Research Article
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Radiographic evaluation of the third molar development in a Turkish population: age, sex and jaw comparison

Year 2015, Volume: 32 Issue: 3, 130 - 135, 15.07.2015


OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study was to determine and compare the developmental stages of the third molars in a sample of Turkish population aged between 12-17 years, according to age, sex and jaws.

MATERIALS AND METHOD: Orthopantomograms of 322 (162 female, 159 male) Turkish patients, aged between 12-17 years were examined. Patients that had maxillary and mandibular third molars on the left side were included to this study. Numbers of the teeth were similar in each age group and gender. All evaluations were done in a dark room by an experienced orthodontist blinded to the age and sex of the patients. Maxillary and mandibular third molar developmental stages were evaluated according to the Demirjian method (stages A-H). Each stage was assigned a numeric value from 1 to 8. Mann-Whitney U test was performed to determine the differences between age, sex and jaw. A p value less than 0.05 was considered as statistically significant.

RESULTS: The intraobserver reliability was 0.85. In all age categories, there was no statistically significant difference between the third molar development in different sexes or jaws. Third molar crown formation was observed to be completed at around the age of 14 in both sexes and jaws. One-half to two-thirds of the roots formed in both sexes and jaws earliest at about 15 years of age. Moreover, complete root development was as early as at 16 years for females and at 17 years for males.

CONCLUSION: At each age, no significant difference was found in the third molar development between males and females, and between maxilla and mandible.


  • Lysell L, Rohlin M. A study of indications used for removal of the man- dibular third molar. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1988;17:161-4.
  • Richardson ME. The etiology and prediction of mandibular third molar impaction. Angle Orthod 1977;47:165-72.
  • Celikoglu M, Kamak H. Patterns of third-molar agenesis in an ortho- dontic patient population with different skeletal malocclusions. Angle Orthod 2012;82:165-9.
  • Arany S, Iino M, Yoshioka N. Radiographic survey of third molar de- velopment in relation to chronological age among Japanese juveniles. J Forensic Sci 2004;49:534-8.
  • Bolaños MV, Moussa H, Manrique MC, Bolaños MJ. Radiographic evaluation of third molar development in Spanish children and young people. Forensic Sci Int 2003;133:212-9.
  • Kajii T, Imai T, Kajii S, Iida J. Presence of third molar germs in ortho- dontic patients in Japan. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2001;119:245- 50.
  • Chaparro-Avendaño A, Pérez-García S, Valmaseda-Castellón E, Be- rini-Aytés L, Gay-Escoda C. Morbidity of third molar extraction in patients between 12 and 18 years of age. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal 2005;10:422-31.
  • Bruce RA, Frederickson GC, Small GS. Age of patients and morbidity associated with mandibular third molar surgery. J Am Dent Assoc 1980;101:240-5.
  • Chiles DG, Cosentino BJ. The third molar question: report of cases. J Am Dent Assoc 1987;115:575-6.
  • Zawawi KH, Melis M. The role of mandibular third molars on lower anterior teeth crowding and relapse after orthodontic treatment: a syste- matic review. Scientific World Journal 2014;2014:615429.
  • Niedzielska I. Third molar influence on dental arch crowding. Eur J Orthod 2005;27:518-23.
  • Lindqvist B, Thilander B. Extraction of third molars in cases of anti- cipated crowding in the lower jaw. Am J Orthod 1982;81:130-9.
  • Sidlauskas A, Trakiniene G. Effect of the lower third molars on the lower dental arch crowding. Stomatologija 2006;8:80-4.
  • Buschang PH, Shulman JD. Incisor crowding in untreated persons 15-50 years of age: United States, 1988-1994. Angle Orthod 2003;73:502-8.
  • Chiapasco M, De Cicco L, Marrone G. Side effects and complicati- ons associated with third molar surgery. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pat- hol 1993;76:412-20.
  • Bishara SE. Third molars: A dilemma Or is it? Am J Orthod Dento- facial Orthop 1999;115:628-33.
  • Gunst K, Mesotten K, Carbonez A, Willems G. Third molar deve- lopment in relation to chronological age: a large sample sized retros- pective study. Forensic Sci Int 2003;136:52-7.
  • Kullman L, Johanson G, Akesson L. Root development of the lower third molar and its relation to chronological age. Swed Dent J 1992;16:161-7.
  • Olze A, Taniguchi M, Schmeling A, Zhu BL, Yamada Y, Maeda H, et al. Studies on the chronology of third molar mineralization in a Japa- nese population. Leg Med (Tokyo) 2004;6:73-9.
  • Martin-de las Heras S, García-Fortea P, Ortega A, Zodocovich S, Valenzuela A. Third molar development according to chronological age in populations from Spanish and Magrebian origin. Forensic Sci Int 2008;174:47-53.
  • Orhan K, Ozer L, Orhan AI, Dogan S, Paksoy CS. Radiographic eva- luation of third-molar development in relation to chronological age among Turkish children and youth. Forensic Sci Int 2007;165:46-51.
  • Liversidge HM. Timing of human mandibular third molar formation. Ann Hum Biol 2008,35:294-321.
  • Olze A, Schmeling A, Taniguchi M, Maeda H, Van Niekerk P, Wer- necke KD, et al. Forensic age estimation in living subjects: the ethnic factor in wisdom teeth mineralization. Int J Leg Med 2004;118:170-3.
  • Jafari A, Mohebbi S, Khami M, Shahabi MS, Naseh M, Elhami F, et al. Radiographic evaluation of third molar development in 5-25 years old in Tehran, Iran. J Dent (Tehran) 2012;9:107-15.
  • Uzamış M, Kansu Ö, Taner TU, Alpar R. Radiographic evaluation of third-molar development in a group of Turkish children. ASDC J Dent Child 2000;67:136-41.
  • Olze A, Taniguchi M, Schmeling A, Zhu BL, Yamada Y, Maeda H, et al. Comparative study on the chronology of third-molar mineralization in a Japanese and a German population. Leg Med 2003;5:256-60.
  • Şişman Y, Uysal T, Yağmur F, Ramoglu SI. Third-molar develop- ment in relation to chronologic age in Turkish children and young adults. Angle Orthod 2007;77:1040-5.
  • Karatas OH, Öztürk F, Dedeoğlu N, Çolak C, Altun O. Radiographic evaluation of third-molar development in relation to the chronological age of Turkish children in the southwest eastern Anatolia region. Fo- rensic Sci Int 2013;:238:e1-5.
  • Tunc ES, Koyuturk AE. Dental age assessment using Demirjian’s method on northern Turkish children. Forensic Sci Int 2008;175:23-6. 30. Demirjian A, Goldstein H, Tanner JM. A new system of dental age assessment. Hum Biol 1973;45:211-27.
  • Krailassiri S, Anuwongnukroh N, Dechkunakorn S. Relationship bet- ween dental calcification stages and skeletal maturity indicators in Thai individuals. Angle Orthod 2002;72:155-66.
  • Jung YH, Cho BH. Radiographic evaluation of third molar develop- ment in 6 to 24 year olds. Imaging Sci Dent 2014;44:185-91.
  • Harris EF. Mineralization of the mandibular third molar: a study of American blacks and whites. Am J Phys Anthropol 2007;132:98-109.
  • Karadayi B, Kaya A, Kolusayın MO, Karadayi S, Afsin H, Ozaslan A. Radiological age estimation: based on third molar mineralization and eruption in Turkish children and young adults. Int J Legal Med 2012;126:933-42.
  • Solari AC, Abramovitch K. The accuracy and precision of third molar development as an indicator of chronological age in Hispanics. J Fo- rensic Sci 2002;47:531-5.

Bir Türk popülasyonunda üçüncü molar dişlerin gelişiminin radyografik olarak değerlendirilmesi: yaş, cinsiyet ve çene karşılaştırması

Year 2015, Volume: 32 Issue: 3, 130 - 135, 15.07.2015


AMAÇ: Bu çalışmanın amacı Türk toplumunda 12-17 yaş
aralığındaki bireylerde üçüncü molar dişlerin gelişim dönemlerini çeneler, yaş ve cinsiyet açısından karşılaştırarak
tespit etmektir.
GEREÇ VE YÖNTEM: 12-17 yaşları arasındaki 322 (162 kız, 159
erkek) Türk bireye ait panoramik film değerlendirildi. Çalışma
grubuna sol tarafta üst ve alt üçüncü molar dişleri
mevcut olan bireyler dahil edildi. Birey sayısı yaş gruplarına
ve cinsiyetlere göre denkleştirildi. Tüm değerlendirmeler,
karanlık bir odada tek bir deneyimli ortodontist
tarafından, hastaların yaş ve cinsiyet bilgisi bilinmeden yapıldı.Üst
ve alt üçüncü molar dişlerin gelişim evreleri Demirjian
metoduna göre A-H arasında sınıflandırıldı. Her bir
gelişim evresine 1 den 8’e kadar sayısal değer verildi.
Üçüncü molar diş gelişiminin cinsiyet, yaş ve çeneler bakımından karşılaştırılmasında Mann-Whitney U testi kullanıldı.
İstatistiksel anlamlılık düzeyi p < 0.05 kabul edildi.
BULGULAR: Araştırmacı içi tekrarlanabilirlilik katsayısı 0.85
olarak bulundu. Tüm yaşlarda, üçüncü molar diş gelişim
evresi bakımından cinsiyetler ve çeneler arasında istatistiksel
olarak anlamlı farklılık bulunmadı. Üçüncü molar diş
kron oluşumunun her iki cinsiyette ve çenede 14 yaşında
tamamlandığı gözlendi. Kökün yarısı ile 2/3’ünün gelişiminin
her iki cinsiyette ve çenede en erken 15 yaşlarında olduğu
saptandı. Kök gelişiminin tamamlanması kızlarda en
erken 16, erkeklerde 17 yaşlarındadır.
SONUÇ: Her bir yaş grubunda gerek cinsiyet gerekse çeneler
arasında üçüncü molar dişlerin gelişimi bakımından
fark saptanmadı


  • Lysell L, Rohlin M. A study of indications used for removal of the man- dibular third molar. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1988;17:161-4.
  • Richardson ME. The etiology and prediction of mandibular third molar impaction. Angle Orthod 1977;47:165-72.
  • Celikoglu M, Kamak H. Patterns of third-molar agenesis in an ortho- dontic patient population with different skeletal malocclusions. Angle Orthod 2012;82:165-9.
  • Arany S, Iino M, Yoshioka N. Radiographic survey of third molar de- velopment in relation to chronological age among Japanese juveniles. J Forensic Sci 2004;49:534-8.
  • Bolaños MV, Moussa H, Manrique MC, Bolaños MJ. Radiographic evaluation of third molar development in Spanish children and young people. Forensic Sci Int 2003;133:212-9.
  • Kajii T, Imai T, Kajii S, Iida J. Presence of third molar germs in ortho- dontic patients in Japan. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2001;119:245- 50.
  • Chaparro-Avendaño A, Pérez-García S, Valmaseda-Castellón E, Be- rini-Aytés L, Gay-Escoda C. Morbidity of third molar extraction in patients between 12 and 18 years of age. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal 2005;10:422-31.
  • Bruce RA, Frederickson GC, Small GS. Age of patients and morbidity associated with mandibular third molar surgery. J Am Dent Assoc 1980;101:240-5.
  • Chiles DG, Cosentino BJ. The third molar question: report of cases. J Am Dent Assoc 1987;115:575-6.
  • Zawawi KH, Melis M. The role of mandibular third molars on lower anterior teeth crowding and relapse after orthodontic treatment: a syste- matic review. Scientific World Journal 2014;2014:615429.
  • Niedzielska I. Third molar influence on dental arch crowding. Eur J Orthod 2005;27:518-23.
  • Lindqvist B, Thilander B. Extraction of third molars in cases of anti- cipated crowding in the lower jaw. Am J Orthod 1982;81:130-9.
  • Sidlauskas A, Trakiniene G. Effect of the lower third molars on the lower dental arch crowding. Stomatologija 2006;8:80-4.
  • Buschang PH, Shulman JD. Incisor crowding in untreated persons 15-50 years of age: United States, 1988-1994. Angle Orthod 2003;73:502-8.
  • Chiapasco M, De Cicco L, Marrone G. Side effects and complicati- ons associated with third molar surgery. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pat- hol 1993;76:412-20.
  • Bishara SE. Third molars: A dilemma Or is it? Am J Orthod Dento- facial Orthop 1999;115:628-33.
  • Gunst K, Mesotten K, Carbonez A, Willems G. Third molar deve- lopment in relation to chronological age: a large sample sized retros- pective study. Forensic Sci Int 2003;136:52-7.
  • Kullman L, Johanson G, Akesson L. Root development of the lower third molar and its relation to chronological age. Swed Dent J 1992;16:161-7.
  • Olze A, Taniguchi M, Schmeling A, Zhu BL, Yamada Y, Maeda H, et al. Studies on the chronology of third molar mineralization in a Japa- nese population. Leg Med (Tokyo) 2004;6:73-9.
  • Martin-de las Heras S, García-Fortea P, Ortega A, Zodocovich S, Valenzuela A. Third molar development according to chronological age in populations from Spanish and Magrebian origin. Forensic Sci Int 2008;174:47-53.
  • Orhan K, Ozer L, Orhan AI, Dogan S, Paksoy CS. Radiographic eva- luation of third-molar development in relation to chronological age among Turkish children and youth. Forensic Sci Int 2007;165:46-51.
  • Liversidge HM. Timing of human mandibular third molar formation. Ann Hum Biol 2008,35:294-321.
  • Olze A, Schmeling A, Taniguchi M, Maeda H, Van Niekerk P, Wer- necke KD, et al. Forensic age estimation in living subjects: the ethnic factor in wisdom teeth mineralization. Int J Leg Med 2004;118:170-3.
  • Jafari A, Mohebbi S, Khami M, Shahabi MS, Naseh M, Elhami F, et al. Radiographic evaluation of third molar development in 5-25 years old in Tehran, Iran. J Dent (Tehran) 2012;9:107-15.
  • Uzamış M, Kansu Ö, Taner TU, Alpar R. Radiographic evaluation of third-molar development in a group of Turkish children. ASDC J Dent Child 2000;67:136-41.
  • Olze A, Taniguchi M, Schmeling A, Zhu BL, Yamada Y, Maeda H, et al. Comparative study on the chronology of third-molar mineralization in a Japanese and a German population. Leg Med 2003;5:256-60.
  • Şişman Y, Uysal T, Yağmur F, Ramoglu SI. Third-molar develop- ment in relation to chronologic age in Turkish children and young adults. Angle Orthod 2007;77:1040-5.
  • Karatas OH, Öztürk F, Dedeoğlu N, Çolak C, Altun O. Radiographic evaluation of third-molar development in relation to the chronological age of Turkish children in the southwest eastern Anatolia region. Fo- rensic Sci Int 2013;:238:e1-5.
  • Tunc ES, Koyuturk AE. Dental age assessment using Demirjian’s method on northern Turkish children. Forensic Sci Int 2008;175:23-6. 30. Demirjian A, Goldstein H, Tanner JM. A new system of dental age assessment. Hum Biol 1973;45:211-27.
  • Krailassiri S, Anuwongnukroh N, Dechkunakorn S. Relationship bet- ween dental calcification stages and skeletal maturity indicators in Thai individuals. Angle Orthod 2002;72:155-66.
  • Jung YH, Cho BH. Radiographic evaluation of third molar develop- ment in 6 to 24 year olds. Imaging Sci Dent 2014;44:185-91.
  • Harris EF. Mineralization of the mandibular third molar: a study of American blacks and whites. Am J Phys Anthropol 2007;132:98-109.
  • Karadayi B, Kaya A, Kolusayın MO, Karadayi S, Afsin H, Ozaslan A. Radiological age estimation: based on third molar mineralization and eruption in Turkish children and young adults. Int J Legal Med 2012;126:933-42.
  • Solari AC, Abramovitch K. The accuracy and precision of third molar development as an indicator of chronological age in Hispanics. J Fo- rensic Sci 2002;47:531-5.
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Original Research Article

Fatma Uzuner

Emine Kaygısız

Nilüfer Darendeliler

Altuğ Yeniay This is me

Publication Date July 15, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 32 Issue: 3


APA Uzuner, F., Kaygısız, E., Darendeliler, N., Yeniay, A. (2015). Bir Türk popülasyonunda üçüncü molar dişlerin gelişiminin radyografik olarak değerlendirilmesi: yaş, cinsiyet ve çene karşılaştırması. Acta Odontologica Turcica, 32(3), 130-135.
AMA Uzuner F, Kaygısız E, Darendeliler N, Yeniay A. Bir Türk popülasyonunda üçüncü molar dişlerin gelişiminin radyografik olarak değerlendirilmesi: yaş, cinsiyet ve çene karşılaştırması. Acta Odontol Turc. July 2015;32(3):130-135. doi:10.17214/aot.61123
Chicago Uzuner, Fatma, Emine Kaygısız, Nilüfer Darendeliler, and Altuğ Yeniay. “Bir Türk popülasyonunda üçüncü Molar dişlerin gelişiminin Radyografik Olarak değerlendirilmesi: Yaş, Cinsiyet Ve çene karşılaştırması”. Acta Odontologica Turcica 32, no. 3 (July 2015): 130-35.
EndNote Uzuner F, Kaygısız E, Darendeliler N, Yeniay A (July 1, 2015) Bir Türk popülasyonunda üçüncü molar dişlerin gelişiminin radyografik olarak değerlendirilmesi: yaş, cinsiyet ve çene karşılaştırması. Acta Odontologica Turcica 32 3 130–135.
IEEE F. Uzuner, E. Kaygısız, N. Darendeliler, and A. Yeniay, “Bir Türk popülasyonunda üçüncü molar dişlerin gelişiminin radyografik olarak değerlendirilmesi: yaş, cinsiyet ve çene karşılaştırması”, Acta Odontol Turc, vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 130–135, 2015, doi: 10.17214/aot.61123.
ISNAD Uzuner, Fatma et al. “Bir Türk popülasyonunda üçüncü Molar dişlerin gelişiminin Radyografik Olarak değerlendirilmesi: Yaş, Cinsiyet Ve çene karşılaştırması”. Acta Odontologica Turcica 32/3 (July 2015), 130-135.
JAMA Uzuner F, Kaygısız E, Darendeliler N, Yeniay A. Bir Türk popülasyonunda üçüncü molar dişlerin gelişiminin radyografik olarak değerlendirilmesi: yaş, cinsiyet ve çene karşılaştırması. Acta Odontol Turc. 2015;32:130–135.
MLA Uzuner, Fatma et al. “Bir Türk popülasyonunda üçüncü Molar dişlerin gelişiminin Radyografik Olarak değerlendirilmesi: Yaş, Cinsiyet Ve çene karşılaştırması”. Acta Odontologica Turcica, vol. 32, no. 3, 2015, pp. 130-5, doi:10.17214/aot.61123.
Vancouver Uzuner F, Kaygısız E, Darendeliler N, Yeniay A. Bir Türk popülasyonunda üçüncü molar dişlerin gelişiminin radyografik olarak değerlendirilmesi: yaş, cinsiyet ve çene karşılaştırması. Acta Odontol Turc. 2015;32(3):130-5.