Volume: 17 Issue: 3, 4/1/11

Year: 2011



1. A comparison of imaging methods in the evaluation of breast pathologies


3. Analysis of C-reactive protein in pyelonephritis


5. Tamoxifen-induced hepatic steatosis in premenopausal breast cancer patients


7. Perioperatif total parenteral nutrisyonun postoperatif morbidite ve mortalite üzerine etkileri


8. Gastrointestinal stromal tümör (GİST) kaynaklı jejunojejunal invajinasyon: olgu sunumu


9. Leiomyosarcoma of the breast - a case report


10. Mezenterik lenfadenit, pansitopeni ve akut bruselloz


11. Laparoscopy-assisted mini-laparotomy: management of a giant (32 cm) ovarian cyst


14. Parakuat intoksikasyonu: olgu sunumu