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Yuvadan Ayrılmak: Türkiye'de Gençlerin Ebeveynlerinden Ayrı Yaşamalarını Belirleyen Faktörler Üzerine Bir İnceleme

Year 2023, Volume: 7 Issue: 3, 2273 - 2301, 18.09.2023


Bu çalışma, Türkiye'de gençlerin ebeveynlerinden ayrı yaşama kararlarını belirleyen faktörleri son on yıl kapsamında incelemektedir. Bu amaçla, 2011 ile 2021 yılları arası Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu (TÜİK) tarafından uygulanan Hanehalkı Geliri ve Yaşam Koşulları Araştırması'ndan (HGYKA) alınan veriler kullanılarak gençlerin ebeveynlerinden ayrı yaşama olasılığını etkileyen evlilik harici faktörleri tahmin etmek için logit regresyon analizi yapılmıştır. Bu bağlamda, verideki hanehalkı yapısı incelenerek bağımlı değişken olarak ebeveynden ayrı yaşama durumu ele alınmıştır. Veriler incelendiğinde, son on yılda gençler arasında ebeveynlerinden ayrı yaşama eğiliminin nispeten arttığı gözlemlenmiştir ve bu artış trendine yoğunlaşılmıştır. Bu konuyu incelemekteki amacımız, gençlerin bağımsız yaşama kararı almalarını etkileyen faktörleri belirlemektir. Çalışma sonuçları, gençlerin konut tercihlerinde gelir, eğitim, cinsiyet, yaş, istihdam durumu ve bölgesel farklılıkların önemini göstermektedir. Özellikle, kişisel gelirin gençlik yıllarının ortasından itibaren belirleyici bir faktör olduğunu, erken dönemlerde diğer faktörlerin daha öne çıktığı gözlenmiştir. Buna ek olarak, kadınlar için gelir ve mesleki durumun bahsi geçen diğer faktörlerden daha baskın faktörler oldukları ortaya çıkmaktadır.

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Project Number



  • Aassve, A., Billari, F. C., Mazzuco, S. & Ongaro, F. (2002). Leaving Home: A Comparative Analysis of ECHP Data. Journal of European Social Policy, 12(4), 259-275
  • Aassve, A., Cottini, E. & Vitali, A. (2013). Youth Prospects in a Time of Economic Recession. Demographic Research, 29, 949-962.
  • Alesina, A. & Giuliano, P. (2010). The Power of the Family. Journal of Economic Growth, 15, 93-125.
  • Bayrakdar, S. & Coulter, R. (2018). Parents, Local House Prices, and Leaving Home in Britain. Population, Space and Place, 24(2), e2087.
  • Beamish, J. O., Carucci Goss, R. & Emmel, J. (2001). Lifestyle Influences on Housing Preferences. Housing and Society, 28(1-2), 1-28.
  • Buck, N. & Scott, J. (1993). She's Leaving Home: But why? An Analysis of Young People Leaving the Parental Home. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 863-874.
  • Cherlin, A. J., Kiernan, K. E. & Chase-Lansdale, P. L. (1995). Parental Divorce in Childhood and Demographic Outcomes in Young Adulthood. Demography, 32, 299-318.
  • Cherlin, A. J., Scabini, E. & Rossi, G. (1997). Still in the Nest: Delayed Home Leaving in Europe and the United States. Journal of Family Issues, 18(6), 572-575.
  • Cramer, J. S. (2003). The Origins and Development of the Logit Model. Logit Models from Economics and Other Fields, 1-19.
  • De Marco, A. C. & Berzin, S. C. (2008). The Influence of Family Economic Status on Home-Leaving Patterns During Emerging Adulthood. Families in Society, 89(2), 208-218.
  • Dyrda, S., Kaplan, G. & Ríos-Rull, J. V. (2012). Business Cycles and Household Formation: The Micro vs the Macro Labor Elasticity (No. w17880). NBER Working Paper.
  • Falkingham, J., Demey, D., Berrington, A. & Evandrou, M. (2012). The Demography of Living Alone in Mid-Life: A Typology of Solo-Living in The United Kingdom. European Population Conference, Stockholm, Sweden. 12-15 Jun 2012.
  • Ferraretto, V. & Vitali, A. (2023). Parental Socioeconomic Status and Age at Leaving Home in Europe: Exploring Regional Differences. Population, Space and Place, e79.
  • Garasky, S. (2002). Where Are They Going? A Comparison of Urban and Rural Youths' Locational Choices After Leaving the Parental Home. Social Science Research, 31(3), 409-431.
  • Gillespie, B. J. (2020). Adolescent Intergenerational Relationship Dynamics and Leaving and Returning to The Parental Home. Journal of Marriage and Family, 82(3), 997-1014.
  • Greene, W. H. (2012). Econometric Analysis (7th Edition). Pearson Education, USA.
  • Hauck, W. W. & Donner, A. (1977). Wald’s Test as Applied to Hypotheses in Logit Analysis. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 72(360), 851-853.
  • Heath, S. & Cleaver, E. (2003). Young, Free and Single? Twenty-Somethings and Household Change. U.K.: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Hiekel, N., Liefbroer, A. C. & Poortman, A. R. (2014). Understanding Diversity in the Meaning of Cohabitation Across Europe. European Journal of Population, 30, 391-410.
  • Hosmer, D. W. & Lemeshow, S. (1980). Goodness of Fit Tests for The Multiple Logistic Regression Model. Communications in Statistics, A(9), 1043-1069.
  • Hosmer, D. W. & Lemeshow, S. (2000). Applied Logistic Regression (2nd Edition). New York: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Hu, F. Z. & Chou, K. L. (2016). Understanding The Transition to Independent Living Among Urban Youth: A Decomposition Analysis for Hong Kong. Habitat International, 51, 141-148.
  • Huston, T. L. & Melz, H. (2004). The Case for (Promoting) Marriage: The Devil is in the Details. Journal of Marriage and Family, 66(4), 943-958.
  • Kalmijn, M. (2007). Explaining Cross-National Differences in Marriage, Cohabitation, and Divorce in Europe, 1990-2000. Population Studies, 61(3), 243-263.
  • Kaplan, A. (2021). Türkiye’de Aile Yapısında ve Kültüründe Yakın Gelecekte Önem Kazanacak Gelişmelerin Değerlendirilmesi. Uluslararası Sosyal Hizmet Araştırmaları Dergisi, 1(2): 69-81.
  • Koç, İ. (2007). The Timing of Leaving the Parental Home and Its Linkages to Other Life Course Events in Turkey. Marriage & Family Review, 42(1), 29-47.
  • Koç İ., Eryurt M. A., Adalı T. & Seçkiner P. (2010). Türkiye’nin Demografik Dönüşümü: Doğurganlık, Aile Planlaması, Anne-Çocuk Sağlığı ve Beş Yaş Altı Ölümlerdeki Değişimler 1968-2008. Ankara: HÜNEE.
  • Koç, İ. (2019). Formation of Single- Parent Families in the Process of Changing Family Structure in Turkey, Its Determinants and Welfare Status (2006-2016). Research on Family Structure in Türkiye-Advanced Statistical Analyses, 2018, Ankara: Republic of Turkey Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Services, 36-83.
  • Leopold, T., Geissler, F. & Pink, S. (2012). How Far Do Children Move? Spatial Distances After Leaving the Parental Home. Social Science Research, 41(4), 991-1002.
  • Michael, R. T., Fuchs, V. R. & Scott, S. R. (1980). Changes in the Propensity to Live Alone: 1950-1976. Demography, 17(1), 39-56.
  • Patacchini, E. & Arduini, T. (2016). Residential Choices of Young Americans. Journal of Housing Economics, 34, 69-81.
  • Santoro, M. (2006). Living with Parents: A Research Study on Italian Young People and Their Mothers. C. Leccardi & E. Ruspini (Ed.), A New Youth?: Young People, Generations and Family Life. Hampshire; Burlington: Ashgate.
  • Tosi, M. (2017). Age Norms, Family Relationships, and Home-Leaving in Italy. Demographic Research, 36, 281-306.
  • Van den Berg, L., Kalmijn, M. & Leopold, T. (2021). Explaining Cross‐National Differences in Leaving Home. Population, Space and Place, 27(8), e2476.
  • Van den Berg, L. & Verbakel, E. (2022). Trends in Singlehood in Young Adulthood in Europe. Advances in Life Course Research, 51, 100449.
  • Vitali, A. (2010). Regional Differences in Young Spaniards’ Living Arrangement Decisions: A Multilevel Approach. Advances in Life Course Research, 15(2-3), 97-108.
  • White, L. (1994). Coresidence and Leaving Home: Young Adults and Their Parents. Annual Review of Sociology, 20(1), 81-102.
  • Yi, Z., Coale, A., Choe, M. K., Zhiwu, L. & Li, L. (1994). Leaving the Parental Home: Census-Based Estimates for China, Japan, South Korea, United States, France, and Sweden. Population Studies, 48(1), 65-80.
  • Young, C. M. (1975). Factors Associated with the Timing and Duration of the Leaving-Home Stage of the Family Life Cycle. Population Studies, 29(1), 61-73.

Leaving the Nest: Inquiring the Determinant Factors of Leaving the Parental Home for Young Individuals in Turkey

Year 2023, Volume: 7 Issue: 3, 2273 - 2301, 18.09.2023


This paper examines the determinants of young individuals' decision to leave their parental home in Turkey in the last decade. Using data from the Household Income and Living Conditions Survey (HILCS) from 2011 to 2021, we conduct a logit regression analysis to estimate the probability of young people leaving their parental home for reasons other than marriage. In this regard, we examine the household composition in the data, and we take the situation of living away from parental home as the dependent variable. We observe that the tendency to live independently of parents has increased slightly among young people over the past decade. We examine this new household trend at its outset, and our goal is to identify the factors that lead to the decision of young individuals to live independently. The results show the importance of income, education, gender, age, employment status, and regional differences in young individuals' residential choices. In particular, we show that personal income is a determining factor from mid-youth forward, while other factors predominate in early youth, and, for women, income and occupational status appear to be the dominant factors.

Project Number



  • Aassve, A., Billari, F. C., Mazzuco, S. & Ongaro, F. (2002). Leaving Home: A Comparative Analysis of ECHP Data. Journal of European Social Policy, 12(4), 259-275
  • Aassve, A., Cottini, E. & Vitali, A. (2013). Youth Prospects in a Time of Economic Recession. Demographic Research, 29, 949-962.
  • Alesina, A. & Giuliano, P. (2010). The Power of the Family. Journal of Economic Growth, 15, 93-125.
  • Bayrakdar, S. & Coulter, R. (2018). Parents, Local House Prices, and Leaving Home in Britain. Population, Space and Place, 24(2), e2087.
  • Beamish, J. O., Carucci Goss, R. & Emmel, J. (2001). Lifestyle Influences on Housing Preferences. Housing and Society, 28(1-2), 1-28.
  • Buck, N. & Scott, J. (1993). She's Leaving Home: But why? An Analysis of Young People Leaving the Parental Home. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 863-874.
  • Cherlin, A. J., Kiernan, K. E. & Chase-Lansdale, P. L. (1995). Parental Divorce in Childhood and Demographic Outcomes in Young Adulthood. Demography, 32, 299-318.
  • Cherlin, A. J., Scabini, E. & Rossi, G. (1997). Still in the Nest: Delayed Home Leaving in Europe and the United States. Journal of Family Issues, 18(6), 572-575.
  • Cramer, J. S. (2003). The Origins and Development of the Logit Model. Logit Models from Economics and Other Fields, 1-19.
  • De Marco, A. C. & Berzin, S. C. (2008). The Influence of Family Economic Status on Home-Leaving Patterns During Emerging Adulthood. Families in Society, 89(2), 208-218.
  • Dyrda, S., Kaplan, G. & Ríos-Rull, J. V. (2012). Business Cycles and Household Formation: The Micro vs the Macro Labor Elasticity (No. w17880). NBER Working Paper.
  • Falkingham, J., Demey, D., Berrington, A. & Evandrou, M. (2012). The Demography of Living Alone in Mid-Life: A Typology of Solo-Living in The United Kingdom. European Population Conference, Stockholm, Sweden. 12-15 Jun 2012.
  • Ferraretto, V. & Vitali, A. (2023). Parental Socioeconomic Status and Age at Leaving Home in Europe: Exploring Regional Differences. Population, Space and Place, e79.
  • Garasky, S. (2002). Where Are They Going? A Comparison of Urban and Rural Youths' Locational Choices After Leaving the Parental Home. Social Science Research, 31(3), 409-431.
  • Gillespie, B. J. (2020). Adolescent Intergenerational Relationship Dynamics and Leaving and Returning to The Parental Home. Journal of Marriage and Family, 82(3), 997-1014.
  • Greene, W. H. (2012). Econometric Analysis (7th Edition). Pearson Education, USA.
  • Hauck, W. W. & Donner, A. (1977). Wald’s Test as Applied to Hypotheses in Logit Analysis. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 72(360), 851-853.
  • Heath, S. & Cleaver, E. (2003). Young, Free and Single? Twenty-Somethings and Household Change. U.K.: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Hiekel, N., Liefbroer, A. C. & Poortman, A. R. (2014). Understanding Diversity in the Meaning of Cohabitation Across Europe. European Journal of Population, 30, 391-410.
  • Hosmer, D. W. & Lemeshow, S. (1980). Goodness of Fit Tests for The Multiple Logistic Regression Model. Communications in Statistics, A(9), 1043-1069.
  • Hosmer, D. W. & Lemeshow, S. (2000). Applied Logistic Regression (2nd Edition). New York: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Hu, F. Z. & Chou, K. L. (2016). Understanding The Transition to Independent Living Among Urban Youth: A Decomposition Analysis for Hong Kong. Habitat International, 51, 141-148.
  • Huston, T. L. & Melz, H. (2004). The Case for (Promoting) Marriage: The Devil is in the Details. Journal of Marriage and Family, 66(4), 943-958.
  • Kalmijn, M. (2007). Explaining Cross-National Differences in Marriage, Cohabitation, and Divorce in Europe, 1990-2000. Population Studies, 61(3), 243-263.
  • Kaplan, A. (2021). Türkiye’de Aile Yapısında ve Kültüründe Yakın Gelecekte Önem Kazanacak Gelişmelerin Değerlendirilmesi. Uluslararası Sosyal Hizmet Araştırmaları Dergisi, 1(2): 69-81.
  • Koç, İ. (2007). The Timing of Leaving the Parental Home and Its Linkages to Other Life Course Events in Turkey. Marriage & Family Review, 42(1), 29-47.
  • Koç İ., Eryurt M. A., Adalı T. & Seçkiner P. (2010). Türkiye’nin Demografik Dönüşümü: Doğurganlık, Aile Planlaması, Anne-Çocuk Sağlığı ve Beş Yaş Altı Ölümlerdeki Değişimler 1968-2008. Ankara: HÜNEE.
  • Koç, İ. (2019). Formation of Single- Parent Families in the Process of Changing Family Structure in Turkey, Its Determinants and Welfare Status (2006-2016). Research on Family Structure in Türkiye-Advanced Statistical Analyses, 2018, Ankara: Republic of Turkey Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Services, 36-83.
  • Leopold, T., Geissler, F. & Pink, S. (2012). How Far Do Children Move? Spatial Distances After Leaving the Parental Home. Social Science Research, 41(4), 991-1002.
  • Michael, R. T., Fuchs, V. R. & Scott, S. R. (1980). Changes in the Propensity to Live Alone: 1950-1976. Demography, 17(1), 39-56.
  • Patacchini, E. & Arduini, T. (2016). Residential Choices of Young Americans. Journal of Housing Economics, 34, 69-81.
  • Santoro, M. (2006). Living with Parents: A Research Study on Italian Young People and Their Mothers. C. Leccardi & E. Ruspini (Ed.), A New Youth?: Young People, Generations and Family Life. Hampshire; Burlington: Ashgate.
  • Tosi, M. (2017). Age Norms, Family Relationships, and Home-Leaving in Italy. Demographic Research, 36, 281-306.
  • Van den Berg, L., Kalmijn, M. & Leopold, T. (2021). Explaining Cross‐National Differences in Leaving Home. Population, Space and Place, 27(8), e2476.
  • Van den Berg, L. & Verbakel, E. (2022). Trends in Singlehood in Young Adulthood in Europe. Advances in Life Course Research, 51, 100449.
  • Vitali, A. (2010). Regional Differences in Young Spaniards’ Living Arrangement Decisions: A Multilevel Approach. Advances in Life Course Research, 15(2-3), 97-108.
  • White, L. (1994). Coresidence and Leaving Home: Young Adults and Their Parents. Annual Review of Sociology, 20(1), 81-102.
  • Yi, Z., Coale, A., Choe, M. K., Zhiwu, L. & Li, L. (1994). Leaving the Parental Home: Census-Based Estimates for China, Japan, South Korea, United States, France, and Sweden. Population Studies, 48(1), 65-80.
  • Young, C. M. (1975). Factors Associated with the Timing and Duration of the Leaving-Home Stage of the Family Life Cycle. Population Studies, 29(1), 61-73.
There are 39 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Labor Economics and Economic Demography , Economic Demography
Journal Section Articles

Nevzat Barış Vardar 0000-0001-9086-1821

Bengi Yanık İlhan 0000-0003-1578-8390

Berna Ekal Şimşek 0000-0002-0472-7579

Gözde Bozkurt 0000-0001-8413-1099

Elif Erer 0000-0002-2238-4602

Project Number PB2022-İİSBF-1
Publication Date September 18, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 7 Issue: 3


APA Vardar, N. B., Yanık İlhan, B., Ekal Şimşek, B., Bozkurt, G., et al. (2023). Leaving the Nest: Inquiring the Determinant Factors of Leaving the Parental Home for Young Individuals in Turkey. Fiscaoeconomia, 7(3), 2273-2301.

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