Aim & Scope

The new Aim & Scope of the journal has been published here on 27 April 2021.


Acta Odontologica Turcica is a national/regional journal aiming:

1) to promote dentistry and dental research in Turkey,

2) to integrate Turkish dental science into the current global dental science frame.


The scope of the journal includes:

* Clinical science research in dentistry

* Epidemiological studies related to dentistry

* Laboratory researches related to dentistry

* Reviews related to dentistry

*Case presentations related to dentistry

*Letter to the editor

* Articles submitted by non-Turkish authors are also accepted.

Studies on awareness, attitude or knowledge levels of individuals (students, patients, dentists, etc.) (unless valid and reliable scales are used) have low priority for publication in this journal.

Type of articles

We aim to achieve the above-mentioned goals by publishing scientifically sound, good quality articles in the categories of original research, review, case report and letter to the editor. We would especially like to publish submissions in the Letter to the Editor category. 

Period Months
January May September