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Anglo-American Rivalry in Basra Gulf: From Buraimi Conflict to Bermuda Conference; a Shift in Power in the Gulf, 1950-1957

Year 2017, Issue: 10 - Autumn, 235 - 266, 29.12.2017


American entry in to Basra Gulf due to its expansionist policy caused a conflict of

interest with its most strategic ally, Britain. Anglo-American rivalry through the 1950s, in

Arabia, Iran, and Egypt, negatively impacted regional countries’ relations with one another.

Due to the American presence in the Middle East, it was crucial to determine borders

of concessioned areas of petroleum companies. This article also handles historical causes

of hegemony crisis over Buraimi Oasis when Saudi hegemony in East Arabian frontiers

was questioned. Saudi claims over Buraimi supported by US through Aramco while other

regional players, Abu Dhabi and Oman, supported by Britain.


  • Kaynakça Arşiv Kaynakları Başbakanlık Osmanlı Arşivleri, İstanbul: BOA, MHD.434. National Archives, Foreign Office, Londra: FO 371/68541. FO 624/35-0005. National Archives, Treasury, Londra: T 236/4860. Yayınlanmış Arşiv Edisyonları, Antlaşmalar, Belgeler ABD Temsilciler Meclis Kaydı: H.RES.509, In the House of Representatives, 23 Mart 1948. Anderson, Irvine H., Aramco, the United States, and Saudi Arabia: A Study of the Dynamics of Foreign Oil Policy, 1933-1950, Princeton University Press, 1981. Arbitration Agreement, Treaty Series, no.65, Cmd.9272, 1954. Arşiv Belgelerinde Osmanlı – İran İlişkileri, Ankara, T.C. Başbakanlık Osmanlı Arşivleri, 2010. British Documents on Foreign Affairs, part.2, series B, ed. Robin Bidwell, c.8, 1986. Decisions of International Courts and Tribunals and International Arbitrations, c.2, 1981. FRUS, 1952-1954, The Near and Middle East, volume 9, part 2. _________, “Western Europe And Canada”, Memorandum of a Conversation, Mid-Ocean Club, Bermuda, March 21, 1957”, c.27, 1955–1957. Hurewitz, J. C., Diplomacy in the Near and Middle East, A Documentary Record 1535 – 1956, Archive Editions, c.1-2, 1987. Memorial of the Government of Saudi Arabia, c.1, 31 Temmuz 1955. Oil Concessions In Five Arab States 1911–1953, Cambridge, 1989. Statute of the International Court of Justice. The Affairs of Arabia: 1905-1906, ed. Robin Bidwell, Foreign Office Confidential Print, c.1, Londra, 1971. United Nations Security Council, S/3450, 28 October 1955, Letter Dated 28 October 1955 From the Permanent Representative of Saudi Arabia Adressed to the President of the Security Council. _________, S/3452, 31 October 1955, Letter Dated 29 October 1955 From the Representative of the United Kingdom Addressed to the President of the Security Council. Kitap ve Makaleler Abrahamian, Ervand, Modern İran Tarihi, s.160; Kermit Roosevelt, Countercoup, The Struggle for the Control of Iran, McGraw-Hill, US, 1979. Al-Baharna, Husain M., The Legal Status of the Arabian Gulf States: A Study of Their Treaty Relations and Their International Problems, Manchester University Press, 1968. Al-Rasheed, Madawi, A History of Saudi Arabia, Cambridge University Press,, 2010. Anand, R. P., Compulsory Jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice, Delhi, 2008. Bamberg, James, British Petroleum and Global Oil, 1950-1975, The Challenge of Nationalism, Cambridge University Press, 2000. Baylis, John, Documents in Contemporary History: Anglo-American Relations Since 1939, The Enduring Alliance, Manchester University Press, 1997. Bidwell, Robin, British Documents on Foreign Affairs, part.2, series B, c.8, 1986. Bromley, Simon, American Hegemony and World Oil: The Industry, the State System and the World Economy, The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1991. Burk, Kathleen, “Anglo-American Relations: Where we are, and how we got there”, Gresham College’da 21 Ekim 2003’te sunulan tebliğ metni. Curtis, Mark, Web Of Deceit: Britain’s Real Role in the World, Londra, 2003. Dobson, Alan P., Marsh, Steve, US Foreign Policy Since 1945,, 2007. Dunn, Archibald J., British Interests in the Persian Gulf, Londra, Central Asian Society, 1907. _________, “Basra Körfezi’ndeki İngiliz Çıkarları”, tercüme Zekeriya Kurşun, Türk Kültürü İncelemeleri Dergisi, sayı 3, İstanbul, 2000. Fain, W. Taylor, American Ascendance and British Retreat in the Persian Gulf Region, 2008. Finnie, David H., Shifting Lines in the Sand: Kuwait’s Elusive Frontier with Iraq, Harvard University Press, 1992. Gendzier, Irene L., Notes from the Minefield, United States Intervention in Lebanon and the Middle East, 1945-1958, New York, Colombia University Press, 2006. Hawley, Donald, The Trucial States, 1971. Hinds, Matthew Fallon, “Anglo-American Relations in Saudi Arabia, 1941-1945: A Study of a Trying Relationship”, (Unpublished Doctoral Thesis), London School of Economics, Londra, 2012. Hurst, Steven, Cold War US Foreign Policy: Key Perspectives, Edinburgh University Press, 2005. _________, The United States and Iraq since 1979: Hegemony, Oil and War, Edinburgh University Press, 2009. Hut, Davut, “Bağdat Demiryolu ve Petrol Mücadelesi”, Die Bagdadbahn, ed. M. Florian Hertsch, Mutlu Er, Hamburg, 2016. Hüseyin Abdülkadir Muhi el-Temimi, “Suudi Arabistan ve Ebu Dabi Arasında Hur el-Adîd İhtilafı ve İngiltere’nin Tutumu, 1934-1952”, Mart 2012. (Makalenin Arapça aslı: حسين عبد القادر محي التميمي، الخلاف بشأن خور العديد بين السعودية 1952 ( والموقف البريطاني منه .- دورية كان التاريخية.- العدد الخامس عشر؛ - وأبو ظبي ) 1934 15 - (.مارس 2012 . ص 9 Jayne, Catherine E., Oil, War, and Anglo-American Relations: American and British Reactions to Mexico’s Expropriation of Foreign Oil Properties, 1937- 1941, Londra, 2001. Karshenas, Massoud, Oil, State and Industrialization in Iran, Cambridge University Press, 1990. Kelly, J. B., Eastern Arabian Frontiers, Londra, 1964. Kinzer, Steven, “How to Overthrow A Government Pt. 1: The 1953 U.S. Coup in Iran”, 5 Mart 2004. Kurşun, Zekeriya, “II. Abdülhamid’i Tahttan Kimler İndirdi?”, http:// (erişim tarihi: 13.08.2017) _________, Basra Körfezi’nde Osmanlı-İngiliz Çekişmesi, Katar’da Osmanlılar, Ankara, TTK, 2004. Louis, William Roger, Ends of British Imperialism: The Scramble for Empire, Suez, and Decolonization, I.B.Tauris, 2006. Mahdi, Ahmed, Energy and US Foreign Policy: The Quest for Resource Security After the Cold War, Londra, I.B.Tauris, 2012. Mills, Thomas C., Post-War Planning on the Periphery: Anglo-American Economic Diplomacy in South America, 1939-1945, Edinburgh University Press, 2012. Morton, Michael Quentin, “The Buraimi Affair: Oil Prospecting and Drawing the Frontiers of Saudi Arabia”, Asian Affairs, c.46, n.1, 2015. Newsom, David D., The Imperial Mantle: The United States, Decolonization, and the Third World, Indiana University Press, 2001. Okumuş, Ali, Osmanlı Coğrafyası’nda Petrol Mücadelesi, Kalust S. Gülbenkyan ve Türk Petrol Şirketi, İstanbul, ORDAF, 2015. Onley, James, “Britain’s Informal Empire in the Gulf, 1820-1971”, Journal of Social Affairs, c.2, sayı 87, 2005. Petersen, Tore T., The Middle East Between the Great Powers, Anglo-American Conflict and Cooperation, 1952-7, Palgrave Macmillan, 2000. Philip, George, Oil and Politics in Latin America: Nationalist Movements and State Companies, Cambridge University Press, 1982. Potter, Lawrence G., “Arabia and Iran”, The Emergence of the Gulf States: Studies in Modern History, ed. J. E. Peterson, Londra, 2016. Randall, Stephen J., United States Foreign Oil Policy Since World War I: For Profits and Security, 2. bs., McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2005. Spiegel, Steven L, The Other Arab-Israeli Conflict: Making America’s Middle East Policy, from Truman to Reagan, The University of Chicago Press, 1985. Stokes, Doug, Raphael, Sam, Global Energy Security and American Hegemony, The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2010. Weisburd, A. Mark, Use of Force: The Practice of States Since World War II, The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1997. Wevill, Richard, Britain and America After World War II, Bilateral Relations and the Beginnings of the Cold War, I.B.Tauris, 2011. Yergin, Daniel, The Prize: The Epic Quest for Oil, Money & Power, 2008. Gazeteler “Anglo-American Oil Conference”, Newcastle Sun, 8 Mart 1944. “Bakü Petrol Sahasına Tayyare Taarruzu”, Cumhuriyet, 23.02.1940. “Compagnie Francaise Des Petroles”, Financial Times, 20 Temmuz 1953. “First Tanker Loads” Financial Times, 2 Aralık 1950. “İngiltere ve Arap Âlemi”, Milliyet, 1 Ağustos 1951. “İran Şehinşahı tahtından feragat etti”, Cumhuriyet, 17.09.1941. “Oil Concessions: Anglo-American Gains, A French Protest”, Kalgoorlie Miner, 13 Ocak 1947. “Petrol İhtilâfı Hal Yoluna Girdi”, Milliyet, 1 Ağustos 1951. “Soviet oil Men for Syria”, Times, 13 Ocak 1958. “Suriye’nin İddiaları Hayretle Karşılandı”, Akşam, 28 Mart 1955. “Syrians and Oil Pipeline”, Financial Times, 24 Aralık 1948. “U.S. And Arabian Pipeline”, Times, 3 Haziran 1944. “Yeni Şehinşah iktidarı eline aldı”, Cumhuriyet, 18.09.1941.

Basra Körfezi’nde İngiliz - Amerikan Rekabeti: Bureymi Krizi’nden Bermuda Konferansı’na Körfez’de Güç Değişimi (1950-1957)

Year 2017, Issue: 10 - Autumn, 235 - 266, 29.12.2017


ABD’nin yayılmacı bir politikayla Basra Körfezi’ne girişi zamanla en mühim müttefiki

İngiltere ile bazı anlaşmazlıklar yaşamasına yol açmıştır. 1950’li yıllarda Arabistan,

İran ve Mısır’da yaşanan İngiliz – Amerikan rekabeti bölge ülkeleri arasındaki ilişkilere

doğrudan tesir etmeye başlıyordu. ABD’nin Ortadoğu’ya girişiyle birlikte bazı petrol

şirketlerinin imtiyaz sahalarının hududunu belirleme ihtiyacı doğmuştu. Bu makalede,

Doğu Arabistan’da Suudi hâkimiyetinin sınırlarının sorgulandığı bir dönemde Bureymi

Çölü üzerinde yaşanan egemenlik krizinin sebepleri tarihi arka planıyla birlikte ele alınmıştır.

Bureymi’de hak iddia eden Suudi Arabistan, bölgede petrol aramayı hedefleyen

Aramco Şirketi vasıtasıyla ABD’nin desteğini alırken aynı bölgede hak iddia eden Ebu

Dabi Emiri ve Maskat-Umman Sultanı İngilizlerden destek almıştır.


  • Kaynakça Arşiv Kaynakları Başbakanlık Osmanlı Arşivleri, İstanbul: BOA, MHD.434. National Archives, Foreign Office, Londra: FO 371/68541. FO 624/35-0005. National Archives, Treasury, Londra: T 236/4860. Yayınlanmış Arşiv Edisyonları, Antlaşmalar, Belgeler ABD Temsilciler Meclis Kaydı: H.RES.509, In the House of Representatives, 23 Mart 1948. Anderson, Irvine H., Aramco, the United States, and Saudi Arabia: A Study of the Dynamics of Foreign Oil Policy, 1933-1950, Princeton University Press, 1981. Arbitration Agreement, Treaty Series, no.65, Cmd.9272, 1954. Arşiv Belgelerinde Osmanlı – İran İlişkileri, Ankara, T.C. Başbakanlık Osmanlı Arşivleri, 2010. British Documents on Foreign Affairs, part.2, series B, ed. Robin Bidwell, c.8, 1986. Decisions of International Courts and Tribunals and International Arbitrations, c.2, 1981. FRUS, 1952-1954, The Near and Middle East, volume 9, part 2. _________, “Western Europe And Canada”, Memorandum of a Conversation, Mid-Ocean Club, Bermuda, March 21, 1957”, c.27, 1955–1957. Hurewitz, J. C., Diplomacy in the Near and Middle East, A Documentary Record 1535 – 1956, Archive Editions, c.1-2, 1987. Memorial of the Government of Saudi Arabia, c.1, 31 Temmuz 1955. Oil Concessions In Five Arab States 1911–1953, Cambridge, 1989. Statute of the International Court of Justice. The Affairs of Arabia: 1905-1906, ed. Robin Bidwell, Foreign Office Confidential Print, c.1, Londra, 1971. United Nations Security Council, S/3450, 28 October 1955, Letter Dated 28 October 1955 From the Permanent Representative of Saudi Arabia Adressed to the President of the Security Council. _________, S/3452, 31 October 1955, Letter Dated 29 October 1955 From the Representative of the United Kingdom Addressed to the President of the Security Council. Kitap ve Makaleler Abrahamian, Ervand, Modern İran Tarihi, s.160; Kermit Roosevelt, Countercoup, The Struggle for the Control of Iran, McGraw-Hill, US, 1979. Al-Baharna, Husain M., The Legal Status of the Arabian Gulf States: A Study of Their Treaty Relations and Their International Problems, Manchester University Press, 1968. Al-Rasheed, Madawi, A History of Saudi Arabia, Cambridge University Press,, 2010. Anand, R. P., Compulsory Jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice, Delhi, 2008. Bamberg, James, British Petroleum and Global Oil, 1950-1975, The Challenge of Nationalism, Cambridge University Press, 2000. Baylis, John, Documents in Contemporary History: Anglo-American Relations Since 1939, The Enduring Alliance, Manchester University Press, 1997. Bidwell, Robin, British Documents on Foreign Affairs, part.2, series B, c.8, 1986. Bromley, Simon, American Hegemony and World Oil: The Industry, the State System and the World Economy, The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1991. Burk, Kathleen, “Anglo-American Relations: Where we are, and how we got there”, Gresham College’da 21 Ekim 2003’te sunulan tebliğ metni. Curtis, Mark, Web Of Deceit: Britain’s Real Role in the World, Londra, 2003. Dobson, Alan P., Marsh, Steve, US Foreign Policy Since 1945,, 2007. Dunn, Archibald J., British Interests in the Persian Gulf, Londra, Central Asian Society, 1907. _________, “Basra Körfezi’ndeki İngiliz Çıkarları”, tercüme Zekeriya Kurşun, Türk Kültürü İncelemeleri Dergisi, sayı 3, İstanbul, 2000. Fain, W. Taylor, American Ascendance and British Retreat in the Persian Gulf Region, 2008. Finnie, David H., Shifting Lines in the Sand: Kuwait’s Elusive Frontier with Iraq, Harvard University Press, 1992. Gendzier, Irene L., Notes from the Minefield, United States Intervention in Lebanon and the Middle East, 1945-1958, New York, Colombia University Press, 2006. Hawley, Donald, The Trucial States, 1971. Hinds, Matthew Fallon, “Anglo-American Relations in Saudi Arabia, 1941-1945: A Study of a Trying Relationship”, (Unpublished Doctoral Thesis), London School of Economics, Londra, 2012. Hurst, Steven, Cold War US Foreign Policy: Key Perspectives, Edinburgh University Press, 2005. _________, The United States and Iraq since 1979: Hegemony, Oil and War, Edinburgh University Press, 2009. Hut, Davut, “Bağdat Demiryolu ve Petrol Mücadelesi”, Die Bagdadbahn, ed. M. Florian Hertsch, Mutlu Er, Hamburg, 2016. Hüseyin Abdülkadir Muhi el-Temimi, “Suudi Arabistan ve Ebu Dabi Arasında Hur el-Adîd İhtilafı ve İngiltere’nin Tutumu, 1934-1952”, Mart 2012. (Makalenin Arapça aslı: حسين عبد القادر محي التميمي، الخلاف بشأن خور العديد بين السعودية 1952 ( والموقف البريطاني منه .- دورية كان التاريخية.- العدد الخامس عشر؛ - وأبو ظبي ) 1934 15 - (.مارس 2012 . ص 9 Jayne, Catherine E., Oil, War, and Anglo-American Relations: American and British Reactions to Mexico’s Expropriation of Foreign Oil Properties, 1937- 1941, Londra, 2001. Karshenas, Massoud, Oil, State and Industrialization in Iran, Cambridge University Press, 1990. Kelly, J. B., Eastern Arabian Frontiers, Londra, 1964. Kinzer, Steven, “How to Overthrow A Government Pt. 1: The 1953 U.S. Coup in Iran”, 5 Mart 2004. Kurşun, Zekeriya, “II. Abdülhamid’i Tahttan Kimler İndirdi?”, http:// (erişim tarihi: 13.08.2017) _________, Basra Körfezi’nde Osmanlı-İngiliz Çekişmesi, Katar’da Osmanlılar, Ankara, TTK, 2004. Louis, William Roger, Ends of British Imperialism: The Scramble for Empire, Suez, and Decolonization, I.B.Tauris, 2006. Mahdi, Ahmed, Energy and US Foreign Policy: The Quest for Resource Security After the Cold War, Londra, I.B.Tauris, 2012. Mills, Thomas C., Post-War Planning on the Periphery: Anglo-American Economic Diplomacy in South America, 1939-1945, Edinburgh University Press, 2012. Morton, Michael Quentin, “The Buraimi Affair: Oil Prospecting and Drawing the Frontiers of Saudi Arabia”, Asian Affairs, c.46, n.1, 2015. Newsom, David D., The Imperial Mantle: The United States, Decolonization, and the Third World, Indiana University Press, 2001. Okumuş, Ali, Osmanlı Coğrafyası’nda Petrol Mücadelesi, Kalust S. Gülbenkyan ve Türk Petrol Şirketi, İstanbul, ORDAF, 2015. Onley, James, “Britain’s Informal Empire in the Gulf, 1820-1971”, Journal of Social Affairs, c.2, sayı 87, 2005. Petersen, Tore T., The Middle East Between the Great Powers, Anglo-American Conflict and Cooperation, 1952-7, Palgrave Macmillan, 2000. Philip, George, Oil and Politics in Latin America: Nationalist Movements and State Companies, Cambridge University Press, 1982. Potter, Lawrence G., “Arabia and Iran”, The Emergence of the Gulf States: Studies in Modern History, ed. J. E. Peterson, Londra, 2016. Randall, Stephen J., United States Foreign Oil Policy Since World War I: For Profits and Security, 2. bs., McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2005. Spiegel, Steven L, The Other Arab-Israeli Conflict: Making America’s Middle East Policy, from Truman to Reagan, The University of Chicago Press, 1985. Stokes, Doug, Raphael, Sam, Global Energy Security and American Hegemony, The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2010. Weisburd, A. Mark, Use of Force: The Practice of States Since World War II, The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1997. Wevill, Richard, Britain and America After World War II, Bilateral Relations and the Beginnings of the Cold War, I.B.Tauris, 2011. Yergin, Daniel, The Prize: The Epic Quest for Oil, Money & Power, 2008. Gazeteler “Anglo-American Oil Conference”, Newcastle Sun, 8 Mart 1944. “Bakü Petrol Sahasına Tayyare Taarruzu”, Cumhuriyet, 23.02.1940. “Compagnie Francaise Des Petroles”, Financial Times, 20 Temmuz 1953. “First Tanker Loads” Financial Times, 2 Aralık 1950. “İngiltere ve Arap Âlemi”, Milliyet, 1 Ağustos 1951. “İran Şehinşahı tahtından feragat etti”, Cumhuriyet, 17.09.1941. “Oil Concessions: Anglo-American Gains, A French Protest”, Kalgoorlie Miner, 13 Ocak 1947. “Petrol İhtilâfı Hal Yoluna Girdi”, Milliyet, 1 Ağustos 1951. “Soviet oil Men for Syria”, Times, 13 Ocak 1958. “Suriye’nin İddiaları Hayretle Karşılandı”, Akşam, 28 Mart 1955. “Syrians and Oil Pipeline”, Financial Times, 24 Aralık 1948. “U.S. And Arabian Pipeline”, Times, 3 Haziran 1944. “Yeni Şehinşah iktidarı eline aldı”, Cumhuriyet, 18.09.1941.
There are 1 citations in total.


Journal Section Researches and Studies

Zekeriya Kurşun

Cafer Talha Şeker

Publication Date December 29, 2017
Acceptance Date December 29, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Issue: 10 - Autumn


APA Kurşun, Z., & Şeker, C. T. (2017). Basra Körfezi’nde İngiliz - Amerikan Rekabeti: Bureymi Krizi’nden Bermuda Konferansı’na Körfez’de Güç Değişimi (1950-1957). FSM İlmi Araştırmalar İnsan Ve Toplum Bilimleri Dergisi(10), 235-266.
AMA Kurşun Z, Şeker CT. Basra Körfezi’nde İngiliz - Amerikan Rekabeti: Bureymi Krizi’nden Bermuda Konferansı’na Körfez’de Güç Değişimi (1950-1957). FSM İlmi Araştırmalar İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Dergisi. December 2017;(10):235-266. doi:10.16947/fsmia.372641
Chicago Kurşun, Zekeriya, and Cafer Talha Şeker. “Basra Körfezi’nde İngiliz - Amerikan Rekabeti: Bureymi Krizi’nden Bermuda Konferansı’na Körfez’de Güç Değişimi (1950-1957)”. FSM İlmi Araştırmalar İnsan Ve Toplum Bilimleri Dergisi, no. 10 (December 2017): 235-66.
EndNote Kurşun Z, Şeker CT (December 1, 2017) Basra Körfezi’nde İngiliz - Amerikan Rekabeti: Bureymi Krizi’nden Bermuda Konferansı’na Körfez’de Güç Değişimi (1950-1957). FSM İlmi Araştırmalar İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Dergisi 10 235–266.
IEEE Z. Kurşun and C. T. Şeker, “Basra Körfezi’nde İngiliz - Amerikan Rekabeti: Bureymi Krizi’nden Bermuda Konferansı’na Körfez’de Güç Değişimi (1950-1957)”, FSM İlmi Araştırmalar İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Dergisi, no. 10, pp. 235–266, December 2017, doi: 10.16947/fsmia.372641.
ISNAD Kurşun, Zekeriya - Şeker, Cafer Talha. “Basra Körfezi’nde İngiliz - Amerikan Rekabeti: Bureymi Krizi’nden Bermuda Konferansı’na Körfez’de Güç Değişimi (1950-1957)”. FSM İlmi Araştırmalar İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Dergisi 10 (December 2017), 235-266.
JAMA Kurşun Z, Şeker CT. Basra Körfezi’nde İngiliz - Amerikan Rekabeti: Bureymi Krizi’nden Bermuda Konferansı’na Körfez’de Güç Değişimi (1950-1957). FSM İlmi Araştırmalar İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Dergisi. 2017;:235–266.
MLA Kurşun, Zekeriya and Cafer Talha Şeker. “Basra Körfezi’nde İngiliz - Amerikan Rekabeti: Bureymi Krizi’nden Bermuda Konferansı’na Körfez’de Güç Değişimi (1950-1957)”. FSM İlmi Araştırmalar İnsan Ve Toplum Bilimleri Dergisi, no. 10, 2017, pp. 235-66, doi:10.16947/fsmia.372641.
Vancouver Kurşun Z, Şeker CT. Basra Körfezi’nde İngiliz - Amerikan Rekabeti: Bureymi Krizi’nden Bermuda Konferansı’na Körfez’de Güç Değişimi (1950-1957). FSM İlmi Araştırmalar İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Dergisi. 2017(10):235-66.