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Research Article
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Year 2019, , 144 - 156, 22.03.2019



  • Armstrong, W.J., Nestle, H.N., Grinnell, D.C., Cole, L.D., Van Gilder, E.L., Warren, G.S., & Capizzi, E.A. (2008). The acute effect of whole-body vibration on the hoffmann reflex. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 22(2), 471-476.
  • Aydog, E., Depedibi, R., Bal, A., Eksioglu, E., Unlu, E., & Cakci, A. (2005). Dynamic postural balance in ankylosing spondylitis patients. Rheumatology, 45(4), 445-448.
  • Aykora, E., Tekin, A., Tekin, G., Aykora, D. (2017). 12 Haftalık Tüm Vücut Titreşim Antrenmanının Sedanter Kadın Öğrencilerin Bazı Fiziksel Uygunluk Özelliklerine Etkisi. Gaziantep Üniversitesi Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 4(2), 65-79
  • Bautmans, I., Van Hees, E., Lemper, J.C., & Mets, T. (2005). The feasibility of whole body vibration in institutionalised elderly persons and its influence on muscle performance, balance and mobility: A randomised controlled trial [ISRCTN62535013]. BMC geriatrics, 5(1), 17.
  • Bogaerts, A., Verschueren, S., Delecluse, C., Claessens, A.L., & Boonen, S. (2007). Effects of whole body vibration training on postural control in older individuals: a 1 year randomized controlled trial. Gait & posture, 26(2), 309-316.
  • Bosco, C., Iacovelli, M., Tsarpela, O., Cardinale, M., Bonifazi, M., Tihanyi, J., Viru, M., De Lorenzo, A. and Viru, A. (2000) Hormonal responses to whole-body vibration in men. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 81, 449-454.
  • Cardinale, M., & Bosco, C. (2003). The use of vibration as an exercise intervention. Exercise and sport sciences reviews, 31(1), 3-7.
  • Cardinale, M., & Wakeling, J. (2005). Whole body vibration exercise: are vibrations good for you?. British journal of sports medicine, 39(9), 585-589.
  • Cardinale, M, Rittweger, J. (2006). Vibration exercise makes your muscles and bones stronger: fact or fiction? J Br Menopause Soc 12:12–18
  • Cheung, W.H., Mok, H.W., Qin, L., Sze, P.C., Lee, K.M., & Leung, K.S. (2007). High-frequency whole-body vibration improves balancing ability in elderly women. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation, 88(7), 852-857.
  • Cloak, R., Nevill, A., & Wyon, M. (2016). The acute effects of vibration training on balance and stability amongst soccer players. European journal of sport science, 16(1), 20-26.
  • Cochrane, D.J., & Stannard, S.R. (2005). Acute whole body vibration training increases vertical jump and flexibility performance in elite female field hockey players. British journal of sports medicine, 39(11), 860-865.
  • Cochrane, D.J., Stannard, S.R., Firth, E.C., & Rittweger, J. (2010). Acute whole-body vibration elicits post-activation potentiation. European journal of applied physiology, 108(2), 311. Physical Education and Sport, 16(1), 38.
  • Cochrane, D. (2013). The sports performance application of vibration exercise for warm-up, flexibility and sprint speed. European Journal of Sport Science, 13(3), 256-271.
  • Dallas, G., Kirialanis, P., & Mellos, V. (2014). The acute effect of whole body vibration training on flexibility and explosive strength of young gymnasts. Biology of sport, 31(3), 233.
  • Delecluse, C., Roelants, M., & Verschueren, S. (2003). Strength increase after whole-body vibration compared with resistance training. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 35(6), 1033-1041.
  • Demirel, N., Sönmez, G.T., Eroğlu, H., & Vatansever, Ş. (2017). The Effects of Gymnastics and Whole Body Vibration Exercises on Body Composition. Journal of Physical Education, 4(1), 25-33.
  • de Paula, L.V., Moreira, P.V., Huebner, R., Szmuchrowski, L.A. (2017). Indirect sinusoidal vibrations induces an acute increase in explosive strength. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 35, 76-85.
  • Despina, T., George, D., George, T., Sotiris, P., George, K., Maria, R., & Stavros, K. (2014). Short-term effect of whole-body vibration training on balance, flexibility and lower limb explosive strength in elite rhythmic gymnasts. Human movement science, 33, 149-158.
  • Dolny, D.G., & Reyes, G.F.C. (2008). Whole body vibration exercise: training and benefits. Current sports medicine reports, 7(3), 152-157.
  • Fagnani, F., Giombini, A., Di Cesare, A., Pigozzi, F., & Di Salvo, V. (2006). The effects of a whole-body vibration program on muscle performance and flexibility in female athletes. American journal of physical medicine & rehabilitation, 85(12), 956-962.
  • Fontana, T.L., Richardson, C.A., & Stanton, W.R. (2005). The effect of weightbearing exercise with low frequency, whole body vibration on lumbosacral proprioception: A pilot study on normal subjects. Australian Journal of Physiotherapy, 51(4), 259-263.
  • Kaçoğlu, C., & Gürol, B. (2016). Effect of body position during whole body vibration on acute jumping performance. Sport and Health, 8.
  • Kaçoğlu, C., Yıldırım, U., (2017). İzometrik Önkondisyonlanma Kontraksiyonunun Sıçrama Performansına Akut Etkileri. Spor ve Performans Araştırmaları Dergisi, 8(3): 183-194.
  • Karatrantou, K., Gerodimos, V., Dipla, K., & Zafeiridis, A. (2013). Whole-body vibration training improves flexibility, strength profile of knee flexors, and hamstrings-to-quadriceps strength ratio in females. Journal of science and medicine in sport, 16(5), 477-481.
  • Kawanabe, K., Kawashima, A., Sashimoto, I., Takeda, T., Sato, Y., & Iwamoto, J. (2007). Effect of whole-body vibration exercise and muscle strengthening, balance, and walking exercises on walking ability in the elderly. The Keio journal of medicine, 56(1), 28-33.
  • Kırkaya, I., Şimşek, D., Ertan, H. (2015). The effects of vibration frequency variation on volleyball players’ drop jump ability and postural control performance. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise, 17(2), 14-21.
  • Kim, Y.Y., Min, K.O., Choi, J.H., & Kim, S.H. (2016). The effects of sole vibration stimulation on Korean male professional volleyball players’ jumping and balance ability. Journal of physical therapy science, 28(5), 1427-1431.
  • Mahieu, N. N., Witvrouw, E., Van de Voorde, D., Michilsens, D., Arbyn, V., & Van den Broecke, W. (2006). Improving strength and postural control in young skiers: whole-body vibration versus equivalent resistance training. Journal of athletic training, 41(3), 286.
  • Melnyk, M., Schloz, C., Schmitt, S., & Gollhofer, A. (2009). Neuromuscular ankle joint stabilisation after 4-weeks WBV training. Int J Sports Med, 30(6), 461-466.
  • McBride, J.M., Nuzzo, J.L., Dayne, A.M., Israetel, M.A., Nieman, D.C., & Triplett, N.T. (2010). Effect of an acute bout of whole body vibration exercise on muscle force output and motor neuron excitability. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 24(1), 184-189.
  • Pérez-Turpin, J.A., Zmijewski, P., Jimenez-Olmedo, J.M., Jové-Tossi, M.A., Martínez-Carbonell, A., Suárez-Llorca, C., & Andreu-Cabrera, E. (2014). Effects of whole body vibration on strength and jumping performance in volleyball and beach volleyball players. Biology of sport, 31(3), 239.
  • Rønnestad, B.R., & Ellefsen, S. (2011). The effects of adding different whole-body vibration frequencies to preconditioning exercise on subsequent sprint performance. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 25(12), 3306-3310.
  • Rittweger, J. (2010). Vibration as an exercise modality: how it may work, and what its potential might be. European journal of applied physiology, 108(5), 877-904.
  • Rittweger, J., Beller, G., & Felsenberg, D. (2000). Acute physiological effects of exhaustive whole-body vibration exercise in man. Clinical physiology, 20(2), 134-142.
  • Ritzmann, R., Kramer, A., Bernhardt, S., & Gollhofer, A. (2014). Whole body vibration training-improving balance control and muscle endurance. PloS one, 9(2), e89905.
  • Roelants, M., Delecluse, C., Goris, M., & Verschueren, S. (2004). Effects of 24 weeks of whole body vibration training on body composition and muscle strength in untrained females. International journal of sports medicine, 25(01), 1-5.
  • Sá-Caputo, D.D.C., Ronikeili-Costa, P., Carvalho-Lima, R.P., Bernardo, L.C., Bravo-Monteiro, M.O., Costa, R., ... & Arnobio, A. (2014). Whole body vibration exercises and the improvement of the flexibility in patient with metabolic syndrome. Rehabilitation research and practice, 2014.
  • Sands, W.A., McNeal, J.R., Stone, M.H., Russell, E.M., Jemni, M. (2006). Flexibility enhancement with vibration: Acute and long-term. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 38(4), 720-725.
  • Torvinen, S., Kannus, P., SievaÈnen, H., JaÈrvinen, T.A., Pasanen, M., Kontulainen, S., ... & Vuori, I. (2002a). Effect of a vibration exposure on muscular performance and body balance. Randomized cross‐over study. Clinical physiology and functional imaging, 22(2), 145-152.
  • Torvinen, S., Sievänen, H., Järvinen, T.A.H., Pasanen, M., Kontulainen, S., & Kannus, P. (2002b). Effect of 4-min vertical whole body vibration on muscle performance and body balance: A randomized cross-over study. International journal of sports medicine, 23(05), 374-379.
  • Torvinen, S., Kannus, P., SievÄnen, H., Järvinen, T. A., Pasanen, M., Kontulainen, S., ... & Vuori, I. (2002c). Effect of four-month vertical whole body vibration on performance and balance. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 34(9), 1523-1528.
  • Türkmen, F.C., Nezire, K. Vibrasyon: Fizyoterapide Kullanımı ve Etkileri. In: Fizyoterapi Seminerleri, Chapter 2, Ayşe K., Özlem Ü., Naciye V.Y., Muhammed K., Selen S.A. eds. Yayıncı: H.Ü.S.B.F. Fizyoterapi ve Rehabilitasyon Bölümü, 2016, p.11.
  • Ullucci, P.A., Tudini, F., & Moran, M.F. (2019). Reliability of Smartphone Inclinometry to Measure Upper Cervical Range of Motion. Journal of sport rehabilitation, 28(1), 1-3.

Akut Tüm Vücut Vibrasyon Antrenmanının Ünilateral Statik Dengeye Etkilerinin İncelenmesi

Year 2019, , 144 - 156, 22.03.2019


Bu araştırmanın amacı tüm beden vibrasyon (TBV)
antrenman uygulamasının ünilateral statik dengeye etkilerinin incelenmesidir. Bu
18-22 yaş arası sağlıklı (kadın:16, erkek:14) 30 birey
(yaş: 21.9±2.4 yıl, boy: 173.7±7.1 cm, vücut ağırlığı: 70.0±11.6 kg) gönüllü
olarak katılmıştır.
Katılımcılar eşit olarak iki gruba
ayrılmıştır. TBV antrenmanı bir vibrasyon platformunda 1200 diz
eklem açısında statik skuat hareketi sırasında 30Hz frekansta, 2mm genlikle 2x60sn
şeklinde uygulanmıştır. Her iki grup aynı vibrasyon antrenmanını
uygulamışlardır. Bir gruba vibrasyon antrenmanı sonrası 3dk diğer gruba ise 5dk
pasif dinlenme verilmiştir. Vibrasyon öncesi ve sonrası yapılan denge ölçümleri
30 sn süreli sağ ve sol ayak ünilateral statik denge ölçümünü içermektedir.
Faktöriyel ANOVA sonuçlarına göre vibrasyon sonrası 3 ve 5 dakika dinlenme
verilen gruplar arasında tüm denge hata puanlarında istatistiksel olarak
anlamlı fark olmadığı görülmüştür (p>0.05).
Grup içi farkın belirlenmesi için yapılan eşleştirilmiş örneklem T-testi
sonuçlarına göre de ön test ve son test denge hata puanları arasında farklılık
olmadığı görülmüştür (p>0.05). Bu
bulgulara göre
akut vibrasyon
antrenmanının bu parametrelerle uygulanan (2x60sn, 30Hz, 2mm) formunun sağlıklı
bireylerde dengeyi yeteneğini geliştirici adaptasyon sağlamadığı sonucuna
ulaşılmıştır. İleride yapılacak çalışmalarda uzun dönem vibrasyon antrenman
programlarının veya farklı vibrasyon parametrelerinden oluşan antrenman formlarının
dengeye veya atletik performansa etkileri araştırılabilir. 


  • Armstrong, W.J., Nestle, H.N., Grinnell, D.C., Cole, L.D., Van Gilder, E.L., Warren, G.S., & Capizzi, E.A. (2008). The acute effect of whole-body vibration on the hoffmann reflex. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 22(2), 471-476.
  • Aydog, E., Depedibi, R., Bal, A., Eksioglu, E., Unlu, E., & Cakci, A. (2005). Dynamic postural balance in ankylosing spondylitis patients. Rheumatology, 45(4), 445-448.
  • Aykora, E., Tekin, A., Tekin, G., Aykora, D. (2017). 12 Haftalık Tüm Vücut Titreşim Antrenmanının Sedanter Kadın Öğrencilerin Bazı Fiziksel Uygunluk Özelliklerine Etkisi. Gaziantep Üniversitesi Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 4(2), 65-79
  • Bautmans, I., Van Hees, E., Lemper, J.C., & Mets, T. (2005). The feasibility of whole body vibration in institutionalised elderly persons and its influence on muscle performance, balance and mobility: A randomised controlled trial [ISRCTN62535013]. BMC geriatrics, 5(1), 17.
  • Bogaerts, A., Verschueren, S., Delecluse, C., Claessens, A.L., & Boonen, S. (2007). Effects of whole body vibration training on postural control in older individuals: a 1 year randomized controlled trial. Gait & posture, 26(2), 309-316.
  • Bosco, C., Iacovelli, M., Tsarpela, O., Cardinale, M., Bonifazi, M., Tihanyi, J., Viru, M., De Lorenzo, A. and Viru, A. (2000) Hormonal responses to whole-body vibration in men. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 81, 449-454.
  • Cardinale, M., & Bosco, C. (2003). The use of vibration as an exercise intervention. Exercise and sport sciences reviews, 31(1), 3-7.
  • Cardinale, M., & Wakeling, J. (2005). Whole body vibration exercise: are vibrations good for you?. British journal of sports medicine, 39(9), 585-589.
  • Cardinale, M, Rittweger, J. (2006). Vibration exercise makes your muscles and bones stronger: fact or fiction? J Br Menopause Soc 12:12–18
  • Cheung, W.H., Mok, H.W., Qin, L., Sze, P.C., Lee, K.M., & Leung, K.S. (2007). High-frequency whole-body vibration improves balancing ability in elderly women. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation, 88(7), 852-857.
  • Cloak, R., Nevill, A., & Wyon, M. (2016). The acute effects of vibration training on balance and stability amongst soccer players. European journal of sport science, 16(1), 20-26.
  • Cochrane, D.J., & Stannard, S.R. (2005). Acute whole body vibration training increases vertical jump and flexibility performance in elite female field hockey players. British journal of sports medicine, 39(11), 860-865.
  • Cochrane, D.J., Stannard, S.R., Firth, E.C., & Rittweger, J. (2010). Acute whole-body vibration elicits post-activation potentiation. European journal of applied physiology, 108(2), 311. Physical Education and Sport, 16(1), 38.
  • Cochrane, D. (2013). The sports performance application of vibration exercise for warm-up, flexibility and sprint speed. European Journal of Sport Science, 13(3), 256-271.
  • Dallas, G., Kirialanis, P., & Mellos, V. (2014). The acute effect of whole body vibration training on flexibility and explosive strength of young gymnasts. Biology of sport, 31(3), 233.
  • Delecluse, C., Roelants, M., & Verschueren, S. (2003). Strength increase after whole-body vibration compared with resistance training. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 35(6), 1033-1041.
  • Demirel, N., Sönmez, G.T., Eroğlu, H., & Vatansever, Ş. (2017). The Effects of Gymnastics and Whole Body Vibration Exercises on Body Composition. Journal of Physical Education, 4(1), 25-33.
  • de Paula, L.V., Moreira, P.V., Huebner, R., Szmuchrowski, L.A. (2017). Indirect sinusoidal vibrations induces an acute increase in explosive strength. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 35, 76-85.
  • Despina, T., George, D., George, T., Sotiris, P., George, K., Maria, R., & Stavros, K. (2014). Short-term effect of whole-body vibration training on balance, flexibility and lower limb explosive strength in elite rhythmic gymnasts. Human movement science, 33, 149-158.
  • Dolny, D.G., & Reyes, G.F.C. (2008). Whole body vibration exercise: training and benefits. Current sports medicine reports, 7(3), 152-157.
  • Fagnani, F., Giombini, A., Di Cesare, A., Pigozzi, F., & Di Salvo, V. (2006). The effects of a whole-body vibration program on muscle performance and flexibility in female athletes. American journal of physical medicine & rehabilitation, 85(12), 956-962.
  • Fontana, T.L., Richardson, C.A., & Stanton, W.R. (2005). The effect of weightbearing exercise with low frequency, whole body vibration on lumbosacral proprioception: A pilot study on normal subjects. Australian Journal of Physiotherapy, 51(4), 259-263.
  • Kaçoğlu, C., & Gürol, B. (2016). Effect of body position during whole body vibration on acute jumping performance. Sport and Health, 8.
  • Kaçoğlu, C., Yıldırım, U., (2017). İzometrik Önkondisyonlanma Kontraksiyonunun Sıçrama Performansına Akut Etkileri. Spor ve Performans Araştırmaları Dergisi, 8(3): 183-194.
  • Karatrantou, K., Gerodimos, V., Dipla, K., & Zafeiridis, A. (2013). Whole-body vibration training improves flexibility, strength profile of knee flexors, and hamstrings-to-quadriceps strength ratio in females. Journal of science and medicine in sport, 16(5), 477-481.
  • Kawanabe, K., Kawashima, A., Sashimoto, I., Takeda, T., Sato, Y., & Iwamoto, J. (2007). Effect of whole-body vibration exercise and muscle strengthening, balance, and walking exercises on walking ability in the elderly. The Keio journal of medicine, 56(1), 28-33.
  • Kırkaya, I., Şimşek, D., Ertan, H. (2015). The effects of vibration frequency variation on volleyball players’ drop jump ability and postural control performance. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise, 17(2), 14-21.
  • Kim, Y.Y., Min, K.O., Choi, J.H., & Kim, S.H. (2016). The effects of sole vibration stimulation on Korean male professional volleyball players’ jumping and balance ability. Journal of physical therapy science, 28(5), 1427-1431.
  • Mahieu, N. N., Witvrouw, E., Van de Voorde, D., Michilsens, D., Arbyn, V., & Van den Broecke, W. (2006). Improving strength and postural control in young skiers: whole-body vibration versus equivalent resistance training. Journal of athletic training, 41(3), 286.
  • Melnyk, M., Schloz, C., Schmitt, S., & Gollhofer, A. (2009). Neuromuscular ankle joint stabilisation after 4-weeks WBV training. Int J Sports Med, 30(6), 461-466.
  • McBride, J.M., Nuzzo, J.L., Dayne, A.M., Israetel, M.A., Nieman, D.C., & Triplett, N.T. (2010). Effect of an acute bout of whole body vibration exercise on muscle force output and motor neuron excitability. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 24(1), 184-189.
  • Pérez-Turpin, J.A., Zmijewski, P., Jimenez-Olmedo, J.M., Jové-Tossi, M.A., Martínez-Carbonell, A., Suárez-Llorca, C., & Andreu-Cabrera, E. (2014). Effects of whole body vibration on strength and jumping performance in volleyball and beach volleyball players. Biology of sport, 31(3), 239.
  • Rønnestad, B.R., & Ellefsen, S. (2011). The effects of adding different whole-body vibration frequencies to preconditioning exercise on subsequent sprint performance. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 25(12), 3306-3310.
  • Rittweger, J. (2010). Vibration as an exercise modality: how it may work, and what its potential might be. European journal of applied physiology, 108(5), 877-904.
  • Rittweger, J., Beller, G., & Felsenberg, D. (2000). Acute physiological effects of exhaustive whole-body vibration exercise in man. Clinical physiology, 20(2), 134-142.
  • Ritzmann, R., Kramer, A., Bernhardt, S., & Gollhofer, A. (2014). Whole body vibration training-improving balance control and muscle endurance. PloS one, 9(2), e89905.
  • Roelants, M., Delecluse, C., Goris, M., & Verschueren, S. (2004). Effects of 24 weeks of whole body vibration training on body composition and muscle strength in untrained females. International journal of sports medicine, 25(01), 1-5.
  • Sá-Caputo, D.D.C., Ronikeili-Costa, P., Carvalho-Lima, R.P., Bernardo, L.C., Bravo-Monteiro, M.O., Costa, R., ... & Arnobio, A. (2014). Whole body vibration exercises and the improvement of the flexibility in patient with metabolic syndrome. Rehabilitation research and practice, 2014.
  • Sands, W.A., McNeal, J.R., Stone, M.H., Russell, E.M., Jemni, M. (2006). Flexibility enhancement with vibration: Acute and long-term. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 38(4), 720-725.
  • Torvinen, S., Kannus, P., SievaÈnen, H., JaÈrvinen, T.A., Pasanen, M., Kontulainen, S., ... & Vuori, I. (2002a). Effect of a vibration exposure on muscular performance and body balance. Randomized cross‐over study. Clinical physiology and functional imaging, 22(2), 145-152.
  • Torvinen, S., Sievänen, H., Järvinen, T.A.H., Pasanen, M., Kontulainen, S., & Kannus, P. (2002b). Effect of 4-min vertical whole body vibration on muscle performance and body balance: A randomized cross-over study. International journal of sports medicine, 23(05), 374-379.
  • Torvinen, S., Kannus, P., SievÄnen, H., Järvinen, T. A., Pasanen, M., Kontulainen, S., ... & Vuori, I. (2002c). Effect of four-month vertical whole body vibration on performance and balance. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 34(9), 1523-1528.
  • Türkmen, F.C., Nezire, K. Vibrasyon: Fizyoterapide Kullanımı ve Etkileri. In: Fizyoterapi Seminerleri, Chapter 2, Ayşe K., Özlem Ü., Naciye V.Y., Muhammed K., Selen S.A. eds. Yayıncı: H.Ü.S.B.F. Fizyoterapi ve Rehabilitasyon Bölümü, 2016, p.11.
  • Ullucci, P.A., Tudini, F., & Moran, M.F. (2019). Reliability of Smartphone Inclinometry to Measure Upper Cervical Range of Motion. Journal of sport rehabilitation, 28(1), 1-3.
There are 44 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Sports Medicine
Journal Section Hareket ve Antrenman Bilimleri

Celil Kaçoğlu 0000-0002-1817-5234

Publication Date March 22, 2019
Submission Date February 17, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Kaçoğlu, C. (2019). Akut Tüm Vücut Vibrasyon Antrenmanının Ünilateral Statik Dengeye Etkilerinin İncelenmesi. Gaziantep Üniversitesi Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 4(1), 144-156. https://doi.org/10.31680/gaunjss.528141

ISSN: 2536-5339

Gaziantep Üniversitesi Spor Bilimleri Dergisi


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