Year 2005,
Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 83 - 87, 20.03.2005
Ayhan Dikici
Erdoğan Tezci
Bu araştırmada, öğrenci çalışmalarının
değerlendirilmesi amacıyla bireysel gelişim dosyası değerlendirme yönergesi
hazırlanmıştır. Hazırlanan yönergenin geçerlilik ve güvenirlik analizi için 14
yaşındaki 52 öğrencinin çalışması analize tabi tutulmuştur. Analiz
sonuçlarında, hazırlanan yönergenin puanlayıcılar arasında yüksek düzeyde bir
korelasyon ve güvenirlik sağladığı bulunmuştur. Ayrıca yönergenin alt
bileşenleri arasında da yüksek düzeyde korelasyon ve güvenirlik olduğu
görülmüştür. Bu sonuçlara göre, hazırlanan bireysel gelişim dosyası
değerlendirme yönergesinin öğrencilerinin resim yapma performanslarını ölçmekte
kullanılabileceği sonucuna varılmıştır.
- 1. Aschbacher, P. R., Koency, G. & Schacter, J., (1995), Alternative Assessment Guidebook. Los Angeles: National Centre for Research on Evaluation, University Of California.
- 2. Barton, J., Collins, A., (1993), Portfolio in Teacher Education, Journal of Teacher Educat-ion, 44, 200-210
- 3. Britten, J. S., Mullen, L. J., (2003), Interdisciplinary Digital Portfolio Assessment: Creating Tools for Teacher Education. Journal of Information Technology Education, 2, 41-50.
- 4. Cho, M., (1999), Portfolio Development in a Secondary Teaching Credential Art Program-me. NSEAD, 207-212.
- 5. Cook-Benjamin., (2001), Portfolio Assessment: Benefits, Issues of Implementation, and Reflec-tions on Its Use. Assessment Update, 13, 6-7.
- 6. Cunliffe, L., (1999), Learning How to Learn, Art Education and the “Background”: NSEAD, 115-121.
- 7. Custer, R. L., (1996), Rubrics: An Authentic Assessment Tool for Technology Education. Technology Teacher, 4, 27-37
- 8. Goodrich, H., (1997), Understanding Rubrics. Educational Leadership, 54(4), 14-17.
- 9. Greene, J. P., (2001), Effects of Graphic Organizers on High School Science Students’ Collaborative Production and Presentation of Hypermedia Research Projects. Doctoral Dissertation, University of South Florida, USA, College of Education. Florida.
- 10. Herman, J. L., Gearhart, M., & Baker, E., (1994), Assessing Writing Portfolios: Issues in the Validity and Meaning of Scores. Educati-onal Assessment, 3, 201-224.
- 11. Jacobson, W.;Sleicher,D.&Maureen B., (1999), Portfolio Assessment of Intercultural Compe-tence. Int. J. Intercultural Rel., 23, 467-492.
- 12. Kieffer, R.D., & Morrison, L. S., (1994), Changing Portfolio Process: One Journey To-ward Authentic Assessment. Language Arts, 71, 411-418.
- 13. Koretz, D., Stecher, B., Klein. S., McCafery, D., & Deibert, E., (1993), Can Portfolios Assess Student Performance and Influence Instruction? The 1991-92 Vermont Experien-ce. Los Angeles: CRESST Graduate School of Education, University of California.
- 14. Meeus, W., (2000), The Digital Portfolio: An Innovative Concept For Dissertation in Teacher Education. ALERT-Conference, Cyprus.
- 15. Moscal, B., (2000), Scoring Rubrics: What, When and How? Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation, ERİC Clearinghouse, 7(3) Retrieved December 20, 2001 from the World Wide Web: http://ericae.net/pare/getvn. aspv=7 &n=3
- 16. Mullin, J. A., (1998), Portfolios: Purposeful Collections of Student Work. New Directions For Teaching And Learning, 74, 79-87.
- 17. Paulson, F. L.; Paulson, P. R. & Meyer, C., (1991), What Makes A Portfolio, A Portfolio. Educational Leadership, February, 48, 60-63.
- 18. Shaka, L. F. & Bitner, L. B., (1996), Construc-tion and Validation of a Rubric for Scoring Concept Maps. AETS Conference Papers and Summaries of Presentations. Retrieved December 16, 2003 from the World Wide Web: http://www.ed.psu.edu/CI/journals/96pap43.htm.
- 19. Wolf, K., (1991), The School Teacher’s Portfolio: Issue in Design, Implementation, and Evaluation. Phi Delta Kappan, 2, 129-136.
- 20. Wragg, E. C., (2001), Assessment and Learning in the Primary School. London: Routledge Flamer.
Year 2005,
Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 83 - 87, 20.03.2005
Ayhan Dikici
Erdoğan Tezci
- 1. Aschbacher, P. R., Koency, G. & Schacter, J., (1995), Alternative Assessment Guidebook. Los Angeles: National Centre for Research on Evaluation, University Of California.
- 2. Barton, J., Collins, A., (1993), Portfolio in Teacher Education, Journal of Teacher Educat-ion, 44, 200-210
- 3. Britten, J. S., Mullen, L. J., (2003), Interdisciplinary Digital Portfolio Assessment: Creating Tools for Teacher Education. Journal of Information Technology Education, 2, 41-50.
- 4. Cho, M., (1999), Portfolio Development in a Secondary Teaching Credential Art Program-me. NSEAD, 207-212.
- 5. Cook-Benjamin., (2001), Portfolio Assessment: Benefits, Issues of Implementation, and Reflec-tions on Its Use. Assessment Update, 13, 6-7.
- 6. Cunliffe, L., (1999), Learning How to Learn, Art Education and the “Background”: NSEAD, 115-121.
- 7. Custer, R. L., (1996), Rubrics: An Authentic Assessment Tool for Technology Education. Technology Teacher, 4, 27-37
- 8. Goodrich, H., (1997), Understanding Rubrics. Educational Leadership, 54(4), 14-17.
- 9. Greene, J. P., (2001), Effects of Graphic Organizers on High School Science Students’ Collaborative Production and Presentation of Hypermedia Research Projects. Doctoral Dissertation, University of South Florida, USA, College of Education. Florida.
- 10. Herman, J. L., Gearhart, M., & Baker, E., (1994), Assessing Writing Portfolios: Issues in the Validity and Meaning of Scores. Educati-onal Assessment, 3, 201-224.
- 11. Jacobson, W.;Sleicher,D.&Maureen B., (1999), Portfolio Assessment of Intercultural Compe-tence. Int. J. Intercultural Rel., 23, 467-492.
- 12. Kieffer, R.D., & Morrison, L. S., (1994), Changing Portfolio Process: One Journey To-ward Authentic Assessment. Language Arts, 71, 411-418.
- 13. Koretz, D., Stecher, B., Klein. S., McCafery, D., & Deibert, E., (1993), Can Portfolios Assess Student Performance and Influence Instruction? The 1991-92 Vermont Experien-ce. Los Angeles: CRESST Graduate School of Education, University of California.
- 14. Meeus, W., (2000), The Digital Portfolio: An Innovative Concept For Dissertation in Teacher Education. ALERT-Conference, Cyprus.
- 15. Moscal, B., (2000), Scoring Rubrics: What, When and How? Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation, ERİC Clearinghouse, 7(3) Retrieved December 20, 2001 from the World Wide Web: http://ericae.net/pare/getvn. aspv=7 &n=3
- 16. Mullin, J. A., (1998), Portfolios: Purposeful Collections of Student Work. New Directions For Teaching And Learning, 74, 79-87.
- 17. Paulson, F. L.; Paulson, P. R. & Meyer, C., (1991), What Makes A Portfolio, A Portfolio. Educational Leadership, February, 48, 60-63.
- 18. Shaka, L. F. & Bitner, L. B., (1996), Construc-tion and Validation of a Rubric for Scoring Concept Maps. AETS Conference Papers and Summaries of Presentations. Retrieved December 16, 2003 from the World Wide Web: http://www.ed.psu.edu/CI/journals/96pap43.htm.
- 19. Wolf, K., (1991), The School Teacher’s Portfolio: Issue in Design, Implementation, and Evaluation. Phi Delta Kappan, 2, 129-136.
- 20. Wragg, E. C., (2001), Assessment and Learning in the Primary School. London: Routledge Flamer.