Bone age assessment methods in dentistry: a review
Year 2016,
Volume: 33 Issue: 1, 39 - 46, 01.01.2016
Yelda Kasımoğlu
Elif Bahar Tuna-ince
The assessment of facial growth and development is important to determine the optimal timing for different treatment procedures in the growing patient. Many skeletal maturity indicators have been proposed over previous years because chronologic age is not sufficient alone for assessing the stage of development in a growing child. Maturational status has been traditionally evaluated by hand-wrist radiographs which are considered the gold standard. Different radiographic methods have been evaluated for their correlation with the skeletal maturity, and simple and practical alternatives to the hand-wrist radiograph have been presented. In accordance with the ALARA (As Low As Reasonably Achievable) principle, if evaluation of skeletal age is indicated, it is important to take radiographs with the lowest dose. The objective of this review was to evaluate different methods for assessing skeletal maturity in dentistry.
- Surendran S, Thomas E. Tooth mineralization stages as a diagnostic tool for assessment of skeletal maturity. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2014;145:7-14.
- Flores-Mir C, Mauricio FR, Orellana MF, Major PW. Association between growth stunting with dental development and skeletal maturation stage. Angle Orthod 2005;75:935-40.
- Pasciuti E, Franchi L, Baccetti T, Milani S, Farronato G. Comparison of three methods to assess individual skeletal maturity. J Orofac Orthop 2013;74:397-408.
- Madhu S, Hegde AM, Munshi AK. The developmental stages of the middle phalanx of the third finger (MP3): Sole indicator in assessing the skeletal maturity? J Clin Pediatr Dent 2003;27:149-56.
- San-Román P, Palma JC, Oteo MD, Nevado E. Skeletal maturation determined by cervical vertebrae development. Eur J Orthod 2002;24:303-11.
- Chatzigianni A, Halazonetis DJ. Geometric morphometric evaluation of cervical vertebrae shape and its relationship to skeletal maturation. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2009;136:481.e1-9.
- Aja-Fernández S, de Luis-García R, Martin-Fernández MA, Alberola-López C. A computational TW3 classifier for skeletal maturity assessment. A Computing with Words approach. J Biomed Inform 2004;37:99-107.
- Ertürk N. [Teleroentgen studies on the development of the frontal sinus]. Fortschr Kieferorthop 1968;29:245-8.
- Chapman SM. Ossification of the adductor sesamoid and the adolescent growth spurt. Angle Orthod J 1972;42:236-44.
- Abdel-Kader HM. The potential of digital dental radiography in recording the adductor sesamoid and the MP3 stages. Br J Orthod 1999;26:291-4.
- Ozer T, Kama JD, Ozer SY. A practical method for determining pubertal growth spurt. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2006;130:131.e1- 6.
- Negi KS. Reliability of MP3 (middle phalanx of 3rd finger) stages in assessment of skeletal maturation – a correlative study. The Orthodontic CYBERjournal 2009. Erişim tarihi: 10.02.2014.
- Tikku T, Khanna R, Sachan K, Agrawal S. Correlation of improved version of cervical vertebral maturation indicator with other growth maturity indicators. J Ind Orthod Soc 2013;47:28-32.
- Rajagopal R, Kansal S. A comparison of modified MP3 stages and the cervical vertebrae as growth indicators. J Clin Orthod 2002;36:398-406.
- Wong RW, Alkhal HA, Rabie AB. Use of cervical vertebral maturation to determine skeletal age. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2009;136:484.e1-6.
- Joshi V, Yamaguchi T, Matsuda Y, Kaneko N, Maki K, Okano T. Skeletal maturity assessment with the use of cone-beam computerized tomography. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol 2012;113:841-9.
- Gandini P, Mancini M, Andreani F. A comparison of hand-wrist bone and cervical vertebral analyses in measuring skeletal maturation. Angle Orthod 2006;76:984-9.
- Baccetti T, Franchi L, McNamara JA Jr. An improved version of the cervical vertebral maturation (CVM) method for the assessment of mandibular growth. Angle Orthod 2002;72:316-23.
- Hassel B, Farman AG. Skeletal maturation evaluation using cervical vertebrae. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 1995;107:58-66.
- Lamparski D. Skeletal age assessment utilizing cervical vertebrae [thesis]. Pennysylvania: University of Pittsburgh; 1972.
- Soegiharto BM, Cunningham SJ, Moles DR. Skeletal maturation in Indonesian and white children assessed with hand-wrist and cervical vertebrae methods. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2008;134:217-26.
- Patcas R, Signorelli L, Peltomäki T, Schätzle M. Is the use of the cervical vertebrae maturation method justified to determine skeletal age? A comparison of radiation dose of two strategies for skeletal age estimation. Eur J Orthod 2013;35:604-9.
- Buken B, Safak AA, Buken E, Yazici B, Erkol Z, Erzengin OU. Is the Tanner-Whitehouse (TW3) method sufficiently reliable for forensic age determination of Turkish children? Turk J Med Sci 2010;40:797-805.
- Koc A, Karaoglanoglu M, Erdogan M, Kosecik M, Cesur Y. Assessment of bone ages: Is the Greulich-Pyle method sufficient for Turkish boys? Pediatr Int 2001;43:662-5.
- Buken B, Safak AA, Yazici B, Buken E, Mayda AS. Is the assessment of bone age by the Greulich-Pyle method reliable at forensic age estimation for Turkish children? Forensic Sci Int 2007;173:146-53.
- Gök Ş, Erölçer N, Özen C. Adli tıpta yaş tayini, 2. Baskı. İstanbul: T.C. Adalet Bakanlığı Adli Tıp Kurumu Yayınları; 1985.
- Tanner G, Healy MJR, Goldstein H, Cameron N. Assessment of skeletal maturity and prediction of adult height (TW3) method. London: Saunders; 2011.
- Tanner JM, Whitehouse RH, Cameron N, Marshall WA, Healy MJR, Goldstein H. Assessment of skeletal maturity and prediction of adult height (TW2 method), 2nd edn. London: Academic Press; 1983.
- Tanner JM, Whitehouse RH, Healy MJR. A new system for estimating skeletal maturity from the hand and wrist with standards derived from a study of 2600 healthy British children. Part II. The scoring system. Paris, France: International Child Centre; 1962.
- Schmidt S, Nitz I, Schulz R, Schmeling A. Applicability of the skeletal age determination method of Tanner and Whitehouse for forensic age diagnostics. Int J Legal Med 2008;122:309-14
- Greulich WW, Pyle SI. Radiographic atlas of skeletal development of the hand and wrist. Am J Med Sci 1959;238:261-396.
- Greulich WW. The rationale of assessing the developmental status of children from roentgenograms of the hand and wrist. Child Dev 1950;21:33-44.
- Cohen BL. Catalogue of risks extended and updated. Health Phys 1991;61:317-35.
- Tsukiboshi M. Treatment procedures for delayed replantation. Bryn Grisham, ed. Treatment planning for traumatized teeth. Hanover Park, IL: Quintessence Publishing; 2012. p.178-85.
- Calasans-Maia JA, Neto AS, Batista MM, Alves AT, Granjeiro JM, Calasans-Maia MD. Management of ankylosed young permanent incisors after trauma and prior to implant rehabilitation. Oral Surgery 2014;7:45-51.
- Mendes YB, Bergmann JR, Pellissari MF, Hilgenberg SP, Coelho U. Analysis of skeletal maturation in patients aged 13 to 20 years by means of hand wrist radiographs. Dental Press J Orthod 2010;15:74-9.
- Joshi VV, Iyengar AR, Nagesh KS, Gupta J. Comparative study between cervical vertebrae and hand-wrist maturation for the assessment of skeletal age. Rev Clín Pesq Odontol 2010;6:207-13.
- Bajaj I, Barmani R, Dab S, Kadam S, Naoum D, Patel N, et al. What is the best diagnostic tool for the assessment of skeletal maturity; cervical vertebral assessment on lateral cephalogram or hand wrist radiograph? 2011. groupa.pdf. Erişim tarihi: 10.02.2014.
- Kluemper GT, Spalding PM. Realities of craniofacial growth modification. Atlas Oral Maxillofac Surg Clin North Am 2001;9:23-51.
- Franchi L, Pavoni C, Faltin K Jr, McNamara JA Jr, Cozza P. Longterm skeletal and dental effects and treatment timing for functional appliances in Class II malocclusion. Angle Orthod 2013;83:334-40.
- Baccetti T, Franchi L, Giuntini V, Masucci C, Vangelisti A, Defraia E. Early vs late orthodontic treatment of deepbite: a prospective clinical trial in growing subjects. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2012;142:75-82.
- Heasman P. Master dentistry Volume 2: Restorative dentistry, paediatric dentistry and orthodontics, 2nd edn. Churchill Livingstone: Elsevier Publishing; 2008.
- Hägg U, Taranger J. Skeletal stages of the hand and wrist as indicators of the pubertal growth spurt. Acta Odontol Scand 1980;38:187-200.
- Hägg U, Taranger J. Maturation indicators and pubertal growth spurt. Am J Orthod 1982:82:299-309.
- Ruf S, Pancherz H. When is the ideal period for Herbst therapy-early or late? Semin Orthod 2003;9:47-56.
- Basaran G, Ozer T, Hamamci N. Cervical vertebral and dental maturity in Turkish subjects. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2007;131:447.e13-20
- Sachan K, Sharma VP, Tandon P. A correlative study of dental age and skeletal maturation. Indian J Dent Res 2011;22:882.
- Perinetti G, Contardo L, Gabrieli P, Baccetti T, Di Lenarda R. Diagnostic performance of dental maturity for identification of skeletal maturation phase. Eur J Orthod 2012;34:487-92.
- Şahin Sağlam AM, Gazilerli U. The relationship between dental and skeletal maturity. J Orofac Orthop 2002;63:454-62.
- Uysal T, Sari Z, Ramoglu SI, Basciftci FA. Relationships between dental and skeletal maturity in Turkish subjects. Angle Orthod 2004;74:657-64.
- Kumar V, Hegde KS, Bhat SS. The relationship between dental age, bone age and chronological age in children with short stature. IJCD 2011;2:6-11.
- Kiran S, Sharma VP, Tandon P, Tikku T, Verma S, Srivastava K. To establish the validity of dental age assessment using Nolla’s method on comparing with skeletal age assessed by hand-wrist radiographs. J Orthod Res 2013;1:11-5.
- Shilpa PH, Sunil RS, Sapna K, Kumar NC. Estimation and comparison of dental, skeletal and chronologic age in Bangalore south school going children. J Indian Soc Pedod Prev Dent 2013;2:63-8.
- Chen J, Hu H, Guo J, Liu Z, Liu R, Li F, et al. Correlation between dental maturity and cervical vertebral maturity. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2010;110:777-83.
- Gupta M, Divyashree R, Abhilash P, A Bijle MN, Murali K. Correlation between chronological age, dental age and skeletal age among monozygoyic and dizygotic twins. J Int Oral Health 2013;5:16-22.
- Cardoso HF. Environmental effects on skeletal versus dental development: using a documented subadult skeletal sample to test a basic assumption in human osteological research. Am J Phys Anthropol 2007;132:223-33.
- Gilsanz V, Ratib O. Hand bone age: a digital atlas of skeletal maturity, eBook. New York: Springer Publishing Company; 2005.
- Durka-Zajac M, Marcinkowska A, Mituś-Kenig M. Bone age assessment using cephalometric photographs. Pol J Radiol 2013;78:19-25.
- Fishman LS. Radiographic evaluation of skeletal maturation. A clinically oriented method based on hand-wrist films. Angle Orthod 1982;52:88-112.
- Krailassiri S, Anuwongnukroh N, Dechkunakorn S. Relationships between dental calcification stages and skeletal maturity indicators in Thai individuals. Angle Orthod 2002;72:155-66.
- Alkhal HA, Wong RW, Rabie AB. Correlation between chronological age, cervical vertebral maturation and Fishman’s skeletal maturity indicators in Southern Chinese. Angle Orthod 2008;78:591-6.
- Hegde DY, Baliga S, Yeluri R, Munshi AK. Digital radiograph of the middle phalanx of the third finger (MP3) region as a tool for skeletal maturity assessment. Indian J Dent Res 2012;23:447-53.
- Haiter-Neto F, Kurita LM, Menezes AV, Casanova MS. Skeletal age assessment: a comparison of 3 methods. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2006;130:435.e15-20.
- Bala M, Pathak A, Jain RL. Assessment of skeletal age using MP3 and hand-wrist radiographs and its correlation with dental and chronological ages in children. J Indian Soc Pedod Prev Dent 2010;28:95-9.
- Abdel-Kader HM. The reliability of dental x-ray film in assessment of MP3 stages of the pubertal growth spurt. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 1998;114:427-9.
Diş hekimliğinde kemik yaşı tayininde kullanılan yöntemler: derleme
Year 2016,
Volume: 33 Issue: 1, 39 - 46, 01.01.2016
Yelda Kasımoğlu
Elif Bahar Tuna-ince
Büyüme ve gelişimi devam eden hastalarda yüz gelişiminin değerlendirilmesi farklı tedaviler için optimal zamana karar vermede önem taşımaktadır. Büyüme ve gelişimi devam eden bir çocukta, çocuğun gelişiminin değerlendirilmesinde kronolojik yaşın tek başına yeterli bir parametre olamaması nedeni ile çeşitli iskeletsel olgunlaşma indikatörleri geliştirilmiştir. Bireyin olgunlaşma derecesi geleneksel olarak altın standart olarak dakabuledilen el-bilek radyografileri ile saptanabilmektedir. Bu nedenle iskeletsel olgunlaşmayı saptayabilmek için farklı radyografik yöntemler değerlendirilmiş ve el-bilek radyografilerine göre daha basit ve pratik alternatifler sunulmuştur. Mümkün olan en düşük radyasyon ekspozürü prensibine dayanarak, iskelet yaşı değerlendirmesinde en düşük radyasyon dozunun seçilmesi büyük önem taşımaktadır. Bu derlemenin amacı diş hekimliğinde iskeletsel olgunlaşmanın değerlendirilmesinde kullanılan farklı yöntemler hakkında bilgi vermektir.
- Surendran S, Thomas E. Tooth mineralization stages as a diagnostic tool for assessment of skeletal maturity. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2014;145:7-14.
- Flores-Mir C, Mauricio FR, Orellana MF, Major PW. Association between growth stunting with dental development and skeletal maturation stage. Angle Orthod 2005;75:935-40.
- Pasciuti E, Franchi L, Baccetti T, Milani S, Farronato G. Comparison of three methods to assess individual skeletal maturity. J Orofac Orthop 2013;74:397-408.
- Madhu S, Hegde AM, Munshi AK. The developmental stages of the middle phalanx of the third finger (MP3): Sole indicator in assessing the skeletal maturity? J Clin Pediatr Dent 2003;27:149-56.
- San-Román P, Palma JC, Oteo MD, Nevado E. Skeletal maturation determined by cervical vertebrae development. Eur J Orthod 2002;24:303-11.
- Chatzigianni A, Halazonetis DJ. Geometric morphometric evaluation of cervical vertebrae shape and its relationship to skeletal maturation. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2009;136:481.e1-9.
- Aja-Fernández S, de Luis-García R, Martin-Fernández MA, Alberola-López C. A computational TW3 classifier for skeletal maturity assessment. A Computing with Words approach. J Biomed Inform 2004;37:99-107.
- Ertürk N. [Teleroentgen studies on the development of the frontal sinus]. Fortschr Kieferorthop 1968;29:245-8.
- Chapman SM. Ossification of the adductor sesamoid and the adolescent growth spurt. Angle Orthod J 1972;42:236-44.
- Abdel-Kader HM. The potential of digital dental radiography in recording the adductor sesamoid and the MP3 stages. Br J Orthod 1999;26:291-4.
- Ozer T, Kama JD, Ozer SY. A practical method for determining pubertal growth spurt. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2006;130:131.e1- 6.
- Negi KS. Reliability of MP3 (middle phalanx of 3rd finger) stages in assessment of skeletal maturation – a correlative study. The Orthodontic CYBERjournal 2009. Erişim tarihi: 10.02.2014.
- Tikku T, Khanna R, Sachan K, Agrawal S. Correlation of improved version of cervical vertebral maturation indicator with other growth maturity indicators. J Ind Orthod Soc 2013;47:28-32.
- Rajagopal R, Kansal S. A comparison of modified MP3 stages and the cervical vertebrae as growth indicators. J Clin Orthod 2002;36:398-406.
- Wong RW, Alkhal HA, Rabie AB. Use of cervical vertebral maturation to determine skeletal age. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2009;136:484.e1-6.
- Joshi V, Yamaguchi T, Matsuda Y, Kaneko N, Maki K, Okano T. Skeletal maturity assessment with the use of cone-beam computerized tomography. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol 2012;113:841-9.
- Gandini P, Mancini M, Andreani F. A comparison of hand-wrist bone and cervical vertebral analyses in measuring skeletal maturation. Angle Orthod 2006;76:984-9.
- Baccetti T, Franchi L, McNamara JA Jr. An improved version of the cervical vertebral maturation (CVM) method for the assessment of mandibular growth. Angle Orthod 2002;72:316-23.
- Hassel B, Farman AG. Skeletal maturation evaluation using cervical vertebrae. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 1995;107:58-66.
- Lamparski D. Skeletal age assessment utilizing cervical vertebrae [thesis]. Pennysylvania: University of Pittsburgh; 1972.
- Soegiharto BM, Cunningham SJ, Moles DR. Skeletal maturation in Indonesian and white children assessed with hand-wrist and cervical vertebrae methods. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2008;134:217-26.
- Patcas R, Signorelli L, Peltomäki T, Schätzle M. Is the use of the cervical vertebrae maturation method justified to determine skeletal age? A comparison of radiation dose of two strategies for skeletal age estimation. Eur J Orthod 2013;35:604-9.
- Buken B, Safak AA, Buken E, Yazici B, Erkol Z, Erzengin OU. Is the Tanner-Whitehouse (TW3) method sufficiently reliable for forensic age determination of Turkish children? Turk J Med Sci 2010;40:797-805.
- Koc A, Karaoglanoglu M, Erdogan M, Kosecik M, Cesur Y. Assessment of bone ages: Is the Greulich-Pyle method sufficient for Turkish boys? Pediatr Int 2001;43:662-5.
- Buken B, Safak AA, Yazici B, Buken E, Mayda AS. Is the assessment of bone age by the Greulich-Pyle method reliable at forensic age estimation for Turkish children? Forensic Sci Int 2007;173:146-53.
- Gök Ş, Erölçer N, Özen C. Adli tıpta yaş tayini, 2. Baskı. İstanbul: T.C. Adalet Bakanlığı Adli Tıp Kurumu Yayınları; 1985.
- Tanner G, Healy MJR, Goldstein H, Cameron N. Assessment of skeletal maturity and prediction of adult height (TW3) method. London: Saunders; 2011.
- Tanner JM, Whitehouse RH, Cameron N, Marshall WA, Healy MJR, Goldstein H. Assessment of skeletal maturity and prediction of adult height (TW2 method), 2nd edn. London: Academic Press; 1983.
- Tanner JM, Whitehouse RH, Healy MJR. A new system for estimating skeletal maturity from the hand and wrist with standards derived from a study of 2600 healthy British children. Part II. The scoring system. Paris, France: International Child Centre; 1962.
- Schmidt S, Nitz I, Schulz R, Schmeling A. Applicability of the skeletal age determination method of Tanner and Whitehouse for forensic age diagnostics. Int J Legal Med 2008;122:309-14
- Greulich WW, Pyle SI. Radiographic atlas of skeletal development of the hand and wrist. Am J Med Sci 1959;238:261-396.
- Greulich WW. The rationale of assessing the developmental status of children from roentgenograms of the hand and wrist. Child Dev 1950;21:33-44.
- Cohen BL. Catalogue of risks extended and updated. Health Phys 1991;61:317-35.
- Tsukiboshi M. Treatment procedures for delayed replantation. Bryn Grisham, ed. Treatment planning for traumatized teeth. Hanover Park, IL: Quintessence Publishing; 2012. p.178-85.
- Calasans-Maia JA, Neto AS, Batista MM, Alves AT, Granjeiro JM, Calasans-Maia MD. Management of ankylosed young permanent incisors after trauma and prior to implant rehabilitation. Oral Surgery 2014;7:45-51.
- Mendes YB, Bergmann JR, Pellissari MF, Hilgenberg SP, Coelho U. Analysis of skeletal maturation in patients aged 13 to 20 years by means of hand wrist radiographs. Dental Press J Orthod 2010;15:74-9.
- Joshi VV, Iyengar AR, Nagesh KS, Gupta J. Comparative study between cervical vertebrae and hand-wrist maturation for the assessment of skeletal age. Rev Clín Pesq Odontol 2010;6:207-13.
- Bajaj I, Barmani R, Dab S, Kadam S, Naoum D, Patel N, et al. What is the best diagnostic tool for the assessment of skeletal maturity; cervical vertebral assessment on lateral cephalogram or hand wrist radiograph? 2011. groupa.pdf. Erişim tarihi: 10.02.2014.
- Kluemper GT, Spalding PM. Realities of craniofacial growth modification. Atlas Oral Maxillofac Surg Clin North Am 2001;9:23-51.
- Franchi L, Pavoni C, Faltin K Jr, McNamara JA Jr, Cozza P. Longterm skeletal and dental effects and treatment timing for functional appliances in Class II malocclusion. Angle Orthod 2013;83:334-40.
- Baccetti T, Franchi L, Giuntini V, Masucci C, Vangelisti A, Defraia E. Early vs late orthodontic treatment of deepbite: a prospective clinical trial in growing subjects. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2012;142:75-82.
- Heasman P. Master dentistry Volume 2: Restorative dentistry, paediatric dentistry and orthodontics, 2nd edn. Churchill Livingstone: Elsevier Publishing; 2008.
- Hägg U, Taranger J. Skeletal stages of the hand and wrist as indicators of the pubertal growth spurt. Acta Odontol Scand 1980;38:187-200.
- Hägg U, Taranger J. Maturation indicators and pubertal growth spurt. Am J Orthod 1982:82:299-309.
- Ruf S, Pancherz H. When is the ideal period for Herbst therapy-early or late? Semin Orthod 2003;9:47-56.
- Basaran G, Ozer T, Hamamci N. Cervical vertebral and dental maturity in Turkish subjects. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2007;131:447.e13-20
- Sachan K, Sharma VP, Tandon P. A correlative study of dental age and skeletal maturation. Indian J Dent Res 2011;22:882.
- Perinetti G, Contardo L, Gabrieli P, Baccetti T, Di Lenarda R. Diagnostic performance of dental maturity for identification of skeletal maturation phase. Eur J Orthod 2012;34:487-92.
- Şahin Sağlam AM, Gazilerli U. The relationship between dental and skeletal maturity. J Orofac Orthop 2002;63:454-62.
- Uysal T, Sari Z, Ramoglu SI, Basciftci FA. Relationships between dental and skeletal maturity in Turkish subjects. Angle Orthod 2004;74:657-64.
- Kumar V, Hegde KS, Bhat SS. The relationship between dental age, bone age and chronological age in children with short stature. IJCD 2011;2:6-11.
- Kiran S, Sharma VP, Tandon P, Tikku T, Verma S, Srivastava K. To establish the validity of dental age assessment using Nolla’s method on comparing with skeletal age assessed by hand-wrist radiographs. J Orthod Res 2013;1:11-5.
- Shilpa PH, Sunil RS, Sapna K, Kumar NC. Estimation and comparison of dental, skeletal and chronologic age in Bangalore south school going children. J Indian Soc Pedod Prev Dent 2013;2:63-8.
- Chen J, Hu H, Guo J, Liu Z, Liu R, Li F, et al. Correlation between dental maturity and cervical vertebral maturity. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2010;110:777-83.
- Gupta M, Divyashree R, Abhilash P, A Bijle MN, Murali K. Correlation between chronological age, dental age and skeletal age among monozygoyic and dizygotic twins. J Int Oral Health 2013;5:16-22.
- Cardoso HF. Environmental effects on skeletal versus dental development: using a documented subadult skeletal sample to test a basic assumption in human osteological research. Am J Phys Anthropol 2007;132:223-33.
- Gilsanz V, Ratib O. Hand bone age: a digital atlas of skeletal maturity, eBook. New York: Springer Publishing Company; 2005.
- Durka-Zajac M, Marcinkowska A, Mituś-Kenig M. Bone age assessment using cephalometric photographs. Pol J Radiol 2013;78:19-25.
- Fishman LS. Radiographic evaluation of skeletal maturation. A clinically oriented method based on hand-wrist films. Angle Orthod 1982;52:88-112.
- Krailassiri S, Anuwongnukroh N, Dechkunakorn S. Relationships between dental calcification stages and skeletal maturity indicators in Thai individuals. Angle Orthod 2002;72:155-66.
- Alkhal HA, Wong RW, Rabie AB. Correlation between chronological age, cervical vertebral maturation and Fishman’s skeletal maturity indicators in Southern Chinese. Angle Orthod 2008;78:591-6.
- Hegde DY, Baliga S, Yeluri R, Munshi AK. Digital radiograph of the middle phalanx of the third finger (MP3) region as a tool for skeletal maturity assessment. Indian J Dent Res 2012;23:447-53.
- Haiter-Neto F, Kurita LM, Menezes AV, Casanova MS. Skeletal age assessment: a comparison of 3 methods. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2006;130:435.e15-20.
- Bala M, Pathak A, Jain RL. Assessment of skeletal age using MP3 and hand-wrist radiographs and its correlation with dental and chronological ages in children. J Indian Soc Pedod Prev Dent 2010;28:95-9.
- Abdel-Kader HM. The reliability of dental x-ray film in assessment of MP3 stages of the pubertal growth spurt. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 1998;114:427-9.