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Kidney Dimensions İn Tc-99m Dmsa Scan Compared To Morphometric Measurements In Children

Year 2017, Volume: 2 Issue: 3, 36 - 45, 30.09.2017


Objectives: In this study it is aimed to search the morphometric measurements of kidney in terms of its clinical importance.

Methods: 230 subject are selected of which 83 were boys and 147 were girls. Children included in this study were of age group 7-11 years. The height and weight of the children and the width, height and the thickness of their both kidneys were measured in Nuclear Medicine Department in Necmettin Erbakan University. Renal measures are investigated by comparing them with the height and weight of the children using statistical methods. The results are evaluated with Pearson analysis and the t-test. 

Results: It is found that he mean lenght of the right kidney was 69,21±13,8 mm, the width 32,66±6 mm and the thickness was 18,59±3,5 mm and the mean lenght of the leftkidney was 70,97 ±14,2 mm, the width 33,51 ±6 mm and the thickness was 18,97±3,6 mm. The height of the children was 109,40±31,1 cm and the weight was 23,32 ±15,7 kg. When the relationships of the parameters with each other are investigated it was found that the mean lenght, width and the thickness of the right kidney was less than the same measurements (the mean lenght, width and the thickness) of the left kidney and the renal measures (dimensions) were larger in women (p>0.05).

Conclusion: When the clinical importance and the problems encountered in surgical interventions of the kidneys are taken into account, it was considered that knowledge about the morphometric features of the kidneys, would be helpfull forthe clinical applications.  


  • 1. Leonhardt H: Taschenatlas der Anatomic New York 1984; 244,247.
  • 2. Moore KL: The developing Human, Clinically Oriented Embryology, Fourth Edition, W.B. Saunders Company, Phıladelphia, London, Toronto 1988: 246-257.
  • 3. Nomina Anatomica: Sixth Ed. Churahill livingstone, Edinburg- London 1989.
  • 4. Tamgaç F, Savcı G, Cankur NŞ, Alper E.Renal length in childhood measured by Tc-99m DMSA scan and ultrasonography.Turk J Med Sci 1997;27:569-572.
  • 5. McBiles M II, Lambert AT, Cote MG, Solano RK.Diuretic scintirenography:past, present and future.Nuclear Medicine Annual.Raven Pres.New York, pp:185,216 1995.
  • 6. McBiles M.Correlative imaging of the kidney Seminars in nuclear Medicine 24:219-33 1994.
  • 7. Gordon I.Urinary tract infection in paediatric:the role diagnostic imaging.Br J Radiol 1990;63:507-11.
  • 8. Merric MV, Nothgi A,Chalmers N, Wilkinson AG, Uttley WS.Long term follow up to determine the prognostic value of imaging after urinary tract infections. Part 2: scarring. Arch Dis Child 1995;72:393-6.
  • 9. Wallin L, Bajc M.Typical technetium dimercaptosuccinic acid distribution patterns in acute pyelonephritis. Acta Paediatr 1993;82:1061-5.
  • 10. Famsworth RH, Roshleigh MA, Leighton DM, Bass SJ, Rosenberg AR.The detection of reflux nephropathy in infants by 99m Technetium dimercaptosuccinic acid studies J Urol 1991;145:524-6.
  • 11.Arnold AJ, Brownless SM, Carty HM, Rickwood AMK.Detection of renal scanning-An experimental study.J Pediatr Surg 1990;25:391-3.
  • 12. Effmann EL, Ablow RC, Siegel NJ.Renal growth.Radiol Clin North Am 1977;15:3.
  • 13. Eklöf O, Ringertz H.Kidney size in children:A method of assessment:Acta Radiol Diag 1976;17:617-25.
  • 14. Rosenbaum DM, Korngold E, Tele RF.Sonographic assessment of renal length in normal children.AJR 1984;142-467.
  • 15. Hederström E, Försberg L.Kidney size in children assessed by ultrasonography and urography.Acta Radiol Diag 1985;26:85-91.
  • 16. Sisayan RM, Rossleigh MA, Mackey DWJ.Normograms of renal length in children obtained from DMSA scintigraphy.Clin Nucl Med 1992;18:970-3.
  • 17. Bajc M, Wallin L.Tc-99m DMSA renal scintigraphy during kidney maturation.Clin Nucl Med 1995;20:211-4.
  • 18. Dinkel E, Ertel M, Dittrich M, Peters H, Berres M.Schulte-Wisserman H.Kidney size in childhood-Sonographical growth charts for kidney length and volume. Pediatr Radiol 1985;15-38.
  • 19. Haugstvedt S, Lundberg J.Kidney size in normal children measured by sonography.Scand J Urol Nephrol 1980;14:251.
  • 20. De Vries L, Levene MI. Measurement of renal size in preterm and term infants by real-time ultrasound.Arc Dis Child 1983;58:145.
  • 21. Fitzsimons RB: Kidney length in the newborn measured by ultaround Acta Peadiatr Scand. 1983; 72: 885-88.
  • 22. Blane CE, Bookstein FL, DiPietro MA, Kelsch RC. Sonographic standarts for normal kidney length.AJR 1985;145:1289.
  • 23. Lawson TL, Foley WD, Berland LL, Clark KE. Ultrasonic evaluation of fetal kidneys.Radiology 1981;138:153.
  • 24. Weitzel D, Dinkel E, Dittrich M, Peters H.Padiatrische ultra schall diagnostik. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York Tokyo, p. 295.
  • 25. Peters H, Dinkel E, Dittrich M, Alzen G, Weitzel D.Sonographically determined renal volumetry as a diagnostic aid in neonates and infants.J Ulrasound Med 1[Suppl]:200.
  • 26. Holloway H, Jones TB, Robinson AE, Harpen MD, Wiseman HJ. Sonographic determination of renal volumes in normal neonates.Pediatr Radiol 1983;13:212.
  • 27. Han BR, Babcock DS. Sonographic measurements and appearance of normal kidneys in children.AJR 1985;145:611.
  • 28. Rasmussen SN, Haase L, Kjeldsen H, Hancke S.Determination of renal volume by ultrasound scanning. J Clin Ultrasound 1978; 6:160.
  • 29. Aperia A, Broberger O, Ekengren K, Wigstad I.Relationship between area and function of the kidney in well defined childhood nephropaties. Acta Radiol[Diagn] 1978; 19:186.
  • 30. Troell S, Berg U, Johannson B, Wickstad I.Ultrasonographic renal parenchymal volume related to kidney function and renal parenchymal area in children with recurrent urinary tract infections and asymtomatic bacteriuria. Acta Radiol[Diagn] 1984;25:411.
  • 31. Monsour M, Azmy AF, MacKenzie. Renal scarring secondary to vesicoureteric reflux.Critical assessment and new grading.Br J Radiol 1987;60:320-4.
  • 32. Tamgaç F, Moretti JL, Rocchisani JL, Baillet G, Weinmann P.Tc-99m MAG3 and Tc-99m DMSA in the detection and assessment of pyelonephritis.J Nucl Med Biol 1993;37:62:4.
  • 33. Currarino G, Williams B, Dana K.Kidney length correlated with age:normal values in children.Radiology 1984;150:703-4.
  • 34. Carrico CWT, Zerin JM. Sonographic measurement of renal length in children:does the position of the patient matter?Pediatr Radiol 1996;26:553-555.
  • 35. Schlesinger AE, Hernandez RJ, Zerin JM, Marks TI, Kelsch RC Interobserver and intraobserver variations in sonographic renal length measurements in children. AJR 1991;156:1029-1032.
  • 36. Hederström E, Forsberg L: Accuracy of repeated kidney size estımation by ultrasonography and urography in chıldren. Acta Radiologica Diagnosis. 1985; 26:5.
  • 37. Emamian SA, Nielsen MB, Pedersen JF,Ytte L.Kidney dimensions at sonography:correlation with age, sex and habitus in 665 adult volunteers.AJR 1993;160:83-86.
  • 38. Klare B, Geiselhardt B, Wesch H, Scharer K, Immich H, Willich E.Radiological kidney size in childhood. Pediatr Radiol 1980;9:153.
  • 39. Stolpe Y, King LR, White H.The normal range of renal size in children. Invest Urol 1967;4:600.
  • 40. Hasch E: Ultrasound in the ınvestıgation of dısa ase of the kidney and urinary trac in children. Acta Paediatr. Scand. 1974; 63:424.
  • 41. Lıttlewood R: Ultrasonography of the genitourinary tract in children. Radiol Clin. N. Amer. 1977; 15:109.
  • 42. Lyons EA. Flemingj GG, Arnell GC., Murphy AV, Sweet EM; Donald I: Nephrosonography in infants and children. A new technigue Birt Med J II 1972; 689.
  • 43. Moskowitz PS, Caroll BA, MC coysj M: Ultrasonic renal volumetry in children Radiology 1980; 134: 61.
  • 44. Sanders RC: Renal Ultrasound Radiol, Clin. N. Amer. 1975; 8: 417.
  • 45. Tay JS, Vellayapan K,Tan L,et al.The accuracy of the ultrasound scan in the estimation of renal size in children.J Singapore Paediatr Soc 1977;19:234.
  • 46. Taylor KJW,Hill CR.Technical notes.Scanning techniques in grey-scale ultrasonography.Brit J Radiol 1975;48:918.
  • 47. Weitzel D, Tröger j, Straub E: Renal sonography in pedıatric paients. Pediatr. Radiol. 1977; 6:19.
Year 2017, Volume: 2 Issue: 3, 36 - 45, 30.09.2017



  • 1. Leonhardt H: Taschenatlas der Anatomic New York 1984; 244,247.
  • 2. Moore KL: The developing Human, Clinically Oriented Embryology, Fourth Edition, W.B. Saunders Company, Phıladelphia, London, Toronto 1988: 246-257.
  • 3. Nomina Anatomica: Sixth Ed. Churahill livingstone, Edinburg- London 1989.
  • 4. Tamgaç F, Savcı G, Cankur NŞ, Alper E.Renal length in childhood measured by Tc-99m DMSA scan and ultrasonography.Turk J Med Sci 1997;27:569-572.
  • 5. McBiles M II, Lambert AT, Cote MG, Solano RK.Diuretic scintirenography:past, present and future.Nuclear Medicine Annual.Raven Pres.New York, pp:185,216 1995.
  • 6. McBiles M.Correlative imaging of the kidney Seminars in nuclear Medicine 24:219-33 1994.
  • 7. Gordon I.Urinary tract infection in paediatric:the role diagnostic imaging.Br J Radiol 1990;63:507-11.
  • 8. Merric MV, Nothgi A,Chalmers N, Wilkinson AG, Uttley WS.Long term follow up to determine the prognostic value of imaging after urinary tract infections. Part 2: scarring. Arch Dis Child 1995;72:393-6.
  • 9. Wallin L, Bajc M.Typical technetium dimercaptosuccinic acid distribution patterns in acute pyelonephritis. Acta Paediatr 1993;82:1061-5.
  • 10. Famsworth RH, Roshleigh MA, Leighton DM, Bass SJ, Rosenberg AR.The detection of reflux nephropathy in infants by 99m Technetium dimercaptosuccinic acid studies J Urol 1991;145:524-6.
  • 11.Arnold AJ, Brownless SM, Carty HM, Rickwood AMK.Detection of renal scanning-An experimental study.J Pediatr Surg 1990;25:391-3.
  • 12. Effmann EL, Ablow RC, Siegel NJ.Renal growth.Radiol Clin North Am 1977;15:3.
  • 13. Eklöf O, Ringertz H.Kidney size in children:A method of assessment:Acta Radiol Diag 1976;17:617-25.
  • 14. Rosenbaum DM, Korngold E, Tele RF.Sonographic assessment of renal length in normal children.AJR 1984;142-467.
  • 15. Hederström E, Försberg L.Kidney size in children assessed by ultrasonography and urography.Acta Radiol Diag 1985;26:85-91.
  • 16. Sisayan RM, Rossleigh MA, Mackey DWJ.Normograms of renal length in children obtained from DMSA scintigraphy.Clin Nucl Med 1992;18:970-3.
  • 17. Bajc M, Wallin L.Tc-99m DMSA renal scintigraphy during kidney maturation.Clin Nucl Med 1995;20:211-4.
  • 18. Dinkel E, Ertel M, Dittrich M, Peters H, Berres M.Schulte-Wisserman H.Kidney size in childhood-Sonographical growth charts for kidney length and volume. Pediatr Radiol 1985;15-38.
  • 19. Haugstvedt S, Lundberg J.Kidney size in normal children measured by sonography.Scand J Urol Nephrol 1980;14:251.
  • 20. De Vries L, Levene MI. Measurement of renal size in preterm and term infants by real-time ultrasound.Arc Dis Child 1983;58:145.
  • 21. Fitzsimons RB: Kidney length in the newborn measured by ultaround Acta Peadiatr Scand. 1983; 72: 885-88.
  • 22. Blane CE, Bookstein FL, DiPietro MA, Kelsch RC. Sonographic standarts for normal kidney length.AJR 1985;145:1289.
  • 23. Lawson TL, Foley WD, Berland LL, Clark KE. Ultrasonic evaluation of fetal kidneys.Radiology 1981;138:153.
  • 24. Weitzel D, Dinkel E, Dittrich M, Peters H.Padiatrische ultra schall diagnostik. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York Tokyo, p. 295.
  • 25. Peters H, Dinkel E, Dittrich M, Alzen G, Weitzel D.Sonographically determined renal volumetry as a diagnostic aid in neonates and infants.J Ulrasound Med 1[Suppl]:200.
  • 26. Holloway H, Jones TB, Robinson AE, Harpen MD, Wiseman HJ. Sonographic determination of renal volumes in normal neonates.Pediatr Radiol 1983;13:212.
  • 27. Han BR, Babcock DS. Sonographic measurements and appearance of normal kidneys in children.AJR 1985;145:611.
  • 28. Rasmussen SN, Haase L, Kjeldsen H, Hancke S.Determination of renal volume by ultrasound scanning. J Clin Ultrasound 1978; 6:160.
  • 29. Aperia A, Broberger O, Ekengren K, Wigstad I.Relationship between area and function of the kidney in well defined childhood nephropaties. Acta Radiol[Diagn] 1978; 19:186.
  • 30. Troell S, Berg U, Johannson B, Wickstad I.Ultrasonographic renal parenchymal volume related to kidney function and renal parenchymal area in children with recurrent urinary tract infections and asymtomatic bacteriuria. Acta Radiol[Diagn] 1984;25:411.
  • 31. Monsour M, Azmy AF, MacKenzie. Renal scarring secondary to vesicoureteric reflux.Critical assessment and new grading.Br J Radiol 1987;60:320-4.
  • 32. Tamgaç F, Moretti JL, Rocchisani JL, Baillet G, Weinmann P.Tc-99m MAG3 and Tc-99m DMSA in the detection and assessment of pyelonephritis.J Nucl Med Biol 1993;37:62:4.
  • 33. Currarino G, Williams B, Dana K.Kidney length correlated with age:normal values in children.Radiology 1984;150:703-4.
  • 34. Carrico CWT, Zerin JM. Sonographic measurement of renal length in children:does the position of the patient matter?Pediatr Radiol 1996;26:553-555.
  • 35. Schlesinger AE, Hernandez RJ, Zerin JM, Marks TI, Kelsch RC Interobserver and intraobserver variations in sonographic renal length measurements in children. AJR 1991;156:1029-1032.
  • 36. Hederström E, Forsberg L: Accuracy of repeated kidney size estımation by ultrasonography and urography in chıldren. Acta Radiologica Diagnosis. 1985; 26:5.
  • 37. Emamian SA, Nielsen MB, Pedersen JF,Ytte L.Kidney dimensions at sonography:correlation with age, sex and habitus in 665 adult volunteers.AJR 1993;160:83-86.
  • 38. Klare B, Geiselhardt B, Wesch H, Scharer K, Immich H, Willich E.Radiological kidney size in childhood. Pediatr Radiol 1980;9:153.
  • 39. Stolpe Y, King LR, White H.The normal range of renal size in children. Invest Urol 1967;4:600.
  • 40. Hasch E: Ultrasound in the ınvestıgation of dısa ase of the kidney and urinary trac in children. Acta Paediatr. Scand. 1974; 63:424.
  • 41. Lıttlewood R: Ultrasonography of the genitourinary tract in children. Radiol Clin. N. Amer. 1977; 15:109.
  • 42. Lyons EA. Flemingj GG, Arnell GC., Murphy AV, Sweet EM; Donald I: Nephrosonography in infants and children. A new technigue Birt Med J II 1972; 689.
  • 43. Moskowitz PS, Caroll BA, MC coysj M: Ultrasonic renal volumetry in children Radiology 1980; 134: 61.
  • 44. Sanders RC: Renal Ultrasound Radiol, Clin. N. Amer. 1975; 8: 417.
  • 45. Tay JS, Vellayapan K,Tan L,et al.The accuracy of the ultrasound scan in the estimation of renal size in children.J Singapore Paediatr Soc 1977;19:234.
  • 46. Taylor KJW,Hill CR.Technical notes.Scanning techniques in grey-scale ultrasonography.Brit J Radiol 1975;48:918.
  • 47. Weitzel D, Tröger j, Straub E: Renal sonography in pedıatric paients. Pediatr. Radiol. 1977; 6:19.
There are 47 citations in total.


Journal Section Hareket ve Antrenman Bilimleri

İşık Tuncer

Publication Date September 30, 2017
Submission Date September 6, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 2 Issue: 3


APA Tuncer, İ. (2017). Kidney Dimensions İn Tc-99m Dmsa Scan Compared To Morphometric Measurements In Children. Gaziantep Üniversitesi Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 2(3), 36-45.

ISSN: 2536-5339

Gaziantep Üniversitesi Spor Bilimleri Dergisi


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