYGM), 2015g. Agricultural law (Tarım Kanunu). Mevzuat Bilgi Sistemi, e-mevzuat. Available from: (Accessed: 21 November 2015).
  • Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Affairs (MAFRA), 1987. General soil management plan of Turkey (English summary). Köy Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü, Havza Islahı ve Göletler Daire Başkanlığı, p.105, Ankara.
  • Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock (MFAL), 2015. Türkiye geneli mera tespit ve tahdit çalışmaları. Available from: (Accessed: 23 December 2015).
  • Mol, T., 1982. A study on the effect of fodder leaf utilization on forest trees at the forests of Elazığ region. İstanbul University Publication Number: 2911, Faculty of Forestry Publication Number: 316.
  • Özhan, S., 2004. Watershed Management (in Turkish, Havza Amenajmanı). İstanbul University publication number: 4510, Faculty of Forestry publication number: 481, İstanbul.
  • Pringle, W.L. and Cornelius, D.R., 1968. Grazing potential in Aegean Turkey. Journal of Range Management 21(3): 151-154.
  • Sayar, M.S., Han, Y., Basbag, M., Gul, İ., Polat, T., 2015. Rangeland improvement and management studies in the southeastern Anatolia region of Turkey. Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences 52(1): 9-18.
  • Tukel, T., 1984. Comparison of grazed and protected mountain steppe rangeland in Ulukışla, Turkey. Journal of Range Management 37(2): 133-135.
  • Turkish Statistical Institute (TSI), 2015. Statistical indicators 1923-2011. Available from: (Accessed: 7 December 2015).
  • Turkish State Meteorological Service (TSMS), 2012. Annual precipitation data for Turkey. Available from: (Accessed: 17 December 2015).
  • Turkish State Meteorological Service (TSMS), 2015. Turkey’s monthly average temperatures (°C): 1970-2014 (Türkiye Aylık Maksimum, Minimum ve Ortalama Sıcaklıkları (°C):1970-2014). Available from: (Accessed: 27 November 2015).
  • Uslu, S., 1959. İç Anadolu steplerinin antropojen karakteri üzerine araştırmalar (Studies on Anthropogenic steppe characterisitcs of Central Anatolia) (in Turkish). Orman Umum Müdürlüğü yayınlarından, Yayın no: 302, Seri no: 15, Yenilik basımevi, İstanbul.
  • Walling, D.E., 1988. Measuring sediment yield from river basins. In: Lal R (Ed.) Soil Erosion Research Methods, Soil and Water Conservation Society, 7515 Northeast Ankeny Road Ankeny, Iowa, pp. 39-74.

Türkiye’de arazi bozulmasının sebepleri ve mera ıslahı çalışmaları

Year 2018, Volume: 68 Issue: 2, 106 - 113, 20.07.2018


DOI: 10.26650/forestist.2018.396995

Çok uzun ve eski bir arazi kullanım
tarihine ve uygarlaşmaya sahip Türkiye, yarı nemli güney Avrupa ile kurak
Ortadoğu arasında geçiş zonunda yer almaktadır. İnsan nüfusu ve hayvansal
üretim artışının yaratttığı baskı, özellikle yayla yaklaşımı, erozyona sebep
olarak İç Anadolu’da vejetasyonun kaybına ve arazinin çıplak kalmasına yol
açmaktadır. Dağlık topoğrafik yapı ve yarıkurak koşullar toprak erozyonu
tehdidini hızlandırmakta ve bozuk alanların restorasyonunun başarılı olmasını
kısıtlamaktadır. Ülkemizde ağaçlandırma faaliyetleri artarken, otsu ve çalı
türlerinin baskın olduğu mera alanları azalmıştır. Mevcut mera alanları sürekli
otlatılmaya maruz kalmakta ve verimlerinde kayıplar meydana gelmektedir. Orman
kalıntıları ve arkeolojik çalışmalar, İç Anadolu’nun insan kullanımından dolayı
içerisinde çam ve meşe türlerinin de yer aldığı doğal vejetasyon örtüsünü
kaybettiğini ve antropojen step özelliği kazandığını göstermektedir.
Restorasyon çalışmalarında ağırlık, bozuk ve çıplak alanlardaki toprakları
stabil hale getirecek çalı ve otsu türler yerine ağaç türlerine verilmektedir.
Bu makalede, mera alanlarının doğal çalı ve otsu türlerle bitkilendirilmesini
kısıtlayan sosyo-ekonomik ve çevresel faktörler açıklanarak yüksek derecede
erozyona uğrayabilecek alanlardaki otsu ve çalı bitki türlerine restorasyon
faaliyetlerinde duyulan ihtiyaç konusu tartışılmıştır.


  • Acatay, A., Gülen, İ., Baş, R., 1978. Relationship between Goat and Forests in Turkey (Türkiye’de Kıl Keçi ve Orman İlişkileri). TÜBİTAK Tarım ve Ormancılık Araştırma Grubu. TÜBİTAK Yayınları No.: 382. Ankara-Turkey (in Turkish).
  • Alper, H.Ç., Kırca, S., Rotherham, I.D., İnce, A., 2010. Restoration and Rehabilitation of Deforested and Degraded Forest Landscapes in Turkey. Ministry of Environment and Forestry, General Directorate of Afforestation and Erosion Control. Ankara, Turkey.
  • Anonymous, 2015a. The challenges of the rangelands in Turkey. Final report of the G2G project: Sustainable rangeland management in Turkey, 2008 and 2009. Government to Government project G2G07/tr/9/3 Turkey- Netherlands. EVD International business and cooperation. Available from:, p.:58 (Accessed: 24 December 2015).
  • Anonymous, 2015b. Kumulların stabilizasyonu ve ağaçlandırılması. Tanımlar ve Türkiyenin önemli kumul alanları. Available from: (Accessed: 26 November 2015). Aytuğ, B., 1970. Arkeolojik araştırmaların ışığı altında İç Anadolu stebi. İstanbul Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi Seri A, 120(1): 127-143.
  • Balcı, A.N. and Uzunsoy, O., 1980. Major problems and improvement works in watershed management in Turkey. İstanbul University publication no: 2772, Faculty of Forestry publication no: 291.
  • Boydak, M.and Çalışkan, S., 2015. Afforestation in arid and semi-arid regions. Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs, General Directorate of Combating Desertification and Erosion. Ankara, ISBN: 978-605-4610-84-6.
  • Brice, W.C., 1968. The history of land use in Anatolia. In: Proceedings of The Conference on Forestry, İstanbul University Publications No: 1352/126, pp.13-21.
  • Cornelius, D.R., 1962. Grazing problems in Turkey. Journal of Range Management 15(5): 257-259.
  • Ekim, T., Koyuncu, M., Vural, M., Duman, H., Aytaç, Z., Adıgüzel, N., 2000. Red data book of Turkish plants. Turkish Association for the Conservation of Nature. Barışcan Ofset. Ankara, ISBN: 976-93611-0-8.
  • Fırıncıoğlu, H.K., Seefeldt, S.S., Şahin, B., 2007. The effects of long-term grazing exclosures on range plants in the Central Anatolian region of Turkey. Environmental Management 39: 326-337.
  • Fırıncıoğlu, H.K., Seefeldt, S.S., Şahin, B., Vural, M. 2009. Assessment of grazing effect on sheep fescue (Festuca valesiaca) dominated steppe rangelands, in the semi-arid Central Anatolian region of Turkey. Journal of Arid Environments 73: 1149-1157.
  • Fırıncıoğlu, H.K., Adıgüzel, N., Bani, B., Şahin, B., 2010. Assesment of grazing effect on two sub-shrubs (Astragalus schottianus and Thymus sipyleus) dominated mountain Bozoğlan grasslands in the semi-arid Central-Southern Anatolian region of Turkey. Arid Land Research and Management 24: 282-300.
  • General Directorate of Combating Desertification and Erosion (GDCDE), 2015. Works for combating desertification and erosion in Turkey (Türkiye çölleşme ve erozyonla mücadele faaliyetleri, in Turkish). Available from: (Accessed: 26 October 2015).
  • General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works (GDSHW), 2015. Land and water resources. Available from: (Accessed: 19 October 2015).
  • Gökbulak, F., 1999. Vegetation diversity on a heavily grazed rangeland. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry İstanbul University, Series A, 49(1): 111-119.
  • Gülersoy, A.E., Gümüş, N., Sönmez, M.E., Gündüzoğlu, G., 2015. Relations between the land use and land capability classification in Küçük Menderes River Basin. Journal of Environmental Biology 36: 17-26.
  • Karagöz, A., 2006. Country pasture / Forage resource profiles, Turkey. Available from: (Accessed: 2 November 2015).
  • Koc, A., Schacht, W.H., Erkovan, I., 2015. The history and current direction of rangeland management in Turkey. Rangelands 37(1): 39-46. Mevzuatı Geliştirme ve Yayın Genel Müdürlüğü (MGYGM), 2015a. Forest Law (Orman Kanunu). Mevzuat Bilgi Sistemi, e-mevzuat. Available from: (Accessed: 12 November 2015).
  • Mevzuatı Geliştirme ve Yayın Genel Müdürlüğü (MGYGM), 2015b. Environment law (Çevre Kanunu). Mevzuat Bilgi Sistemi, e-mevzuat. Available from: (Accessed: 12 November 2015).
  • Mevzuatı Geliştirme ve Yayın Genel Müdürlüğü (MGYGM), 2015c. National park law (Milli Parklar Kanunu). Mevzuat Bilgi Sistemi, e-mevzuat. Available from: (Accessed: 15 November 2015).
  • Mevzuatı Geliştirme ve Yayın Genel Müdürlüğü (MGYGM), 2015d. Mining Law (Maden Kanunu). Mevzuat Bilgi Sistemi, e-mevzuat. Available from: (Accessed: 18 November 2015).
  • Mevzuatı Geliştirme ve Yayın Genel Müdürlüğü (MGYGM), 2015e. Pasture Law (Mera Kanunu). Mevzuat Bilgi Sistemi, e-mevzuat. Available from: (Accessed: 18 November 2015).
  • Mevzuatı Geliştirme ve Yayın Genel Müdürlüğü (MGYGM), 2015f. Soil Conservation and Land Use Law (Toprak koruma ve Arazi Kullanımı Kanunu). Mevzuat Bilgi Sistemi, e-mevzuat. Available from: (Accessed: 21 November 2015).
  • Mevzuatı Geliştirme ve Yayın Genel Müdürlüğü (MGYGM), 2015g. Agricultural law (Tarım Kanunu). Mevzuat Bilgi Sistemi, e-mevzuat. Available from: (Accessed: 21 November 2015).
  • Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Affairs (MAFRA), 1987. General soil management plan of Turkey (English summary). Köy Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü, Havza Islahı ve Göletler Daire Başkanlığı, p.105, Ankara.
  • Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock (MFAL), 2015. Türkiye geneli mera tespit ve tahdit çalışmaları. Available from: (Accessed: 23 December 2015).
  • Mol, T., 1982. A study on the effect of fodder leaf utilization on forest trees at the forests of Elazığ region. İstanbul University Publication Number: 2911, Faculty of Forestry Publication Number: 316.
  • Özhan, S., 2004. Watershed Management (in Turkish, Havza Amenajmanı). İstanbul University publication number: 4510, Faculty of Forestry publication number: 481, İstanbul.
  • Pringle, W.L. and Cornelius, D.R., 1968. Grazing potential in Aegean Turkey. Journal of Range Management 21(3): 151-154.
  • Sayar, M.S., Han, Y., Basbag, M., Gul, İ., Polat, T., 2015. Rangeland improvement and management studies in the southeastern Anatolia region of Turkey. Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences 52(1): 9-18.
  • Tukel, T., 1984. Comparison of grazed and protected mountain steppe rangeland in Ulukışla, Turkey. Journal of Range Management 37(2): 133-135.
  • Turkish Statistical Institute (TSI), 2015. Statistical indicators 1923-2011. Available from: (Accessed: 7 December 2015).
  • Turkish State Meteorological Service (TSMS), 2012. Annual precipitation data for Turkey. Available from: (Accessed: 17 December 2015).
  • Turkish State Meteorological Service (TSMS), 2015. Turkey’s monthly average temperatures (°C): 1970-2014 (Türkiye Aylık Maksimum, Minimum ve Ortalama Sıcaklıkları (°C):1970-2014). Available from: (Accessed: 27 November 2015).
  • Uslu, S., 1959. İç Anadolu steplerinin antropojen karakteri üzerine araştırmalar (Studies on Anthropogenic steppe characterisitcs of Central Anatolia) (in Turkish). Orman Umum Müdürlüğü yayınlarından, Yayın no: 302, Seri no: 15, Yenilik basımevi, İstanbul.
  • Walling, D.E., 1988. Measuring sediment yield from river basins. In: Lal R (Ed.) Soil Erosion Research Methods, Soil and Water Conservation Society, 7515 Northeast Ankeny Road Ankeny, Iowa, pp. 39-74.
There are 36 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Forest Industry Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Ferhat Gökbulak This is me

Betül Uygur Erdoğan This is me

Hasan Tezcan Yıldırım This is me

Mehmet S. Özçelik

Publication Date July 20, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 68 Issue: 2


APA Gökbulak, F., Uygur Erdoğan, B., Yıldırım, H. T., Özçelik, M. S. (2018). Causes of land degradation and rehabilitation efforts of rangelands in Turkey. Forestist, 68(2), 106-113.
AMA Gökbulak F, Uygur Erdoğan B, Yıldırım HT, Özçelik MS. Causes of land degradation and rehabilitation efforts of rangelands in Turkey. FORESTIST. July 2018;68(2):106-113.
Chicago Gökbulak, Ferhat, Betül Uygur Erdoğan, Hasan Tezcan Yıldırım, and Mehmet S. Özçelik. “Causes of Land Degradation and Rehabilitation Efforts of Rangelands in Turkey”. Forestist 68, no. 2 (July 2018): 106-13.
EndNote Gökbulak F, Uygur Erdoğan B, Yıldırım HT, Özçelik MS (July 1, 2018) Causes of land degradation and rehabilitation efforts of rangelands in Turkey. Forestist 68 2 106–113.
IEEE F. Gökbulak, B. Uygur Erdoğan, H. T. Yıldırım, and M. S. Özçelik, “Causes of land degradation and rehabilitation efforts of rangelands in Turkey”, FORESTIST, vol. 68, no. 2, pp. 106–113, 2018.
ISNAD Gökbulak, Ferhat et al. “Causes of Land Degradation and Rehabilitation Efforts of Rangelands in Turkey”. Forestist 68/2 (July 2018), 106-113.
JAMA Gökbulak F, Uygur Erdoğan B, Yıldırım HT, Özçelik MS. Causes of land degradation and rehabilitation efforts of rangelands in Turkey. FORESTIST. 2018;68:106–113.
MLA Gökbulak, Ferhat et al. “Causes of Land Degradation and Rehabilitation Efforts of Rangelands in Turkey”. Forestist, vol. 68, no. 2, 2018, pp. 106-13.
Vancouver Gökbulak F, Uygur Erdoğan B, Yıldırım HT, Özçelik MS. Causes of land degradation and rehabilitation efforts of rangelands in Turkey. FORESTIST. 2018;68(2):106-13.